You're My Daydream- Book 2

De ShinoAsuda465

20.7K 894 115

"Could we still live this life, our life together as one?" Lena asked, kissing the nape of my neck. "Why are... Mais

Morning Interviews and Meeting new People
The Realization Of What's To Happen
Never Mess With A Luthor or My Family
Let Me Tell You About How the Sun loved the Moon
I'll Protect You... With All My Life
The Dream That Changed My Life Forever
Training With the Most Ruthless Assassins
I Just Don't Want to Get Involved
I Don't Care About Others. I Only Care About You
I Promise To Make You Mine and Mine Only
When I First Looked At You
Emily: Part 1
Emily: Part 2
Let Me Show You What Is Mine
The Thing You Always Wanted: Pt 1
The thing You Always Wanted:Pt 2
The Thing You Always Wanted Part 3
A Trip to Midvale
The Time for Food and Love
Touchy Subjects and Pushing Buttons
Coming to Forgiveness and Making Things Right
Please : Part One
Please: Part Two
To Make a Kara Feel Better: Potstickers, Hot Chocolate, And a Lena Luthor Cuddle
Fight or Flight, Love or Hate, To Live or Die
I May Be An Idiot, But I'm the Luckiest Idiot In The Whole Entire World
An... Eventful Morning To Say The Least
A Day of Desserts and A Sexy, Jealous Lena Luthor
An Angel In The Darkness, Kara Becomes Strong Once More
Another Day Out, Along With The Wimp And The Sister
A Mother's Touch
Doubtful Thoughts And A Strong Reasurance
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part One
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part Two
An Infuriating Interview With The President
Reminces And Last Minute Wedding Preperations
The Happiest Moment For A Super And A Luthor
New Book?

Lena Luthor Being The Amazing Feminist, and Kara Being the Amazing Singer

516 19 4
De ShinoAsuda465


Kara was on the couch with me, playing with my long raven hair, while I played with her beautiful golden blonde locks

"I can't believe we had to cancel for the president's dinner, and we have to go out to eat" she mumbled

"If it makes you feel better, you'll get food" I contemplated

"But it won't taste like Eliza's" she whined

Dear God, that was a very good point.

"How about this? If I cook for you for dinner tomorrow, anything you want, you can have on me, will you be my happy Kara again" I asked, she smiled and nodded.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Sometimes I wonder if you want to marry me just for free food. " I say giggling

She gasped dramatically

"No! How could you think such a thing!" She exclaimed.

I burst into laughter, she started giggling and smiled at me, she kissed my lips softly.

"I'm marrying you for those lips too" She whispered, I blushed furiously, maybe I could say it to her now..?

"Kara, there's something that I wanna say" I mumbled

"Hmm? Ok... what is it?" She asked slightly a bit worried

"No, it's nothing bad baby" I whispered, softly pulling her close to me."It's a girl" I whispered

"OH MY GOD IT IS?!" She screamed

"Yes baby" I said smiling

She squealed loudly.

Wow she can scream.


I cut her off with a kiss

"We'll tell them at the presidents dinner, when I can get something close to wine." I said, missing my red wine, and my scotch. God I miss my babies.

"I know you can't drink, and I know you miss your scotch and wine, so me and Alex had found a way for you to drink wine, but not have alcohol at the same time ." She said. I looked super confused.

Now of all days, I wish I was an alien.

"Ok, hit me with this idea love, I'm all ears." I said, hoping that this is the best fucking idea in the whole fucking world.

"Me and Alex had made a drink, red wine, and scotch, without it's alcoholic tendencies" She grabbed a wine bottle. Grabbed a wine glass, and poured some wine.

"Drink" She ordered gently

I drank it slowly, feeling the taste of it, it didn't have the hard bitter taste, but a soft and gentle taste, filling me of my thirst, and it actually tasted better than wine.

"It's amazing" I said with a smile

"I can bring it to the dinner, if you'd like of course" she said nervously. I smiled softly

"Of course you can, and it actually tastes better than regular wine" I responded

Her eyes lit up with happiness

"Really?!" She asked

God she's so adorable

"Yes, really" I responded with a smile

"Yay! But we have to get ready, the dinners in three hours " she said seriously

"Ok love" I said laughing

We walked into our closet and saw all our casual and occasional event clothes.

"You pick for me and I pick for you?" She asked, I nodded, knowing that Kara would pick something that I would like.

She ran over to my side of event clothes and saw a emerald green dress with black flats, it was a backless dress, along with it being a silk, and it was very soft. I smiled and nodded, knowing that it was my favorite dress.

I chuckled and walked to her side of event clothes, which wasn't as much as I'd like her to have, but I found a light blue silk dress, backless also, and it had white shoes.


I showed the dress and shoes to Kara and she squealed in excitement.

