Quinn Fabray: My Story

By haleyandthejets

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This is Quinn Fabray's Story from Seasons 1-6 of Glee. For the most part I will follow Glee's storylines but... More

Chapter 1 - The Night Quinn Felt Fat
Chapter 2 - Glee Club
Chapter 3 - Everything Changes
Chapter 4 - The Glee Club Finds Out
Chapter 5 - Keep Holding On
Chapter 6 - Popularity Falls
Chapter 7 - The Bill
Chapter 8 - You're Having My Baby
Chapter 9 - I'm Keeping My Baby?
Chapter 10 - Thanksgiving with the Hudsons
Chapter 11 - 2009-2010 Thunderclap
Chapter 12 - Change of Plans
Chapter 13 - Hannukah
Chapter 14 - Quinn's Christmas Miracle
Chapter 15 - New Year's Kiss
Chapter 16 - Hello Trouble
Chapter 17 - Something Lost, Something Gained
Chapter 18 - Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 19 - Reputation
Chapter 20 - Another Move
Chapter 21 - Beth
Chapter 22 - The Turnaround
Chapter 23 - Don't Stop Believin'
Chapter 24 - Summer Break
Chapter 25 - Back to Normal?
Chapter 26 - Faith
Chapter 27 - A New Direction
Chapter 28 - Leading Lady Fabray?
Chapter 29 - Double Trouble
Chapter 30 - A Glee Wedding
Chapter 31 - Plot Twist
Chapter 32 - A Win and A Loss
Chapter 33 - Christmas Gift
Chapter 34 - New Year, New Quinn
Chapter 35 - Cheaters Never Prosper
Chapter 36 - Quinn's Comeback
Chapter 37 - Faberry: An Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 38 - Celibacy Club
Chapter 39 - Regionals
Chapter 40 - Don't Underestimate Quinn Fabray
Chapter 41 - Insecurities
Chapter 42 - Rumor Mill
Chapter 43 - Junior Prom
Chapter 44 - Nationals
Chapter 45 - Redefined
Chapter 46 - Return of Sorts
Chapter 47 - It's All Over
Chapter 48 - The Search For New Directions
Chapter 49 - Mash-Off
Chapter 50 - We Are Who We Are
Chapter 51 - Homefield Advantage
Chapter 52 - Giving Back
Chapter 53 - The Proposals
Chapter 54 - Valentine's Date-less
Chapter 55 - The Accident
Chapter 56 - Recovery Road
Chapter 57 - I'm Still Standing
Chapter 58 - Lost
Chapter 59 - Growing Up
Chapter 60 - Prom Queen
Chapter 61 - Quinn takes Nationals
Chapter 62 - We are the Champions
Chapter 63 - Goodbyes
Chapter 64 - You've Got Yale
Chapter 65 - All That Jazz
Chapter 66 - Back Home
Chapter 67 - Christmases When You Were Mine
Chapter 68 - New York Trip
Chapter 69 - We've Got Tonight
Chapter 70 - ....Pregnant?
Chapter 72 - What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
Chapter 73 - Where I Belong
Chapter 74 - Marry Me
Chapter 75 - Just Give Me a Reason
Chapter 76 - Wedding Bells
Chapter 77 - Honeymoon Avenue
Chapter 78 - The Next Nine Months
Chapter 79 - Begin Again
Chapter 80 - So Far Away
Chapter 81 - Our Day Will Come
Chapter 82 - The End?

Chapter 71 - Spring Heartbreak

466 9 2
By haleyandthejets

Author's Note: Hey everyone. This is my chapter which is 'The Quarterback' episode. This episode has been incredibly hard to write due to the nature of what the chapter is about, losing Finn. The episode was always one my favorite episodes of Glee. In this version I brought Quinn back for the tribute. I gave her the Carrie Underwood cover of 'I'll Stand By You' for her song that she is performing. I know Mercedes in the episode version did 'I'll Stand By You' but I found it a more fitting song for Quinn. I gave Mercedes 'One Sweet Day' by Mariah Carey instead. I hope you guys like this chapter. Be prepared with a tissue box because I needed one writing it. Link to Carrie's cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deY9cPzqVkE

Losing someone is always hard. Especially when it's someone you're close to. That was exactly how I felt the day I found out about Finn's accident.

