
By jassinski2505

5.8K 142 13

This is completely different and out there. If you don't like it don't read it. It's jut one of my crazy idea... More

Get To Know One Another:
Books P2:
Secrets P2:
Just a small bit of Fun:
What to play a Game? :
A bit Feverish:
Ohh Fuck!
Unfortunate Events:
A whole lot of Shock:
Back to set:
Passion fruit:
Sigh, Again... :
Just a bit of Fun:
Back to the other set:
Time away:
Secrets out:
Zendaya Island:
Let out the Crazy:
She's Crazier then him:
Can't sleep:
Ride or Die:
Sick, Siblings and Dad's:
Heading back Home:
Crazy ass people:
Efron Industries:


94 4 0
By jassinski2505

No One's Pov:

" you have the same last name as Zac!" Cameron exclaimed as she calmed down from laughing and read Daya's ID card that was clipped to her coat.

Data laughed and nodded, " Yeah I do,  but shh... not many people know..."she held a finger to her lips, smiling.

Cameron nodded, "Okay ill keep your secret." she smiled at Daya, " but what about them?" she pointed to the rest of the cast.

Daya giggled at their shocked faces, " Surprise?" she asked, doing some jazz hands, before holding a hand up, seeing as they where about to ask question, " don't ask, very long story, along with me becoming a doctor."

" right..." Hugh said slowly and nodded with the others, " well congratulations!" he smiled happily at Daya and Zac.

Daya and Zac laughed, " Thank you." they said together, grinning, as they all congratulated them and laughed.

" so who doesn't know?" Keala asked, curious.

" our families." Daya answered, dryly, " for one Zac's parents are racist and mine well mostly my dad doesn't approve or understand us."

" wait what!?" Yahya went wide eyed and turned to Zac, his grandparents and brother, shocked.

Zac nodded sadly, " they would never like Daya... but in all honesty i couldn't care less, Daya has opened my eyes to a new world, i would never let that go, i love her to much." he told everyone, smiling.

" I love you, too." Daya smiled at him, lovingly, " I'm so glad i married you."

" trust me I'm so glad you married me." Zac nodded at her, grinning, " even better that it would make my parents heads explode."

Daya laughed and nodded, " and if or when they find out i own half of Efron industries! they will freak!"

" Efron industries? as in one of the biggest companies in the world? how could i have not connected the dots with that one!" Keala exclaimed.

Zac and Daya nodded, " we own it now, it was past down to Zac and Dylan but Dylan didn't want it, so it was all given to Zac but since i married him, he had signed a contract stating that i now owned half of the company with him." Daya explained.

" and where killing it together." Zac grinned and got up, sitting next to Daya, " Whats up, Cammy?" Zac asked, Cameron.

" Daya was showing me her heart thingy." Cameron grinned happily.

" a stethoscope." Daya corrected her, chuckling, " its okay you don't need to know that, it a habit."

" a s- teth- oscope..." Cameron copied her slowly, " so thats what its called!" she exclaimed, gigging, " it has a funny name."

Daya nodded, gigging herself, " it does don't it?" 

" do you have anything else i can play with? i promise to be careful." Cameron asked her, interested and curious.

Daya chuckled and reached into her doctors coat pocket, pulling to a reflex hammer, " so this..." Daya gestured to it in her hand, as Cameron watched in fascination, " is to text your reflexes, like so..." she said, before tapping a certain point on Zac's knee making him kick forward quickly, before relaxing.

" Ohh!" Cameron said, before laughing, " Can i try?!" she asked excited, as Zac and Daya, chuckled at her.

"sure." Daya nodded and handed it to her, as Cameron moved in-between her and Zac, grabbing it gently, " so you jut hit this bit, not to hard but not to soft either." she told Cameron, pointing to a part on her knee, Cameron nodded, before doing it, making Daya kick forward slightly, before relaxing, as Cameron laughed in fascination.

