Saved (A Harry Styles Fanfict...

By grxngehxrry

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"Harry", I say in the darkness. "Hmm?", he responds. "Earlier when you asked me why I was still here after al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (The End)

Chapter 9

2.7K 72 10
By grxngehxrry

I drop my phone on the ground and try to catch my breath. What did he do? My mind travels to the impossible. I can't hold the emotion back anymore and I cry. I really cry. I cry until I realize what's happening. I have to go find him. I have to help him. I owe it to him.
It's 11pm and my dad is downstairs rummaging through things. I have to leave without him noticing. I have to go out of the window. I have no other choice. I know he'll find out eventually but I could care less at this point. I need to get to Harry.
I grab my keys off of my dresser and my phone off of the floor. I then open up the window. I never thought I would ever do this. I'm not the kind of person to sneak out my bedroom. This is different though. I have to help Harry. I don't know what he did but it's bad, I could tell in his voice.
I stick my phone into the pocket of my jeans and throw my keys to the ground. Getting down won't be to hard but I'm going to have to jump into the bushes and pray I don't get hurt. I stick my leg out until I'm stepping on the roof. I squeeze my body through the window and pull myself onto the roof. It's steep so I have to put my hands down so I don't fall. I scoot down to the edge and hop onto the metal roof of the porch. I try my best not to make to much noise. The drop to the ground won't be bad I just have to be careful how I land. I don't want to waste anymore time so I jump down onto the shrubbery.
Once I'm down I run to grab my keys and quietly go towards my car. If my dad is in the living room he's going to see me. I pray he's not.
I hop in and start the car. As quickly as I can, I pull out of the driveway. I hope he didn't see me but I don't care, I just want to get to Harry.
I stop down the road from my house and pull out my navigator. I put in the address he have me. It's about a 30 minute drive.
Once I get on the highway I try my best to stay calm. I try to control my breathing. I can't. I can't. I'm panicking Anything could have happened. I just pray he's not hurt.


