By theauthoralicia

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610 23 28
By theauthoralicia

Tuesday, April 14th - The Next Morning

Monroe, I travel down the stairs and into the main entrance, wiping my eyes from the restless night. Princeton called around ten last night, wanting to talk and we held a deep conversation until he eventually fell asleep. I, on the other hand, didn't get any sleep at all because he was constantly on my mind. After learning so much about him yesterday, I really felt for him. He's been through a lot and the least I can do is be there for him.

I escape my thoughts, smelling the aroma of waffles and hash browns fill the house. I step into the kitchen, spotting Shaun at the stove while Corbin occupied himself at the island. I bit my lip, knowing that I have a lot to explain to him. After coming home last night, I headed straight to my room in order to avoid him. There's no way I'll be able to now and I know he's highly pissed.

"Good morning, Moe." Shaun greeted while placing a plate in front of Corbin.

"Morning." I give a small smile while sitting across from him as he remained silent. However, I could feel his eyes on me every once in a while as I silently devoured my food. It wasn't long before I became annoyed by his stare, but I couldn't say a word to him because I'm in the wrong at the moment.

"You want to explain to me, why you were not at the house last night?" He finally spoke in a stern tone.

"Corbin, not now." Shaun stated.

"Not now?"

"She had all the time in the world--I didn't bother her last night." He responded to her.

"Now, tell me why you weren't here last night when we got home." He commanded. I hesitated to answer, not knowing what to say to him really. I couldn't even look him in the eye, because of how intense his stare is.

"I'm talking to you, Monroe!" He spat.

"I had to help a friend." I finally stated, placing my fork down.

"So you disobey me?" He questioned.

"He needed my help!" I snapped.

"THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE!" He yelled, standing to his feet.





"SO HE PROBABLY DESERVED IT!" He added in. I felt my heart ache also my blood boiling while staring him in the eye. I give him an intense glare, letting him know what he said was uncalled for.

"Moe, I'm-" He sighed while rubbing his face.

"You know nothing of him and what he goes through!" I spat while standing to my feet.

"I didn't mean-"

"I left the house because he needed someone by his side!" I spat.

"If it were you in a struggle, I would do the same." I finished.

"Moe!" Shaun called as I stormed out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I made it to my room, slamming the door behind me, locking it afterwards before trailing towards my bed. I sigh deeply, rubbing my temples in order to keep calm while sitting at the edge of the bed. I hear my phone beeping, grabbing my attention and I snatch it from my pillow, quickly answering it.


"You sound like you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" She spoke.

"So far, my morning isn't going so well." I told her.

"I see."

"So, do you mind explaining what happened last night?" She asked.

"Jordi, I really don't wanna talk about it." I sigh aloud.

"Come on Moe! Everyone is hollering about it."

"How does everyone even know about this, anyway?" I asked her.

"Daniel and his big mouth of course." She replied.

"He told everyone how he beat the hell out of Princeton last night."

"And he also said that you were there witnessing it all." I exhale deeply, bowing my head as last night's incident replayed in my head.

"Daniel didn't do shit last night, he got his crew to do the work for him!" I spat angrily.

"So, what happened?" She asked me.

"Prince and I were at the school, he wanted to show me something." I began.

"After we left, we saw Daniel as his boys there and they kept at it with Prince."

"Then they attacked him, not Daniel." I finished.


"Why is it such a big deal anyway? They're always at war, so it shouldn't be that important." I said.

"Things are different around here, babe."

"Well I have to go, Chres is picking me up in a few." She said.

"At least you're out having fun while I'm stuck here." I said, throwing one of my pillows to the side.

"It'll get better soon girl, don't stress over it."

"I guess so, talk to you later."

"Bye." She said before hanging up. I place my phone aside, groaning loudly while lying across the bed, staring at the ceiling. Not only is Daniel a ridiculous coward, but he's the biggest liar I've ever met. Yeah, he got a few licks in but he mostly did the orders. If anything, I think Princeton would've won that battle if it was just him. I swear, he's careless and stupid, he has no respect for anyone--not even himself.