I was on Spring Break much like any other college student when I got the phone call from Puck. "Hello?" I answered. "I didn't know who else to call," I heard Puck say emotionally. "Puck? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "It's Finn....he got into an accident," Puck said upset. "What kind of an accident?" I asked worriedly. "He was driving home from the party we went to when he was hit by a drunk driver," Puck said. "Is he okay?" I asked worriedly. "No...Quinn..he's dead," Puck said as I couldn't help but scream. My whole world changed with those words. Finn's death was something none of us saw coming.

"No...he can't be," I sobbed into the phone. "I wish I was lying about this but I'm not," Puck said emotionally. I continued to cry. "Rachel....she's pregnant," I managed to get out. "What?" Puck said shocked. "She was going to tell Finn but..." I said crying as I cut myself off. "Holy crap..." Puck said shaking his head. "This is going to be the hardest on her," I said tearfully. "No kidding..." Puck agreed. "Are you back in Lima?" I asked Puck. "Yes...I've actually been going to school here with Finn..." Puck said. "I'm coming out there," I told him seriously. "Good...I need to see you Quinn," Puck said emotionally. "I need to see you too," I said tearfully. I was heading back to Lima. I needed to be with my friends as we went through the pain of losing one of our own together.

I arrived back in Lima as quickly as I could get a flight home. Arriving back in Lima was such a weird feeling, knowing that when I got there I wouldn't see Finn again. Puck met me at the airport. I rushed over to him as I got off the plane hugging him tightly. Puck had lost his best friend. I knew this had to have been incredibly hard on him. I wanted to be there for him more than anything else. "I'm glad you're here," Puck whispered to me. "I wouldn't miss it for anything," I told him seriously as we walked off together to go back to McKinley High School where Mr. Schue was going to have a special memorial week for Finn in Glee Club.

The week started off with everyone who could make it back home performing the song from Rent, 'Seasons of Love'. "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, how do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee? In inches, in miles in laughter, in strife? In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure a year in the life?" we all sang. "How about," Kurt and Santana sang. "Love?" we all sang. "How about," Puck sang. "Love?" we all sang. "How about," Kurt and Santana sang. "Love?" we all sang. "Measure in," Kurt sang. "Love," we all sang. "Seasons of," we all sang. "Love," us girls sang. "Love," the boys sang. "Seasons of," we all sang. "Love," us girls sang. "Love," the boys sang. "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan," I sang. "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?" Mercedes sang. "In truths that she learned," Santana sang. "Or in times that he cried," Kurt sang. "In bridges he burned," Puck sang. "Or the way that she died," Tina sang. "It's time now to sing out though the story never ends. Let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends," we all sang as Tina hit her note. "Remember the love," we all sang. "Oh, you've got to, you've got to remember the love," Mercedes sang. "Remember the love," we all sang. "You know that love is a gift from above," Mercedes sang. "Remember the love," we all sang. "Share love, give love, spread love," Mercedes sang. "Measure in love," we all sang. "Measure, measure your life in love," Mercedes sang. "Seasons of," we all sang. "Love," us girls sang. "Love," the boys sang. "Seasons of," we all sang. "Love," us girls sang. "Love," the boys sang as the song ended.

Going to Finn's funeral just felt like an out of body experience. I couldn't help but shed many tears listening to the mass. Puck and I were linked together throughout the entire mass. Even though Puck and I weren't back together or anything I wanted to be there for him when it came to Finn. Finn and Puck were so close even after everything that had went down with me. I knew he was probably taking Finn's death just as hard if not harder than Rachel was. He was one of the last few people who talked to Finn right before he died.

As we exited the church silently and solemnly we all headed back to the choir room where we were supposed to start our memorial tribute to Finn. Mr. Schue wrote 'FINN' on the board. "Really glad so many of you could make it back for this," Mr. Schue told us seriously. "We wouldn't miss it for anything, Mr. Schue," Mike said. "The funeral was for everyone, but I wanted to do something just for us to memorialize him the only way we know how- by singing.

