Langst one shots

By Elliahrose

560K 16.6K 7.7K

Lot's of Langst, and some Klance plz read! More

March Blues
Greatest fears
The very Blue paladin
Too Loud; Part 1
New story!!
Too loud; Part 2
Too loud; Part 3
Truth Fruit
His fault
Truth Fruit Part 2
Stop! (please)
The Curse
The curse part 2
Maybe I just like you!
The seer
The cuts
The cuts Part 2
The Curse part 3
The omega's cries
Group Chat
Gender swap
The truth
Soulmate AU
Oops (an accidental confession)
The orb
Too Loud; Prologue
Truth or Dare
Coming home
Water is the fiercest element
Exhaustion killed the cat
A petal for your troubles
My boyfriends (are deadly assassins)
Strange Magic Part 1
Strange Magic Part 2
Strange Magic Part 3
The boy of the stars
A trip down memory lane part 1
Hey nerds
A trip down memory lane part 2
A trip down memory lane part 3
Insecurities and cuddles? Yes please.
Wings AU
Regret is the strongest love song
Strange magic part 4
Regret is the strongest love song part 2
A mute paladin
Reasons why Shiro doesn't like me
I got tagged
The garrison trio
Homesick Part 2
Yo...another book? Whhhy!
Hi guys...guess who's not dead
The dark hallways
What am I good for?
There, amongst the rubble, lies a gem
The last words...
Weed...a character study
Self-Harm...a character study
The New Lance
Umm i got tagged again so thats a thing
Hah. Tagged again
Do you like Iron Dad? Because oh Boy, do I have a story for you!
You know what time it is... Anybody like Harry Potter?

Suicide hotline AU

8.6K 264 84
By Elliahrose

"Hey Hunk!" Keith called. He was glad to finally get to spend some time with him. He hadn't seen Hunk, Lance or Pidge in so long. His new job was quite demanding. He was working at a suicide hotline, and his department was the chat rooms. He had only two people, but one of them was always texting. Keith was worried that the guy would attempt at any second. However he was given a break, so long as he kept his phone with him at all times.

"Keith!" Hunk cried. He was in the process of baking cookies for the get together he was having with friends. "You're early! Pidge in the living room. Lance had to cancel. He said he was going to be doing something."

Keith frowned. He was really looking forward to spending time with Lance, of course not that he would tell him that. Keith may or may not (but totally is) gay for Lance. Of course, Keith is just gay in general. But the group already knew that. In a game of drunk truth or dare, Keith and Lances sexuality came into the light. Who would've guessed that Lance, the huge flirt was bisexual?

"Hey, I need my gay friend to critique my outfit!" Pidge yelled from the living room. Hunk laughed and moved to the stove where a pot full of mysterious liquids was beginning to overflow. Keith walked into the living room to see Pidge in a knee length floral dress and white leggings. "So?"

"You look amazing, Pidge." Keith said.

"Nice!" Pidge laughed. "Now, do you wanna talk about the pain of having Lance cancel?"

"Yeah.." Keith sighed. His face heated up when he processed what Pidge siad. "No! I mean--ugh! Is it really that obvious?"

"Yeah," Pidge laughed. "We both knew you were in love with Lance. You seriously need to make a move, already!"

Keith just laughed and punched Pidge playfully. He sat down next to her, his phone on his lap, and Hunk came in next holding a tray of cookies and hot cocoa. Hunk sat down and as he did, Keith's screen tilted revealing several messages. "Hey Keith, your phone's being blown up."

"Huh?" Keith looked down at his phone and saw they were from the chatroom. "Shit! They're from the suicide chat room I work at!" Keith opened it and his heart dropped. "FUCK HE'S GOING TO KILL HIMSELF!"

I'm sorry. Thanks for keeping me alive for a little while.

"Call him!" Hunk commanded. Keith nodded his head reverently and dialed the number. He was praying that he would pick up. Thank the lord they did.

"Whatever you're about to do, stop! Let's talk about this! You have friends who love you! Remember? Please don't do this!" Keith yelled.

He heard sobbing on the other end and a bit of scuffling before he heard a voice. "K-K-Keith?"

Keith's heart dropped. He knew that voice. "Lance?"

Hunk choked on the cookie he was eating. Everyone was frozen for a second before Pidge jumped up and grabbed her keys. I nodded and we piled into the van while I listened to Lance cry.

"I'm so sorry...K-Keith," Lance sobbed. Pidge swerved the van down Lances street. "Everything is wrong! I shouldn't feel this way! Why am I so sad?! I just want to...oh God I just wanna die Keith!" Lance sobbed.

Keith felt a tug on his heart and he tried to ignore the aching he felt. He heard Hunk whisper to Pidge, "Drive faster!" Pidge floored it.

They arrived at Lance's House just as Lances sobs began to quiet, Keith, thinking Lance drugged himself, began to freak out.

"Lance? Lance stay awake!" Keith yelled into the phone. Pidge was in the process of picking Lances lock. There was scuffling on the other end of the line and the door to Lances house opened.

Lance stood in front of his friends with a sad look in his eyes. His eyes were red from crying and he looked like a mess.

"Hey," he said, his voice hoarse from crying. Pidge and Hunk crashes into, pulling him into a hug.

"LAAANCE!" Pidge wailed. "How could you not tell us?!"

"I'm sorry Pidgeon," he sighed. Keith was still frozen in the door. "I didn't want to be a burden."

Pidge punched him in the arm. "You're a dipshit! But you're my dipshit! Never do that again!"

Keith snapped out of it and rushed over to Lance and embraced him. Lance accepted eagerly and sniffed Keith's mullet. It smelled like strawberries.

"Swear to me you'll never do that again," Keith whispered, determination dripping from his voice. "They can't lose you! I...I can't lose you, Lance. Please don't leave me too!"

Lance bent down and kissed the top of his head. "I promise I'll tell you if I ever get that bad again."

Keith sighed. "Thank you." He began to pull away but Lance clutched Keith like a lifeline.


Keith's heart broke at the desperation in his voice. Keith sighed and kissed the tip of Lances lips. Lance and Keith both blushed but they didn't look away.


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