I felt the faint vibration of my phone, signaling a text message. I sit up a bit, watching my room light up from the sun shifting. I focused on my device, staring at the screen, reading the message from none other than Princeton.

"Good morning beautiful, I miss you." I read to myself. A smile appeared across my face, reading it over again before replying back. He knew how to really change the mood because I felt calm at this point.

"I need to see you." I read his response, hesitating to reply back. I don't need another outburst between me and Corbin but I refuse to be in here all day.

"Please?" He sent seconds later. Should I really risk this? I really wanted to see him, especially after last night--I want to see how he's holding up.

I told him I'll swing by as soon as Corbin and Shaun leaves and he text back a wink, making me blush. I place my phone down, hearing a knock at my door.

"Yes?" I answered.

"I'm going to work. Do not leave this house." Corbin said. I huff aloud, rolling my eyes while standing to my feet.

"Did you hear m-"

"I heard you, now leave me alone!" I spat in aggravation. I hear him sigh deeply, storming off down the hall while talking to Shaun. I couldn't get out what he said, but it's probably best that I didn't.

"Monroe?" Shaun called.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"You know he's only being your brother, he's just concerned." She said.

"Maybe if he would stay in a brother's place then I would cut him some slack." I responded.

"I understand, but this is his house and you need to respect that."

"I'll talk to him, just cool off alright?"

"Thanks." I say.

"I'm leaving, I'll be back later." She said.

"Okay." I said. I bit my lip, listening carefully for her to leave as well. Minutes later, I hear the front door shut and I dashed into the bathroom. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth then got dressed into something comfortable. I pulled my joggers up to my waist then slipped on a fresh baby pink tee. I let my hair down, fluffing my curls before slipping on my shoes. I grabbed my things, quickly leaving the room.

I make my way down the hall, almost jumping the stairs. I exit the main entrance, opening the front door to make sure the coast was clear before leaving. I step out and lock up before heading down the pathway. I send Prince a quick message to let him know that I was on my way while treading down the street. I take the same route from before when going to heading to his place and it never takes long to get there.

Within minutes, I reached his place and I couldn't stop the smile smearing across my face as I skip to his doorstep. I knock twice before stepping away and fluffed my curls while waiting patiently.

"Oh Monroe!" His grandmother greeted with a smile.

"Hi, Mrs. Amelia." I greeted.

"You are just so beautiful, my goodness." She squealed.

"Thank you." I chuckled a bit.

"Oh, let me get out of your way, Jacob is in his room." She said as I step inside. I give her a warm smile before making my way upstairs. I could feel those butterflies in my stomach again the closer I got to his bedroom. I clutched my stomach, taking a deep breath when coming to a stop. I hesitate for a minute before knocking lightly against the door.

"Come in." I hear him say. I slowly opened the door, feeling the smile approaching again as he come into view. He picked his head up, locking eyes on me as I step into the room. My smile grew bigger as I admire him while shutting the door behind me.

"Hey ma-"

"Princeton!" I smiled brightly, running towards his bed. He chuckled aloud as I land next to him, resting on my stomach.

"Hi Princess." He greeted while sitting up, crossing his ankles afterwards.

"Don't you look cute in your pj's?" I grinned, slightly tugging at his bottoms. He wore a green tee and black pajama pants with his hair down in his face.

"Why, thank you." He smiled.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better now that you're here." He replied, looking down at me.

"Glad I could help." I grinned.

"Did you get in trouble last night?" He asked.

"No, but I did this morning." I look away, not really wanting to speak of the topic.

"I'm sorry ma-"

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault-"I began while sitting up.

"It was." He interrupted, pulling me closer to him. Slowly and steady, he pulled me into his lap, hissing a bit from the pain.

"Prince you're going to hurt yourself." I say as he winced a bit louder. He groaned aloud, releasing a deep sigh as he slithered his arms around my waist.

"It was my fault." He began.

"I shouldn't have took you there in the first place."

"I'm glad you took me." I tell him.

"And if Daniel wasn't there."

"Then everything would have been fine." I say, gently rubbing his chin. He smiled a bit, looking down while placing his hand against my stomach.

"Are you blushing?" I giggled.

