You're My Daydream- Book 2

By ShinoAsuda465

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"Could we still live this life, our life together as one?" Lena asked, kissing the nape of my neck. "Why are... More

Morning Interviews and Meeting new People
The Realization Of What's To Happen
Never Mess With A Luthor or My Family
Let Me Tell You About How the Sun loved the Moon
I'll Protect You... With All My Life
The Dream That Changed My Life Forever
Training With the Most Ruthless Assassins
I Just Don't Want to Get Involved
I Don't Care About Others. I Only Care About You
I Promise To Make You Mine and Mine Only
When I First Looked At You
Emily: Part 1
Emily: Part 2
Let Me Show You What Is Mine
The Thing You Always Wanted: Pt 1
The thing You Always Wanted:Pt 2
The Thing You Always Wanted Part 3
A Trip to Midvale
The Time for Food and Love
Touchy Subjects and Pushing Buttons
Coming to Forgiveness and Making Things Right
Please : Part One
Please: Part Two
To Make a Kara Feel Better: Potstickers, Hot Chocolate, And a Lena Luthor Cuddle
Fight or Flight, Love or Hate, To Live or Die
I May Be An Idiot, But I'm the Luckiest Idiot In The Whole Entire World
A Day of Desserts and A Sexy, Jealous Lena Luthor
An Angel In The Darkness, Kara Becomes Strong Once More
Another Day Out, Along With The Wimp And The Sister
A Mother's Touch
Lena Luthor Being The Amazing Feminist, and Kara Being the Amazing Singer
Doubtful Thoughts And A Strong Reasurance
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part One
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part Two
An Infuriating Interview With The President
Reminces And Last Minute Wedding Preperations
The Happiest Moment For A Super And A Luthor
New Book?

An... Eventful Morning To Say The Least

389 21 0
By ShinoAsuda465

Kara POV

I felt my body being connected by someone else, her soft bosom, being a pillow for my head, my fingers were intertwined with theirs , rubbing my wrists on the soft bed sheets, I figured out who it was.


I remembered everything from last night, her knowing about my self harm in the past, me being ashamed of the fact that I didn't tell her, or pretty much anybody but Alex, I remember her leaving soft, feathery kisses on my wrists, I remember her saying she was proud of me, but for what?

"Morning baby" I heard Lena mumble, I squeaked and got off her, thinking I was gonna crush her.

She crinkled her eyebrows and pulled me gently back to her, I remember my clinginess, wanting to feel her soft and amazing body.

"Mmm, you smell so nice" she mumbled sleepily  as her put her nose into my neck, I sighed softly in relaxation, her scent mixing with mine.

"I'm so proud of you baby" she mumbled sleepily

Now's my chance to ask

"For what?" I whispered

"For being so strong, for being the Kara I know that you could be, for having the strength to  tell someone." She mumbled

I blushed furiously, I'm so embarrassed

"T-thank you" I stuttered out

"Mmm, get your cute ass over here, I want five more minutes with you before we get up." She mumbled, gently pulling me closer to her, our naked bodies pressed against one another, she grabbed my wrists gently and left light, feathery kisses on them, and on the other also

"Mmm" She hummed out

I nuzzled into her soft bosom, loving the softness and warmth.

She wrapped her arms around me softly.

We stayed there for a good hour. Screw five minutes she said.

I heard a knock on the door and it opened and I saw Winn, Alex and Mon-el, ugh, I closed my eyes softly, not even bothering to tell them to go away.

"They look so cute together!" Winn squealed

I growled softly, grabbed a shirt, put it on and sat up.

"Get. Out" I growled, shooting a laser beam at Winn, he squeaked and rushed out, Alex laughed, I shot one at her, she squeaked also, Lena pulled me closer to her and I flopped into her arms, kissing her lips gently.

"Stop being a meanie" I heard her mumble, I giggled

"They saw us naked" I whispered

Her eyes opened.

"What?" She whispered darkly

I stifled a laugh

"They saw us naked" I whispered

"Tell Winn- nope, hand me some clothes. I'm beating his ass." She said

"Mon-el was here also" I mumbled

"All the more reason to beat his ass, now hand me some clothes" she said

I handed her my jersey and she speeded downstairs.

