
By jassinski2505

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This is completely different and out there. If you don't like it don't read it. It's jut one of my crazy idea... More

Get To Know One Another:
Books P2:
Just a small bit of Fun:
What to play a Game? :
A bit Feverish:
Ohh Fuck!
Unfortunate Events:
A whole lot of Shock:
Back to set:
Passion fruit:
Sigh, Again... :
Just a bit of Fun:
Back to the other set:
Time away:
Secrets out:
Zendaya Island:
Let out the Crazy:
She's Crazier then him:
Can't sleep:
Ride or Die:
Sick, Siblings and Dad's:
Heading back Home:
Crazy ass people:
Efron Industries:

Secrets P2:

142 4 2
By jassinski2505

Darnell's Pov:

" what do you think is going on?" Claire asked us all, as we all sat in Daya's room, which she had told us to stay in, before she left the room, all dressed up in a gold dress, black and gold heels, hoop earrings, a gold watch, hair straight and a woman's version of Zac's signet ring.

Of cause us being all snoopy as we always are, open to door to see if we could try and understand what was going on, instead we shut it, upon seeing men in different suits, knock on Zac's room door, that was 3 hours ago and now its 11 pm at night.

" i don't know, looked like some type of meeting or something." Zink answered shrugging, though she glanced at me, because Daya had told us two, we where the only ones who she would tell.

The room door burst opening, making us jump in surprise, " right you are my life long best friend." Daya answered grinning, as she and Zac walking into the room, both still all dressed up, "you can all leave my room now, well everyone except Darnell and Zink, whom i promises to tell stuff too."

" well I'm tired so I'm leaving." Julien shrugged and said his good nights, as the others all followed him, before they all walks out of the door, shutting it behind them.

Daya grabbed some whisky out of her little kitchen area and gave it to Zac as they sat on the bed together, " you can have one more and thats it." she pointed at him, as he took a sip at the drink, "i do not want to deal with your drunk ass later."

"yeah okay." Zac nodded, smiling at her, " though I'm not drunk or anywhere near it."

Daya eyed him and nodded, " Good." she smiled at him before turning to us, "what did you want to know?"

" was i right? about your past relationship?" Zink asked her, looking a bit pained.

" that i was abused? " Daya question, making my eyes widen, as Zink nodded, " yeah i was, not as bad as some women out there have it but yes i was." she answered, casually, as Zac growled and gripped the glass in his hand a bit, " ohh Hush you, do not go all beast on us right now, your not allowed to do anything." she patted his cheek, grinning at him.

Zac grumbled, but didn't say or do anything, just drink his drink, " why didn't you just tell us all? or you know go to the police or something..." I asked her, angry that we didn't even pick up on it/

Daya shrugged, " and watch as the media finds out? and it all blows up? look Trevor has friends everywhere, they would all back him up and say i was lying, then what? ill get it worst and half of the world would hate me."

" i don't know... i mean when Rhianna was beat up by Chris brown and it didn't back fire on her, but i understand, the media twist stuff." Zink nodded to her, " but why didn't you tell us? your family?"

Daya sighed, " i just felt gross and disgusting, that i got myself in that situation in the first place, i didn't want you all to look at me differently, I'm still the same Daya as I'm always been, just with some scars and memories i can't forget but I'm still me." she explained to us.

" we would have never looked at you differently." i assured her, smiling, " i know your still the Daya we know and love."

Daya chuckled at me, " Thank you." she nodded to Zink and i, " for understanding, and i guess its good to have more then just Zac, knowing what happened, He just always want to go on a rampage, right Boo?" she turned to him, seeing him glare at his glass, " mhmm... your still not allowed to do anything." she told him, amused.

" can't i just punch them at least!" Zac whined to her.

Daya rolled her eyes, "we had this conversation before, no you can not, you can't just go up to them, punch them and walk off, that's fucking ridiculous and your could get charged, then ill be all alone to deal with everything myself, so no, you can not go and punch them."

" what if i pay someone to do it for me?" Zac asked her, " i mean the satisfaction is not there but at least they got hurt."

" can get traced back to you." Daya shook her head at him, " then you will be looking at jail time and i am not going to be happy if i have to visit you in a watched over room." she slapped him on the back of the head, " now shut up and stop thinking of ways to hurt them, your just going to end up getting caught."

" is he always like this?" Zink asked Daya, amused as Zac sulked a bit, over the fact he could hurt who hurt Daya.

" his just a being big baby." Daya roller her eye's, " Zac where's my Christian Grey, or Philip Carlyle gone?" she asked him, crossing her arms.

