Flames || Rhink

By RobinNicoleHughes

62.5K 2.1K 771

"Why do you do it?" "I like the way it makes me feel." "How does it make you feel?" "Numb." ---warning: self... More

Purple Bruise
Thinking Out Loud
Mom Is Always Right
The First Night
Kiss Me
Show Me What You Got, Loverboy
Figure It Out
For The Both Of Us
Coming Back
Finding Normal
Best Friends
Fill Me Up
Dead End
Smiley Face
I'm back.
Working Man
13 Pounds
Drinks with Devin
Right Hand Girl
Better Together
Last Words
Only For You
Green Tea & Cheerios
Let's Talk About That
Hold On
In The End
Thank You

After Work

1.1K 35 16
By RobinNicoleHughes

Rhett stayed for the next few hours. He helped me tidy up my living room and bedroom. We talked about show ideas like old times, even though I was no longer a part of the show. We watched a movie and I even managed to eat a few handfuls of popcorn.

 Things were so much better with him around. I was so much more alive with him. 

Ironically, I still thought about the matches. I had thought about them all morning. At Martha's, during the movie, even in the car.

They were infectious. I even went to the bathroom once, picked one out of the box and thought very hard about doing it, but Rhett might smell the smoke and I had no way to explain if he asked.

So I waited until he left before I made my move.

He told me to text him if I needed him and that he'd be back around to see me. 

I thanked him for everything and once he was gone, I went straight to the bathroom.

I picked out a few matches and laid them along the edge of the sink. Then I lit them one by one and placed them on my inner thigh.

It felt painfully familiar and my craving's were set free. I finally felt at peace.

I knew better but I needed it. My body needed to feel the flame.

I thought about Rhett and how beautiful he was and how perfect he was and how much I loved him and it made all this worse. He was just in my house again for the first time in over a month and instead of getting better, I got worse. I thought with Rhett I would forget about the matches and the fire and get over them but I didn't. 

It was so hard to stop thinking about the bad things and focus on what was happy, and standing right in front of me.

I worried the entire time that Rhett was with me that he'd figure something out. He'd see the truth and that hindered me from regaining the relationship I once had with Rhett. My perfect best friend.

But god, wasn't he enough? I thought to myself. Could Rhett fix me?

I thought he would have but I still felt broken when he left. I was miserable inside my own body and it hurt.


At work Devin decided to stay as far away from me as possible.

I was happy with that though, because I really hated him now. Seeing his face reminded me of Dingos and his drunken state.

It also reminded me of what Rhett said to him and I would find myself smiling stupidly at the register.

Customers weren't as bad today but one in particular wanted to mock me because he thought it was funny to act dumb in front of his friends.

At one point, I found myself wanting to hit the boy, but I would have gone to jail real quick. So I didn't. Instead, I stopped talking and pretended like I knew sign language. The boys game failed and he went back to his friends and left.

Working in retail isn't as easy as it sounds. It's the fucking worst. 

The day dragged on and on until it finally hit 11 and I was free.

I was sad to be going home alone but it was okay because it was my life.

I waited until I saw Devin pull out of the parking lot and then I drove off. 

At home I followed my usual routine until I received a text from Rhett.

"Hope work went well. Will come by in the morning if that's cool. Wanna talk. Goodnight Link."

I smiled starring at my phone. 

"Went okay. Devin is afraid of me now. Thanks for that lol and sure. Come by whenever you want. Thanks for today by the way. Miss you. Nite."

I pressed send and then died a little. Miss you, I sighed. Why did I say that?

But he didn't seem to mind because he quickly replied with

"Good. That little perv better not mess with you again. And I miss you too. Sucks sleeping alone."

I felt my heart jump out of my chest.

Was he flirting with me?

I was now smiling from ear to ear. It felt surreal. But I knew it was just a friendly message. I shouldn't take it as anything other.

"I know. It's too cold, huh?"

"Yeah. I might sweat a lot but it certainly feels better to sweat next to some one haha"

We texted for a little while longer until he just didn't respond.

I knew he feel asleep, and I knew it was time for me to rest too.

So I climbed into bed, this time with a smile on my face. 

I could still smell Rhett on my pillow and that made falling asleep even easier.


The next morning Rhett was over bright and early.

He was put together this morning. His hair was fixed nice and he was wearing that stupid yellow button up that I always hated, but seemed to be falling in love with now.

Yellow was a happy color and it looked good on him.

He took a seat on the couch while I grabbed us some waters from the fridge.

"Going in?" I asked, sitting beside him.

He nodded, "Yeah. We're filming a taste test today."

"Who's joining you?" I asked, gulping down my bottle. He smiled, "Stevie actually. She rarely gets on camera, but she decided she'd try it out."

"That sounds great. I miss her," I said, my stomach tightening in sadness.

He frowned, "You know Link...They miss you too. You could come back."

I shook my head, "No, no. It's not for me. Not anymore."

He sighed, "Okay. I won't push you, but know that you're welcome back whenever. They'll let you in. I promise."

He smiled and stood, "Okay. Well. I've gonna run, but I wanted to know if you'd be up for a movie tonight?"

I felt goosebumps ride my body like a wave. "Huh?"

He grinned leaning over the couch, "A movie? You and me?"

I couldn't believe it. It was so obvious. He was asking me on a date.

"Like a movie here?"

"You choose," he said. He played a warm smile and winked at me before walking out the door.

I was floating. 

I felt like a tiny little ant in a world full of possibilities and Rhett just happened to be one of them.

I pulled out my phone immediately and sent him a happy little text.

"I would love to see a movie with you tonight. 8pm?"

"I can't wait that long," he responded, " How about 5? After work."

My heart beat faster in my chest. I felt like I might be high. Even if I had no idea what that felt like. 



Was that a weird place to end on? Maybe. But things are about to get wild y'all. I'm so ready!

Hoping to finish this book this week! I honestly don't know how much longer it's gonna be. I'm just going with the flow, like always.

I really hope you guys are enjoying the story and having a good time here! My writing isn't the best, and I understand that and I'm hoping to get better with time. 

I'm just getting back into this after a break so I'm still kinda suck lol

Thanks so much for the support you guys! You're awesome!

Oh and when I'm finished with this Rhink story, don't worry. There might be another one, lol

Okay. I'm finally done haha 

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Thanks for being your mythical best!


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