RWBY x MaleReader

By CET999

1.5M 22.1K 40K

(Y/N) is a 17 yr old boy who's accidentally mutated with the power of electricity. (Y/N) was in a world full... More

Chapter 1: Rose Petals
Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon
Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon Part 2
Chapter 4: The First Step
Chapter 5: Players and Pieces
Chapter 6: The Badge and the Burden
Chapter 7: The Badge and the Burden Part 2
Chapter 8: Jaunedice
Chapter 9: Forever Fall
Chapter 10: Forever Fall Part 2
Chapter 11: The Stray
Chapter 12: Black, White and The Beast
Special Chapter: The Favor
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Best Day Ever.....
Volume 2 Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon.....
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Android?!
Volume 2 Chapter 4: Painting the town.....
Volume 2 Chapter 5: Extracurricular
Volume 2 Chapter 6: The Band and The Bonds
Volume 2 Chapter 7: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2 Chapter 8: Field Trip
Volume 2 Chapter 9: Search & Destroy
Volume 2 Chapter 10: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2 Chapter 11: No Brakes
Volume 2 Chapter 12: The Demon and The Prototype
Volume 2 Chapter 13: The Demon and The Prototype Part 2
Special Chapter 2: Remedial Class
Special Chapter 3: Salutations Best Friend!
Volume 3 Chapter 1: Round One
Volume 3 Chapter 2: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3 Chapter 3: As The Ice Melts
Volume 3 Chapter 4: The Mentor and The Protege
Volume 3 Chapter 5: Ominous Unknown Killer
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Not Again...
Volume 3 Chapter 7: Why Can't We All Smile?
Volume 3 Chapter 8: The End of the Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 2: A Small Reminder
Volume 4 Chapter 3: An Enemy Of My Enemy
Volume 4 Chapter 4: The Arrival
Volume 5 Chapter 1: Welcome To Menagerie
Volume 5 Chapter 2: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5 Chapter 3: Faker
Volume 5 Chapter 4: Azazel
Volume 5 Chapter 5: Downfall
Volume 5 Chapter 6: Haven's Fate
Special Chapter 4: Nurse RWBY
Volume 4 Chapter 0: A Little Bit Of Summer Rose By My Side
Chapter 0.5: Go Crazy!
Special Chapter 5: Soft Kitty Warm Kitty
Special Chapter 6: A Night With The Sun Dragon
Special Chapter 7: A Schnee's Melting Point
Special Chapter 8: "Thus Kindly I Scatter"
Volume 6: The Lightning Raptor
Volume 6: The Demented Flame
Volume 6 Chapter 1: Argus Limited
Volume 6 Chapter 2: Uncovered
Volume 6 Chapter 3: So That's How It Is
Volume 6 Chapter 4: The Storm
Volume 6 Chapter 5: Sanity Break
Volume 6 Chapter 5.5: Aftermath
Volume 6 Chapter 6: A War No One Cares About
Volume 6 Chapter 7: Declaim
Volume 6 Chapter 8: Huntdown
Special Chapter 9: Picture Perfect
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 1
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 2
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 3
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 4
Volume 7 Chapter 1: The Greatest Kingdom
Volume 7 Chapter 2: Shattered Memories
Volume 7 Chapter 3: Graduation
Volume 7 Chapter 4: Sudden Connection
Volume 7 Chapter 5: The Rich And The Innocent
Volume 7 Chapter 6: Piece By Piece
Volume 7 Chapter 7: Fragments
Volume 7 Chapter 8: Mirror Mirror
Volume 7 Chapter 9: Perturbation
Volume 7 Chapter 10: Out In The Open
Volume 7 Chapter 11: Mirror Mirror, Tell Me Something
Volume 7 Chapter 12: Heart Be Turned To Stone
Volume 7 Chapter 13: The Loneliest Of All
Team SHLD: Sonya Goodwitch
Team SHLD: Haytham Saxe
Team SHLD: Lucas Cardinal
Team SHLD: (F/N) (L/N)
Volume 8 Teaser
Team SHLD: The First Mission
Volume 8 Chapter 1: Grimm Escape
Volume 8 Chapter 2: The Lost Bird
Volume 8 Chapter 3: SHLD Forces
Volume 8 Chapter 4: When Flowers Bloom
Volume 8 Chapter 5: Reminiscense

Chapter 0: Gunpoint

14.6K 184 342
By CET999

(This took place in Y/N's world, after the breakout and before he got his powers)

(Y/N) is seen to be in an alleyway, with his hands raised in. While three bandits, one with a machete and the other two with guns, are cornering him.

Bandit 1: Look at this freak.

Bandit 2: Stupid kid!

(Y/N): Just passin' through guys...

Bandit 3: Yeah well, this is our turf!

Bandit 1: Picked a wrong route to go through kid!

