The First Night

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Rhett picked me up at 7:25. He was always five minutes early for everything, so I was always ready five minutes early. 

He met me at my door, which was an unusual thing. Usually when Rhett came by, he would sit in his car and wait for me or he'd walk in unannounced. But this was a new sensation and a new event all together for the both of us.

Neither of us had ever been on a date with a guy before. I never even knew I was capable of being into a guy, let alone being into Rhett. But apparently, Rhett had always been interested in guys. He never told anyone because he was always more into girls he said as we sat on his couch that night.

"But if I guy asked me on a date, I wouldn't turn it down," he said, sipping from his can of cola.

I tried to not think about that too much. The fact that he would say yes to any guy. Was I just his guy to experiment with? 

"But I've always been into you," he said, quickly backing up my question with an answer. He was sitting next to me, his knee touching mine. My entire body was coated in warmth, although that was the only part of me that made physical contact with him.

"Really?" I asked, wide eyed.

"Yeah. I mean, it started back in high school. There was just something about you that I couldn't put past me," he said, never specifying what it was about me that he couldn't let go of

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He shrugged, "Never thought you'd be up for me. I'm not exactly your type."

I laughed, punching his arm, then realizing I was not being his best friend at the moment but his date, "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have -"

But by the time I could finish my sentence, Rhett was on top of me, wrestling me to the ground, just as he used to do back in middle school. He was a lot bigger and stronger then me, which meant I never won. 

His body was hovering over mine. We were both laughing, our chests heaving in joy. This was weird for a date, I thought, but being on a date with Rhett was weird. So I accepted it, and continued to try and push Rhett's large body off of me. I failed.

He collapsed on top of me then, playing the "I'm dead"  bit he had played on me for so long.

"Oh gosh," I giggled, "Is this how you treat all your dates?"

He looked up at me then, his eyes wide, "No. Just the ones I really like."

I was quiet then, the blush taking over my face and neck. I started to worry that Rhett could feel the extra heat radiating off my body. He was starring down at me, still breathing hard, and smiling.

He had just painted a cheeky grin on my face using only his words and he knew it.

"Link, I've always wanted to do this," he said then. He pulled himself off of me, sitting back against the couch. I sat up, the pressure of his body lifted away.

"Do what?" I asked, adjusting my glasses to look at him clearly.

"I've always wanted to go on a date with you," he laughed, "Somehow I knew it'd happen one day, but now that we're here...I don't know how to act like a date. I feel ridiculous."

I found myself smiling, "Rhett, we've been friends for over thirty friends. This is a whole new kind of relationship for us. We'll figure it out. I promise."

He was looking at his hands now, sighing, "Do you really think this could work?"

I moved in closer to him, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we run a business together. What about the crew? And the Mythical Beasts? How do we tell them...How do we do it?"

I laughed, "Rhett, we aren't together. We don't have to tell anyone until that happens...If you want it to happen..."

He slowly took my hand in his, "Link...I want to give this a go...I don't know if it'll work but...I've liked you for so long. And if you like me...We should do it, right?"

I began to process all his words. I thought about telling the people at work, I thought about telling the fans, I thought about me holding Rhett's hand whenever I wanted to and kissing his lips without worry. My mind was full of so many different things, I threw the idea that this wouldn't work in the back corner. I didn't even consider this not working, because I wanted it so strongly.

"We should do it, Rhett," I said, leaning into his side. He hesitantly rested his head on top of mine, "Are we rushing into this? I mean, you didn't even know I liked you until this morning. I know I've been really good about hiding it, but..."

"Rhett, shut up," I said, interrupting him, "If you want to do this then we should do it. Just listen to whatever's in here." I patted his chest, where his heart was.

He squeezed my hand, nodding, "It's saying you look really good tonight. It's also saying it would like a second date."

Goosebumps ran down my arms and legs, "I think I can clear my schedule." 

I was happy then, because I had gotten what I wanted. He had asked me on a date, told me he liked me, and now he was mine. It was like a scene from a really cliche fan fiction. I should have known it wasn't going to last, but in that moment, I couldn't think about anything else but the feeling of Rhett being so close and willing and happy.

The rest of the night went by as quickly as the beginning. We talked, we shared a few snacks and a movie. Then he drove me home. He walked me to my door, holding my hand casually as we went. 

He told me goodnight and kissed my cheek. Then he was gone. It was the perfect first date for someone like me. It was simple and fun. It was Rhett

I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I went to bed holding onto a hope that would eventually tear me in two. 


Not really the best chapter. I'm sorry. 

Also, I'm sorry about the slow update. I just got my first job so I've been there a lot and then sleeping when I'm not. Gotta make that money, you know. 

But I hope that maybe you guys will like this. I'm trying. Thank you all for everything! You are amazing!

Thanks for being your mythical best! 


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