Supernatural one shots

By Babyskye101

314K 10.8K 1.7K

Hey! So I thought I'd do some random one shots with any character from supernatural. I don't take requests be... More

Destiel- The sky is falling
Gabrielxreader Candy shop
Pinky promise-Sam Winchester
LuciferxReader- Don't piss off the devils queen
Sabriel- Back from the dead
Charlie BradburyxReader-Nerds unite
BalthazarxReader - make me smile again
AshxReader- Don't mess with my girl
Deanxreader-From music to love
CastielxReader-I believe in angels
CrowleyxReader-House of the rising Queen
JoxReader- Remember me?
Kevinxreader-Fix me
Samxreader- Birthday
Carry on wayward son-Dean Winchester
I'll protect you-Destiel
Benny-Purgatory buddies
LuciferxReader-Similar stories
John WinchesterxReader-British school teacher
CrowleyxReader-Destiel's daughter
Crowley- Destiel's daughter part 2
Charlie-102% lesbian
Abbadon- Over powering the Queen
Dean-Pregnancy stress
Gabriel-If you fall...
Balthazar- Yoga and proposals
Sam Winchester-sick day
Sabriel-Cotton candy
Dean Winchester-Mermaid Part 1
Dean Winchester- Mermaid Part 2
Dean Winchester-Mermaid Part 3
The Perks of being a lesbian-Jo Harvelle
Garth-Mother's touch
Destiel-Panic attacks
Abbadon-I kissed a girl and I liked it
John Winchester- Mom?
Benny-Don't need no hero
Sam-Avengers cross over
Dean - Witches are bitches who make...Switches?
Crowley-Pie and injuries
Gabriel-Finding Grace Part 1
Gabriel-Finding Grace Part 2
Benny-Hot vampires
Sam Winchester-Shakespeare in the park
So wrong yet so right-Wincest
Come back-Destiel
Disguise-Dean Winchester
Engagements-Chalrie Bradbury
Kitty what?-Castiel Part 1
Double girl power-Jo Harvelle
Don't have to control-LuciferxReader
Kitty what? Castiel part 2
Winchester bros-It's ok
Lucifer-Ex-boyfriends are a pain in the ass
Destiel-FBI au
Charlie-Reunited(Avengers cross over Part 1)
Charlie-Reunited (Avengers cross over Part 2)
Charlie-Reunited(Avengers cross over part 3)
Cas- Human customs
Charlie-Reunited (Avengers cross over part 4)
Ash-Telling the brothers
John Winchester- Winchesters song (Part 1)
Charlie-Reunited(Avengers cross over Finale!)
John Winchester- Winchesters song (Part 2)
John Winchester-Winchesters song (Part 3)
Jo Harvelle-Comfort
John Winchester-Winchester's song (Final Part)
Sabriel- In the arms of a hunter
Kevin- Ghost of you
Dean Winchester- Corfur (Version one)
Dean Winchester-Corfur (Version two)
Lucifer-A domestic side to the devil
Rowena-Forbidden love
Weechesters-Salmon Dean
Something undead-Benny Laffite
Stanford-Sam Winchester
Amara-Our connection
Jo Harvelle-Radar love
Destiel-You are enough
Human Culture (But not really)-Castiel
To the Opera-Winchester bros pt. 1
To the Opera-Winchester bros pt. 2
The ghost whisperer-Charlie Bradbury
What a mother is (Winchester fam)
An old friend brought us together -Dean Winchester
The Witch and the Sin-Rowena
Purebloods suck-Claire Novak
Crowley(Male Reader)-Demophobia
Dean Winchester(Male Reader)-Work and play
Amara-Not so dark
Castiel-Keep you safe
Sam Winchester-Actually you're kinda cute
Patience-My little runaway Part 1
Depression -Team free Will 2.0
Sam Winchester (Male reader)- The Hunter Dad
Jody Mills-That Single Parent Life
Patience-My little runaway Part 2
Castiel (Male reader) -To build a home
Dean (Mom reader) -A Witch hunt Part 1
Lucifer-Practically Strangers
Chuck-On the same page
Afterglow-Rowena(Male reader)
Dean (Mom reader)-A Witch Hunt Part 2
Dean (Mom reader)- A Witch Hunt Part 3
Dean (Mom Reader)- A Witch Hunt Final Part
Cas- Stand up for you
Crowley-Carefree as a dance(Non-binary reader)
Jack-Night adventure
Eileen-Partners in more ways than one
Destiel AU-Transfer me to you

John Winchester-Woman in black

1.2K 41 1
By Babyskye101

(Omg we hit part 100 y'all! Thank you so much for all your reads, and votes! Here's a longer one shot for ya, with a less ass holey John!) 

