By theauthoralicia

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613 19 36
By theauthoralicia

Friday, July 17th - Three Weeks Later

Monroe, I rejected Princeton's call once again. He's been calling ever since I walked off on him. He's texted, left voice messages and called back to back. I don't want anything to do with him. I thought about everything we've done together, all the times I played around with Julius. I looked back at the time when he told me about his parents. I believed every word he said, it all seemed so real; yet he lied to me...about everything. I heard the doorbell ring and stepped from the living room. I stepped out of the main entrance and opened the door, seeing Prince standing there. He stared at me for a long time, studying me for awhile.

"What do you want?" I simply asked, crossing my arms.

"You left your things at my place." He said, handing me the huge stuffed bear and gift bag. I glared at him for a moment before speaking.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"No." He said.

"I never meant to hurt you Monroe." He began.

"I don't have time for this-"

"Then make time." He replied.

"Prince?" I sighed, looking away as he took my hand, pulling me closer to him.

"Look at me." He softly demands.

"Stop it!" I pulled away.

"Please just talk to me." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry Monroe and-"

"Please." I interrupt.

"Just leave." I softly begged. He looked down backing away. He stepped off the porch, giving me one last look before leaving. I shut the door, leaning against it for support as I try to get him out of my mind. I stare at the stuffed animal, suddenly remembering the necklace. He came into mind again as I studied the piece sitting around my neck. I sigh aloud, heading back into the living room. My phone rung aloud as I place my things on the couch. I answer, hoping that it wasn't Prince.


"Still down huh?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Well maybe we can cheer up tonight."

"Chresanto is having a bash at his place tonight and you're invited of course." She said.

"Cleo I don't think that'll cheer me up." I said.

"Come on Moe, you've been in the house for three weeks."

"Forget about Prince for one night and have some fun." She replies.

"But what if he's there?" I ask.

"We'll just keep you as far away as possible." She answers.

"Please, you know Jordiya won't take no for an answer." She added.

"Fine, I'll go." I gave in.

"Great! The party starts at nine, so we'll pick you up around eight-thirty."

"Alright, see you then." I say to her. I hang up and sit back against the couch, staring down the TV. I check the time, realizing I had a couple of hours left. I gazed at the bear, thinking of Princeton. I took it in hand and lay across the couch, holding it close.

"It even smells like him." I mumble to myself.

"Fuuuck my life." I sung, focusing on the television.

The Party,

I look around, watching everyone jumping off the walls. This place was huge and live, Chres really does throw big parties. I followed Cleo and Deanna through the crowd as everyone danced on one another. I try to keep up with the girls until they decided to dance, that I wasn't up for. I run my fingers through my hair, easing my way over to a table. I sat and observed everything that was happening. I pray that I Prince doesn't see me here or I'll be trying to flee from this place. I know that I'm supposed to forget about him for just one night, but I can't. If someone lied to you saying that your brother is actually your son and that everything you've been through with this person was all some kind of joke...wouldn't you be pissed? I sigh as I watch everyone mingle around, cups in hand, cackling like wild animals and jumping on top of one another. I'm not the party type, but it all seemed fun, maybe I should let my wall down and do the same. It's just one night right?

"Hey!" Someone said over the music. I look up, seeing Deanna sitting across from me.

"Brought you a sprite." She smiled, handing me a cup.

"Thanks." I said.

"You okay, you've been down lately?" She asked me. I looked down, figuring of what to say to her. If I tell her everything about what's happened between Prince and I, she would strangle me with a lecture. Yet, she was right all along, I should've listened to her and kept it moving, but I didn't and now look at me, I'm a mess.

"Monroe?" She called.

"I-I'm fine, I just had a rough week and a problem at home."

"Is it Corbin again?" She asked me.

"You could say that, but it's not me this's him and Shaun." I began.

"They've been arguing and now he's just giving off this negative vibe." I lied.

"Wow, your brother needs help." She chuckles.

"Same thing I said." I replied, sipping my sprite. It was really hitting the spot, I felt calm and collected at this point.

"Well, you need to forget about your family problems for one night and have some fun." She said.