" back with the Zac who want to beat the crap out of Trevor and his friends." Zac huffed at her, crossing his own arms.

Daya smirked at him, " you stop sulking and help me answer any questions these two have and ill let you do anything you want with me." she suggested to him, seductively, making Zink and i look at each other wide eyed, " anything at all." she continued and ran one of her nails down it cheek, lifting his head up to her, " if you want me, I'm all yours..."

Zac eyed her for a bit, as she gave him a seductive smile and nodded, " okay what question do we nee to answer." He turned to us, smiling, as Daya grinned.

" what was going on in Zac's room?" Zink asked them, looking curious, ignoring what Daya just did.

Daya looked at Zac, who nodded at her, " Zac's family owns one of the largest companied in the world, it gets passed down to each generation, meaning it was suppose to be both Zac's and Dylan's but Dylan didn't want to deal with all the meets, financial stuff and all that shit, so Zac owns everything." She explained to us, as we gapped at her.

" what was going on in Zac's room, well actually its a suite... is a meeting for one of the most important buys and offer for the company, which My King sealed the deal on." she kissed Zac's cheek.

We smiled at the two of them, they where really cute together, "so why did you have to be there?" i asked Daya, confused.

" Okay one last secret you can not tell anyone about, especially our families." Daya said to us firmly and grabbed her wallet of her bedside, " not a word to anyone or anything."

Zink and i lohend at each other, confused and curious as to what it can be, before turing back to Daya and nodded, " we promise, not a world to anyone or anything." Zink answered her.

Daya eyed us for a bit, before grabbing out her licence, making me even more lost, " you tell a word about it, and I'm sorry but i will seriously dislike you two." she warned us and gave the cars to us.

I look it off her an odd face on, before Zink and i looked down at it, reading it, before our eyes went wide and we gasped, looking up at her and Zac, " Zendaya Efron!" i exclaimed, " You two are married!?" i pointed between the two, shocked as hell.

Zac nodded and smiled, " we are, we have rings but we don't wear them for obvious reasons." he answered me, wrapping an arm around Daya, who sighed happily and lined into him, smiling.

" your an Efron?" Zink asked Daya, who nodded, grinning.

" Im an Efron." Daya beamed.

" an Efron who owns half of everything i own." Zac added, chuckling.

Daya gasped and went wide eyed sitting up and stared at him, " I own half of everything you do!! i thought you said it was just the company!" she slapped his arm.

Zac laughed at her, and stopped her from slapping him, " you own half of all of my stuff, money, fortunes, company, everything and if and when i die, you will own everything, the documents have already been signed and been given to my lawyer." he grinned at her, as we gapped at him in shock.

" and if we have kids?" Daya asked him, seriously, and stopped slapping him.

" its also in there that you will have hold of there money and keep it safe, up until they are of age to be able to use it." Zac nodded to her, " i already planned everything, my love, i did my will the day after we got married, just in case."

Daya gasped, " i should do my will! what happens if i die before you!" she shook his shoulders as much as she could, " you should have told me you where doing it! i would have done mine to!" she stopped shaking him and pouted.

" how long have the two of you been married?" Zink asked confused, " you've only been together for 2 weeks."

" we're crazy!" Daya laughed with Zac, " he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend, he asked me to marry him, and me being the crazy ass i am, said yes!"

" well claire was right." I shrugged and looked at the two oddly, " she said Zac would be around for a very long time, and she is never wrong when it comes to her mothers intuition."

" told you she likes you." Daya grinned to Zac.

" i just wasn't sure!" Zac chuckled at her, " your dad though... not so much..."

" Aww poor Hubby..." Daya playfully pouted at him and crawled behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck and looked over his shoulder, " i love you though, so who cares, I'm sure my dad will warm up to you by the time you, 'ask for my hand'." she kissed his cheek, lovingly, " don't worry, dad will warm up to you, he already somewhat is."

" your dad is gonna kill me, along with the rest of your family if they find out." Zac groaned at her, " thats it, I'm dead!"

Daya frowned and whacked the back of his head, " first off, stop talking about dying ." she told him firmly, " and secondly, they won't find out, and if they do, Daddies just got to suck it up, if he does't like it, its his own damn fault if i don't talk to him."

" Daya his your dad..." Zac pointed out to her, " your a super Daddies girl, you won't stop talking to him."

" i will if he tries anything, your right I'm a huge Daddies girl but if he tries to break us apart, i will not talk to him ever again." Daya said firmly, " this is my life, if i want to get crazily married then i will, if i want kids, then i will have some, i love my dad but his got to realise soon enough that I'm 20 years old and i have to live my own life soon enough."