I laughed and sat her down to my vanity, I grabbed my curling iron and started to curl her hair in sections

"You know it is an honor to sing for the president" I said, knowing that the president had asked her to.

"Not for poo poo head Trump" She muttered

"Even if it is Trump, I'll be happy to hear you sing on stage, and of course I'll be cheering you on, even though I know you'll be amazing" I said, curling a third section.

"But what if I choke up? Or I forget a key and mess up the whole song or something? Then it'll be-"

I cut her off

"It won't be a disaster" I said, kissing her cheek.

"But what if it is?" She asked, worry laced in her tone.

"I know it won't be a disaster, because I know that if you can be Supergirl, kicking ass every other day, you can handle one day being an amazing singer." I said

She smiled, and turned around to kiss me on the lips, I kissed back softly and turned her back around, wanting to finish this last section of her hair.

I curled her last section and put her hair to the side, adding a small headpiece, a blue pin with a sapphire on it. I showed it to her and she smiled.

"I love it" she whispered.

She had gotten up and started to brush my hair, my hair didn't really need much, I grabbed the curling iron and started to curl it completely.

After a good fifteen minutes of curling my hair, it was finally done.

We had gotten our clothes on and Kara looked simply adorable in her dress. While I looked professional and confident in mine. As Kara would say. I smiled and walked out the house to my black Lexus LC 500. Kara grabbed our hand purses and phones and closed the door, walking to my car also.

I opened the door for her and she thanked me and got in the car, i got int the front and put the key into ignition and drove to Trump Tower,  my new car, going as fast as possible to his stupid enterprise, wasting my gas. I drove faster in anger, why did he have to be -

"Lena?" I heard a gentle voice ask

"Yes?" I asked, stopping the car to his stupid enterprise.

"We're here" She muttered

I sighed and kissed her softly

"Don't worry, I know you can do this, I'll be right there" I whispered, connecting our foreheads together, she took my hand and intertwined it with hers, she kissed me softly, our lips feeling warmth and love, we separated and smiled at each other.

"Ready?"I asked

She nodded with a smile

"Always with you by my side." She whispered. giving me a soft kiss

I smiled and got out the car, opening the door for Kara, she smiled and held my hand, walking in the door, the valet guy had held his hand out for my keys, I shook my head no, not wanting anyone touch my brand new car. The ballroom was beautiful, lights were bright, soft music playing, people with soft chatter, waiters handing out refreshments and appetizers. we walked around, trying to find Alex and Sam

We finally saw Alex and Sam laughing with a glass of champagne in their hand, I smiled at Kara and walked toward them. They both wore black backless dresses, and black heels , their signature color. Kara gave Alex a hug and Sam after her, I did the same after Kara.

"I can't wait to hear the great Kara Danvers sing, I've heard that your extraordinary with the piano." Sam said

Kara blushed, I leaned in and whispered in her ear  "People are cheering you on, especially me", she smiled and nodded

"Well, this will be quite a treat, I've haven't heard Kara sing for us in a while" Alex said, smiling at Kara. She smiled.

"I just didn't know I would sing for the president" She responded

"Yeah, me either, I was a little shocked, but in a very good way." Alex said smiling

"Well, if it isn't Kara Danvers, the beautiful and best reporter of national city, and Lena Luthor, the most powerful woman on earth." I heard a mans voice


"President Trump, it's a pleasure to see you on this lovely evening" I said, giving a fake smile.

"Likewise, Ms. Danvers, it's wonderful to see you for the first time, you look very beautiful today." He said, shaking Kara's hand. She smiled

"Nice to see you too Mr. Trump" She responded with a polite tone

"Please, call me Donald." He said, fixing his tie.


"I can;t wait to hear you sing, I heard that you have an amazing voice" He said.

"Thank you, it's an honor to hear that from our president" Kara said politely.

"Mr.Trump, can I ask as to how you know that?" I asked , confused

"I had asked Mr.Olsen that question on the phone." He responded.

Damnit Olsen

"Well, for Mr. Olsen to speak on my behalf, I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone" Kara said with a hint of anger.

"I hope you don't, I don't like being disappointed" He said, his tone getting serious.

" Don't worry, you won't" Kara said. Alex and Sam stood there quietly, shock on their faces.

"I hope so. Your on in a few, I'll show you to the piano." He said with a smile

She held my hand softly, I could sense that she was nervous, I squeezed her hand softly.We started walking behind Trump.

"Don't worry, I'll be up front, don't worry about anyone else, you are amazing, this I know for a fact, your the best reporter in National city, nonetheless the best singer I've ever heard. So don't worry what shithead Trump says, he's a stupid man and doesn't know what Kara Danvers can do." I said with a smile. She smiled softly, worry left her and was replaced with confidence

"Ok" She said before kissing me softly

"Go and show shithead Trump who Kara Danvers really is." I whispered.

