You're My Daydream- Book 2

By ShinoAsuda465

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"Could we still live this life, our life together as one?" Lena asked, kissing the nape of my neck. "Why are... More

Morning Interviews and Meeting new People
The Realization Of What's To Happen
Never Mess With A Luthor or My Family
Let Me Tell You About How the Sun loved the Moon
I'll Protect You... With All My Life
The Dream That Changed My Life Forever
Training With the Most Ruthless Assassins
I Just Don't Want to Get Involved
I Don't Care About Others. I Only Care About You
I Promise To Make You Mine and Mine Only
When I First Looked At You
Emily: Part 1
Emily: Part 2
Let Me Show You What Is Mine
The Thing You Always Wanted: Pt 1
The thing You Always Wanted:Pt 2
The Thing You Always Wanted Part 3
A Trip to Midvale
The Time for Food and Love
Touchy Subjects and Pushing Buttons
Coming to Forgiveness and Making Things Right
Please : Part One
Please: Part Two
To Make a Kara Feel Better: Potstickers, Hot Chocolate, And a Lena Luthor Cuddle
Fight or Flight, Love or Hate, To Live or Die
I May Be An Idiot, But I'm the Luckiest Idiot In The Whole Entire World
An... Eventful Morning To Say The Least
A Day of Desserts and A Sexy, Jealous Lena Luthor
An Angel In The Darkness, Kara Becomes Strong Once More
Another Day Out, Along With The Wimp And The Sister
A Mother's Touch
Lena Luthor Being The Amazing Feminist, and Kara Being the Amazing Singer
Doubtful Thoughts And A Strong Reasurance
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part Two
An Infuriating Interview With The President
Reminces And Last Minute Wedding Preperations
The Happiest Moment For A Super And A Luthor
New Book?

The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part One

323 19 0
By ShinoAsuda465


I felt Lena's soft hair slip through my blonde locks, I curled up to her side and felt close to sleep. I wasn't a lightweight, but just tired in general, Trump knows how to push my buttons, and he pushed every one of them in one interview.

"Love, you need some sleep, Eliza's coming over tomorrow." She whispered

I hummed in response and snuggled up to her. She smiled softly and held me close to her warm an lavender chamomile scented body, rocking me slowly.

"What's got you so sleepy darling?" She whispered

"Trump" I muttered

"What did he say?" She asked, worry laced in her voice

"He demands an interview with me, and I already refused, but to shut him the hell up, I did a quick interview and he still pissed me off" I muttered sleepily

"My poor baby" She coaxed

"All I wanted was to go home to my beautiful soon to be wife, but he just had to ask for me, why me?" I muttered

"Love, don't let him get under your skin, your Kara Danvers-Luthor, I know your stronger than what you think you are" She whispered before pressing her lips to mine, I kissed back sleepily and saw that my eyes were closing slowly, I laid on Lena's chest and slowly went to sleep, her scent filling the room

She stroked my hair softly, lulling me into sleep.


I woke up to Lena looking at me softly, her hand stroking my cheek, I smiled sleepily at her.

I gently grabbed her hand and kissed it softly, her beautiful soft hands.

"Did you get some sleep?"

"Yep, while you were sleeping like a little baby" She whispered, kissing my lips.

"Mmm, I was sleepy.." I trailed off

" You wanna know something?" She asked

"Mhm?" I hummed in response

"I love you" She whispered before pressing her lips to mine. I smiled in the kiss and held on to her.

"Mm, I think that a certain kryptonian can't keep her hands to herself" she muttered before taking off my shirt.

"No matter how hard I'm trying to" I whispered before taking off her shirt.

"Baby... I'm pregnant, I can't have sex with you just yet" She whispered. " But that doesn't mean you that I can't do things to you"

"Mm, I like the sound of that" I muttered

"Kara?" I heard Eliza say.

"Damnit" I muttered

"It's not over yet darling" She whispered before putting her shirt on.

"I'm coming" I muttered, hot and bothered.

We walked downstairs and saw Eliza sitting with a suitcase.

"Ready?" She asked

"Mhmm" Lena hummed

"So based on your test results, your aren't pregnant, you were just showing the symptoms" She said

"So Alex Parrish... lied?" I asked

"Yes, but who did the tests?" Eliza responded

"Shelby.." Lena trailed off, I sighed softly, slightly disappointed, Lena looked down to the floor.

"It's not your fault baby" I said, intertwining our fingers.

"I don't blame myself. I blame Ms.Parrish" she whispered." But I'm not mad, if anything, I let my guard down, It was no ones fault but Alex's, and to be honest, I don't think that I was mentally prepared, I didn't even decorate the baby's room, and you being supergirl, and me being an amazing CEO.So maybe we had a bump, a bump in the road, there will be many, so many bumps in the road. But Kara Danvers, your are it for me, I wouldn't want anyone else to go through these bumps with but you."

I kissed her softly, not wanting this moment to end. We heard Eliza clear her throat, and we giggled

"I'm disappointed, but not upset, we'll always have our marriage to make a child, and most importantly, we'll have each other." I said, pressing my lips to her temple.

"Alright you love birds. Lena, you can have your wine and scotch, and Kara also" she said with a smile

"Yes! I can finally have my babies back" she said happily, doing a small fist bump in the air. I giggled.

"Is there a way for me to have kids with Kara?" She asked

"With technology these days, definitely, and Kara's an Alien, so a lot of sex, may just do the trick" she said laughing. We blushed

"Eliza!" I laughed

"What? I know what you guys do in bed, You and Alex had told me stories" she said

I laughed harder, Lena was a fit of giggles.

"Anybody want some food?" Eliza asked

We nodded

"Give me an hour, I have to get Alex, she had a assessment at the DEO." She said grabbing her keys, we smiled and waved her off.

She closed the door softly and our lips gently touched each other's.

"We have an hour Kara" She whispered gently

"I know, and I plan.." I took off her shirt and bra off quickly." To use those 60 minutes, to the fullest" I whispered before kissing her amazing body.

She took off my shirt and bra also, we kissed passionately, our lips missing each other's comfort. I moved down to kiss her chest softly, leaving marks on her soft pale skin.

I moved down to her white pantyline, I looked at her for permission and she nodded, giving me a warm smile. 

I gently tugged off her panties and threw them to the floor, she giggled softly but was soon replaced with a moan. I gently kissed her sides, waiting patiently for the woman to moan where her voice was hoarse, I gently kissed the inside of her thighs and she moaned louder, I her to her sex and licked it slowly, waiting for her moans to echo around the room, I licked it a little more, looking at her sexually frustrated face, I giggled.

"Kara" She moaned


"I'm fucking you a hundred times over when it's my turn" She said before I went in tounge deep inside her.

"KARA!" She screamed in pleasure 

I hummed in her insides, making her pleasure more intense than it already was. She moved her hips slowly, relishing the intensity that I was giving her.  I felt her walls tightening slowly around my tongue, her sweet nectar was getting closer and closer.

"Kara..I'm close" She whispered. I took my tongue out and leaned close to her ear

"Then let go. You can let go with me, I'll always catch you" I whispered

I put three fingers inside her and saw her face change, her manicured fingers scratching my back. I moved my fingers inside her and saw her so close, She let out a loud scream and came undone in my hands, I caught her when she was slipping on the couch. 

"Told you, I'm always here to catch you." I whispered

"My hero" She whispered before pressing her lips to mine. I went down to taste her sweet nectar, but when I came up, I saw Eliza and Alex with shocked faces.

"Kara!" Eliza screamed

"Ummm,  what happened to knocking?" 

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