"I don't...I don't know about that Dee." I reply.

"Oh come on, that's not even your concern Moe. It's between them."

"You shouldn't let their love life affect you."

"Now get up and dance around." She grinned. I look down, questioning myself about this. I realized that all of my sprite was gone. Was I that nerve wrecked?

"Ugh, who invited Alroah?" I heard Deanna say in disgust. I focused on her as she looked out in the crowd. I then followed her stare, seeing Alorah, dancing on someone. I focused on the guy, realizing that it was Princeton.

"Prince doesn't even look interest in all that while she's dancing over him...slut." Deanna spoke. I gazed back over, knowing she was right. He didn't look interested at all as she basically threw her ass on him, he was barely even moving. Yet still, the fact that he's allowing this to happen, knowing that me and Alorah cannot stand on another is fucked up to me.

"I'm going to get another drink, you coming or what?" Deanna asked while standing to her feet. I held my stomach, staring back at Prince and Alorah.

"Moe?" Deanna called.

"I...I think I'm gonna head home." I say.

"What? Wh-"

"I don't feel quite well all of sudden." I said. I wasn't lying this time, I did feel sick to my stomach. I felt a bit queazy while watching everything happen in such a swift motion. I stood to my feet, swiftly knocking over my cup. It fell to the floor and the remaining of what's left, spilled. I stare at it as my vision became blurry and staggered away, hearing Deanna call after me. I raced towards the stairwell, pushing through everyone. I stormed up the steps, heading to the bathroom; yet it was locked.

"Someone's in here!" The person called out. I sighed before holding my breath for ten seconds. This couldn't be happening to me, the things this guy does to me is a damn crime. What have I ever done to deserve this? I backed away from the door, hoping to find another bathroom. I stumbled a bit swiftly bumping into someone. The figure turned towards me, smiling before speaking.

"Hey beautiful." He said. I focused on him, realizing that it was Daniel. He glared towards me with a slight evil grin on his face.

"You alright, you look a little-" He began while eyeing me down.

"Waisted." He chuckled.

"I-I'm fine, I just have to use the bathroom." I lied, turning away from him.

"Or you have to puke your guts out." He saids, pulling me back.

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped, snatching away from him.

"Wait a minute baby now, I-" He began.

"Get the hell away from me!" I boldly stated. He grabbed my arm, pulling me towards a room. I don't even remember fighting him off that well. I felt so weak, I didn't know what was happening almost. I heard Daniel mumble something to someone before hearing a door close.

"Now." He began. I backed away a bit, staring him down. I may be a bit off, but I still know that he's up to something and that I needed to get away from him.

"We need to discuss a few things gorgeous." He grinned.

"Let me out." I growled. He pushed me back and hovered over my body.

"You're not going anywhere until I get what I want." He grinned.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"Satisfaction." He smiled. Before I could reply, he pushed me near the bed. I got back up but he pinned me down.

"Let me go Daniel!" I barked.

"You really are beautiful." He said.

"I see why Prince is so crazy about you." He finished. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, pecking my skin. I try my hardest to push him away but he grips my wrists.

"You're hurting my wrists." I whimper in pain as he pressed himself against me. It felt as if a bolder was thrown on me. I felt trapped, but I couldn't let him do this to me.

"Just relax baby and I'll take care of you." He whispered.

"Get the hell off of me!" I yelled, pushing him away with all the force I had. He stepped closer to me with another grin on his face, until I hit him. He stared at the floor for a moment and I took that as an opportunity to run. He laughed aloud as I try to open the door but it wouldn't open.

"LET ME OUT!" I yell, hitting against the door. I heard a group of guys laughing like a bunch of hyenas.

"OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!" I screamed. I felt Daniel's hand wrap around the back of my neck, snatching me away and throwing me towards the bed again. I hit the floor as he begin to speak.

"You thought you could get away huh?" He chuckled.

"Let me say this to you." He said, roughly grabbing my chin.

"No one ever escapes from me." He growled.

"And you."

"I'll make sure you beg for mercy." He laughs.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Awe! Baby, I hate that I have to do this to you." He replies.