(Y/N): Alright! I'm just gonna go find another way, if you guys would let me--

Bandit 3: What if we don't want you to leave?

Bandit 2: Yeah! I mean you're already in our turf, which gives us the right to kill your ass!

(Y/N): Guys, come on, let's be mature here.

Bandit 1: *laughs* Do you hear this kid? "Let's be mature here." *laughs louder*

Bandit 2 gets closer to (Y/N) with a gun his hand, as (Y/N) notices it.

Bandit 2: In case you don't know; it's the apocalypse. It doesn't matter if we're "mature."

(Y/N): (That's right... Come closer...)

Bandit 2 stops near (Y/N), then starts shoving him.

Bandit 2: We own these streets now! You try to remember--

(Y/N) unsheathes his machete as he slices the guy's throat, shocking the other two.

Bandit 1: You really are a stupid kid!

The bandit starts firing shots at (Y/N), while (Y/N) uses the corpse in front of him as a shield. He then grabs the dead bandit's gun, shoots the guy on the chest, then points it at the last one, who has nothing but a machete.

Bandit 3: (hands raised) Woah! Woah! Easy there!

(Y/N): Not so tough now, huh!

Bandit 3: W-W-We've got food in our tent.... L-Lots of it! E-Even ammo! You can take some of 'em!

(Y/N): What if I want all of it?

Bandit: No... Please... I'll die out here...

(Y/N): That is the plan.

(Y/N) shoots the poor bandit in the head.

(Y/N) gets inside their tent, seeing what the bandit told him is true. He grabs one of the bandit's bag, then puts all of the food, water, and ammo inside. 

He even picked up a silencer, for his pistol. 

(Y/N): Huh... Neat...

He then attaches it to the pistol and leaves the tent.

As soon as he gets out of the tent, he notices a bunch of zombies trying to break in through the fence, that is about to fall. 

He then hears the bandit he shot earlier.

Bandit 1: You.... Son of a.... Bitch...

(Y/N) glares at the bandit for a moment, then shoots the side of the fence, to let the zombies in, as he starts to walk away.

Bandit 1: No... Please! No! No! NOOO! AAGGGHH! AGGGHHH!

As the bandit continues to scream in pain, (Y/N) is walking away as he puts on his earphones and listen to some tunes.....



In the abandoned-apocalyptic streets, is seen (Y/N) walking through it. He then notices a bunch of zombies loitering in front of him. (Y/N) jumps up to the edge of the building, then starts climbing up to the roof. As soon as he got to the roof, he proceeds walking there.

While there are a few zombies in the roof, he slices their heads off, as he is walking.

As soon as he got pass through a horde of loitering zombies below, he jumps and lands on the nearest trash bags, to land softly back on the ground, then proceeds walking.

(Time Skip)

As he is walking alone on the streets, filled with abandoned cars and dead people, he sees a small girl, wondering alone the streets, in front of him. 

(Y/N): Hey!

The small girl turns around to (Y/N) with a scared expression, as she slowly backs away.

(Y/N): Are you alright?!

Girl: (trembling) Oh no.... 

The small girl starts to run, as (Y/N) follows.

(Y/N): H-Hey! Wait!

The small girl turns to the alleyway, where there is a fence hold up there with a hole on its lower left. The girl then crawls inside the hole, then starts running, as (Y/N) bumps into the fence.

(Y/N): Hey! Wai-- Shit...

(Y/N) vaults over the fence, then starts running towards the girl.

(Y/N): Wait! I'm not gonna hurt y--

He gets cut off by an infected, bursting out of the door, on his left, as it pushes him against the wall and tries to bite him. Leaving the girl out of his sight.

(Y/N): Fuck!

He pushes the infected away, grabs his pistol, then fires it on its head. He then starts running towards where the girl has headed.

As he got to his destination, he sees the small girl, cornered against the wall, inside the fence, where one of the three bandits is trying to grab her through the small hole she went through. The girl's knees is folded to her chest with her hands covering her ears as she begins to cry.

Bandit 2: Goddammit!

Bandit 1: *chuckles* The kid is a lot smarter than you.

Bandit 2: Whatever. She'll come out of there eventually.

Bandit 3: Ugghh...I can't wait! I want a taste! Now!

Bandit 1: She's a kid...

Bandit 2: Who cares? She's still a girl.

Bandit 1: *chuckles* I guess...

Bandit 3: Come on out, sweetie~

(Y/N) taps one of the bandit's shoulder then punches its face. He manages to dodge the second bandit's machete as he sweep kicks the second bandit to the ground. The third bandit charges at him with his machete, as he parries it towards the first bandit, stabbing the first bandit on his chest.

He then grabs his gun, shoots the third bandit in the head. The second bandit stands back up, as he quickly charges to (Y/N), but immediately stops as soon as (Y/N) starts pointing the gun at him.