"No." He said.

"Yes you are." I beamed, lifting his chin up with my hands. He pulled away, chuckling a bit while trying to hide his face from me.

"You are blushing!" I giggled, trying to catch the sight. He laughed, grabbing my hands in order to stop me.

"Don't hide it from me." I softly spoke as he slowly picked his head up, looking into my eyes.

"Look at your cheeks!" I squealed.

"They're as red as a cherry." I grinned. He laughed again, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"You're so cute Princeton." I whisper in his ear.

"Really?" He asked in a high pitch voice as if he were a two year old, receiving good news. I laugh aloud, causing him to laugh as well.

"Yes, really." I giggled. He slowly ceased his cackle, breathing steady as he remained silent for a moment.

"I've never been this relaxed before." His deep voice echoed throughout the room.

"Why not?"

"I'm just so stressed out all the time." He answered calmly.

"But when you're around, I'm at ease." He continued.

"Special as I said before." He chuckled and I smiled, feeling good at this point. It was silent for a moment as he continued to rest against my shoulder. I focused on the outside of his window, thinking for a moment before focusing back on him. It felt good making some happy, especially if they've been through some things.

"Your hair is very-" I began as he picked his head up.

"Out there." I finished, studying his hair. He chuckled, resting his head back on to my shoulder, lightly breathing against my neck.

"Would you like to touch it?" He asked.

"Can I?" I asked, a bit surprised.

"Normally, I don't let anyone touch it."

"But for you, I'll make an exception." He added in. I chuckle in response, gently tangling my fingers through his hair. I gasp aloud, amazed at the softness of his locs and how bouncy his curls were.

"How can someone have such amazing hair, oh my god." I said in complete awe. He chuckled, slightly readjusting his head for me to tend to his define mane. I continued to massage through his scalp as it grew silent again.

"That feels amazing." He mumbled.

"Maybe I should do this often then." I giggled. He picked his head up, gazing into my eyes before replying.

"You're just good at everything, huh?" He interrogated.

"Not everything." I blush at his question.

"No ones perfect." I shrug with a slight chuckle.

"But you are." He replied to me. I smiled in response, feeling my cheeks burn from his sweet comment. I locked my arms around his neck as he pressed his lips against my cheek, tightly embracing my torso. He groaned loudly as we slowly fell back onto the bed in the same position.

"You're perfect to me too." I whispered in his ear.

Meanwhile - Three Hours Later

My eyes fluttered open as the light beamed brightly from the window. I look around, realizing that I was still at Prince's place. I then noticed his large figure next to me, arms locked around my waist. A smile plastered across my face as I took a minute to admire him sleeping peacefully. He was beyond gorgeous, even when he's asleep; his hair over his eyes, his light snores and caramel skin.

I check the time, realizing that it's the afternoon now which means that I've been here all morning. I have to get back home before Corbin or Shaun does. I hate to go, but I'm not going to suffer with this punishment for the rest of my life.

I eased out from Princeton's grip, standing to my feet without waking him. A soft moaned slipped from his lip while, turning over on his back. I pulled my sneakers over my feet then grabbed my keys from his nightstand. I leaned over towards him, resting a soft kiss to his cheek.

"I'll see you later, love." I whispered in his ear. He sighed deeply with his eyes still closed. I felt his hand rest against my hip, pulling me further down. He hugged me close then kissed my forehead before speaking.

"Bye mama." He whispered to me. I smiled, pulling away from him then headed out of his room. I quickly trail down the stairs, seeing Mrs. Amelia coming from the living room.

"You're leaving dear?"

"Yes ma'am." I smiled.

"Alright, come back soon." She responded.

"Will do." I give her a quick wave before heading out the door. I stroll along the sidewalk until entering the empty streets, stuffing my hands into my pockets. I honestly didn't want to leave, but I can't risk the trouble again or I'll be on punishment forever. I'm still down about what Corbin said earlier because he doesn't know what the hell Princeton goes through. But regardless of the matter, he should have never said what he said in the first place. No one deserves to be beaten that way...except Daniel.