(Warning: Mentions of pedophilia and mentions of rape)

1992 Butt Fuck Nevada

Winchester. A name that struck fear into the hearts of monsters. Creepy crawlies who hurt the innocent, who believed they had the right to do anything they wanted. The minute they stepped out of line, they signed a death certificate. Because no monster escaped John Winchester. None. It wasn't his fault he was like this. It was the filthy world around him that molded, and shaped him like a damn piece of clay.

The squeaky faucet hacked and rumbled to life, the cool water running through John's blistered hands, providing relief to the burning skin. It had been another long day of digging up graves to salt and burn. Sometimes he felt like he was suffocating in this world, but he knew he had to keep going. He didn't want any family to endure what he and his boys had.

Sam and Dean. His boys. He loved them both with everything he had. He knew he didn't show it often, but when it came down to it, if he didn't have his boys he would be dead by now. They were with Bobby right now, while he finished up this hunt. At ages eight and twelve, they were too young to come hunting with him. Dean though...He was getting there. It was incredible how badly he wanted to follow in John's footsteps.

John heaved a long sigh and grabbed a towel, dabbing his hands dry and looking up to meet his reflection. He hated what he saw. A shell. The shell of a man he had lost a long time ago. He scowled and mumbled to himself before turning away, walking back to the main room of the shitty motel he was in. It was well past midnight, and John new sleep was half way to Timbuktu by now, with no intentions of paying him a visit.

Running his calloused fingers through his long hair, he decided to go for a walk. Maybe the fresh air would do him some good. He hastily grabbed his leather jacket, tossing it over his beat up tank top, and speed walking out the door. He suddenly felt as if the tiny motel room were suffocating him, the cracked walls closing in until he needed to get the hell out.

He walked for a while. Honestly, he lost track of time, walking just to walk, no sense of direction or anything. He was lost to the world, no one spared him a second glance, which he was more than grateful for. He enjoyed being invisible. It was nice not having everyone breathing down his neck all the damn time.


John froze in his tracks, head snapping in the direction the cry had come from.

"Somebody help me plea-!" The second cry was muffled, by what John could only assume was a hand. Hunters instincts on high alert, he found himself running to the scene. More muffled shouts and punches sounded, making John pick up his pace.

The blows kept landing, but something dawned on him. He wasn't hearing those cries anymore. Instead, it sounded like several different people were grunting and scuffling. He rounded the corner, and what he saw made him come to an abrupt halt.

The victim, by the looks of it a young girl, was cowering behind a dumpster, watching as a figure, wailed on four beefy looking men. It seemed as if someone had beaten John to the scene, and was doing a damn good job of kicking ass. John quickly moved to where the young girl was hidden, crouching beside her.

"Hey, hey you alright kid?" He asked, doing his best to keep his voice soft. He knew he didn't look like a damn teddy bear, and the last thing he wanted to do was scare the girl.

She flinched and snapped her head over to him, wide brown eyes frantic. "Y-yea...I think so..." She mumbled, and turned to look down the alley. The alley in which she was almost dragged into.

"I'm John. What's your name?" John spoke, wanting to get her thinking about something other than the fact she could have just been violated, or killed.

"Mia," The girl whispered, voice shaky.

"Mia, okay, how old are you Mia?" His stomach plummeted as the girl answered a meek,


"Christ...Okay, it's gonna be okay, no one's gonna hurt yo-" John was cut off as he was suddenly yanked to his feet and smashed against a brick wall.

"Get the fuck away from my daughter you fucking pig,"

John was dazed for a moment, eyes wide as he found himself staring into the face of a woman. A very angry woman, covered in blood, dressed in all black.

"Mom!" Mia shouted, standing and grabbing her mothers arm. "Mom, it's okay! This-This is John. He saw me and-and was making sure I was okay,"

The woman in black seemed to relax at this, her face going from stone cold killer, to grateful, within mere seconds.

"I...Sorry....I thought you were one of them," She spoke, nodding her head, gesturing to the four bodies she had just dropped.

John was shocked. Not only had this woman fought, and killed four men, twice her size, she had barely broken a sweat. It was obvious she had some form of physical training. Whether it be martial arts, or something else, John had no idea. But he was damn well curious.

"Fuck lady you just...shit," Was all he could manage to stupidly utter out.

The woman snorted softly. "You got a way with words pal. You gonna call the cops on me? Tell them how I just murdered a bunch of shit bags who wanted to rape my little girl?"

John frowned, almost insulted by the question. "I would have done the same thing ma'am. Hell I was 'bout to. Before I saw you kickin' ass over there,"

The woman smirked and wiped some blood off her chin. "Years of training will give you mean skills. You should know, soldier," She eyed his dog tags, and John found himself taken aback yet again.