All week long. Anyone who wants to can come up and sing. Maybe a song he sung. Maybe something that reminds you of him," Mr. Schue said. "Singing isn't gonna bring him back," Puck shot harshly. "No, it's not. Nothing is. Not ever," Mr. Schue told us. "But for two minutes or so we can all maybe remember the best parts of him. So think of what you want to sing if you want to sing, and we'll start tomorrow," Mr. Schue said. "Well, I-I can't wait until tomorrow, Mr. Schue," Mercedes said as she got up "I've been bawling for three weeks. If I don't get this all out now I don't think I'll ever stop crying." "Sure, Mercedes. Start us off," Mr. Schue said as Mercedes got up in front of the choir room.

"The song I've chosen is one of my favorite songs. I think it really rings true about how we're all feeling right now. If you know the song feel free to sing along," Mercedes said as she began to sing the Mariah Carey classic 'One Sweet Day'.

"Sorry I never told you all I wanted to say. Now it's too late to hold you 'cause you've flown away, so far away. Never had I imagined living without your smile. Feeling and knowing you hear me, it keeps me alive, alive. And I know you're shining down on me from heaven like so many friends we've lost along the way and I know eventually we'll be together one sweet day. Although the sun will never shine the same I'll always look to a brighter day. Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep. You will always listen as I pray. And I know you're shining down on me from heaven like so many friends we've lost along the way and I know eventually we'll be together, one sweet day. And I know you're shining down on me from heaven like so many friends we've lost along the way and I know eventually we'll be together, one sweet day. Sorry I never told you, all I wanted to say," Mercedes sang as we all teared up feeling every word she sang.

The bell rang as most of the New kids in the Glee Club got up to leave. I hugged Mercedes. "Mercedes that was so beautiful," I said emotionally. "I had to do right by him. Finn was one of the first people who joined Glee Club," Mercedes said emotionally. Puck stormed out of the choir room as I sighed. "He's taking this so hard," I frowned a bit. "I can see that..." Kurt said as I then hugged him. "I am so sorry about Finn," I told him seriously. "It's okay...I'm just glad you're here," Kurt told me seriously. "How's Rachel?" I asked. "She's heartbroken," Kurt sighed shaking his head. "Who wouldn't be...I mean her and Finn almost got married last year," I said. "I know...." Kurt said tearfully "I feel horrible for talking them out of it now that he's..." "We had no way of knowing," I told Kurt seriously "I was against their wedding too. I thought they were too young but after everything that happened these last few weeks I guess my opinion has changed." "How could it not," Mercedes said as I took a deep breath. "Can I talk to you guys about something?" I asked as they both nodded. "You might need to sit down for this," I said biting my lip as Kurt and Mercedes sat down. "Rachel's pregnant," I confessed as both of their eyes grew wide. "How did I not know this?" Kurt asked. "She asked me to keep her secret...I went with her to her first appointment," I sighed. "Oh my God is the baby...???" Mercedes began as I nodded. "No wonder she's taking this so hard," Kurt sighed. "She doesn't know what to do now," I said. "I should tell my parents...I mean my dad and Carole have gone through so much losing Finn...the fact that Rachel's now having his baby...it's crazy but it's kind of a miracle...it's like we have a piece of Finn back," Kurt said as we all hugged each other.

I knew for the next day exactly what song I wanted to sing. "Mr. Schue...could I perform something?" I asked. "Of course Quinn...you have the floor," Mr. Schue said as I got up to perform. "Okay...so the song I picked has a lot of meaning to me. It was the song Finn sang to a sonogram of Beth when he first found out about me having her. He wanted the kid he thought was his to know that he would stand by them no matter what. As some of you know Rachel is pregnant....she's having Finn's baby and he won't have a chance to get to know his child. I want to sing this song not only because Finn did but because I want Finn's child to know what kind of guy its father was," I said emotionally as I began to sing 'I'll Stand By You'.

