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Back at my house, I found it hard to not want to be back with him.

He had a job though and so did I.

I got dressed in the same ugly uniform I had been wearing for almost two months now.

I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and left.

It was hard to focus that night. Hard to think of anything but Rhett.

We were so busy too. It was almost ridiculous.

Customer after customer. I listened to the stories about their days and helped them carry their bags.

Devin was with me again tonight.

We didn't talk much, but towards the end of the shift, there was so much going through my mind, I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Devin," I started. I was counting down my register, "I want you to know that while you've been a pain in my ass lately, I really do consider you a good person. I hope that you find something better than this place. You work too hard here. That piece of you should be put to use somewhere else. Somewhere you want to be."

I closed the drawer, and handed him the calculator, "Be wise. Make better choices. Live your damn life. You only get one. Don't let it go to waste. Thank you for trying to be my friend. You succeeded."

I gave him one last, genuine smile, before dropping my name tag in the trash and walking out the door.


This is the shortest chapter I think I've ever written but I think it turned out okay lol

Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for being your mythical best!


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