Daya chuckled and pulled out another thing from her coat, " so this is a very bright torch." she showed Cameron the little white skinny, cylinder touch, " it helps me see things like if I'm looking in someones mouth and throat." she explained and pulled out a flat wooden stick, " Zac you the dummy." she told him, moving his head to look at her, more.

" well alright them." Zac nodded, as she held his face to hers slightly, as the other laughed at them.

Daya rolled her eyes, amused and pulled her hands away, " Okay so Cameron, this is what i have to do..." she said slowly, getting Zac to open his mouth and placed the stick on his tongue, turing the light on and looked into his mouth and throat a little, " and some times you need to get them to make a 'Ahh' noise so you can see their tonsils." she explained and got Zac to do it, who was trying to hard now to laugh.

" Ohh! do it to me!" Cameron exclaimed, as Daya took the stick out of Zac's mouth, turing the light off.

Daya laughed and nodded, " okay." she said and pulled out a new stick, " Open your mouth." she instruction, smiling, Cameron did so, before Daya placed the stick on her tongue, turned the light on and looked in her mouth, this time actually examining it, seeing as she did have a allergic reaction, " Cameron say, 'Ahh' more me, please." she said nicely.

Cameron did it, as Daya nodded, and smiled , before pulling the stick and light away, " well done! your much more patient then some others I've had today!" she laughed and pulled out a lolly pop form her coat, " Shh.. this is only for good patients " she winked at Cameron and handed it it to her.

"umm excuse me!" Zac said in fake offence.

" Ohh you get a different lolly later." Daya smirked at him.

" OH okay, I'm fine with that." Zac shrugged, smirking back, "perfectly fine with that..." he looked Daya up and down quickly, who laughed and slapped hi arm a bit.

" not in front of the kid." She said to him, looking at Cameron who was to busy eating her lolly pop to realise what was happening.

Zac laughed at her, " come on, you gave me that opportunity." 

Daya giggled and nodded, " yeah i did." 

" Oh what lolly does he get Daya? hmm?" Zink asked grinning.

" a very special one, i think it had a purple wrapping." Daya grinned at Zink.

" Ohh purple now..." Zac grinned at her, " Whats the occasion?" 

Daya shrugged, " some fun." she giggled at him, before her pager went off and looked down at it, " Ohh shit! i got a code blue!" she exclaimed and ran off, " Anne, Bec with me, Code blue!" she called out quickly, before Anne and Bec, ran past with Daya, along with a crash cart, " Mrs Smith, Its Doctor Efron, i need you to stay with me!" Daya's voice echoed though out the hall, Zac quickly pulled out his phone and head phones, giving the phone to Cameron and put the headphones on her, so she wouldn't hear anything.

" Shit someone get Mr Smith out of here! he can't be in here!" Daya exclaimed, as a mans yelling was heard, " Move out of the way! Clear!" she continued, " Come on Mrs Smith, you have a husband, and a new born, do not give up on them! come on fight for me!" Daya said desperately, " Clear!" she added, before some silence, " I have a pulse! someone start her on the drip!" she called out, before her heels where heard in the hall.

" are you okay?" Anne's voice spoke up.

" that was the first time I've had to revive someone... ohh god! that was terrifying! and her husband letting out the the most heart wrenching cries! Ohh Anne i am so lucky to have my husband with me! that could have been us!" Daya let out, a bit shaky, making Zac wince at her words, and the others look at him, sadly.

" maybe you should go home..." Bec suggested to her.

" No, i can't freak out every time i need to do that, Zac's fine, I'm fine, and i need to make sure the patients i get will be fine." Daya said firmly and confidently, " if i have learnt anything from my husband is how to be strong, fight for what you believe in and someone i want to be, not someone i don't want to become."

" well go and hug him then." Bec usher her on.

Daya laughed a bit, before her heels where heard and she came into the room, looking a little pale but smiling, and straight into Zac's arms, breathing out, as she felt him, wrap his arms around her, " please don't ever make me have to do that to you... or watch it happen." she told him, softly, hugging him tightly.

