Purple Bruise

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The next day, Rhett hugged me in the parking lot of Mythical Entertainment and apologized. I accepted his apology and it stopped there. There was no more talk about what had happened that night and I was grateful.

He did ask me to talk later on that day, but I told him I was fine. There was no reason for me to bore him with my nonsense. It wasn't his problem. I wasn't his problem.

He told me that the girls name was Lindsay. He said it was just a one night stand. It wasn't anything too serious. That should have made me feel better but it didn't. Rhett didn't have to explain himself to me, as much as I didn't have to explain myself to him.

It had been four months since Rhett and I broke up. Since Rhett broke up with me.

I had tried to get over him, for his sake, but I couldn't. To be honest I didn't want to. I never  wanted to.

I was stupid to let him give me a taste of himself. Deep down, I should have known we weren't going to work out. I shouldn't have opened myself to the taste of his lips or the touch of his skin. I shouldn't have let myself love him. I should have fought it.

I remembered the day I saw Rhett as something more than just a friend. It was one of the scariest days of my life.

It was a late night in January of last year, when I was woke by my phone ringing from the kitchen table.

I didn't know how long it had been going off nor did I want to answer it. So I let it go to voicemail. Then it rang again. And again.

I groaned, finally standing. I glanced at the clock, 2:34.

I made my way to the kitchen and picked up the phone. Looking at the caller I.D. I sighed. It was Rhett.

I picked up, "Hello?"

I heard heavy breathing on the other end of the line, then a crash. I could hear screaming and fear. It was so overwhelmingly loud.

"Link, I need you..."

I looked down at myself, seeing that I was only in my boxers. I immediately went to put on clothes. "Rhett, what's wrong? Who's screaming?"

Rhett was crying, you could hear it plain as day. Rhett never cried. He had always said he was too much of a man.

"Rhett, talk to me buddy."

He sobbed, "Sara...It's Sara," he said. 

Sara had been Rhett's girlfriend at the time. They had been dating for maybe three months, tops. I always thought she was a nice girl. I thought she was good for Rhett. I thought.

"What's going on?"

I was out the door now, getting in my car. A sense of worry and fear filled my chest to the brim.

"She's lost it, Link. She's trying to hurt me. Please..."

I felt my hands grow shaky against the wheel of the car, but I kept driving. Rhett needed me.

"Have you called the police?" 

Rhett cried again, "Yes. She's going to hurt me, Link."

Cold sweat rolled down my back as I turned onto Rhett's road, "Don't let her, Rhett. I'm almost there, I promise."

I saw the blue lights then, come up behind me. I felt sick, but I pulled over, and they went right by me. I was grateful when they stopped at Rhett's house. An ambulance was already there. I pulled up behind them, and got out of my car. 

One of the officers noticed me immediately and told me to stay back. And I tried to, but the minute they pulled Rhett out on a gurney, I couldn't hold myself back. I had to see him, I had to be there for him. Rhett needed me.

So I ran to him. I denied all the officers orders to stay back, I denied everything to see him. 

And once I laid eyes on him, it happened. I felt an overbearing urge to hold Rhett's large hand, to kiss his chapped lips, and tell him everything would be alright. I wanted him. I craved him. I was so hungry for every inch of my best friend. I had never felt like this before, especially for Rhett.

But he was beautiful. He was beaten and bloody. But he was beautiful. He was a mess, but I didn't care, because I felt this immense love in my chest that I couldn't explain.

Maybe it was because I was afraid of losing him or maybe it was just because I was sleepy. Honestly, I didn't know. All I knew in that moment was that Rhett McLaughlin meant more to me than my own life and I needed him.  I needed him to be okay.

He was decorated with little red scratches. His arms wore nothing but sweat and grim. His nose was bloody and an eye already black. But the most alarming piece was the heavy purple bruise lining Rhett's temple. My heart sank. I cried then because I was more than afraid. I was desperate.

He had to be okay. I needed him to be okay.

"Rhett, buddy," I choked out, "Can you hear me?"

His eyes were closed but his chest was still rising and falling as it should. He didn't respond.

"Rhett, please..." I cried. No response.

The paramedics were pushing an oxygen mask against his mouth, taking his pulse and tending to his body in ways I couldn't. One of them was asking me who I was, asking me how I knew the man. 

I didn't respond. I only want to talk to Rhett. But by this time, I couldn't even speak.

My body was heavy and broken and it felt as if I were being sucked into a nightmare I would never wake up from.

They pulled him into the truck, leaving me behind. I looked at one of the female nurses. She was petite, glowing with beauty. She looked just as sad as I felt. She let me on.

I thanked her with my eyes and sat next to Rhett.

I looked at his limp body, fear taking over again. Taking over everything.

"Rhett," I whispered, "Please be okay. You've got to be okay."

He didn't respond verbally. The oxygen mask made that hard. Instead, he pushed his hand out, searching for mine. I gave it to him, my body relaxing the tiniest amount. He squeezed, sending a spiral of hope through me.

Maybe...Maybe he would be okay. He had to be okay. I needed him to be okay.

I rubbed my thumb over Rhett's pale knuckles, taking in his touch. He was cold, but I could still feel his warmth. Everything about Rhett was warm. His laugh, his eyes, his smile...He was always beautiful and yet I had never noticed. How had I never noticed?

I looked at Rhett's face again. He looked cold there, but I knew he wasn't. Rhett was strong. He'd make it through this. He always made it through.

I told myself this, trying to relax. Trying to find the positive side of things. It was hard, but I was trying. My body was overwhelmed with so many feelings I couldn't stop it.

I leaned over placing a small kiss to Rhett's cheek. 

He smiled.


Guys, I didn't know how intense this book was going to be when I started writing it, but damn. I like writing it though. It'll be a good one if I can make it. At least, I hope it is.

Thank you all for joining me and reading this story! I'm so excited that you're here!

You're all so kind and so beautiful!

Thank you for being your mythical best!


(PS. Tell me what you think below please! I'd love to know!)

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