Saved (A Harry Styles Fanfict...

By grxngehxrry

89K 1.9K 285

"Harry", I say in the darkness. "Hmm?", he responds. "Earlier when you asked me why I was still here after al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (The End)

Chapter 8

3K 71 9
By grxngehxrry

To be honest I'm in complete shock. I don't know how to feel about what just happened. The kiss was so short but it left me completely breathless.
My dad's bedroom light is off so I assume he is sleeping. I quietly walk upstairs towards my bedroom. I'm exhausted. All I want to do is cuddle up in my warm blankets.
I go in my room and gently close the door behind me. I lazily slide my boots and jeans off and hop into my bed. I'm to tired to take my makeup off but I know I'll regret it in the morning.


I wake up to two soft knocks on my door. My dad walks in. "Leah?", he questions. I pull myself up from the blankets so he can see me. "I'm here", I respond. He sits on the edge of my bed. This is so unlike him. "Did you have fun?", he asks. "Um yea it was very fun", I say, partially lying. "What time did you get home?", he continues to ask questions. I don't know if I should tell him the truth or not because he might have stayed up waiting for me until a certain time. "About 1:30", I say. Even though it's just 30 minutes from when I actually got home I feel a little guilty. "Oh okay. That's kind if late don't you think?", he says. "Well kinda but I came straight here from the party, I didn't go anywhere else with Harr..", I stop myself. Shit. Shit.
"With who?", he questions. Why is he asking so many questions. "Nothing", I say quietly. "Leah I swear to god you better tell me what you were about to say", he's angry now. "Can we please talk about this later. I'm really tired", I respond. "Leah..", he looks really upset. I have no idea what to say to him. I know I have to tell the truth because if I don't he will find out sooner or later and become even more angry.
"I was with Harry..I mean not just with Harry. There were other people I knew there.", I look down, anticipating his answer. "Why do you always lie to me?", he questions. "I'm trying to be more honest with you Leah and you continue to lie to me.", he runs his hands down his face.
"I don't always lie to you dad. I don't. I didn't want to tell you this because I know you dislike Harry. I really like him dad. I mean for god sake he saved my life", I don't look at him. "You're right I don't like him. He's rude and arrogant and has no respect for me. He did save your life Leah and I'm grateful but that gives you no right just to run off with him and lie to me about it."
I really don't want to have this conversation with him. "I'm sorry", is all I say. That usually works. He stands up and slams the door behind him. So much for that.
About 10 seconds later he open my door again. "Me too. I came in here to tell you I'm going out. I'll see you later.", he leaves again, but doesn't slam the door this time.
Once he's gone my phone rings. It's Harry. I don't know what to say to him. I'm embarrassed about the kiss. I mean it was nice I just, I feel like maybe he thought differently.
I slowly hit the answer button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?", I answer. "Hey", he says cooly. "Sorry it's early but I wanted to ask you something", my heart flips. "Um..Do you wanna go get lunch somewhere later? You wanna go hang out or something? I don't know whatever you want", he sounds a little nervous, which is very unlike him. My dad said he's going to be gone all day and going to lunch with Harry will be fun. "Ya.. I would love to go get lunch later", I say, trying to keep my voice from shaking. "Can I pick you up for 12?", he asks. It's 8:45 now. "Sure", I answer. "Okay, well see you later", he says, ending the call.
It's just lunch I have no reason to be nervous. I get up and walk down stairs. I'm starving. I stop short when I see my dad in the kitchen. "Just leaving", he says, showing me his car keys. "Please don't get into trouble", he says. When do I ever get myself into trouble. I barely leave the house. "Alright", is all I say. He hasn't told me where he is going, but I really don't want to ask.
Once he's gone I make myself a bowl of cereal and watch some tv. I don't have long to get ready. I want to look presentable.
I go upstairs and put some leggings on and a sweater. I put my makeup on, straighten my hair, and brush my teeth. I look at the clock and it reads 11:13. I really do take a long time to get ready.
I pull on my shoes, then grab my phone and wallet and head downstairs. I can't stop fidgeting. I'm nervous. I mean he was my first kiss. He kissed me and he left. I don't know what to say to him.
I sit on the couch to watch tv. I'm already ready to go and I need to do something for 45 minutes. I'm still tired and I lay my head back and close my eyes. I need to relax.
I must have dozed off because I suddenly hear the doorbell ring. I shoot up and walk to the mirror. I fix the part in my hair and open the door.
He looks great. He always looks great. He has on his infamous black jeans and brown boots. He's wearing a red sweater this time and he doesn't have a bandana in his hair. He looks flawless in red. Oh my god.
He must realize I'm staring because he starts to laugh. I look away and my cheeks heat, which causes him to laugh harder. "C'mon", he smiles and sticks his hand out for me to grab it. I've held his hand before but I'm hesitant to grab it. He motions for me to grab it again and I do. He smiles and I lock the door.
He walks me to his car. He brings me to the drivers side and opens the door. "You drive", he says. What? He wants me to drive his car. I haven't had practice in awhile. I mean I remember how to drive. I have my license I just feel awkward driving his car. "Go on", he motions to the open door. I oblige and slide into the car. He closes the door and walks to the passenger side. He smiles and gets in the car. "Harry I don't know..", I start. "Don't try to get yourself out of it. You're driving, no ifs, ands, or buts about it", he tells me. He hands me the keys and I start the car.
"Where are we going?" I ask. "Where ever you want to", he answers. I really love that diner I went to with my dad the other day. I suggest it to Harry. "Fine with me", he says. I smile and back out if the driveway. I feel weird driving in his car. When I'm driving he gives me little tips. He says stuff like "a little to the right", or "speed up". I haven't driven in awhile so he is patient with me.