I ran along with her

"Lena! Hey girl! What's up?!" I heard Winn and mon-el squeak out

I ran faster and stopped, grabbing a frying pan

"Lena wait!" I screamed

"Hmm?" She hummed in response with a smile

"I don't want you to hurt your hand, so here" I said, handing her the frying pan

"Anything else?" She asked softly with a smile

"Wait" I said

"Kara save us!" Winn screamed

What a wimp

"Let me think... Lena, your choice" I said, making some popcorn in record time, eating it.

"Alex, do you want some?" I asked, she giggled

"Some whiskey would be nice" she said

I speeded and got her a nice cold whiskey.

"Such a good sister, Lena, please go on to beat them with that amazing frying pan" Alex said

"Time for you guys to die" I heard her mumble

"Ahhhh!!!" I heard Winn cry out



















I heard a good ten more bangs, before I heard whimpers, Me and Alex had bursted out laughing, but I had to make sure my soon to be wife didn't kill them

I used my super hearing.

"Are they dead?" Alex asked, snickering, taking another sip of her whiskey.

I heard three heartbeats

"Nope, they're all alive " I said smiling

"Now Winn, you may go, Mon-el...." I heard Lena say

"Shit" I mumbled








"Damn" I heard Alex say

"Should we get her?" I asked worried

"Oh my cute little sunny Danvers, let her get a couple more hits in, might as well" I heard Alex say" Oh, hand me a spatula, I need a couple hits"

"Alex! It's bad enough I gave her the frying pan!"

"But...." I heard her say

She sighed

"I'll just hit him once" she said

"Fine" I said, handing her a iron spatula

"Thanks sis!" I heard her say

"Mmhm" I said, Winn came in whimpering

"So... scary" he whimpered

"God, you really are a wimp" I mumbled

When I grabbed a bunch of ice packs, a very bruised  Mon-el and a smiling Alex and Lena had came out the living room, they kicked him towards me in a safe range.

"I'm sorry" he mumbles

"Hmm, couldn't hear you" I said smirking

"Sorry" he said louder

I giggled

"Fuck you mon-el!" I laughed, falling to the floor, I was laughing for many of reasons

1) he was a wimp

2) He's so self centered that someone had to beat the apology out of him

And last but not least

3)He looks like a wimp!

And so came on the list

"Whew, I'm sorry, I had too"I said, getting up and taking a breath, gaining my composure

"Mon-ew, as somewhat, nice as that apology was, I'm not accepting it, as I see that Lena and Alex had already beat the shit out of you, I'm somewhat upset that I didn't get a turn-"

"Hey!" They Interjected

"But besides the point, I'm not accepting your apology. You sure as hell didn't mean it, and you've hurt me, more times than I can count, you've even laid a hand on me, and did worse, so no, I'm not forgiving you, goodbye mon-el, this will be the last time I will ever see you outside of work, and if you do see me outside, please be prepared to die."I said in a low voice

Everyone gasped

"Y-yes Kara" he stuttered out

"Bye, Mon-ew"

"Can I have an ice pack?"he asked softly

My eyes glowed

"I'm leaving already!"he said running out the door

I turned around with a bright smile on my face, they stared at me with their jaws dropped, I looked confused

"What? " I asked, grabbing the frying pan and spatula, putting them away

"Did I just hear my puppy of a sister curse?" Alex asked

"I don't know, did she? " I asked

Lena kissed me softly

"That was so hot" she whispered in my ear

"Alex, could you umm, help Winn home? " I asked

"Say no more. Come on Winn, I'm gonna have to explain to hank about this, why don't you guys take the day off, so you guys can plan for your wedding ?"she asked me

Lena kissed my neck

The thing as she does to me

"Or not" she mumbled

"Heard that Alex"

"Damnit" she giggled, taking the wimp also.

We both giggled

"I still didn't get my five minutes" she whispered

"How about we make that up, right now?"

It was an...eventful say the very least

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