Bandit 2: W-Woah there! *chuckles* Kid... W-W-We were just trying to have fun.

(Y/N): I can see that.

Bandit 2: Y-You're.... You're bluffing aren't you? *chuckles* I bet that thing is all empty now. Is it?!

(Y/N): I don't know. Why don't you try and find out?

The bandit hesitated first before he starts swinging his machete at (Y/N). (Y/N) barely dodges the second swing, making it scratch his left cheek. (Y/N) then shoots the bandit on the head.

(Y/N): Motherfucker...

After he reloads his gun his focus turns back to the small girl inside the fence. (Y/N) crouches as he slowly approaches her.

(Y/N): Hey...

The small girl jumps a little upon seeing him.

(Y/N): No no no... No... It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you...

Girl: You promise?

(Y/N): Yes sweetie, I promise.... My name's (Y/N).... Here, look... 

(Y/N) grabs something in his pocket.

The small girl slowly crawls out of the fence.

(Y/N): It's okay, sweetheart, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Girl: It's beautiful...

(Y/N): Isn't it? It was my sister's. 

Girl: W-Where is she?

(Y/N): She's..... Um.....

Girl: I-I-I'm sorry!

(Y/N): I-It's okay... 

Girl: What did you do to them?

She points at the bandits.

(Y/N): I..... M-Made sure that they won't bother us.... What're you doing walking the streets alone? You know those things out there, don't you?

Girl: I was going to where mommy and daddy are...

(Y/N): Alone? 

Girl: Y-Yeah...

(Y/N): How old are you, sweetie?

Girl: 8.

(Y/N): Where are your parents?


(Y/N) is now back to walking in the streets at night, now pushing a shopping cart, where the girl is inside, riding it.

(Y/N): So what's your name, sweetie?

Sophie: S-Sophie...

(Y/N): That's a cute name.

Sophie: Thank you.

(Y/N): Are you sure this is where your mommy and daddy are, Sophie?

Sophie: This is the place where mom and dad are working. They always let me come and play with them.

(Y/N): Why aren't your parents at home with you?

Sophie: They said; they're going to work...

(Y/N): Work?

Sophie: They left the house this morning... U-Usually they come back in the afternoon and guard the house from all of those monsters.

(Y/N): Wait, so you're saying, they're still working now? Even with all of this shit is happening?

Sophie: Swear.

(Y/N): S-Sorry.

Sophie: And yeah... Mom and Dad said; that their job is very important, so they can't quit if they have to...

(Y/N): ....

An infected comes up in front of them, as (Y/N) shoots it on the head and proceeds walking.

(Y/N): So what does your parents do?

Sophie: Oh, my dad is good with all of the electricity, there was this one time where he made a toy out from everything in our trash bin. He's an enjee... Injy...

(Y/N): Engineer?

Sophie: Yes, that's it!

(Y/N): *chuckles* That explains it. What about your mommy?

Sophie: Mom is a spy.

(Y/N): A spy?

Sophie: Shhh.... Don't tell anyone.

(Y/N): *chuckles* My lips are sealed.

Sophie: My mom is working for the police, she was assigned to guard the building, where dad is working.

(Y/N): What does your dad's company do, anyway?

Sophie: He said it gives people electricity, so that their T.Vs would work.

(Y/N): I see....

Sophie: Oh! We're almost there!

The stumble upon a neon sign above them.

(Y/N): Electricity.... Here? Your dad really is something, Sophie.

Sophie: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah?

Sophie: What's "Porn?"

(Y/N): Ughhh..... L-Let's ask your parents once we've seen them, okay?

Sophie: Okay.

(Y/N): (I forgot, I'm with an 8 year old!)

(Y/N) and Sophie arrives at the entrance of the 20-story building, of what seems to have more lights inside.

Sophie: This is it.

(Y/N): This is where they're working?

Sophie: Yes.

(Y/N): How can the zombies not notice it? Actually, how come I didn't notice it?

They heard a growl behind them. 

They turn around and sees 10 infecteds walking towards them.

(Y/N): I spoke too soon...

Sophie: Oh no!

(Y/N): Stay there, Sophie!

As soon as (Y/N) is about to pull out his gun, someone from a different building shot one of the infecteds. (Y/N) and Sophie turns to their savior.

Sophie: Mommy!

(Y/N): She's your mother?!

Sophie's mom: Get out of there!

(Y/N) grabs the pushcart, then heads inside the building, but is stopped by Sophie's mom's gunshot.

(Y/N): What?!

Sophie's mom: Not in there! Head that way!

She points to the opposite side of the building.

Sophie: (Y/N), dad's in there!

(Y/N): We'll get to him soon, okay. Right now, we need to get to where your mother is.

Sophie: O-O-Okay!

