Found Love in Vermont

By hunterhayesvt

23.2K 842 258

What happenes when Hunter meets a beautiful mysterious Brunette while in Vermont. Will a relationship form? More

Arriving in Vermont
Mystery Girl
Did I do something wrong?
The Concert that Changed Everything
A Good Song Always Causes You to Shed a Few Tears. But Not That Much
Oh, that's why...
A Day of Fun
Here Goes Nothing...
Author's Note
Meet The Parents
They Are Going to Love You
I Promise
Meet and Greet Along with Surprises
We Were all Having Fun Until...
The Tears Keep Falling
I Just Want to Protect You
That Didn't Go Well
Saying Our Goodbye's
I'll Be Here When You Wake Up, I Promise
New Home
Her Story
Exploring Nashville
The Call
Thanksgiving Proposal
This Can't Be Happening
I'm Sorry...
I Can't Believe I Did That
Christmas Decorating
It's Christmas Time
New York City
A/N Im sorry
I Need Help
Mr. & Mrs. Hayes
Finally Husband and Wife
Paris: The City of Love
All is Revealed
Baby Hayes
I'm Your Dork, Forever and Always
You Are Having A Baby...
The Big Surprise
Natalie Ann Hayes
She's Not Breathing...
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
We Can Get Through This
Sweetheart Please Talk to Me
I Never Got to Say Goodbye
Come on Tour With Me...
You're Such A Smart-Ass
We Need To Talk
Disney World Here We Come
I Saw You With Her
Where Do You See Us In 10 Years?
Where's Gram?
I'm Glad She Has You Hunter
Santa Came!!
Please No
I Just Hope The Baby is Okay
Chapter 60 Sneak Peek
Hunter Don't Leave Me!
I Think This Calls For A Celebration!
I'll Always Sing To You
Baby What's Wrong??
They're Beautiful
Little Sleep and Coffee Cups
This is Detective Wilson from the Metro Police Department
I'll Find a Way Back to You... Somehow.
Do You Want to Sing With Me?
Sequel Up!!

I'm Scared

161 12 2
By hunterhayesvt

Chapter 58- I’m Scared

Hunters POV

Are you kidding me, this can not be happening. I thought to myself. "Love what do you mean you can't see, do you mean it's blurry?" I asked hoping that it is just because she didn't have her glasses on. "No Hunter, I can't see anything. It's like I'm blind!" She screamed and started crying harder. "Hold on sweetie I'll get your doctor." I said as calmly as I could. "No don't leave me here." She said grabbing my arm, she looked so scared. "It's okay sweetie I'll be right back." I said kissing her forehead and heading out to the room. "Dr. Lin, Eleanor is up and she is saying she can't see." I said to her doctor once I found her. "Okay let's go take a look." She said walking back to her room with me. "Who's there?" Eleanor said looking around trying to see, I could tell she was getting frustrated. "It's me baby, it's Hunter. I brought the doctor with me." I said and walked back per to the bed and grabbed her hand and started rubbing it reassuringly. "Hello Mrs. Hayes, So your husband has told me that you are having some trouble sleeping. Lets have a look here." She said getting out a little flashlight, she opened Eleanor's eyes and flashed it in her eyes. "Well everything seems to be okay, this is very common with people who have suffered severe head trauma. You should be back to normal in a few days." She said, they motioned me to meet her over by the door. "I'll be back sweetie." I said then kissed her hand and went to meet the doctor. "Mr. Hayes, your because of the injuries your wife sustained to her head in the accident she might become permanently blind." She said. My heart dropped, I can't believe this. "So are you saying that there is no change she will ever get her sight back." I choked out. "I'm sorry but there is a very slim chance." She said rubbing my shoulder then walking out. I walked back over to Eleanor, she could sense something was wrong. "Hunter what did the doctor want?" She asked me. "Oh she just wanted to ask me a question." I responded. "Okay." She said. It was quiet for a few minutes "Can I see Natalie?" She asked. "Okay are you sure?" I questioned. "Yes, I really want to see her." She said."Okay I'll go get her, do you mind if the guys come in also." I asked. "No not at all." She said smiling a small smile. I walked out to the waiting room, once the guys saw me they all stood up, "How's she doing?" They all asked. "Good." I responded while I walked over to them. I took Natalie from Matt, "Mommy wants to see you sweetie. She's going to be a little different though, because of the accident she is having some trouble seeing things so she won't be able to see you. "Okay daddy." She said nodding her head slowly, looking so sad. 

Sam's POV

When Hunter told Natalie that Eleanor was bind I was shocked, I can not believe this is happening. I feel so bad for them, we all followed Hunter to the room. Once we got there Hunter put Natalie down she ran over to the bed and yelled "Mommy." Eleanor was just looking around as if trying to figure out where Natalie was by the direction of which her voice was coming. Hunter walked up behind Natalie and put her on the bed. She grabbed Eleanor's hand which made Eleanor smile. "Hi mommy, are you okay." She said quietly. "I'm okay now that you're here sweetie." She said hugging Nat. "How are you doing Eleanor Steve said rubbing her arm." "Ehh I've been better, I just want to see." She said starting to cry again. "Hunter waked over and wrapped his arms around her trying to calm her down while Matt took Nat away. Once she calmed down we talked for a bit, "Hunter maybe you should take Natalie home to get some sleep and so you can get some rest." Eleanor whispered. "Shh, no I'm not leaving you." He said brushing some hair off her forehead. "We can take her home and you can stay here Hunter." I suggested. "Yah thanks Sam, that'll be great." He said handing me his house keys. Nat said goodbye then we left. 

Eleanor's POV

Natalie left a little while ago, Hunter looked exhausted. "Hunter, come lay with me." I said scooching over to make room for him. He laid down trying not to hit anything, I winced when his arm hit against my side. "Im so sorry baby." He said leaning down to kiss then lightly rubbing my bruised rib. "It's okay." I whispered and kissed his cheek. "Why don't you get some rest." He said wrapping his arms around me. "Only if you promise to get some sleep also." I said snuggling into his chest breathing in his scent, it was so comforting. "Okay, I promise." He said chuckling. "Goodnight sweetheart, I love you." He said and kissed my head. "Goodnight Hunter, I love you too." I said and drifted off into sleep feeling him rubbing my back. 

Hunters POV

I slept for maybe only an hour before I woke up, I was wide awake and sleep was not going to come to me. I lightly ran my fingers up and down Eleanor's arm thinking, what if she doesn't ever seen again. This was my fault that she got hurt, if I never sent her out she would be at home safe in my arms and not hurt. I started to cry, I tried to keep the tears back and not to wake Eleanor but it didn't work. "Hey, what's the matter?" She asked in a sleepy voice. "This is all my fault." I sobbed burying my head in her neck. "Hey, why are you saying this is your fault." She said slowly rubbing my back. "Because I sent you out that day, if I had just taken you with me then none of this would happen." I said. She pulled me head up so I was looking at her, "You listen to me, you had no idea that this was going to happen. You can not anticipate anything like this, it was just a bad accident. You can't blame yourself for this." She said wiping me tears away and kissing my forehead. "I'm scared." I whispered. "Why are you scared love." She said running her fingers through my hair. "I'm afraid you are never going to get your sight back." 

Love Y’all!! 

Instagram, Twitter & YouTube: @hunterhayesvt

Tumblr: youthinkyouknowsomebodyvt

Pinterest: eleanorlauzon

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