Zac didn't respond, just hugged her back tightly, he couldn't promise her that seeing as he didn't know the future but he sure as hell hoped that she would't have to go though that, Daya let out another breath, before pulling away, giving him a kiss on the cheek and turned to Cameron who was watching youtube on Zac's phone, " good quick thinking... i was worried she heard." Daya sighed and sat down.

Zac smiled widely when her looked at her left hand, " your wearing your rings." he pointed out, happily.

Daya nodded down at her left hand and chuckled nodding, " this is one place i can wear it and it one place i need to." she replied, grinning at him, " do you have yours?"

Zac chuckled and pulled out his gold chair from out of his shirt, showing her the gold, shiny ring hanging off it, " it never leaves me."

Daya nodded, " good, that makes me feel 10 x better, knowing you have it on you and I'm here." she gained at him, before seeing Nurses run past the room quickly, she frowned and looked down at her pager, getting up confused but before she could walk out Anne came and pushed her back in, shutting the door, behind her.

" Wha-! Anne!" Daya exclaimed in shock, " whats going on! if there is a emergency i have to be called! why was i not paged!"

" Daya let the others handle this one." Anne told her, firmly, " you don't need to see this one."

Daya frowned even more, eyeing Anne bit, seeing the Woman's pained looked, " its a miscarriage isn't it? you don't want me to see a miscarriage." she asked, stepping back a bit, shaking slightly.

Anne nodded, " Let us handle this one..." she told Daya, softly.

Zac got up, seeing Daya shaking and breathing becoming a bit faster, " No! No! if another woman is going though it i want someone with her who has been though it! i did and it was so much better!" Daya said firmly, to Anne, kissing Zac quickly and pulled the door open walking  out of the room to one loud cried where coming from, Anne sighed and followed her, shaking her head.

Zac let out a shaky breath and sat back on the bed with Cameron who was happily on the phone, not realising anything happing around her, gently and put his head in his hands, leaning on his knee's, taking deep breaths in and out to calm himself.

" Zac..." Kate said slowly and softly, getting up and kneeing in front of her grandson, lifting his head to her, seeing the tears in his eyes and down his face, eyes red, " Ohh i know...i know... you've been holding it all back..." she hugged him quickly, as he cried on her shoulder, " Zac i know you held it all back from Daya but you needed to morn as well... she would have understood." she rubbed his back.

" She was so depressed." Zac said, pulling away, wiping his face quickly, worried Daya would walk in any minute, " i held it back to show her, that we would be fine and she got and still is getting better, she cries sometimes at night, so i hold it back, because her heart break is far worst then mine... she had to go though all the blood and pain."

" Zac she would have understood! you two could have grieved together! stop trying to be so strong and let it out, she's your wife and she cares about your feelings as well." John spoke up, to Zac firmly, " Your going to hurt yourself if you keep going as you are."

" You guys lost a baby..." Keala gasped out, teary eyes, as the others in the cast was.

" Oh Zac we are so sorry! you and Daya should have told us! we would have let you guys grieve, not work so quickly." Michael spoke up, with a sorry face.

" we are so sorry for you loss!" Daya exclaimed as she walked, hearing the conversation, " That all i heard for that whole Day! and guess what! i still lost my baby!" she laughed hysterically, the other shocked at her shocked and crazily.

" Daya..." Zac sighed at her, knowing what was about to happen and quickly made his way to her, pulling her into a hug and slowly fell to his knees, as Daya followed still laughing like a maniac.

" We lost out baby! i had a baby in me and i lost it!" Daya continued to laugh, as Zac held her tightly, " Oh my god! i lost my baby!" She started to cry, " our baby is gone!" she sobbed into Zac.

" did you two even grieve like this?" John asked, sadly.

" what do you think..." Zac replied, tearing up and hugged Daya tightly, " We lost out baby..." he let out, crying a but as well, " you where pregnant..."

Daya gripped him tightly, still sobbing, as the other's, unable to do anything to bring the couples baby back or help them, knowing they needed to do this together and not be smothered by useless sorry's.

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