(Y/N) grabs a trash can cap, and places it on top of the push cart as Sophie holds on to it.

(Y/N): Come on!


(Y/N) and Sophie are now alone again, roaming the empty streets.

(Y/N): I think we lost them, Sophie.

Sophie: Dad...

(Y/N): I'm sure your had a reason. I mean it is getting late, we should find a place to stay and get some rest.

Sophie: Dad...

(Y/N): ...

Sophie: ...

(Y/N): (pats her head) I know you miss your father, Sophie, but you gotta stay strong... And besides, I'm sure we'll find your father there, first thing in the morning.

Sophie: Will you come with us, after?

(Y/N): Huh?

Sophie: ...

(Y/N): I'll.... I don't know if your parents even want me to be with you guys, Sophie.

Sophie: I'll try and talk to them.

(Y/N): *chuckles* I think it's going to take more than that.

Sophie: But if mom and dad agrees, will promise to come with us?

(Y/N): Uhh...

Sophie turns around to see (Y/N), with an innocent look.

(Y/N): *sighs* I Promise.

Sophie: (turns around to see Y/N and raises her pinky) Pinky swear?

(Y/N): *chuckles* (grabs her pinky with his pinky) Pinky swear.

Sophie: *giggles* It's a promise.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Always keep smiling, Sophie.

Sophie: *giggles*

Sophie: I will!

(Y/N) stops to see the house.

(Y/N): Huh...

(Y/N): This looks good.

Sophie: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah?

Sophie: What is that?

Sophie points at the neon sign.



(Y/N) and Sophie gets inside the mansion. Where they are now in the living room.

(Y/N): Say; every building in the street has electricity, right?

Sophie: I-I guess.

(Y/N) turns on the lights.

(Y/N): Well, would you look at that. (grabs Sophie out of the cart) And let's get you outta there.

(Y/N) pulls out his gun.

(Y/N): Alright... Stay here, okay. I'm gonna go check the place, if you see anything, just scream for me.

Sophie: Okay.

(Y/N): Okay.

(Y/N) proceeds to checking the house, as Sophie sits on the couch. Sophie then hears a knock on the door. She didn't answer it at first, but then there is the second knock. Making her jump a little. She gets out of the couch as she slowly heads to the door.

She then slowly opens the door.

Sophie's mom: Sophie?!

Sophie: Mommy!

The mother crouches then strongly hugs her own daughter.

Sophie's mom: Sophie...

Sophie: Mommy...

The mother then releases her embrace.

Sophie's mom: I thought I told you to stay indoors.

Sophie: I'm sorry... You and daddy were gone for a long time now.... And... And... (begins to cry)

Sophie's mom: Oh, sweetheart. (hugs her again) We would never leave you... We love you.

Sophie: Mommy...

Sophie's mom: (stroking her daughter's hair) Shhhh.... It's okay... I'm here now...

The hear a silenced gun shot.

Sophie's mom: Stay right behind me sweetie.

The mother readies her assault rifle as she hides on the other side of the wall. 

Sophie: M-Mom! Wait!

(Y/N) appears on the scene, the mother knocks (Y/N) on the head with the back of her rifle, causing him to fall, as she kicks (Y/N)'s gun away, then points her gun at him.

Sophie's mom: Any last words, kid?

Sophie: Wait! Mom!

Sophie's mom: Not now, Sophie!

(Y/N): Sophie...

Sophie's mom: How do you know my daughter?!

Sophie: Mom!

Sophie runs over to (Y/N) as she places her hand on his head.

Sophie: He helped me get here!

The mother's expression turns to a full shock, upon hearing it. She then drops her gun, then helps him back up.

Sophie's mom: S-Sorry about that....

(Y/N): *groans* Used to it.... *groans* I hope this place has some aspirin...

Sophie then hugs (Y/N) as he pats her head.

Sophie's mom: You two seemed to have hit it off.

(Y/N): Well, it was a long run.

Carey: Well, since it's the apocalypse, I suppose being formal is out of the way.... Name's Carey.

(Y/N): (Y/N).

Sophie: *yawns* (Y/N)....

Carey: Come on sweetie... Let's get you to bed, first.

Carey then carries Sophie to the bedroom upstairs.

Sophie: Mommy, what's "Porn?"

(Y/N): Oh boy...


(Y/N) is on the second floor of the bedroom, night watching while sitting on the bed. 


(Y/N) turns around.

Carey: Hey...

(Y/N): Can't sleep?

Carey: Yeah... Shouldn't you be sleeping? It's almost midnight.

(Y/N): I can handle it. 

Carey then sits beside him.

Carey: I really can't thank you enough, for taking care of Sophie.

(Y/N): Don't be. I just did what thought is right.

Carey: Still.... I can't tell you how grateful I am...

(Y/N): If that's the case...