The navigator speaks, "arriving at final destination." It's a huge wear house. It looks abandoned. When I pull up closer I see two cars in the parking space. Neither are Harry's. What if this is the wrong place? What if he's somewhere unknown waiting for me.
Then I see him. I know it's him. I park my car and run out, towards him. He's sitting on the ground. His knees are pulled up to his chin and he's shaking. My heart races as I run up to him.
"Harry", I breathe. He places a hand over his eyes. He's crying. Oh god. I sit beside him and wrap my arms around the crying boy. "Leah", he sighs. "I'm here Harry", I assure him. "Leah I did something really bad", he tells me again. He starts shaking more severely so I squeeze him tighter. "Harry I need you to tell me what happened", I choke. He starts to shake his head.
He finally looks up at me. His eyes are swollen from crying and his nose is bleeding. He has a gash on his forehead. My eyes widen and I gasp. He quickly covers the wound on his head with his hand. His knuckles are bruised and red. "Oh my god Harry", I cry. He looks bad. He's a wreck. It pains me to see him like this.
"It's fine", he whispers. "It's not fine Harry you're hurt", I almost yell. I try to touch his face but he pulls away. "God dammit Harry let me help you!", I yell. "We need to leave Leah", he says suddenly. "We need to go right now", his eyes are wide. He stands and and runs his hands through his hair.
"Harry please tell me what happened", I say, standing up. "I fucking killed him!", he screams. My vision blurs and I lose my balance. I fall back to the ground and hug my knees. Oh god.
"I didn't mean to", Harry repeats over and over. He paces before kneeling down on the ground in front of me. "Leah I didn't mean to", he chokes. I begin to cry. I'm terrified. I shouldn't be here. There has to he some explanation. Right? There is no way Harry would do something like this.
He moves towards me a picks me up. I try to get away from him but he's to strong. "Fucking hell", he curses and surprisingly puts me back on the ground. I want to know what happened. I need to know what happened.
"Harry..", I start. "Leah, I'll tell you everything but right now I need to find Zayn. Leah please", he begs. "I never should have called you. I'm so fucking sorry", he cries. His mood changes constantly.
"I thought you said we need to leave", I remind him. "We do. Bloody hell, we do", he runs his hands through his hair again. He doesn't know what to do. He's panicking. My heart than drops when I realize something.
"Harry who knows you're here?", I ask slowly. "No one but Zayn", he answers. "Are there cameras here?", I question. "Leah getting caught is the least of my worries right now. There are no cameras. Zayn is getting rid of the body", he chokes. Oh my god. I begin to cry again. Harry does as well.
"It was self defense Leah. He was going to kill me. I didn't mean to kill him. I didn't. Oh god.", Harry says suddenly. So much is going on right now. My anxiety level is over the charts. I feel like I'm going to throw up.
I do. I turn away from Harry and throw up. I'm embarrassed, terrified, and utterly drained. I can't believe this is happening.
Suddenly a man comes into view. He looks a little older than Harry and there is blood on his hands. I need to leave I need to go right now. I start to run towards my car. I hear footsteps behind me and hands wrap around me. "Please don't leave me Leah. I can't do this alone", Harry pleas. My heart drops. I'm dreaming. I have to be dreaming.
I'm not dreaming. I have to face this. I love Harry. Oh god I love him. What is wrong with me? I squeeze my eyes shut and do something I would never do. I turn to Harry and place my lips on his. He starts to kiss me. He puts his hand on my face and I wrap my arms around him. He deepens the kiss and pushes me against the car. Oh god what am I doing? He runs his tongue over my lip asking for entrance and I jerk away. He frowns slightly and I turn away. "Leah..", he starts. He just killed someone and I kissed him? I told myself I loved him? I barely know him. This is so unlike me. I don't do this kind of thing.
"Harry..", the man who I assume is Zayn starts. "It's done", he says and I cringe. "We need to go", Zayn says. I stand. "Harry I want the whole story", I say, building up courage. "I tell you, I promise", he says, and I believe him. Zayn looks bewildered and looks questionably at Harry. "Let's go", Harry says to both of us. He walks towards me and reaches for my hand. I don't grab it, I get into my car and close the door. Harry turns away and says something to Zayn. Zayn nods and goes towards a different car.
Harry opens my car door and gets in. His nose isn't bleeding any more and his eyes aren't as swollen. "Leah if you didn't come here I don't know what I would've done", he says suddenly. "You make me feel so much better. You calm me down", he smiles a little. I don't look at him but his words warm my heart. "I'm sorry I called you, I am. I are the only person that makes me feel better. You saved me Leah", he chokes. He begins to cry again and I look over to him. What does he mean I saved him? I haven't done anything. I need to get him home. That's what I need to do.
"There is a lot I haven't told you. I've lied to you Leah", he says. I feel nauseous again. "I'm going to tell you everything. There is just a lot to tell. But right now I'm just going to tell you what happened tonight", he says slowly.
We sit in silence for a moment and then he speaks. "Zayn and I were making and exchange with this man. We were to meet here and it was going to happen quickly. A lot has gone on these last two weeks. I was supposed to go to London for Christmas but I couldn't because of this situation", he signs. I don't think I'm ready to know what the "situation" is yet. This is so much to take in. "We came here to make the trade but something went wrong. The man said we didn't have enough of Zayn made a call to try and fix it. When he stepped out the man came after me. He hit me repeatedly and threw a metal piece at my head", he says and points to the gash on his head. I close my eyes dreading what's to come.
"I then started to fight back. I mean this guy came at me for no reason. I hit him really hard. I didn't mean to hit him that hard. I was so confused and so angry. He fell to the floor and I thought I just knocked him out. I did.. but when he fell to the floor he hit his head on some metal piping", he starts to cry again. He takes a deep breath and continues.
"There was a lot of blood. I started to panic and then Zayn walked back in. He tried to do CPR but he was already gone", he chokes. "Oh god Leah I killed him", he cries. I take a deep breath. I have never seen a man get this emotional. I'm not sure what to do. He runs his hand over his face. I grab his hand. "Harry it was an accident. You didn't mean to kill him", I say. I try my best not to lose it. He nods slightly.
"I'm sorry for taking our kiss to far", he says suddenly. My cheeks heat. After all this he still makes me feel bubbly. When I told myself I loved him I don't think I meant it. I was caught up in the moment. Right? I like him a lot. I just think love is taking it to far right now.
"It's fine", I say. "Can you please take me home?", he questions and my heart drops. "Of course", I say and start the car.

