
By jassinski2505

5.8K 142 13

This is completely different and out there. If you don't like it don't read it. It's jut one of my crazy idea... More

Get To Know One Another:
Books P2:
Secrets P2:
Just a small bit of Fun:
What to play a Game? :
A bit Feverish:
Ohh Fuck!
Unfortunate Events:
Back to set:
Passion fruit:
Sigh, Again... :
Just a bit of Fun:
Back to the other set:
Time away:
Secrets out:
Zendaya Island:
Let out the Crazy:
She's Crazier then him:
Can't sleep:
Ride or Die:
Sick, Siblings and Dad's:
Heading back Home:
Crazy ass people:
Efron Industries:

A whole lot of Shock:

95 3 0
By jassinski2505

No One's pov:

The others all looked in Awe at the information, Anne just gave them, impressed and proud Daya, " Daya!" Anne called to Daya, making her look up quickly.

" Yes Ma'm?" Daya asked, knowing when a doctor or higher up nurse calls to you, you be polite.

" have you checked for a concussion?" Anne asked her, pushing Daya once again.

" Yes, Ma'm." Daya nodded, smiling.

" what are the physical symptoms of a concussion?" Anne asked Daya, firmly.

" Physical symptoms of a concussion included, Blacking out, even if briefly, Seeing "stars" or lights in front of the eyes, Blurred or double vision, Nausea or vomiting, Seizure, Headaches, Light sensitivity, Lack of motor coordination or difficulty balancing, Tinnitus, Uneven pupil sizes, Unusually large pupils, Bleeding at the scalp, and Bleeding under the scalp, creating a large lump under the skin." Daya answered quickly, keeping Zac awake again, as he huffed at her and somewhat crossed his arms.

Anna nodded, " Now the Cognitive symptoms." Anne told her.

" Cognitive symtoms include, Feeling or appearing dazed, Memory problems, Disorientation and confusion, Trouble focusing, Post-traumatic amnesia, Slurred or incoherent speech, Mood changes, Restlessness, Lethargy and Irritability." Daya answered just as quick and professionally, the other where gapping at her, " Zac stay awake, you have to." Daya said to him, softly.

" Fine..." Zac sighed out to her, and just lied there, she nodded and smiled, turing back to Anne.

" whats the AVPU code?" Anne continued to quiz, Daya, recording everything she was saying.

" The AVPU Code is used to make sure the patient is responsive and to check for Physical and Cognitive symptoms." Daya answered, smiling.

" go though the later for me." Anne told her, still pushing her.

" Oh umm.. A is for alert, you hold up a finger and move it from left to right in front of the patient's face. Does the patient follow your finger with their eyes? Does he or she seem aware of things going on around him or her?, V is for voice, Does the victim hear and answer questions? Do you need to yell to get a response? Does he or she seem to understand what you are saying? Concussion patients may respond to spoken commands without being fully alert, P is for pain, Does the victim respond to pain or discomfort? Pinch the patient's skin; does he or she open his or her eyes or respond physically? Don't pinch hard enough to cause damage, and lastly, U is for unresponsive, Does the victim fail to respond to voice, touch, or visual stimuli?" Daya grinned, enjoying herself, looking at Zac every now and then to make sure he was awake.

" I see... and have you done that to Mr Efron?" Anne asked her, professionally.

" Yes, Ma'm, i have check for all symptoms and used the AVPU code, he was responsive to all and had no issues following that i was saying and doing, there was also no lack or delay in speck or movement." Daya answered.

" good. and have you written everything down, nothing is missing? have you finished all the procedures and has he passed?" Anne continued .

" Yes' Ma'm, everything is written down, i have gone though it myself twice and nothing is missing, and yes i have finished the procedures and he has passed with flying colours." Daya nodded to Anne.

" have you cleaned his wounds? " Anne asked her, smiling.

" i have, Ma;m." Daya nodded once again.

Anne nodded and pulled her phone and recorder from behind her back, stopping the recording and put the phone on speaker, " You got all that Dean carter?" she asked, making Daya's eyes widen at her.

" i did Ms Carlyle, and i must say, your right, she is far above the rest of her class and she's out only correspondence student, a lot of that information hasn't even been learn yet..." Mr Carters voice rung though out the room, " Mrs Efron, how do you know all that information?"