Carey: Yeah...

(Y/N): Tell me why; you didn't want us to get inside that building.

Carey: I--

(Y/N): Sophie told me, that you and your husband is in there. Why did you stop us from getting inside?

Carey: ...

(Y/N): ...

Carey: *sighs* Because our boss is an asshole... He convinced everyone of the workers there to work hard for the sake of the world... Telling us that we are still providing energy, electricity, radio waves, for people who need help. 

(Y/N): Isn't that what the company is all about?

Carey: We didn't do it for the people who are struggling to survive out here.... We only worked just so that asshole have some electricity their in his building... Living all high and mighty... Everyone who demanded a break or at least to speak with the boss are shot dead! Riley almost died too.

(Y/N): Your husband?

Carey: (nods) He demanded a break.... Some food... Water... We just wanted to take the day off! At least once... We planned on getting out.... Me and Riley, but I was the only one who got out. Riley was caught... It all happened this morning. Up until now, I'm still planning on getting him out of there... Then back to Sophie. But since you already brought her here... That only leaves--

(Y/N): Riley...

Carey: Yes...

(Y/N): I guess I could help you guys out...

Carey: No, please, you've already done enough.

(Y/N): No, I insist. Tell me more about this boss of yours.

Carey: He's name is Albert... Our company is not just about electricity, it also has been giving out some blood samples for Gentek.

(Y/N): Gentek!?

Carey: I guess he might be the one responsible for this outbreak...

(Y/N): (No... He's not...)

Carey: There's a cargo chopper on the roof of that building. If I could get everyone out and inside that chopper, then we're out finally out of this hell hole... Only problem are those Blackwatch soldiers, guarding the place...

(Y/N): Where are you guys headed?

Carey: Atlanta. I've heard on Albert's radio, that there's a station of survivors there.

(Y/N): ...

Carey: What about you?

(Y/N): Huh?

Carey: What're you gonna do, when this is all over?

(Y/N): Survive... Like I've always done...

Carey: You can come with us.

(Y/N): Huh?

Carey: Sophie said that you'd promise to stay with her... Considering that you've taken care of her, I'm quite alright having you around. *giggles* She could use a big brother you know.

(Y/N): ...

Carey: (notices the necklace he's holding) That's a beautiful necklace.

(Y/N): Thanks... It was from my sister's. I had two of these... I didn't know what happened to the other one though...

Carey: Are you trying to find her?

(Y/N): ...

Carey: Oh... I-I see... Infecteds?

(Y/N): No.... Life...

Carey: O-Oh... S-Sorry I asked...

(Y/N): Not your fault...

Carey: It must be hard for you...

(Y/N): ...

Carey: Here...

Carey pulls (Y/N)'s head, placing his head on her lap.

(Y/N): H-Hey! What are you--

Carey: Shhh... You must be tired...

(Y/N): I told you, I'm fine... I just...

Carey: Shhh... 

Carey then starts stroking his hair.

(Y/N): H-Hey....

Carey: It's okay... There's no need to worry... Mommy's here...

(Y/N): ..!

Carey then begins to hum.




Inside the household of the (L/N) Family, (Y/N) is seen to be entering the house.

(Y/N): I'm home!

(M/N): (heard from the kitchen) Welcome home, sweetie!

(Y/N) then goes to the kitchen.

(Y/N): What's for dinner?

(M/N): Chili. 

(Y/N): (grabs a spoon) Awesome!

(M/N): (smacks the spoon away) Ah ah ah. No eating until everyone is home!

(Y/N): Come on, just one taste.

(M/N): Go back into your room, young man!

(Y/N): Okay...

(M/N): Don't give me that tone! I didn't raise you to be such a needy child!

(Y/N): *chuckles* Love you, mom! (kisses her on the cheek)

The mother sighs in defeat.


(M/N): I love you too, sweetie.


(Present Time)

Carey: (Y/N)?


(Y/N): I... I...

Carey: Shhh.... It's okay... Just let it all out....

(Y/N): (voice breaking) Mama....

Carey: It's okay....

Carey continues to hum and stroke his hair as (Y/N)'s cries become louder.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) is now sleeping on Carey's lap, where she is now taken (Y/N)'s place to watch the night. She then notices a bunch of armed men, coming in to the house. 

Carey: (shaking Y/N) Hey! Wake up!

(Y/N): H-H-Huh? What?

Carey: Someone's coming in.

(Y/N): Huh?

(Y/N) then notices the soldiers coming inside the house.

(Y/N): Shit! You get Sophie! I'll handle these guys!

Carey: Are you crazy?!

(Y/N): Do you want your family to stay alive or not?!

Carey: I do, but...

(Y/N): Just go, Carey!

Carey: Fine! Just... Be careful!

Carey runs towards to Sophie's room as (Y/N) looks back outside through the window.