When we arrive at the diner he hops out of the car and opens the door for me. "Thank you", I smile. I hand the keys to Harry and we walk inside.
We sit at a booth my the window. "What are you getting?", he asks, when the waitress gives us out menus. "I don't know", I respond. "Oh c'mon you must come here a lot. This was your first choice on where to eat.", he says. He's right, I do know exactly what I want. "Okay, okay", I smile. "I usually get the cheeseburger with fries and a medium chocolate shake", I laugh. He smiles "I'll have that as well. But I think I want a large shake." He laughs and I laugh along with him. We order and sit in silence for some time. It's not awkward silence, but it's still silence.
"Your birthday is in 3 days", he says suddenly. I forgot. He's right, today is the 12th. "Ya it is", I smile. "You'll finally be an adult", he says and I laugh. "Not really", we say at the same time, which causes us both to laugh. I love hanging out with Harry. My nerves are slowing seeping away.
Our food comes about 10 minutes later. It taste wonderful as usual. "What do you want for your birthday?", he asks. I really want a car but my dad is not going to get me that. He'll get me a $100 VISA card. That's what he gets me every year. "I don't really know", I tell Harry. He smiles, "you have to want something." I don't want to tell Harry I want a car. It seems selfish. I need to get a job so I can buy my own car. "I really don't know", I tell him.
When the check comes I pull out my wallet. Harry covers my hand with his own. I look up at him and he shakes his head. "I've got it", he smiles. "No Harry, I can pay for my own food", I tell him. I would feel guilty if he bought my food. "You picked this place and it's really good. To repay you I'll buy you lunch", he says. I don't want to pick a fight so I agree. He puts $30 on the table and stands up. He gave a really big tip. "Harry..", I start. "C'mon Leah I want to show you something", he says motioning to the door. I oblige and follow him out of the door.
"Thank you so much", I tell him. He laughs. "You drive again", he says, opening the driver's side door for me. "Um okay", I say and slide into his car.
I check my phone and my dad hasn't texted me so I put it back down. Harry then jumps in startling me. "Where too?", I ask. "My apartment", he smiles. What? My cheek heat. I don't know why they do. He laughs and hands me the keys.
When I pull into the parking lot of his apartment he beams. "What?", I ask. He starts to laugh and hops out of the car. I unbuckle my seat belt and he opens the door. "Harry what..", I start. He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car. He surprises me when he puts his hand over my eyes. I jump and he closes the car door. "Harry..", I say hesitantly. What is he doing? "Just walk over here", he says, continuing to cover my eyes. He pulls me a few steps and we round a corner..I think.
"Okay now I don't want you to be angry, I want you to be happy", he says. What the hell is going on? I'm starting to freak out. "Happy birthday Leah", he says taking his hand from my eyes.
It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the light. When they do, I'm confused. There is a silver BMW in front of me. "I don't..oh my god", is all I say. He did not buy me a fucking car. My mouth drops and Harry laughs. "Please don't be angry", he beams. I'm not angry I'm in shock. "Insurance is payed for so don't worry about that", he says. He looks like a little kid on Christmas morning. He's fidgeting, waiting for me to say something. I have no idea what to say.
"Come check it out", he says, grabbing my hand. He opens up the door and looks in. I look in as well. It's really nice. There's even a sunroof. How did he afford this. I feel so guilty. I mean I felt guilty when he bought me lunch and now this. The car is amazing. He's amazing.
I don't know what to do so I hug him. He squeezes me and laughs. "Do you like it?", he questions. "'s incredible", I pull away. "How..", I start. "Don't worry about it Leah, I'm well off", he says referring to money. I cannot believe this. I can't keep this. Can I? "Harry I can't..", I start. "You can Leah, I swear to god its fine. I know you want a car. I have the money for this. I want this", he says.
"Go get in", he motions to the car. I open the door and sit in the car. It's amazing. He's beaming. His phone then begins to ring. "One second", he says, holding up a finger.
There is all sorts of stuff in here. I'm not an expert on cars but this is nice. Harry's incredible. He's done so much for me. "Leah", Harry says sternly, surprising me. He doesn't look happy anymore. He looks angry. That must have been a really bad phone call.
"Harry what's wrong?", I ask. He ignores the question. "You better go. I need to do something. I really hope you like the car", he says and hands me the keys. What the hell? "I'll call you later", he says. "Harry.." "Go Leah", he says. I don't understand him. "I..", he won't let me say anything. "Leah I really need you to go. I'm sorry I'll call you I swear", he tells me. I want to thank him more, he won't let me. I put the keys in the ignition and he closes my door. I watch him walk up to his room. I pull out and drive home, forcing myself not to cry.


Harry doesn't call. He texts me "Happy Birthday" on my birthday, but that's it. I haven't heard from him in two weeks. Is this what he does? He buys me a car and leaves?
My dad was pissed about the car at first but he got over it. Now I'm the one that's pissed. I cannot believe him. My phone then rings startling me. It's Harry. I answer as quickly as I can. "Harry..what", I start. I hear a cry and then his voice. "Leah I need you to help me", his voice is strained and I think he's crying. I'm panicking now. "Harry where are you?", I ask in panic. "Leah please help me I did something really bad", he's crying now. "Harry I need you to tell me where you are", I say. I'm trying my best to stay calm. He gives me an address and the call disconnects.


Okay I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I was at dance camp. I'm going to be on vacation next week. I'm going to try to update as soon as I can. Sorry this was kind of a filler. The next chapter will be more exciting. Don't forget to vote and comment! xx

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