"Oh why you look so sad the tears are in your eyes. Come on and come to me now. Don't be ashamed to cry. Let me see you through cause I've seen the dark side too. When the night falls on you, you don't know what to do. Nothing you confess could make me love you less. I'll stand by you. I'll stand by you. Won't let nobody hurt you I'll stand by you," I sang as I then turned to Puck who I dedicated the second verse to "So if you're mad get mad. Don't hold it all inside come on and talk to me now. Hey, what you got to hide. I get angry too, well I'm a lot like you. When you're standing at the crossroads and don't know which path to choose, let me come along cause even if you're wrong I'll stand by you. I'll stand by you. Won't let nobody hurt you. I'll stand by you. Take me in into you darkest hour and I'll never desert you. I'll stand by you," I sang as the instrumental break in the song played as I tried to hold myself together. "And when, when the night falls on you, baby, you're feeling all alone. You won't be on your own. I'll stand by you. I'll stand by you. Won't let nobody hurt you, I'll stand by you. Take me in into you darkest hour and I'll never desert you. I'll stand by you. Oh I'll stand by you. I'll stand by you," I sang feeling every emotion of the song as the Glee Club clapped for me.

"Quinn that was beautiful," Kurt said tearfully. "I meant every word I sang. I know losing Finn was hard on all of us but as long as we help each other out I think we can make through," I smiled a bit. "Maybe you can," Puck said annoyed "You don't know what the rest of us are going through." He then got up mad. "Puck..." I called after him but it was too late. He was gone.

I went searching for Puck throughout the school and finally found him stumbling around. "Are you drunk?" I asked him narrowing my eyes at him. "So what if I am," he slurred at me. "What is going on with you?" I frowned. "What's going on with me is I lost my best friend. Newsflash not a lot of people believe in me like Finn did. Now that he's gone how am I ever going to be the best version of myself?" Puck said upset. "Well I believe in you...always have always will," I told him seriously. "Is that why you broke up with me and wouldn't give me a chance?" Puck said in a hurt tone. I sighed "Me breaking up with you doesn't mean I don't believe you're going to be better than what people expected you to be. I broke up with you for a lot of reasons but none of them were that you weren't good enough for me," I told him seriously.

Puck sat down and started to cry. "Shh..it's okay," I told him seriously as he laid his head on my shoulder. "I know I wasn't the best friend to Finn...especially when I knocked you up," Puck sighed wiping his eyes "It's okay," I told him seriously. "Do you think he ever forgave us?" Puck asked me seriously as I nodded. "I know he did, a long time ago," I told him. "I talked Coach Beiste into retiring his number. We're going to have a plaque to honor him," Puck said honestly as I smiled. "Good. Other kids need to know who he was," I said as Puck nodded. "Thanks for being here for me Quinn," he sighed as I nodded. "I'll always care about you. Even though we're not together don't for a second think that I don't care. I do," I told him seriously as he leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't help myself but I kissed him back. The kissing went on for awhile before I backed away. "No..." I sighed "I have a boyfriend." "I should've known," Puck sighed as he looked off. "Why don't we go back to Glee Club," I said as Puck nodded. "Okay," he said as we headed back to the choir room.

Santana was up singing 'If I Die Young' by The Band Perry but she could barely get through her performance. She started to cry. When Mr. Schue tried to hug her she ran off screaming. My heart broke seeing Santana so sad. Her and Finn weren't ever that close but I think she felt awful over what happened to him. "I'll go after her," Kurt told us as he went to talk to Santana.

"Does anyone else have a song they want to perform?" Mr. Schue asked as Puck got up with his guitar. "This song is for Finn," Puck said as he began to play 'No Surrender' by Bruce Springsteen.

"Well, we bursted out of class had to get away from those fools. We learned more from a 3-minute record, baby than we ever learned in school. Tonight I hear the neighborhood drummer sound I can feel my heart begin to pound. You say you're tired and you just want to close your eyes and follow your dreams down. Well, we made a promise we swore we'd always remember, no retreat, baby, no surrender. Like soldiers on the winter's night with a vow to defend no retreat, baby, no surrender. Well, now young faces grow sad and old and hearts of fire grow cold. We swore blood brothers against the wind and I'm ready to grow young again and I hear your sister's voice calling us home across the open yards. Well even we can cut someplace of our own with these drums and these guitars 'cause we made a promise we swore we'd always remember, no retreat, baby, no surrender. Blood brothers on a summer's night with a vow to defend, no retreat, baby, no surrender. Huh ah ah ah ah ah ah. Huh ah ah ah ah ah ah.. Now out on the streets tonight the lights are growing dim and the walls of my room are closing in but it's good to see your smiling face and to hear your voice again. Now we can sleep in the twilight by the river bed with a wide open country in our hearts and these romantic dreams in our hands 'cause we made a promise we swore we'd always remember, no retreat, baby, no surrender. Blood brothers on a summer's night with a vow to defend, no retreat, baby, no surrender. No retreat, baby, no surrender," Puck sang as he played his guitar looking at an empty seat like he was singing to Finn.