(Y/N): Let's do this.

(Y/N): Sophie?! Carey?!

(Y/N) wanders around the house, trying to find them.

(Y/N): Where are you gu--

He then gets hit in the head by one of the soldiers who invaded the house.

(Y/N): *groans* Not again...

Soldier: Nothing personal, kid.

As soon as the soldier is about to fire, he gets shot in the head by Carey.

Carey: (Y/N)!

Carey runs towards the unconscious (Y/N) as she checks his pulse.

Carey: Oh, thank God.

Sophie: Mommy!

Carey turns around and sees that one of the soldiers is holding Sophie's hair, with a gun pointed at her. Carey abruptly stands up then points the gun at the soldier.

Carey: You let my daughter go!

Soldier 1: Sorry, sweetheart. Ain't gonna happen.

A soldier appears behind her.

Soldier 2: You either come with us, or the three of you dies.

Carey: Who are you people?!

Soldier 1: The boss wants to see you.

Carey: Boss? ..... Oh, shit...

Soldier 2: Clock's tickin'! Come with us, or you all die!

Carey: Give me my daughter, then I'll consider.

The soldier throws Sophie to her mother, as they both give each other a hug.

Carey: Let's go.

Soldier 1: Good.

The three then heads out of the house.

Soldier 2: Wait!

Soldier 1: What is it?

Soldier 2: What about him?

He points at the unconscious (Y/N).

Sophie: (Y/N)...

Soldier 1: Leave him. He's not gonna do anything.

Soldier 2: He just killed almost all of us!

Soldier 1: Sheer luck! Leave him! He's just a kid. He'll die if he even thinks to try and find us.

Sophie: (Y/N)!

Carey: Come on, sweetie.

The four leaves the unconscious (Y/N) alone in the house as they shut the door behind them.


Inside the building, the two soldiers are escorting the two to the elevator, where there are cages around, with infecteds inside, trying to grab them. 

Carey and Sophie are now on the top floor, where the boss is. Sophie is behind her mother as they walk inside, seeing the boss looking outside the window, watching the sun slowly rise up. 

A soldier is beside Albert but appears to be not in uniform, but in a dark hoodie, that has a logo "Colonel" on the side of his.

Albert: Oh... Carey...


Albert: You disappoint me. Why, hello, Sophie.

Sophie hides herself behind her mother.

Albert: Ughhh... Seriously, why are kids scared of me? I mean, I'm such a nice man.

Carey: What do you want?

Albert: Now, now. There's no need for that tone. (signals the soldiers) Leave us.

The soldiers leaves the room.

Carey: Where's Riley?

Albert: Working.... Probably the only one left in the maintenance room.

Carey: What?!

Albert: (grabs a glass of wine) You see... I hate when people don't follow my orders, Carey. I really do. But.... Let's just say that Albert is the only one with the set of skills to give everyone here some electricity.

Carey: I know the electricity is not for everyone, Albert.

Albert: Oh? *sighs* So that's why you and your husband tried to leave.... 

Carey: Why? Why, keep it for yourself?

Albert: Please... It's the apocalypse... It's about survival now! No one cares who you are, or what you are! You just survive! And I'm living the dream baby! I'm on top of the world! I have everything I need! I am a God!

Carey: So all those people you killed.... Just so that you'd stay alive...

Albert: I'm a very important man, Carey. I'm one of the scientists who're involved in the outbreak... And who knows?! I might have a vaccine...

Carey: Why did you bring us here?!

Albert: I'm a forgiving guy, Carey. Which is why I'm giving you a second chance.

Carey: ...

Albert: Work back for me... I need someone like you... You and Albert. Sophie.... *chuckles* Well.... She could be the future queen of this world...

Sophie jumps a little upon hearing her name.

Carey: Those infecteds earlier... They're all wearing their uniforms...

Albert: Those are the stubborn people...


Albert: THOSE USELESS FUCKS, WOULDN'T FOLLOW ME! THEY WERE ALL: "We want food!" "I'm so thirsty!" Pheh! Bunch of selfish pricks! They had one job!

Someone bursts inside the room.

Riley: Carey?

Carey: Riley!

Sophie: Daddy!

Sophie runs towards his father giving each other a hug.

Riley: Sophie, what are you doing here?

Sophie: I--

Albert: Did I tell you to leave your station, Riley?


Back in the house, (Y/N) slowly regains his consciousness as he slowly sits back up.

(Y/N): *groans* Man...

(Y/N) slowly stands up as he uses the table for his support.

(Y/N): Sophie?! Carey?!

No response.

He takes a look at the badge of one of the soldiers he killed. Written "Blackwatch."

(Y/N): ....



Back in the building.

Albert: You know I don't like it when people disobey me.

