The Prince • JB

By secutegrxnde

140K 6.4K 2.5K

"Uh, okay. Wow! Y-You're a-a," she stood their speechless in front of him. "A-A-" "A prince," he confirmed. "... More

| My Other Works |


4K 200 78
By secutegrxnde

don't forget to read the end note at the end of this chapter. happy reading! xx - SG

THE PRINCE | sixteen.


"Baby you braved it. I understand you had a bad day and shit," I sang softly to Edition by Rex Orange County as I apply several coats of mascara to my eyes.

Justin called the villa and told me to be ready by seven which is in about ten minutes. I was cutting it close, but in my defense, I would've been ready by now if my mind didn't keep wandering off to Justin.

I feel like one of those girls in the movies where they have fallen head over heels over a guy. I used to ask myself, 'How much could they really like that guy?', but now I'm one of them.

Personally, I feel as though it's Justin's fault for being so darn cute. If he wasn't, I wouldn't think of him as much as I do. For example, Justin came over two days ago. I initially planned for that day to be a chill day. I didn't have plans to go and look at anything. It was just going to be me, myself and I. That was until Justin decided to stop by.

So there we were in the backyard sitting in front of each other on the grass where Justin decided to teach me some French.

"Repeat after me," he says. "Justin..."

"Justin..." I repeat.


"Pense?" I question.

He nods his head and continues, "Baby est..."

"Baby est..."

"Un belle fille."

"Un belle..." I pause. "Say it again," I scrunch my eyebrows, biting my lip.

"Fille," he repeats.

"Fille," I affirm.

"Now say it all together," he says.

"Justin...pense Baby est un belle fille," he says at the same time as me.

"What does that mean?"

"Justin thinks Baby is a beautiful girl," he grins.

I couldn't help but blush. I look away shaking my head in amusement. "You are so corny," I laugh moving my hands on each side of his face. I give him a chaste kiss. "Thank you. You're not too bad either."

Okay, back to reality Baby.

A small smile appeared on my face as I applied a light coat of blush on the apples of my cheeks. Justin will be here any minute and it has made me feel all giddy and happy inside.

"Baby," I hear Leo call out. I gasp lightly and then get off the chair. I look at my reflection one last time before walking out of the room to the stairs.

"Is he here?" I ask Leo who stood at the end of the stairs.

"Almost," he says.

"Oh, okay." I looked down at my dress and smoothed out any visible wrinkles. I smooth my dress down under me before sitting down on one of the steps.

He lets out a small sigh as he sits down next to me. "Oof. I am getting old," he chuckles.

"You don't look a day over thirty," I giggle.

"Ah, I like that," he laughs. "I have a question for you...Are you involved with le prince?" he asks curiously.

"Uh. Y'know, I uh," I stammered before clearing my throat. My eyes land on the front door as I continue to struggle to get any words out. "Uh. I...We're...friends. Yeah, friends."

"It is okay to tell me the truth," he replies.

"I don't really know what we are," I shrug my shoulders. "I'm only here for two months and some change. We're just hanging out."

Before he can say anything else, there was a knock on the door.

"You have fun, Baby." Leo gives me a small smile before walking away.

I rush over to the front door, smooth my hair out quickly before opening the door.

"He-- Clara!" my eyes widened. I wave both my hands outward seeing her stand in front of me. "You're here!" I step aside letting her in. When I saw the others pile out of the car, I opened the door wider. "You're all here. I-I thought you guys were coming back tomorrow?"

"Change of plans," Colton says opening his arms out. I give him a quick hug, as I look ahead, I see a car approaching.

Oh dear.

Not good.

Not good at all.

"It's good to have you back," I force out a nervous chuckle, patting his back. I move back away from the door. "How was St.Tropez?"

"Beautiful," Clara sighs happily setting her purse down on the center table.

"Hot," Colton comments.

"Painful," Liam winces as he rolls his suitcase in.

"" my jaw drops as I see a red Liam. A literal red, peeling, Liam. "Liam, what happened?" my eyes widened as I step closer to him.

"He fell asleep outside," Violette laughs behind him.

"That is not funny," he mumbled. "It is painful. A very pain coup de soleil and I never want to go outside again."

"I'm guessing coup de soleil is sunburn," I laugh. I instantly stop once I see Liam's face drop. "I'm sorry," I giggle. "I want to give you a hug, but something tells me that it would hurt you more than it would comfort you," I bite back a laugh.

"You got that right," he says taking a step back. "Is that Justin?" Liam narrows his eyes as he sees Justin walking down the driveway.

"Yeah..." Nicole's voice wanders. As everyone is looking outside, she looks over to me giving me a knowingly look.