Daya blushed, " I went a head of the class,Sir, all the assessments where given to me though email and i had finished all the work given in class or in my case online, so i went ahead and sent in all my finished assessments.", she answered shyly.

" so you've finished the course... a whole 5 years worth of information finished all in 1 week?" he asked her, shock in his voice, as the others gapped at Daya.

" Umm.. Yes Sir... i had some time during some days." Daya answered him, smiling happily, though she knew he couldn't here her.

" Dean Carter!" A man exclaimed, his voice heard though the phone, " I have one student who has handed all her assignment task in and she has passed every single one with flying colours!"

" Hm..." Mr Carter hummed, " This wouldn't happened to be, Zendaya Efron, would it?" he asked, making Daya's eyes widen, listening intently, as Everyone else was, even Zac who, sat up, much to Daya's annoyance on that but she let him.

" Yes Sir, she could graduate now... a 5 year early graduation..." The man replied, making Daya beam, she passed her assessments!, " should we test her to make sure she didn't cheat somehow though?"

" no need." Mr Carter said, making Daya nervous, " Ms Carlyle, play the tape."

Anne grinned and played the recording of Daya, making her blush at hearing herself, as they all listened to it, intently and in Awe, before it ended.

" I see... Dean Carter, this is absolutely up to you, but i think i would like to see this woman graduate, she actually should be getting her doctorate, what she was saying and in that level of understanding as well, she should have been in a higher class." The man told the Dean, making Daya gasp in shock.

" Hm..." Dean Carter hummed , thinking, " well this is a very unusual case... never in my years have a seen or heard such thing... but i think your right, Mrs Efron will be graduating and she will be getting her doctorate diploma." he said, sounding very impressed.

Daya covered her mouth to stop the scream of excitement from coming out, Anne chuckled at her, " Thank you, Dean Carter, I'm guessing Mrs Efron's diploma will be sent to her, seeing as she is a very busy woman?"

" Yes of course, Ms Carlyle, well done, Mrs Efron and congratulations you are officially certified as a doctor." He told Daya, before the line went dead.

" Di- di- i he-" Daya stumbled out in shock.

Zac grinned at her proudly, " Let it out..." he told her, with a knowing look.

Daya screamed out, loudly in excitement, " Holy fuck! i passed!!" she squealed, " Zac i would hug you but you hurt!" she said still beaming.

" Don't care, come here!" Zac beamed with her and pulled her into a hug with him, " Told you, you would be a doctor soon enough!" he grinned at her, as she hugged him tightly.

" looks like you have a doctor as a wife!" Daya exclaimed before kissing him quickly, " hey wait a minute..." she said slowly and turned to Anne, " did he call you, Ms Carlyle...?" she asked slowly.

Anne nodded, " Its my family name, i know it came from my ancestors-" she begun.

" Anne Carlyle Nee' Wheeler and Philip Carlyle" Daya finished for her, as she and Anne both went wide eyed.

" How do you know about my family?" Anne asked, confused.

Daya stood up, " Hi I'm Zendaya Efron, in a new movie I'm filming i play, Anne Wheeler." she stuck her hand out to Anne.

Zac stood up, " and I'm Zac Efron, i play a character, named Philip Carlyle." he nodded to her, as she shook both of there hands slowly.

" Does your character like the trapeze? the Anne in my family loved being up on there she said it felt so-"

" Free." Daya finished for her, nodding, " Yeah she does, and i know because it makes me feel the same thing, i love it up in the air."

Anne looked at the two more closely, before reaching into her pocket and pulled out her wallet, " My grandma said to open this when i felt like the time was right, but i never understood until now..." she told them, pulling out a small folded paper and opened it, gasping and looked at Daya and Zac, beef looking back down to the paper in her hands,

" Y-You look my them..." she said to the two in shock and showed them the paper, to see a man and woman who looked exactly like Zac and Daya do, both smiling happily, with some kids around them, who where smiling as well.

" Thats the real Anne and Philip?" Zac gasped out, rubbing his eyes to make sure he was seeing the photo right, " we could be twins with them!"

" looks like you two where meant to be together..." Anne smiled at them and flipped the photo over to see small, faded writing on the bed, she squinted at it and read it out loud, " to out future selfs, don't be afraid to Rewrite your stars, everything will start off a mess but it will all work out, i hope you two are just as in love as Philip and i are, and this picture shows you what to look forward to... Love Anne and Philip Carlyle"

" future selfs?" Daya asked and turned to Zac, " you think that maybe its somehow to us?"