"But I have to hit Prince where it really hurts." He grinned. I slapped his hand away as he grabbed ahold of me. I screamed to the top of my lungs as he slam me against the bed.

"STOP IT!" I yelled as he hovers over me. He fights to take my shirt off but I fought with everything I had. I felt the rush of sickness again, but that didn't slow me down.

"Just cooperate and it'll be over soon baby girl." He laughed.

"GET THE HELL OF ME DANIEL!" I slapped him again but he didn't budge. He ripped my shirt apart then eased his way down to my shorts.

"You're so soft and warm, I wonder how wet that kitty is." He said, rubbing my thigh.

"STOP IT!" I straight punch him this time and he stumbles back. I get up and head for the door again, but he pulls me back and onto the bed again.


"SHUT THE HELL UP!" He screams.

"HELP ME!" I cry out as we go at it again. He grew aggravated at this point and begin throwing licks at me. I hit him once again and that set him off.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" He pounds my face in. I huffed, my face turning to the side. It grew silent as I felt myself slowly passing out. I could feel the blood form inside my mouth, slowly easing its way out. My eyelids grew heavy and I felt the pressure of him off of me.

"Shit!" I hear him say.

"Yo! We got to go, her friends are looking for her." Someone says, the next thing I hear is the door closing and I black out.

Princeton, I look around as Alorah placed herself against me. I wasn't up for this but I didn't feel like arguing with her. All I could think about is Monroe, I still felt guilty for what I've done to her. I honestly wasn't trying to hurt her. What we did was worth something and it meant something, it meant everything. This girl wasn't just some hit and run, she actually means something to me. I adore her and if I didn't, I wouldn't be chasing after her. I've tried my hardest to get her to forgive me but she just won't budge. I'm not giving up just yet. Alorah placed her dumb ass against my area in order to grab my attention. I knew exactly what she was doing but it wasn't working. I backed away a bit in order for her not to notice anything as she continues to dance around.

"Princeton!" I heard. Alorah pulled away as we turned in the direction of the voice.

"Princeton!" I hear again.

"Cleo?" I questioned, slightly pushing Alorah to the side.

"What happened?" I asked as she breathed heavily.

"I think Moe's in trouble." She said.

"Wha-wait, she's here!" I panicked, stepping closer to her.

"Yes! Deanna said that she was about to leave because she wasn't feeling good." She began.

"But she saw her rush upstairs and never came back down."

"Then we saw Daniel and his crew rush from upstairs and out of the house a few minutes ago." She explained. when I went to check on her, she wasn't there." She explained. I grabbed a hold of her arm and lead her through the crowd. We pushed through, making our way upstairs.

"Check everyone room." I told her. I slightly pushed through the crowd that were hanging up here, looking for her. I swear on everything I love if something happened to her, Daniel is dead. I scanned through everyone as they mingled in the hall.

"PRINCETON!" I hear Cleo scream, running into Chresanto's room. I push through everyone, going in after her. I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach as I stare at her. She laid there on the bed, shirt ripped and a trail of blood from her lips to her chest.

"Monroe?" Cleo called, lightly shaking her. I raced over, trying to wake her as well.

"Monroe wake up, can you hear me?" She called out.

"The hell is going on?" I hear Chres run inside.

"Oh my god, Monroe!" Jordi called, running over.

"What happened?" Chres asked.

"Why isn't she moving?" Jordi panicked. I checked her pulse, sighing in relief.

"She's still breathing." I said.

"What do we do?" Cleo asked.

"I'm taking her back to my place." I said, picking her up.

"What! Her brother is gonna come looking for her." She replied.

"Then tell her that she's at your place or something after the party is over." I said.

"If you take her back home then her brother is going to flip and probably blame it on me." I added.

"He's right." Jordi said.

"Will cover for her, just go." She tells me. She placed Moe's shirt on her chest and I carried her out of the room. Everyone whispered amongst themselves as I eased my way out with the guys surrounding me.

"EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT, LET'S GET BACK TO THE PARTY!" Chres said aloud. I made my way out of the house and placed her into the car before getting in. I left Chres's place, heading to mine while thinking. I know he did this, he'll try everything in him to make my life miserable. Well, I'm done trying to turn the other cheek, I'm done with his games and I'm done being his little rag doll he can just throw around whenever he feels like it. I lost someone close to me and I'm not about to lose another.