"Justin, what are you doing here?" Colton asks.

"You are all back," he says in slight shock. "Today," he points his fingers down. "...Welcome back," he says opening his arms back. "They are back," he says looking over to me.

"Yes, their plans have changed," I explain holding my hands in front of me.

"But how did you know--" Colton speaks slowly.

"Not important," Justin interrupts Colton. "We should all go out to eat. My treat."

"Ah, yes. I am starving. I second that. Don't you agree?" Colton pats Liam's back. Liam groaned in pain causing Colton to laugh aloud throwing his head back.

"Idiot," Liam mutters. "But yes, I am getting hungry."

"What about everyone else?" Justin asks.

"Sounds good to me," Nicole says. Violette and Clara nod their heads in agreement.

"Alright, let me go tell my driver," Justin quickly turns on his heels. I could see him shaking his head as he walks away. Me too, Justin, me too.

The guys follow closely behind him as the girls stay behind.

"You look nice. Were you going out?" Clara asks looking down at my dress.

"Oh, uh. Yeah, yeah," I flip my hair behind me. "I was just going out to explore. Anyways, besides Liam getting a sunburn, how was everything?" I ask crossing my arms.

"It was good. Really good," Clara sighs happily as we walked outside. She walks towards the car, doing a twirl in the process. "I met someone," she clasps her hands together.

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. "Who?"

"His name is Stefan. He's still in St.Tropez and he's bloody hot. If you saw him, you'd agree."

"Does this mean your crush for Justin is diminishing?" Nicole asks.

"Oh yeah, for sure," Clara waves her hand. "It is long gone. He's old news."

Nicole hummed softly in response. She looks over at me and gives me a wink.

"I never thought the day would come," Violette sighs in relief. "Thank you," she whispers looking up.

"My crush on him was not that obvious," Clara argues.

"Sure..." Nicole says Violette laughs aloud saying, "On what planet?"

"Okay, rude," Clara puts her finger up. "And I am better now. I was just blinded by a little crush. My eyes are now open," she waves her hands over her eyes. "and now on Stefan," she smirks.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Violette says.

"Ladies, let's pick up the pace," Colton calls out from inside the car.

"Patience is not one of your specialties," Clara rolls her eyes as she goes to the back row of the car, between Liam and her brother.

Violette, Nicole and I follow behind her and sit in the second row.

This was going to be a long dinner...


"I thought you had said they were coming tomorrow," Justin whispers to me. We had arrived at a restauraunt who's name I couldn't even pronounce even if I tried. We walked behind the group who were immersed in a conversation about their times in St.Tropez. They walked into the seating area while Justin and I stayed closely behind.

"I thought so too," I whisper back. I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. I kept my eyes on the group making sure they didn't look back.

"You look beautiful by the way."

"Thank you," I reply softly. "I love seeing you in those kind of shirts," I tell him. He wore a white button down with the top slightly unbottoned. You could see his tattoo -- that I did not know about -- peaking through.

"There is something I wanted to tell you."

"What's wrong?" I stop walking and turning to him.

He reaches over and grabs my hand, guiding me towards a small, secluded hallway.

"Well, I really just wanted to do this." He brings his lips to mine as he pulls me closer to him. I respond immediately, moving my hands behind his neck.

"You scared me," I muttered before placing my lips over his.

He pulled away slowly, but then pecked my lips quickly.

"I was not going to be able to sit by you all night without kissing you first."

"You are such a romantic," I laugh kissing his cheek. "We should probably go now."

"I do not want to anymore," he says walking forwards, making me move backwards towards the wall.

"We have to," I say as my hands move to his waist. "They're gonna wonder where we are."

"Let them wonder," he mumbled against the crook of my neck.

"You are very needy."

"Needy for you," he kisses my cheek multiple times.

"Oh my gosh," I laugh. "Come on."


Hi!! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to insert more alone moments with Justin and Baby. There are more to come.

I've decided to do a Q&A! Just so I can talk to you guys, answer any questions you have, but just nothing too personal!
You guys can ask me about pretty much anything else like about writing, Wattpad 'success', covers, shit, you can even ask me who my faves are, anything.

So feel free to ask me questions here. I will post the answers in the next update which I'm trying to put in by the end of this week. I'm on break so I'm trying to give you guys some updates before I go back to school aka trash.

Don't forget to leave a comment telling me what you liked from the chapter or hope to see!
If you have constructive criticism, tips, anything, please feel free to comment them. I always want to improve because I believe there's always room for improvement. I don't know what it is, but I feel like my writing has been off; so if you have any tips, please throw them my way.

See y'all in the next update!

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