I noticed how quickly I arrived home and there wasn't a car in sight. I smiled to myself, slowly heading up the driveway while fishing for my key. I step onto the doorstep, unlocking the door and step inside. I listen carefully to make sure if I wasn't being fooled by Corbin, making me think that he wasn't home. Yet, the coast was clear and I placed my shoes aside before trailing into the kitchen for a snack. Seconds later, I hear a car pulling in the driveway, signaling someone was here.

"Thank you." I huff aloud while looking up.

"Monroe?" I hear his voice enter the main entrance, but I kept quiet as he called for me again. He peeped into the kitchen, stepping in while placing his key on the counter.

"Came to see if I'm still here right?" I questioned blankly.

"We need to talk, Moe." He exhaled deeply.

"I don't want to talk Corbin." I honestly stated.

"I know you think I'm being hard on you." He began.

"But, I'm doing it because I love you."

"No, I'm not dad, but you're my sister."

"You're my responsibility until you're old enough to take care of yourself." He finished.

"I apologize for what I said earlier."

"I shouldn't have said that." He finished. I stare into his eyes, not wanting to continue this conversation. So, I made my way out of the kitchen to leave him there until hearing the doorbell ring. Corbin stepped out as well, leaving the main entrance to answer the door.

"Yo! What's up Corbin!"

"How you doing man?" I smiled, knowing those two voices from anywhere.

"What are you two doing here?" Corbin asked as I make my way out of the main entrance.

"We came to see doll face." Hansel stated.

"There she is!" Charles grinned with his arms out wide.

"Sorry, but doll face is on punishment and she isn't allowed to leave the house." Corbin replied.

"True." Another voice stated.

"But, you never said that she couldn't have company." Said Cleo.

"A punishment is a punishment, Cleo."

"A punishment isn't just a punishment." She calmly argued.

"Every punishment has certain rules and you sir."

"Didn't quite set those rules." She continued.


"You specifically stated that she is to not leave the house."

"You trying to out smart me, blue eyes?" Corbin asked her. I giggled aloud, witnessing the entire thing as Charles and Hansel laugh aloud.

"Nope." Cleo smiled.

"She's just stating the facts." Alexander stated, suddenly approaching the door.

"You sir have been out numbered." Said Jordi as she approached the door as well.

"The hell you all come from?" Corbin asked.

"From our houses." Charles stated the most obvious, making me laugh.

"Now let us see our doll face." Hansel stated with a serious face. I giggled a bit louder as Corbin looked towards me. I grinned, knowing he has been defeated.

"Alright!" He sighed.

"But she is to not leave this-"

"Man!" Alex stated.

"You think we're like five or something?" Hansel interrupted.

"You two are." He replied, referring to him and Charles.

"We got this, now move because you're in the way." Jordi stated as they all step inside.

"I don't want anyone else-"

"Just go back to work Corbin." Jordi joked. He sighed, making his way back out the door.

"Hey baby!" Jordi greeted, quickly embracing me.

"Do you guys always torture my brother like this?" I laughed.

"Occasionally." Cleo shrugged.

"When we have nothing else to do." Charles added.

"So how does it feel being on house arrest?" Jordi asked. I began to speak until hearing the front door open.

"Guys!" I heard.

"In here!" Cleo stated. I spotted Deanna strolling around the corner with a smile on her face.

"Deanna!" I happily greeted her with an embrace. She smiled, squeezing me tight before letting go.

"I brought pizza and soda pops." She said.

"Alright now!" Hansel stated.

"What!" Said Alex.

"Awe shit!" Charles sung aloud as they raced out of the main entrance.

"Idiots." Jordi stated.

Meanwhile - Seven Hours Later

It was going on ten o'clock and everyone were still here. Deanna bought about three boxes of pizza and three stacks of soda pops. We were watching our fifth movie for the night while chatting a bit here and there.

"Sooo, everyone is still talking about that incident from yesterday." I heard.

"Oh no, can we please not talk about that." Deanna replied.

"I do not want to hear his name." She added.

"Moe what really happened?" Alex questioned.

"What happened is what I told you." Jordi replied to him.

"I want to hear it from her though." He whined.