I pull up to my driveway and parked the car. I carried Monroe inside and upstairs to my room. I lay her down then clean her up before changing her into one of my t-shirts. I sat there for a minute and admired her for a moment.

"I'm sorry Princess." I whispered, caressing her cheek.
I stood to my feet and changed into black jeans and a black hoodie. I reached under my bed and grabbed a small box, taking out a gun. I stuffed it into my pocket, grabbed my shades and left the house. I placed the gun under the seat then started the ignition.


I slowly eased my way over into the dark alley, looking down at my feet. After an hour of searching, I finally found them. They laugh aloud, talking to one another as I grew closer to them.

"Aye, look." One said. I stopped right in front of them, staring at them all.

"Can we help you man?" He asked, yet I said nothing.

"Uh, if you're looking for Daniel then he ain't here bruh." He said, I still said nothing in reply.

"The hell you want then?" He asked, growing aggravated. I slipped my shades off along with my hood, revealing myself. They begin to cackle like animals, realizing who I was.

"What the hell you want Perez." He laughed aloud.

"I'm looking for-" I began.

"Aye, I told you Daniel ain't here." He chuckled.

"So take yo coward ass on somewhere, alright." He said. I chuckled, shaking my head then focusing back on him.

"I'm wasn't looking for Daniel." I replied.

"Then who-" He began until I interrupted.

"I was looking for you." I said. Steven was Daniel's main sidekick. He did everything Daniel told him to do and if he wasn't in charge then Steven was. Besides Daniel, I couldn't stand this motherfucker. He think he knows anything and everything. But I have something for Simmons, he wants to play games then so be it.

"You were looking for me? What for?" Steven asked me.

"I have a message for Daniel and I want you to give it to him." I said.

"What message?" He questioned. I whipped out my gun, cocking it back as they jumped back in surprise.

"You think you bad now huh?" He chuckled.

"You think just because Daniel ain't here you can take us out?" He questioned.

"Daniel doesn't do shit and you know it." I replied.

"He only gives orders and you dumb asses listen to him."

"Is this what you want to do for the rest of your life, take orders?"

"The fuck I look like taking orders from any nigga?" He snapped

"But that's what you do! He saids something and you do it!" I chuckled.

"You're just another one of his slaves." I laugh.

"I ain't nobody fucking slave, I suggest you watch yourself bruh!" He spat.

"Or what?"

"You're gonna call your master on me?" I teased.

"I know what he did at the party." I grew serious.

"He can do whatever the hell he wants with me." I begin.

"But messing with Monroe is taking it too far and you tell him that if he ever lays a finger on her again."

"I will kill him." I finished.

"And I'll make sure he suffers." They look at me with fear in their eyes as I give them a death glare. Without another word, I drop the gun and walk away. I wasn't going to shoot them, I just needed to scare them that's all. I heard them whispering as I look towards the ground, heading back out of the alley.

"YO PEREZ!" I heard Steven call as he grew closer to me. I turned without warning and he pulled the trigger. I stare at him with a blank expression as he look down at the gun.

"You didn't actually think I would drop a loaded gun do you?" I chuckled. He glared at me and I straight punch him. He stumbled back to the ground and his crew raced over to his rescue. Steven got up and tackled me to the ground, getting his lick back. I pushed him off of me and beat him until he bled. That's until his people snatched me away and jumped me, yet this time I fought back. It was three against one but I wasn't going down like I did last time. My fist hit one in the jaw, sending him to the ground and I slammed the other right on top of him. The third one was stronger but I fought him with everything I had in me until I got him down as well. As soon as I got to my feet, Steven came at me and we went at it once again. He socked me in the nose and I felt the splatter of blood hit my lips. He wrapped his hands around my neck, slowly strangling me. I held his onto them, trying to pry them off, that's until I spotted a brick laying next to me. I grabbed a hold of it and bashed him in the head with it. He fell back and I hit him again, and again, and again, and again until he was no longer moving. I stood to my feet, looking at the rest of them as they stare at me with disbelief.