She nodded and walked away, giving me an air kiss, I smiled and walked to the front, where Alex and Sam were, with a shot of tequila in their hand, I giggled and smiled at them.

"Kara's okay, right?" Alex asked

"From what I know, yes. But it's all up to her now to amaze shithead Trump, and I have to play a game of chess with him after this" I said

"This night will be interesting" Sam said, taking a shot and taking another from the waiter.

"Slow down on the shots" I said

"Oh, right, I still have to drive home, right babe?" She asked

"Yes you do, if your not drunk before the night is out " Alex said laughing.

"Congrats on your new relationship" I said with a soft smile

"Thanks" Alex said with a smile

We heard the soft music stop and saw Kara side by side with Trump.

"May I present our singer tonight, Kara Danvers" He said, people started clapping for her, as were me, Alex and Sam were also.

Kara was one to draw attention to herself, people naturally gravitate towards her, whether it's her clam tone and enthusiastic voice, or it was her facial features that make the boys crazy over her, she's a showstopper, even if she doesn't know it.

She walked over to the piano and sat down, everyone was silent, waiting for her to sing. I smiled at her and mouthed ' You got this' to her, she smiled brightly and started to play the piano. After her opening she started to sing, and I swore I heard some gasps, including my own on her angelic voice.

"Knock on my door, boy come home.

You stay in my head

Lay in my arms, why won't you?

It's been way too long. What you waiting on?

'Cause I've been here, learning what the memories won't do"

We heard her sing loud and clear, everyone silent as she played the keys perfectly, emotion played as she sang, knowing that there was a story behind it, everyone played close attention to her, quiet praises were given to her, and amazement on their faces.

"See, I need you ,and baby I need to

Let down my guard ,and give you my scars

Open up my heart

We could  be stars

We could be stars

We could be stars"

I looked around and everyone was still in amazement, hearing the most angelic voice on earth, I've never heard her sing like this, even when she sang for me, it was a whole new voice, and I loved it, she hit every note on queue, making sure every note hit was precise, and it's sound was perfect.

"Rap on my window, come home

It's been a while, so stick around, why don't you?

Till the end of time, say that you'll be mine

An uphill climb, fighting what the heart really wants to do

See, I need you and sometimes we need to

Shed our facade and be just who we are

All broken and torn, then we could be stars

Oh, we could be stars
We could be stars
We could be stars"

Her voice extended out further, the notes getting close to the climax of the song, the hard part, she had to play the notes at an exact time to make sure that it would be perfect and that it would echo, making sure everyone had eyes on her, which she already had them on the end of her seat. The music was already in there inside her, and she's bringing it out, little by little.

"Piercing lights in the dark make the galaxy ours, Kingdom right where we are

Shining bright as a morning, you'll never be lonely
Just promise you'll love me, I'm never too far

And we'll never part, And we could be stars"

Everyone gasped in amazement, she hit every note on time and was even better that they had predicted, they stopped themselves from clapping, but Alex was in shock with a smile on her face, along with Sam, I held in my laughter and smiled at Kara in amazement. She smiled and kept singing.

"Oh, we could be stars
We could be stars

Oh, we could be stars, just find way to get home"

"There's space in my heart, open arms for you to run to

Baby, close your eyes and take the leap to make-believe in fairytales
I'll meet you there, oh yeah, I'll fall too

See I've wanted you here, all along but my fear

Just keeps haunting, me won't let me go

So it's hard to say I love you"

"We could be stars

Oh, we could be stars

We could be stars
We could be stars"

When she finished that last note, everyone roared in applause, whistling and cheering her, praises were yelled out and flowers that president Trump had given out were thrown at her, she smiled and gave a small curtsy, she grabbed all the flowers, which were quite a few and gave a small 'Thank you' and walked backstage, the curtains closing slowly behind her.

We started to walk towards the backstage area and saw Kara being congratulated by some governors and excused herself when she saw us.

"You were amazing, better than amazing, you were extraordinary" Alex said hugging her sister tightly

"All eyes were on you, you were spectacular" Sam said, hugging Kara next.

Kara looked at me with a smile. I smiled brightly and kissed my soon to be wife.

"I have no words as to how amazing you were on stage, I was in completely in shock, you were perfect, as I already knew" I said, kissing her softly, she smiled and blushed

"Thank you baby" she whispered softy.

"Ms. Luthor, may you and I have a game of chess? If your not busy?" He asked

"Mm, if my wife and friends are allowed there with me" I said

"Of course, follow me, and Kara, you were amazing on stage, and you didn't disappoint me, good." He said. I growled

We walked to a glass elevator and he pressed the highest button.

