Mom Is Always Right

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That night I stayed with Rhett. I made sure he had everything he needed and had someone to talk to. Back then, I didn't let the idea of Rhett and I get in the way of being his best friend. I was expecting those foreign feelings to disappear within the week. But they never did.

It was three weeks after Rhett was dismissed from the hospital when I realized I was going to look at him as if he were the last piece of cake for the rest of my life. The feelings were so strong and bold and exciting. I was in love with my best friend.

I had tried to play it off when I was around him, make it seem like something was not eating at me. But Rhett knew me better than anyone in the entire world, after all, he was my best friend.

We were in our office, getting ready to film an episode of GMM, when Rhett decided to change. This was normal. We'd changed in front of each other before, even seen each other naked, but something about him taking his shirt off in front of me now made my vision take up a mind of it's own.

I watched as he slipped out of his recently mustard stained tee shirt. His muscles were rigid and defined. They moved so smoothly and they spoke to me. I wanted them. I wanted to rub my fingers across them, I wanted to feel his skin under mine. I wanted a taste of something I couldn't have.

He slipped into a clean shirt, and turned to me. I was still watching him though. Eyes on his biceps, his hands, his chest. I felt my body go tense with pressure.

"Link?" Rhett spoke loudly. He was waving his hand in front of my face then, snapping me back to reality.

I looked up at him, wide eyed, afraid that he had saw what I had been doing.

"Everything okay?" he asked, taking a set next to me.

I nodded, "Oh yeah. Everything is great."

I could smell his cologne now, it was powerful and manly. Everything I had ever known about Rhett.

He was grinning, as if he knew something I didn't, "What were you looking at?"

My chest tightened and my breath caught  in my throat. He had noticed. He had noticed.

"What are you talking about?" I prayed he would change topics. I prayed silently to myself with no success.

"You know what I'm talking about. Just now," his grin was growing now, hysterical. He knew. He fucking knew.

"Rhett, I'm sorry. I don't know...I just..." I couldn't talk. I couldn't form sentences without thinking of how this was going to hurt our relationship. He was going to resent me and I'd be alone.

"Hey, calm down," he held his hands up, pushing me to relax. "You can talk to me. Tell me what's going on."

I looked down at my shaky hands, then back up at Rhett. He was smiling, his eyes were telling me everything I needed to hear. It's okay.

"I feel something, Rhett," I started, my voice cracked a little, but he didn't laugh, "When I saw you on that gurney...It hit me like a ton of bricks. These feelings and thoughts that I can't explain. I - I don't want to scare you off. I don't want to mess this up...I just..."

He stayed quiet, letting me find the words I needed to say, "I think I like you as more than a friend."

He still said nothing and his face had not changed. His eyes were just as inviting as they were when I began speaking.

"I'm sorry."

He shook his head, "No. Don't be sorry."

We were quiet for a moment. Neither of us moved. 

Soon, he began to laugh. It was one of his giggles. The one's he used around the girls he was flirting with, or the one he occasionally used for a sketch where he played the female roll.

I looked at him, watching the corners up his mouth rise and fall with each sound. His eyes were closed but happy. He was happy.

"All this time," he began, running his fingers through his hair, "My mom was right."

I raised a brow, "Your mom?"

He grinned, looking at me now.

"My mom used to secretly call you my boyfriend. She was dead set on the idea that you and I would end up together one day. I always thought she was crazy but I guess she knew what she was talking about."

I cocked my head to the side, suddenly aware of what Rhett was getting at, "We aren't together though."

He smiled, "Well Link Neal, I'd like to ask you on a date then."

My body rejected his words, those unexpected words, "What?"

He stood, lending out his hand, "Link, I'd like to ask you on a date. You and me, 7:30, dinner and a movie. My place?"

I was holding his hand now, standing below him, my heart spilling over with anxiety and joy, a stomach turning sensation. 

I couldn't even speak. I just nodded up at Rhett and he understood. He kissed my hand before finally walking out to set. 

That was one of my favorite days.


Thank you all for reading! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! 

Please leave your comments down below! I'd like to know what you think!

Thanks for being your mythical best!


(PS. Excuse any errors. I'm super sleepy.)

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