Found Love in Vermont

By hunterhayesvt

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What happenes when Hunter meets a beautiful mysterious Brunette while in Vermont. Will a relationship form? More

Arriving in Vermont
Mystery Girl
Did I do something wrong?
The Concert that Changed Everything
A Good Song Always Causes You to Shed a Few Tears. But Not That Much
Oh, that's why...
A Day of Fun
Here Goes Nothing...
Author's Note
Meet The Parents
They Are Going to Love You
I Promise
Meet and Greet Along with Surprises
We Were all Having Fun Until...
The Tears Keep Falling
I Just Want to Protect You
That Didn't Go Well
Saying Our Goodbye's
I'll Be Here When You Wake Up, I Promise
New Home
Her Story
Exploring Nashville
The Call
Thanksgiving Proposal
This Can't Be Happening
I'm Sorry...
I Can't Believe I Did That
Christmas Decorating
It's Christmas Time
New York City
A/N Im sorry
I Need Help
Mr. & Mrs. Hayes
Finally Husband and Wife
Paris: The City of Love
All is Revealed
Baby Hayes
I'm Your Dork, Forever and Always
You Are Having A Baby...
The Big Surprise
Natalie Ann Hayes
She's Not Breathing...
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
We Can Get Through This
Sweetheart Please Talk to Me
I Never Got to Say Goodbye
Come on Tour With Me...
You're Such A Smart-Ass
We Need To Talk
Disney World Here We Come
I Saw You With Her
Where Do You See Us In 10 Years?
Where's Gram?
I'm Glad She Has You Hunter
Santa Came!!
I'm Scared
I Just Hope The Baby is Okay
Chapter 60 Sneak Peek
Hunter Don't Leave Me!
I Think This Calls For A Celebration!
I'll Always Sing To You
Baby What's Wrong??
They're Beautiful
Little Sleep and Coffee Cups
This is Detective Wilson from the Metro Police Department
I'll Find a Way Back to You... Somehow.
Do You Want to Sing With Me?
Sequel Up!!

Please No

193 12 8
By hunterhayesvt

Eleanor's POV

Hunter is letting me have a "Mommies day" as he calls it, he is basically going to take Natalie with him to the studio so I can go have some time to myself. I love when he does things like this, he is so sweet. i am planning on getting a manicure and pedicure as well as do some shopping. After Hunter cooked breakfast I went up and got ready, I dressed in some skinny jeans which were beginning to get a little tight because of the baby, a simple white t-shirt with a floral scarf and jacket over it. Of course I had to finish it off with my red converse, I walked downstairs to find Hunter cleaning the kitchen singing and Natalie in a chair dancing along. I chuckled at the sight and walked over to Natalie, I picked her up and she squealed then giggled. Her and I danced for a bit until we heard the sound of a camera. I looked over at Hunter to see a grin on his face and he was typing away on his phone. Shortly after he put his phone down my phone dinged. I looked at it and saw a notification from twitter, He posted a video of Nat and I dancing with the caption of  "@hunterhayes: These girls are absolutely crazy, but they're my crazy! Love them to pieces @eleanorhayes." I retweeted it then walked over to him, "Im heading out now. Thank you again for this, I really needed it." "You're welcome sweetheart, anything for you." He said kissing me. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. 

Hunters POV

"Alright sweetie are you ready to go with daddy and see your uncles?" I asked her. "Yah" She yelled then jumped off her chair. She ran to get her converse then came back to me. "Daddy can you please hep me?" She asked me holding out her sneakers to me. "Of course sweetie." I said I tied her shoes up and helped her with her jacket. I buckled her into her carseat then drove to the studio, as soon as I walked in she saw the guys and squealed. I put her down and she ran to them screaming their names, she was really close to Matt probably because they have the same personality and both act just like kids. As they were talking i opened up Instagram and started scrolling through it, I saw a picture that Eleanor posted. She was sitting in one of those message chairs getting her nails done, "Spa day thanks to my wonderful husband @hunterhayes! Thank you love!!" I liked it and commented "Love you too baby." Then closed the app, I walked over to the guys and Nat "You guys ready?" I asked. I got a chorus of  "Yah's" and "Yups's" Matt put Natalie down and she went over to her table she had in the studio, it still had her coloring books and crayons on it from last time she was here. We worked on some new music for a few hours then decided to take a break, I got my phone out and called Eleanor, she picked up after a few rings. "Hey baby." She exclaimed joyfully through the phone. "Hey love, you sound happy." I said "Well of course I'm happy, I'm shopping." She said, I could tell she was smiling. She asked how Nat was doing and how the new songs were coming, little sneak thought I was going to tell her about them. She said she was going to head to a different store and so she had to go. One of her biggest pet peeves was people texting and driving or talking on the phone while driving. "Okay bye baby, I love you." I said. "Bye sweetheart, I love you too." She replied then we both hung up. We rehearsed for a few more hours, I thought I would call Eleanor to see how she was doing. She didn't answer, that's odd. She must just be really busy or something, yah that's it. A few hours later I had heard nothing from her, I started to get more worried so I called my parents "Hey have you guys heard from Eleanor today?" I asked my mom once she picked up. "No Hunter I'm sorry, when was the last time you heard from her?" She asked. "About 4 hours ago." I said my voice starting to get shaky. 