" lets just hope it doesn't come to that..." Zac groaned, " but Daya your dad just really loves you, he just wants the best for you." he kissed her left hand, marriage finger, making her smile at him and nodded, understanding.

" you think the fam would kill me, if you did upgrade to the penthouse and i moved up there with you?" Daya asked him, grinning.

" most likely." Zac grinned at her back, " where gonna do it anyway aren't we?"

" yes we are Mr Efron." Daya said to him, happily and nodding.

" Well ill ring reception, Mrs Efron." Zac winked at her, as she giggled at him.

" still not use to it." Daya told him and stood up," come on i think we could just go and ask Helen, she should be in her office still,"

" you two are crazy." Zink spoke up, looking at the couple, amused and grinning, " but..." she said slowly and got up, " Ahhh!!" she screamed and hugged Daya, " He put a ring on it!"

" Ahh!!" Daya screamed back, " I know!! Zink when we have our fake first marriage, you have to be my maid of honour! Girl i missed you there by my side!" she hugged Zink back tightly.

" Of course i will! your my life long best friends after all! even if your a crazy bitch!" Zink cried to Daya.

Daya pulled way and looked at Zink, before tears filled her eyes, " Ohh you know if one of us cries we both do! Stupid bitch! you made me cry!" Daya exclaimed to Zink, now crying as well.

" I'm sorry i couldn't hold it in! my best friend is married!" Zink cried to Daya, holding hands with her.

" yeah but know we look like fucking losers!" Daya cried back, gripping Zink's hands, " stop crying so i can!"

Zink nodded and slowly calmed herself down, before Daya did, the both of them, stopped crying and looked at each other, " Bitch you look like a mess!" they exclaimed together and laughed.

" still will be my best friend?" Zink asked her, holding a hand up to Daya.

Daya grinned and connected their hands, " Try and stop me." she tole Zink firmly, before they did there hand shake thing, dropping it low and came back up, before butt bumping each there and laughed, " Oh god, we haven't done hat in ages."

" because Claire gets angry when we drop it low..." Zink giggled to her, making Daya giggle as well.

" Pft.. like thats ever stopped you two." I laughed at them as Zac stood amused, " Daya you love to drop it low, you just never do it in front of the family, pretending to be all innocent and shit."

" she is so not innocent, Darnell she was Ben Wa balls." Zink told me, grinning.

I gasped and turned to Daya, " Gilr you do not!" i exclaimed to her.

" I do." Daya nodded, grinning, " so you know yesterday on set when i said Josh was trippin'?" she asked him, smirking.

" He was not trippin'!? you had them in! Girl that was a huge ass risk in front of your Fam!" i slap her shoulder,laughing.

" it wasn't my idea.." She glared at Zac, who smirked at her, " My lovely Husband seems to have thought i was a good idea for me to have them in ."

" you told me to read the books." Zac shrugged at her, chuckling, " you wanted your own Christian Grey and i gave you one."

" owns a company and everything." Daya muttered to him, " god i hope you do not have a red room." she looked at him, wide eyed.

" Guess thats for you to find out." Zac winked at her.

" Ohh im gonna die!" Daya groaned at him, " Where getting a penthouse without a piano in it by the way, that shit ain't on." she pointed at him.

" your gonna fine one with it aren't you?" Zac asked her, amused, " i can see right though you, Zen."

Daya smirked at him, " where finding one with a fucking grand piano and pool table." She blew a kiss to him and walked to the room door, opening it, " what to go and find a penthouse to have some fun in?" she asked him, holding a hand out to him, " Don't leave your sweet and innocent wife, waiting..." she gave him a innocent look.

" your gonna be the death of me." Zac sighed to her, and walked over, grabbing her hand, " lets go and fine you that penthouse." he nodded to her, making her beamed and take off, pulling him with her.

" Bye guys!" Daya called to us, as the elevator doors shut, behind them.

" well shit that was all crazy and shocking." I said to Zink, as i shut Daya's room door.

" well at least she happy." Zink shrugged, " i guess as long as she happy and safe and loved, the i don't care what she does, ill just support her."

" so will i, lets just hope the family don't find out, some how." I told her, shaking my head and opened my room door, Zink did the same to the room next door.

" it won't if we keep it hushed."Zink send a pointed look to me.

I nodded, " ill keep my big mouth shut." i chuckled at her, " Night Zink."

" Night!" she said back, before we walked into our rooms, heading to bed.

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