Riley: Just let us go, Albert! I've already had enough of your--

Albert snaps his fingers, signaling the soldiers he sent away before to come back, as they point their guns at them.

Albert: You were saying?

Riley: All I ask is to give us a break.

Albert: And all I ask is to keep the lights of this place on. Yet you refuse to do so!

Riley: Just leave my family out of this!

Albert: You and your family, is going to be of great use to me, Riley. I already gave you two a second chance, yet you refuse to play smart. Now we all know that I could have you dead in seconds.

They then hear someone talk on the soldier's radio, who is beside Albert.

Radio: Colonel, there is some kid on the ground floor, with a pistol. Permission to fire.

Sophie: (Y/N)?

The soldier looks at Albert as he gives him a slight nod of agreement. 

Colonel: Affirmative.

Radio: Roger tha--

They hear two gunshots before they could respond. Grabbing the attention of everyone. 


Ground Floor

(Y/N) is in the ground floor of the building, walking towards to man he shot who crawling for dear life. 

Soldier: Sir..... Sir.... We need... Backu--

(Y/N) shoots the soldier in the head as he grabs the walkie-talkie listening to the Colonel.

Colonel: Hello?

(Y/N): ...

Colonel: Hello?!

(Y/N): ...  

Colonel: Is anyone there?!

(Y/N): ...  

Colonel: Soldier! Is the intruder dead?!

(Y/N): ...  

Colonel: Soldier!

(Y/N) throws the walkie-talkie away as he proceeds.


Top Floor

The Colonel signals the one guard behind the family.

Colonel: You! You go get everyone down ground floor! Get rid of the intruder!

Soldier: Yes sir!

The soldier runs out of the room leaving the other soldier pointing his gun at the family.

Albert: Where were we?


5th Floor

(Y/N) is seen to be inside with a pistol while the other soldiers are in front of him.


Top Floor

A Soldier on the Colonel's walkie-talkie radios in.

Soldier: Sir! Sir! We need more-- (gunshot is heard)

Colonel: What is going on there!

Soldier: This kid! (gunshots) WHAT THE HELL IS-- (gunshot)

Albert: *groans* What now?

The Colonel checks on his monitor to check on one of the cameras.

A Soldier radios in.

Soldier: He killed all of them.... HE FUCKING KILLED ALL OF-- (gunshot)

Albert: What?!

The Colonel smirks in response.  

Albert: What are you smiling about?! Get down there and fix it!

Colonel: With pleasure boss.

As soon as the Colonel leaves the room, Riley throws his wrench on the only soldier left in the room as Carey grabs his gun, shoots the soldier's head, then points it at Albert. 

Albert: Grr....

Carey: Where were we?


Outside the room

The Colonel gets to his office, and there seems to be a red button written above that says "Release" on his desk.

The Colonel presses the button as he sits on his chair, in front of his computer and checks the cameras.

Colonel: Let's see how good you are, kid.


16th floor

(Y/N) sees a bunch of zombies roaming the halls as the zombies notices him then starts running towards him.

(Y/N): Hmph...


Top Floor

Carey smacks Albert down on the ground with her rifle. Knocking him out cold.

Riley: Carey, you guard the door! Sophie, help me find a key. 

Sophie: Okay!

Riley rushes through every drawer in the room as Sophie checks on Albert's desk. Sophie pauses as she begins to see (Y/N) in the monitor.

Sophie: (happily) It's (Y/N)!

Carey: What?!

Riley: Who?!

Carey: Just keep checking, honey.

Carey rushes to the computer to see (Y/N) fighting off a horde of zombies in the hallway.

Carey: Is that really, (Y/N)?

Carey and Sophie begins to watch (Y/N) on the cameras with shocked expressions.

Riley: FOUND IT!

Carey: H-Huh! W-What?

Riley: I found the chopper key! 

Carey: Great! 

Sophie: (Y/N) is still down there!

Carey: She's right! We gotta go help him!

Riley: I'll do it! You girls stay here!

Carey: (grabs his arm) Riley...

Riley: I'll be fine, sweetie.... There's just something I have to do first... (rushes towards the door) Tell him to go to the 19th floor!

Riley leaves the room.

Carey: Sophie, grab that mic!


18th Floor

(Y/N) is still fighting off the infecteds.

As soon as he killed all of it, he hears Sophie's voice through the speakers.

Sophie: Hello? Hello? Can you hear me, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Sophie?! You're okay! Where are you?

Sophie: I'm on the top floor with mommy.

(Y/N): Okay! Just hang tight, I'm comin' to get you two.

Carey: (Y/N), wait!

(Y/N): What is it?

Carey: My husband is on the next floor above you, he said; he needs your help.

(Y/N): On my way!


19th Floor

As soon as he gets to the top, he is tackled down by a zombie. (Y/N) is struggling the get it off. The zombie then gets smacked in the head by wrench, revealing Riley.