"I'm sure she is okay sweetie." She said trying to reassure me, although I don't think she was even convincing herself. I hung up and started to panic, the guys tried to calm me down for my sake and Natalie's. I kept staring at my phone hoping it would ring or I would get a text but nothing, everyone tried to get me to do stuff but I didn't want to. After a long silence my phone wrong breaking everyone out of their trance, I picked it up and answered it. "Hello." I said "Hi is this Mr. Hayes." The voice on the other end of the phone said. "Yes, this is he." I said knowing that something was wrong with Eleanor. "This is Dr. Lin from St. Thomas Hospital here in Nashville, your wife was just brought in here. She was hit head on as a drunk driver and she is stabilized, the baby is okay but Eleanor did suffer severe trauma to the head. I think it's best that you come in as soon as possible." She said slowly so I would understand. "I'll be there as soon as possible." I got out then hung up. 

Sam's POV (Cool another POV)

He hung up and he looked paralyzed, he looked lost and like he didn't know what to do. He didn't have to much emotion on his face, I felt so bad. "Hunter what's wrong?" Andy asked. "Eleanor… She was in an accident." He stuttered out. "I need to go to the hospital. He said getting up and frantically walking around the room running his fingers through his hair pulling at the ends. "Okay Hunter I'll take you." I said standing up and grabbing my keys. "We'll follow you." Steve said standing up with everyone else, Matt walked over and picked up Nat. We headed out to the cars and headed to the hospital. I looked over at Hunter, tears were slowly falling out of his eyes. "She's gonna be okay man." I said to him to try to reassure him. "What if she's not, I can't loose her." He said practically sobbing now. "You can't think like that, you need to have positive thoughts. She's a fighter, she'll make it out of this."  I said reaching over and squeezing her shoulder. He just nodded and looked down. Once we got there he raced out of the car and in the doors. We followed shortly after, we found him at the front desk. "Eleanor Hayes." He said frantically. "Yes she is in room 303 the lady said. "Thanks." He said then raced off to the elevators. We met him over there, "Hey man slow down, she will still be there if it takes you 2 minutes or 2 hours." I said to him. "I just have to see her." He replied. The elevator finally got there and we rode it up to the third floor, once we got out someone directed us to her room. We stood outside her door. "You go in first, we'll wait out here." I told him. He nodded and slowly walked in. "Where is daddy going?" Natalie asked us. "Daddy is going to see mommy." Devo told her. "Well what's wrong with mommy?" She asked in reply. "Sweetie mommy was in an accident and she has some booboos that she needs to have taken care of." Matt said to her. "Oh okay." She replied seeming happy with his answer. 

Hunters POV

I slowly walked in the room, I was scared at what I saw. Eleanor laid in the bed hooked up to lots of machines, breathing tube in her nose IV's in her arm and hands. The sound of her heart monitor filling the room, beating a slow and steady beat. I walked up to her bedside and pulled up a chair, grabbing her hand and holding it tightly. "Hi sweetheart, I'm here now. Everything is going to be okay. When I got the call I thought I would had lost you. If it weren't for Natalie and the guys I don't know what I'd do." I said breaking down into quiet sobs. After I regained myself I looked up at her, she had bruises and cuts on her arms and face. I reached out and put my other hand on her stomach rubbing it gently. "Thank god the baby and you are okay." I felt her squeeze my hand lightly, I looked up and saw her slowly start to open her eyes. "Hi baby." I said getting up and kissing her. "Hunter is that you?" She said softly. "Yah love it's me." I replied and rubbed her hand. "Where are you?" She asked. "What do you mean love, I'm right here." I said starting to get worried. She started to cry then yelled "Hunter I… I can't see!" 

Love Y’all!! 

Instagram, Twitter & YouTube: @hunterhayesvt

Tumblr: youthinkyouknowsomebodyvt

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