"You military?"

She nodded. "Yea. Served for four years. Would have been longer but...There were complications," She summarized with a shrug.

Mia seemed to be getting more nervous at this point. "Mom...Please let's go," She whispered.

The woman turned to her daughter and pulled her close. "Yea. We'll go now okay? And don't you ever sneak out like that again you understand?" She sighed shakily and stroked Mia's hair, glad to see her daughter give several nods.

"I'm sorry," Mia whispered, beginning to cry again.

The woman looked up at John and gave a soft smile. "Thank you. You heard what was happening and rushed to help. I cant tell you how much I appreciate that. Mia...She means the world to me. I-I can't imagine what I would do if something had happened to her," Tears were glistening in her eyes.

John scratched the back of his head, feeling much too vulnerable with her sudden gratitude. "Really ma'am I just did what any other person would do. Although you seemed to have this under control,"

Her smile widened. "You still came to help and that's huge. You're a good man,"

The comment was made so sincerely, John himself was almost inclined to believe it. "Look I ah...I'm staying at a motel around here. It's really close. Why don't you come with? I can give you a ride home from there," John had no idea what compelled him to do this, but he felt the compelling urge to help.

The woman's eyes widened slightly. "Really?" She asked. She still looked cautious, and John didn't blame her.

"I can see you're nervous. I promise you I have no ill intentions," He laid his hands out, palms up. "My full name is John Winchester. I'm here on a work-"

A gasp the womans lips. "Winchester? The hunter?" She pressed, and John was taken aback for a few moments.


"I'm a huntress. You've built quite a rep for yourself in the community," She relaxed significantly. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Harvelle,"

It was John's turn to be shocked now. "Harvelle? Like Bill and Ellen?"

Y/N laughed. "That's right, you and Bill are close buddies. Ellen and I only hear the tales. You should stop by the roadhouse one of these days for a visit.

Mia had calmed down at this point as well, watching John with a small smile. "Can we go with him mom?" She asked, looking up at her mother, who rubbed her back and smiled gently. "I think that would be a great idea,"


"I can not believe we've never met. You know Ellen, Bill, Rufus and Bobby," Y/N spoke, on her third glass of whiskey.

John chuckled a little, nodding. It was definitely bizzare the two hadn't crossed paths before hand. "And then to meet like this," He added, shaking his head, and sipping his own whiskey. His eyes darkened and fell on the sleeping Mia.

Y/N had decided to stay the night, upon seeing how exhausted and frightened Mia was. Her poor baby had curled up on one of the beds, and fallen asleep within moments. Y/N couldn't sleep, so John and her had been drinking, and chatting while Mia slept.

"Yea..." Y/N seemed to sober up at that, her fingers stroking her little girls hair. "God I should have been watching her closer...She ran away because I sent her to her room for playing with my silver blade. I had been looking for her for hours...I nearly lost my damn mind. I was so worried...Then I heard her yell. I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't get to her on time," Y/N's voice cracked and tears fell out of her eyes.

"I would have gotten there instead," John chimed in. "And don't you worry, I would have protected her just like you did," He assured.

Y/N gave a soft sob, and set her glass of whiskey down, covering her mouth. John felt helpless for a moment. He had no idea what to do. He wasn't very good at comforting people, but an image of him consoling a crying Mary came to mind, and he reached out, rubbing Y/N's back softly.

"God I can't..." Y/N sucked in a breath. "I'm sorry...I just...My little girl is everything to me," She swallowed and John nodded. "I feel the same way about my boys," He mumbled.

"You have kids?" Y/N turned. "I guess I didn't know that...How old are they?" She asked, and wiped at her eyes.

John felt a small smile form on his face. "Eight and Twelve. Sammy's the youngest, and Dean is the oldest,"

Y/N smiled back softly. "You think they'd get along with Mia?"

John grinned at that. "Oh absolutely. They'd treat her like a sister," He confirmed.

Y/N hummed softly and her eyes drifted back down to Mia, who's head was in her lap. "Good. Mia needs that I think. I home school her...Since we move around so much...So she doesn't get to be with kids her age very often,"

John stared at Y/N for a second. "She should meet them then. They're staying with bobby right now...You know where Bobby is right?" John, again, found himself surprised by the words coming out of his mouth. Something about these two just...Made him soft.

"You...Seriously? You'd be okay with that?" Y/N asked, looking back at John, her face slightly flushed due to the alcohol.

"Yes. I think it would be good for the boys too. And I'm sure Bobby won't mind the extra company for a bit," Okay, maybe he was a little tipsy, but he knew this was the right thing to do. His boys needed this. And frankly, so did he.

Y/N beamed, smiling brighter than the sun. "Sounds like a plan,"

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