"You tell Daniel that the next time he decides to put Monroe in me and his' battle again." I began.

"Then he'll be joining Steven."

"But you tell him that I'm coming for him." I said before staring back at Steven.

"And you tell him that I will be alone."

"Because I don't need a damn army to back me up." I finished. That's one down and a million to go. My chest heaved up and down as I glared at the brick that was covered in his blood. I walked away, leaving the alley and getting back into my car. I reached into the back seat, grabbing a large black bag. I placed the brick inside and placed it in the passenger's seat. I slipped my shades back and my hood then started the car. I spotted the rest of Daniel's crew running out of the alley as if they seen a dead person. Get it?


After disposing the evidence, I went back home and showered. I may have done bad things and maybe got into a million fights with others, but never in my life have I killed someone. It wasn't me, but that's what happens when you've had enough of someone treating you like dirt...that's what happens when you care so much for someone. I'm not a bad person, I just make horrible decisions and the only decision I regret, is talking a sweet and delicate person into doing something she doesn't normally do. Besides Julius, Monroe is the best thing that's ever happen to me. For someone to actually care about what I do with my life and how I react towards situations, that's a keeper and I want her to remain in my life. But I just have to stop with the lies.

I stared at her from the bathroom door. She hadn't moved since I left. I pray that Daniel didn't...rape her. I know he hit her though because she's knocked out cold. I wanted to lay next to her and hold her, but she wouldn't like that when she wakes up. I grabbed a blanket from my closet and an extra pillow as well. I made my way over to her side and kissed her cheek before leaving the room. I stepped into the living room, resting on the couch and staring at the ceiling.

"What do I have to do for a better life?" I questioned.

Three In The Morning

Monroe, My eyes slowly fluttered open then closed again. I opened them, hearing the rain pour hard from outside. Thunder clashed and lightening struck as I look around, trying to remember what happened. I sat up, but didn't make it all the way.

"Ow." I groaned, holding my jaw. I was sore as hell and my chest was killing me. I slowly moved my jaw around, trying to deal with the discomfort as I sat up. I kept observing the place until realizing that I was in Prince's room.

"How the hell did I get here?" The only thing I remember was running Prince off my porch earlier and then...seeing him dancing on Alorah. I stood to my feet, listening to the storm outside and stepped out of the room. I eased my way down the dark hallway, looking around for Princeton. My bare feet touched each step and then the bare wooden floor. I peeped into the kitchen, not seeing him there and then the living room. He slept peacefully on the couch, his hand on his chest and the other behind his head. I noticed that he was shirtless and his hair falling over his face. Although I was upset with him, I could never deny this beautiful scenery. I checked the time, it was a little after three and I wanted to know what the hell happened and why I'm I here. I stepped closer to Prince, lightly tapping his shoulder. He moved a bit, sighing aloud.

"Princeton?" I whisper, shaking him. He mumbles a few words then laid still again.

"Princeton!" I call a bit louder. He moves again, mumbling louder. I huffed, growing aggravated at how deep this guy sleeps.

"Hey! Princeton!" I called again.

"I didn't do it!" He said aloud.

"What?" I question myself.

"Please don't hurt her, I'll do anything!"

"Prince!" I try again.

"I'm sorry Monroe!" He yells.

"PRINCETON!" I hit against his chest and that just about did it. He jumped from his sleep, pulling me towards him. I gave him a look of shock, yet concern as he breathes heavily. He realizes that he was dreaming and sighs aloud while throwing his head back.

"Princeton?" I called while pulling away from him. He slowly glares at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Are you alright?" I asked. He closed his eyes, pulling his hands up to his face.

"Yeah." He simply answers while sitting up. He stares at me for a moment then speaks.

"Glad you're awake." He saids.


"What happened?" I asked, sitting next to him. He looked down at his feet, hesitating to answer.

"Prince tell me." I softly demanded.

"I don't know...exactly what happened." He begins.

"All I know is that Cleo and I found you in Chresanto's room, unconscious." He said.

"The hell was I doing in there?"

"Daniel." He answered. I looked away, not wanting to know anything else.