Everyone walked up to Puck in support. "I love you guys," Puck sighed as Santana then came storming in. "Where is it, Puckerman?" Santana asked. "It's just a tree. I told Beiste I'd put it back," Puck said confused. "No, not the tree. Finn's jacket. I went for a lie-down in the nurse's office hung it up on the coat rack by her door and when I woke up from my grief siesta, it was gone. I know you took it," Santana shot at Puck "We all know you took it." "I didn't take a jacket," Puck said upset. "He didn't Santana. He was with me the entire time," I said defending Puck. "Wow what a surprise you've got Quinn defending you once again," Santana shot back at Puck "If we were rounding up the usual suspects that would pretty much just be you." "I didn't take Finn's jacket!" Puck exclaimed. "Enough!" Mr. Schue shouted as we all turned to him "Please! No fighting this week." The bell then rang. "No me gusta," Santana said pointing at Puck. "Santana," Mr. Schue said as he guided her out of the choir room. "Seriously, Puck, you can keep it tonight but I need it back tomorrow, all right? It's Santana's now," Kurt said as he left the choir room. "I swear I didn't swipe the jacket, Mr. Schue," Puck began to explain. "I understand wanting the jacket, Puck and I'm not saying that you took it," Mr. Schue said. "I didn't," Puck defended. "But if you did all I'm gonna say is that all of us want some piece of Finn to keep close to us," Mr. Schue said as he left the choir room.

Puck sighed "This is such crap! I always get blamed for everything," he said emotionally. I hugged him tightly. "I know you didn't do it...I have no idea who did but you and I were talking the entire time Santana was in the nurse's office," I told him seriously. "Thanks for believing me," Puck said. "You're welcome. Let's look for that jacket," I told Puck seriously as we walked off together hoping to find Finn's jacket.

We got news that Rachel had just arrived. "You go see her. There's something I need to do," Puck told me seriously as he walked off. I hugged Rachel as soon as I saw her. "Hi Quinn," Rachel said emotionally as I then took my seat to listen to what Rachel had to say. "Nobody treat me with kid gloves, okay?" Rachel said emotionally "I don't know what to say either. I loved Finn, and he loved me, and he loved all of you guys. I know he did." She then paused "I like to sing in the car, and, um- and before Finn, I used to sing alone. And this was the first song that I sang with him when we would drive around together, so this is for him," she said emotionally as she began to sing 'To Make You Feel My Love' by Adele.

"When the rain is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case. I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love. When the evening shadows and the stars appear and there is no one there to dry your tears. I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love. I know you haven't made your mind up yet but I would never do you wrong. I've known it from the moment that we met, no doubt in my mind where you belong. I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue and I'd go crawling down the avenue. No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do to make you feel my love. Oohh. Hmmm. Oh, the storms are raging on the rolling sea and on the highway of regret. The winds of change are blowing wild and free, you ain't seen nothing like me yet. I could make you happy, make your dreams come true nothing that I wouldn't do, go to the ends of the Earth for you to make you feel my love. To make you feel my love," Rachel sang emotionally as we all teared up listening to her sing. Rachel's performance was beautiful and breathtaking just like we had hoped it would be. My phone went off it was from Puck.

Puck: I helped replant the tree. I'm off to make something of my life. I'm going to join the Airforce

I was stunned reading the message. Puck was going to join the Airforce. I didn't even know what to say to him. I was proud of him for going for such a tough job but I was so scared of losing him too. All I could reply was:

Me: I'm proud of you. Be careful okay

Puck: Will do :)

After dealing with loss of Finn I think it made us grow closer than we were before. I could only hope things would get easier as time went on, especially for Rachel.

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