Riley: (lends a hand) (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Riley then pulls (Y/N) up.

(Y/N): Riley?

Riley: Yeah.

(Y/N): What do you need me to do?

Riley: We're blowing the place up. Come with me.

(Y/N): What about the other survivors?

Riley: Dead. Now come on.


Chapel room

Riley: I've set up a self-destruct sequence in the maintenance room.

(Y/N): Then why aren't we there, why are we in the chapel?

Riley: Because the maintenance room is inside here.

(Y/N): Oh.

The here banging on the windows of the chapel, revealing zombies as they try to get inside.

(Y/N): Shit! Only have one bullet here, Riley!

Riley: Here!

Riley throws a gas tank at him.

Riley: Burn them!

Riley gets inside the maintenance room. (Y/N) then throws the gas tank on the windows then shoots the tank. The fire starts to spread everywhere in the room, burning the infected. As the water starts to sprinkle down. 

The Colonel shows up at the entrance of the Chapel, as he walks in.

(Y/N): ...

Riley: What's going on back there!

(Y/N): How long will this self destruct thing is going to take?

Riley: About 3 minutes?

(Y/N): You didn't have a button prepared for it?!

Riley: I thought they were joking about the self destruct thing!

(Y/N): Just get to it! I'll buy you sometime!

Riley: (bursts out) I got it!

Riley stops as he looks at the knocked out Colonel.

Riley: Woah...

(Y/N): *pant* *pant* What?

Riley: You beat the Colonel...

(Y/N): What?

Riley: No one can beat him...

(Y/N): About this self destruct thing....

Riley: Oh, it goes off in thirty seconds.



(Y/N) and Riley bursts out of the Chapel, then sees a horde of zombies, on their left.

Riley: Oh, shit...

A cargo chopper appears on the end of the hall outside the window, with Carey piloting as Sophie speaks through the megaphone.

Sophie: Over here!

Riley: Come on!

Riley and (Y/N) starts running towards the end of the hall as the horde of zombies follows.

Sophie: Hurry!

Riley and (Y/N) sprinting for their lives to reach the chopper. Riley with (Y/N) behind him.

As they reach the end of the hall, Riley bumps to the window as he gets inside the chopper.

Riley: Come on, (Y/N)!

(Y/N) is sprinting to the chopper.

Carey starts to lift the chopper as (Y/N) manages to catch the skid of the chopper, with zombies jumping off of the building.

Riley: Come on, (Y/N)! Grab my hand! We're finally getting out of this hell hole, thanks to you.

As (Y/N) reaches for Riley's hand, he begins to hesitate, as he looks back at the city.

As (Y/N) is looking back at the city, he sees a man, jumping from one building to the other.

(Y/N)'s expression quickly turns from worried to determined.

Riley: (Y/N), what're you waiting for?!

(Y/N) climbs up the skid, grabs the butterfly necklace.

(Y/N): Hey, Sophie.

Sophie: Huh?

Then gives the necklace to Sophie.

Sophie looks confused at first as she looks back at the smiling (Y/N).

Sophie: (Y/N)?

(Y/N) pulls Sophie's head, as he places her forehead against his. He pulls Sophie away, as he gives him one last smile.

Sophie: (tearing up) (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Stick close to your family.

(Y/N) jumps off of the chopper then lands on the roof top of the building. 

Sophie: (Y/N)?! (Y/N)!

Riley: Sophie, let him go!

Sophie: (crying) (Y/N)!

(Y/N) looks back at the chopper with a smile, as Sophie continues to cry.

As the chopper is now out of his sight, his gaze turns to the door.


Inside the building.

He sees Albert looking outside the window with a mad expression, Albert then turns to him.

Albert: You ruined everything! EVERYTHING!

(Y/N) walks up to Albert as Albert grabs a gun.

(Y/N) stares down at the falling corpse of Albert.

He then throws away the gun as he heads outside the building.


(Time Skip)

In the alleyway.

(Y/N): Back to being alone...

(Y/N): M.......M..... Mer....... cer.......

Alex Mercer: Huh, and here I thought everyone was extinct. I guess you were the one my little pets is trying to hunt, and here I thought they were just going crazy.




In a snowy courtyard, facing an ornate fountain that features the Schnee snowflake. The full moon remains broken and a practically cloudless sky.

Weiss rolls over and rises only to her knees. Myrtenaster is cast into the ground before her by her approaching sister. Winter is not pleased and she sighs.

Winter: I am not always going to be around to save you, Weiss.

Weiss stares at her sister before looking away, ashamed.

Weiss: I'm sorry. I'll get better.

Winter turns and walks away.

Winter: You'll have to if you ever want to leave.

Without getting up, Weiss just looks down pensively.

She then grabs something in her pocket.

Weiss: .... 

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