Harry's POV

I can't believe what happened today. My head is pounding. This can't happen anymore. I'm done with this business. I don't want to hurt Leah more than I already have.
She looks beautiful. Her eyes are shiny as she concentrates on the road. Her hair sticks up in some places and she occasionally runs her hands through it. She does that when she's nervous.
I close my eyes and try to breathe. I'm not going to get caught. No one knew about the deal. There is no security at the wear house, it's been abandoned for years. Why am I thinking about this? I killed a man. I should be caught. No, I didn't mean to. I'm still a horrible person.
I squeeze my eyes shut and try not to cry anymore. I've done enough of that today. I never cry. I have never cried like this. Ever. My whole life just hit me hard today.
I look over at Leah again. I think I love her. She makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel. I've never truly loved someone, besides my sister. My mum and I never got along. I was sad when she was sick but the compassion was never there. I hated my father. He's a horrible man. I'm turning into him and I need to be stopped. Leah can fix me. I know she can.
We pull into the parking lot of my apartment and she stops the car. She sighs before getting out and coming to my side of the car. What is she doing? She opens the door and sticks her hand out for me to grab. I take her hand and step out of the car.
We walk hand in hand in silence until we come to my room. "I want to clean that up for you", she says, pointing to the wound on my head. She's so caring.
I unlock the door and walk in. It's nearly 3am so Niall is sleeping. She's trying to be very quiet. I almost laugh. She tries so hard.
We walk into the bathroom and she motions for me to sit. I close the toilet seat and sit on it. I watch her as she wets a face towel and adds some soap. She looks up into the mirror and makes a face. My heart drops. "Stop doing that", I tell her. She looks at me confused. "You're beautiful. Don't make a face like that when you look at yourself. How can you do that?", I say. Her cheeks redden and she looks away.
"Do you have some sort of bandage somewhere? Rubbing alcohol?", she asks, ignoring my statement. "Up here", I say and point to the cabinet above my head. She reaches for it and grabs the box of bandages and the rubbing alcohol. She digs through the bandages, trying to find the right size. She pulls out two and places them on the counter.
She walk towards me with the towel and presses it to my wound. It stings and I pull back slightly. "Sorry", she says slowly. She grabs another towel and pours the rubbing alcohol on it. "This will probably hurt", she warns me, before pressing the towel to my forehead. She's right. It burns like hell.
She then washes the towel off and wipes the blood from my forehead. "Um there is some under your nose. Do you want to get it?", she slowly asks. "You can", I tell her. She nods slightly and wipes under my nose. I feel like a child but I don't care. I just want her to keep touching me.
Her chest is directly in my line of vision. I try to look away but she keeps it there. She must realize I'm staring because her cheeks redden and she pulls away. "Sorry", I say. She doesn't respond, she just opens the bandages and place them on my forehead.
"Alright it's good now", she says and steps away. "Thank you", I say to her and she nods. We walk out if the bathroom and back into the kitchen. "I better go. If my dad sees I'm not home he's going to kill me", she makes a face at her choice of words. She clears her throat.
I look at her for a second before wrapping my arms around her. She leans into my chest and squeezes me. "Thank you. Thank you so much", I say to her. She releases me and steps out the door, waving goodbye.


Okay I'm so sorry this didn't turn out that great. This chapter was hard to write. I hope you still enjoyed.:)
I'm leaving to go on vacation Friday so I probably won't be able to update for awhile. Don't forget to vote and comment! xx

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