"Ms. Luthor, this game won't take very long,  as I am very good at chess" He said.

"As am I, so don't get your hopes up too fast" I snapped

"May the best player win " He said

The elevator dinged and we walked to a glass door, he opened it and we walked into his office, he pointed towards two couches.

"Please, take a seat." He said, getting out the chess board, Kara sat beside me, her hand intertwined in mine. I smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead, Sam and Alex stood.

He took a seat in front of us and got the timers out, he pressed on his, he calculated his move and started to speak.

"Ms. Luthor, I've heard of your engagement, congratulations." He said

"Thank you" I said

"I've heard that Kara Danvers was one of the best reporters , is that true?" He asked

"Yes, very true" I said. Looking at his movements. He pressed his timer and i made my move, pressed mine and he looked in shock on how I moved so fast.

"I know that you have some opinions about me, I would like to hear them here, in a safe space, just between us five people." He said, making his move, I made my move, taking his piece and making a mandatory move. He sneered

"Are you sure you'd like to hear my opinions, you may not like me very much after them being spoken, but let's be clear, I don't care if you don't like me at all." I said, seeing him make a move, I quickly saw his plan and reacted, he sneered again.

"Their is some things that I hate about you, not like." I said, looking at his moves, he was getting sloppy.

"First off, you act like a four year old in a 71 year olds body." I said

"Excuse me?" He asked, they all looked at me.

"If you didn't hear me then I would be glad to repeat myself. You act like a four year old, but considering that you were born into money, I'm not surprised." I said. Kara looked at me in shock, worried over my safety. I put a hand on her back, rubbing it up and down, she slowly relaxed under my touch.

"Second of all, your a narcissist, you only listen to yourself and not other, and considering that you have an advisory, it's pretty useless since you don't even want to listen to them." I said, making another move.

He sneered at me. I didn't give two fucks about his stupid sneers. It only just proved my point.

"Third, you add fuel to fires, instead of putting them out, you obviously want to get us blown up by Kim Jung Un , and you make things worse by being on twitter everyday instead of being a president to the United States of America." I said looking at the board.

He looked positively pissed, he almost looked red in the soft light, night falling over us.

"Forth, you make false promises, starting with the ones that you promised when you would become president and make stupid decisions, like the wall that you've been trying but failing to build, tearing families apart and ruining their lives, worrying over their safety and their children "I said. He made a sloppy move and I reacted with taking his chess piece.

"And lastly, and something I have always wanted to say to you in person. I'll let you in on a secret" I said before making my final move

"Your shit and you know it" I said

Everyone gasped, he was pissed, and I was satisfied.

"Checkmate"I said as I had gotten up with Kara.

"I will-"

I cut him off

"You wont be able to destroy me, I'm one of the most powerful women on earth, that's true." I said "But a spoiled rich man who acts like a child wouldn't know that, so go at me if you want, but I will always hit back a hundred times harder." I said walking towards the door. Alex, Sam and Kara followed me.

"I've had a lovely game, thank you for having me, and Donald?" I asked

"What?" He growled

"Your horrible at chess" I said before opening the door and letting my wife and friends leave out, before closing it.

Everyone looked at me in shock. Kara in sleepy shock. But shock all on its own.

"Your crazy, but you did put him in his place" Alex said

"I was so worried he would put a hand on you"Kara said hugging me softly

"That was badass." Sam said

"Badass indeed, but dangerous, Lena, please don't do that again" Kara said softly, giving me puppy eyes. I nodded, not even trying to resist, she was genuinely concerned.

"Ok, for your mind at ease, I won't do it again" I said ,giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you" she whispered

I smiled

"Anything for my soon to be wife" I whispered before intertwining our fingers

We walked to the elevator and went to the lowest floor. People were still talking, we said our goodbyes to Alex and Sam with a hug and walked out, we walked to my car and opened the door for Kara, she had gotten in and fastened her seat belt. I closed the door and gotten in the drivers seat, put the key into ignition and drove home.


I had gotten home in record time and looked at my sleepy Kara.

She had gotten out the car and leaned on my shoulder. I opened the door and carried her upstairs to our bedroom, I took off her shoes and dress, and grabbed a pair of short sleeved pajamas and put them on her. I smiled and took her head piece out her hair. I took off my clothes and took off my bra, along with hers.I kissed her collarbone gently and put on a tank top and shorts on and climbed into bed with her.

"I love you" She mumbled sleepily

"I love you too darling, sleep, so that way I can brag about you tomorrow" I whispered, kissing her lips gently.

She smiled and sleep took over her, she cuddled into my chest and snored lightly. I wrapped my arms around her and went to sleep along with her, dreaming of our life together, the events of last night being forgotten

I have my whole world in my arms, and I intend to keep it that way, for as long as I live

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