"He didn't do anything too extreme, but he did knock you cold." He added. I still said nothing, I knew I shouldn't have gone to that party. I should have kept my ass home and none of this would have happened.

"Corbin is probably worried sick." I said standing to my feet.

"Everything is fine, Cleo and Jordi covered for you." He answered.

"I need to go home." I said.

"Right now?" He asked, standing to his feet.


"Moe it's pouring raining, thundering and lightening outside and you're trying to get home?"

"Why do you care?" I asked, opening the front door. He slammed it shut, looking down at me.

"Why do I care?" He repeats.

"I care! I care because I care about you!" He snapped.

"You didn't care when you told all those lies to me, you didn't care when you took something special from me!" I spat, backing away from him.

"Let me make love to you! Remember when you said that to me!"

"Was it just something you said to heat up the moment?" I asked.


"Really!" I asked.

"I meant what I said!" He spat.

"But I never meant to hurt you Monroe-"

"That's bullshit Princeton!" I growled.

"What do you want me to do!" He yelled.

"I want you to leave me alone!" I yelled.

"You know I can't do that!"

"Then try!" I yelled. He came closer to me, grabbing me arm.

"Monroe!" He called.

"LET ME GO!" I pounded his chest, crying aloud.

"MONROE STOP!" He yelled, fighting back.

"Get away from me." I cried. He stared at me, remaining silent as I cried aloud.

"You're just like him." I whimpered.

"Like wh-"

"LIKE DANIEL!" I yelled.

"YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN HIM!" I yelled at him.


"IT DOESN'T MATTER!" I replied.

"YOU BOTH HURT ME!" I cried harder.

"Monroe baby, I swear I wasn't trying to hurt-" He began.


"You did and I believed you!" I cried.


"You don't mean that." He said.

"I DO!" I said.

"You're just upset, that's all, alright." He replies, stepping closer to me.


"YOU DON'T MEAN THAT!" He yelled.

"I do-"

"WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO FOR YOU TO FORGIVE ME! HUH?" He yelled, roughly shaking me.

"DO I NEED TO GET ON MY KNEES AND BEG BECAUSE I WILL!" He yelled, getting on his knees.

"WHAT WILL IT TAKE!" He grabbed a hold of my arms again.


"YES I WAS WRONG, ALRIGHT I MESSED UP!" I continued to cry, shaking my head at him.


"You mean everything to me."

"I've never said that to Destiny and I never said that to any girl I've been with."

"The sight of you not being in my life kills me."

"Yes, everything I said to Destiny, I said to you."

"But I mean it this time because you are not like any girl I've come in contact with Monroe."

"I don't care what anyone else thinks, I don't care if they call me soft, fuck them."

"I enjoy the feeling."

"I'm addicted and if I have to tell you this everyday then dammit I will."

"I'll do better I promise." He whispers. I pulled away from him, backing away.

"Monroe." He called, standing to his feet.

"Stay away from me." I softly begged.

"Listen to me." He saids.


"LISTEN TO ME!" I jumped as he hit his fist against the wall, looking down at me. He calmed himself before speaking.

"I'll never hurt you again."

"And I'll never lie to you again."

"Everyone deserves a second chance right?" He asked. Curse him for taking my advice, curse myself for my own saying. He was right though, everyone does deserve a second chance. I no longer felt his presence, taking me from my thoughts. He headed into the living room, leaving me there. I bit my lip, realizing how persistent and how real he made all of this seem. Did he really care or am I falling deeper into the pit for believing him? I bit my lip, slowly heading into the living room. The storm grew louder and the room have seem to grow darker. He sat there on the couch with his head down as I stepped closer to him. I sat on his lap, resting my chest against his. His hands slithered around my waist as mine held his face. My head rest against his as we sat there in silence for a moment. We may have our moments, but there was no doubt in my mind that I was ever letting this go. He was officially apart of me and even if I tried letting him go, it seems as if Gravity just wouldn't agree with it. There was nothing I could do, but hope for the best.

"Please forgive me mama." He whispers to me, gently rubbing his hands against my sides.

"I forgive you." I said.

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