Anne smiled at them and nodded, as they turned to her, " i was told that they where big dreamers, maybe they dreamt about themselves in the future?" she suggested and handed Daya the photograph, " i think it was suppose to be given to you."

" but what about you? their your family, won't you want a photo ?" Daya asked, trying to give the photo back.

Anne shook her head, " no, I've lived my whole life with out knowing what they look like, and i know that photo belongs to you now, ill see you guys soon! i have work to get back to, but ring me any time, maybe i can tell you a story about them!" she said, as she quickly made her way out of the room.

" maybe we where destined to be together after all..." Zac told Daya as they looked down at the photo, " they had a lot of kids..."

Daya giggled, " it says that his photo is suppose to be what where gonna look forward too..." she grinned at him, as his eyes went wide at her, " So... you think we can handle 5 kids?"

" lets just um... cross that bridge of it come to it..." Zac suggested nervously, sitting back down on the bed in shock, Daya sat next to him, chuckled and nodded, in agreement.

" your lives just keep getting more and more interesting." Kate chuckled at them, as the other stared ta them in shock.

" tell me a-" she begun but was cut off by her phone, she leaned over and grabbed it for the other side of Zac, looking at the number confused, before answering it, " Hello?" she answered it before going wide eyed and put it on speaker, holding back a squeal.

" This is Zendaya right?" a voice everyone knew, came out though the phone, making everyone look on wide eyed.

" Yes, this is she, and who might you be?" she asked, even though she knew.

" Well Zendaya, I'm Bruno Mars, my manager had gotten you number and gave it to me, the boys and i saw you lip sync of 24K magic, i was wondering if you wanted to be in my music video?" Bruno asked her.

Daya gasped, unable to hold it back and nodded, even though he couldn't see her, " Yes, i would love it." she answered him, keeping her cool as much as possible.

" Great! i will text you the detail and get my manager to send them though email as well, see you soon, Zendaya." he told her, before hanging up.

Daya started at the phone in her hand, " Holy shit! that was Bruno Mars! Bruno Mars just called me!!" she squealed, almost fan girling so hard, " Oh my god! i have Bruno Mars's number!" she gasped and saved it in her phone, quickly.

Zink and her made eye contact before the both of them screamed and ran to each other, jumping up and down hugging , " Girl i just be became a doctor and I'm gonna be in Bruno Mars's music video!!" Daya exclaimed excited, as they stopped jumping and pulled away from each other.

Daya's phone that she left on the bed buzzed indicating she had gotten a text, making everyone look at it, before Daya and Zink sprinted to it, jumping on the bed and where wresting over the phone, Zac sat there laughing at them, " Zink you even so much as bump my husband and your dead!" Daya said tying to get her phone off Zink, who was trying to keep in from falling out of hr hand.

" Okay ow!!" Zink exclaimed, when Daya, grabbed her phone, with her left hand, oddly enough, " girl those rings of yours are a weapon!"

Daya chuckled her and sat up, opening the text, " aye, blame it on hubby." she gestured to a very amused Zac, " Ohh my god..." Daya said gapping at her phone, " Okay you will never believe what my part is in his music video and to what song." she looked up at everyone, grinning.

" well tell us!" Darnell said impatient.

Daya giggled, " Guess who's the leading lady in a Bruno Mars music video!!" Daya stood up on the bed and danced a bit, excited.

" No way!" Dylan gasped at her, " To what song!?"

Daya stopped dancing and smirked, " Versace on the floor." she replied, " i don't know how he got he idea for me to do the video from my lip sync but okay!"

" dang... your on fire today!" Darnell grinned at Daya.

" I know!! ohh my god ! I'm go happy!!" Daya screamed out, and flopped back onto the bed, sitting down and tilted her head at Zac, Zac looked at her, eyeing her, before chuckling and got up, walking to the door whistling a tune, everyone now knew, " Hell yeah!" Daya exclaimed and got off the bed, following Zac out of the room, " My day just gone 100 percent better!" she sung out, as they walked down the hall together.

" well then..." Darnell spoke up, still in a big amount of shock, " that was a crazy ride..." the others nodded, agreeing with him, still in shock themselves.

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