Let's Talk About That

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I wasn't funny anymore.

We sat down to talk through my come back episode and we were playing around with just how I should reintroduce myself to the world of YouTube.

I tried to come up with these quirky punch lines and really give the audience a dose of the real me, but I failed every time. It was so embarrassing. 

Rhett just sat there awkwardly. Stevie starred at me like I was an alien from another planet. 

And I felt like I was.

Just when I started to rethink this whole thing, Stevie got a call and left the room. Rhett stood, shutting the door behind her.

I was quiet. 

Rhett watched me carefully, fully deciding on what he would say.

"It'll come back.."

I shook my head, "And if it doesn't?"

"It will," he tried to reassure me. 

I stood, stuffing my hands in my pockets, "I'm going to make a fool out of myself."

"You're just not in the right atmosphere. This isn't where the magic happens, remember?" he winked. 

I blew it off, "Rhett, I shouldn't need a desk and a camera to be funny. I didn't before."

"And you don't. Just go with the flow. Be real."

I took a deep breath, "I'm scared Rhett."

"Hey. That's okay. You don't have to be perfect."

"What if they don't like me?" I blurted out, suddenly feeling like I just might cry. 

He let out an authentic roar of laughter and cocked his head to the side, "They're going to love you, Link."


The next day Rhett and I left my house dressed for a taping of Good Mythical Morning. He drove because I was too nervous to even eat.

He had tried his best to fill me up with a scramble of eggs this morning, but I wasn't having it.

He could tell I was having a moment, so he let me be.

Once in the car, Rhett turned on the radio and blasted some of our favorite 90's tunes.

I hadn't said much all morning, but Rhett hadn't stopped.

"This is going to be wild. I can't wait to see their reactions. You know they had #LinkReturnToGMM trending on twitter one day? God, they're going to be so happy to see you back, baby."

I didn't know if he was just saying all these things to make me feel better or if they were actually true. I choose to believe him.

"Are you sure you don't want anything for breakfast? We can stop an get you a biscuit or something."

We were now only five minutes away from work and I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

Just a few months ago, I was doing this on a regular. I had been working here for years. I was in charge and this place didn't bring me anxiety, it brought me joy. 

But I was such a different person then. Happy, funny, outgoing.

Now I was just Link.

I shook my head no, just as Rhett pulled into the parking lot. He parked in his normal spot and unbuckled. He was so excited it killed me.

I didn't want to disappoint him, but I knew I would.

I got out of the car and followed him into the building.

Everyone was there, doing their jobs like normal.

We went to the office and waited until the crew was ready.

When Stevie gave us the heads up, my stomach fell to the floor. I felt like I might throw up.

Rhett walked out. I followed suit.

It had been so long. It all felt so strange, but so familiar.

Rhett sat in his chair, I sat in mine. 

Suddenly my world stopped. 

I was back. Sitting next to my best friend, in front of a camera, making a video that would hopefully brighten someones day.

I thought about the last episode I recorded in this spot and bit my lip. I was so nervous, I could poop.

But I put on a smile and waited for the signal.

Rhett gave me a little smirk, "Welcome back, Link."

With that, the little red dot lit up and Stevie smiled, "One, two..."

"He's back!" Rhett yelled, throwing his arms in the air.

I found it in myself to giggle, then realized I was supposed to say something.

I took a deep breath, looked at Rhett, and then came back to reality.

"Let's talk about that!"


Oh my. We have an update.

I hope you guys enjoy!

I love you!

Thanks for being your mythical best!


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