"Nothing too extreme happened."

"I don't know why everyone is making this such a big deal." I stated.

"That's why I say to stay away from him." Deanna responded. I glanced over at Jordi, she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"That no good bastard is nothing but trouble." She spat.

"Aye now!" Hansel stated.

"He is!" She argued.

"We don't call out names round here." Charles stated.

"Whatever, don't let him fool you Moe." She replied. I sighed a bit, focusing back on the television. I didn't want to hear this from her, I didn't want her on my back about it either.

"I'll be back." I told them, slowly standing to my feet.

"Okay." Jordi stated. I stepped out of the screening room and headed upstairs. I made it into the main entrance then treaded upstairs to my room. I opened the door, closing the door behind me. I placed my back against the door, holding my head up.

"What's the matter princess?" I heard. I shot a look towards my bed, seeing Prince sitting there.

"Prince." I whispered.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, approaching him.

"I wanted to see you." He answered while standing to his feet.

"You're supposed to be at home in bed." I said to him.

"That's not gonna stop me from seeing you mama." He said.

"Now tell me what's wrong." He softly demanded. I remained silent for a moment looking down at my fingers. He gentle lift my chin up, looking into my eyes.

"You can tell me anything."


"MOE!" I heard.

"In the closet." I whispered, pushing him towards the closet again. He hissed in pain as I roughly pushed him inside, quickly shutting the door.

"Oh, there you are." Deanna stated as I stood next to my bed.

"Yeah?" I answered, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Do you have any extra blankets, it's getting kind of chilly down there." She said.

"Yeah, there a-" I began until she made her way towards the closet.

"NOT IN THERE!" I blurted, startling her.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"There not in there."

"There should be some in the closet next to the guest room, further down the hall." I said with a nervous smile.

"Okay then." She said, backing towards the door.

"Hey?" She softly called.

"You're not mad about what I said downstairs are you?" She asked.

"N-no." I asnwered.

"I wasn't trying to upset you Monroe."

"I'm just looking out for you."

"I've witness Princeton doing some dirty things, doing wrong and betraying innocent people like you." She explained.

"I just don't want to see you hurt, that's all." She said.

"Thanks." I gave a small smile. She gave one in return then headed out, closing the door behind her. I sighed once again in frustration as I sat along the bed.

"Do you believe her?" I heard him ask. I looked up, seeing him leaning against the door frame of my closet. I looked back down at my fingers, not answering him quickly. I don't want to believe Deanna, but I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me, none of them would.

"Monroe?" He called.

"No." I answered, unsure of myself. He looked down at the floor with his hands in his pockets.

"Okay." He said to me with disappointment in his tone as he made his way towards the door.

"Princeton wait." I stopped him, standing to my feet. He turned towards me, closing the door back.

"I don't believe her." I said.

"That's not what your eyes are telling me Moe." He said deeply before heading out. I sighed, grabbing my curls as I sat back on the bed.

"Dammit." I hissed.

"Monroe?" Someone knocked. The door opened and in came Cleo and Jordi.

"You're missing the movie." Cleo stated as she closed the door behind her.

"What's wrong?" Jordi asked.

"Is it what Deanna said earlier?"

"When she came up here for blankets, she told me how she felt about Princeton and how I shouldn't be around him."

"Or I'm gonna regret it basically."

"And he heard everything." I finished.

"Wait he was here?" Jordi asked.

"Yeah and he thinks I believe her."

"Why can't she just try to get along with him?" I asked.

"We don't know."

"Look, I'm not the type to tell people who they can be friends with." Cleo stated, sitting on the other side of me.

"But Princeton can get a little-"

"Rowdy when things go down with him and Daniel."

"He can also get himself into things that he shouldn't." Jordi added.

"And he can definitely drag someone down with him Monroe."

"Maybe it would be the best to just keep your distance."

"I don't need to hear this!" I said, standing to my feet.

"I don't want to hear this!" I snapped.

"Moe, we're not trying to tell you-"




"HUMANS MAKE MISTAKES AND TEND TO MAKE BAD DECISIONS!" I said, feeling the tears flood from my eyes.














"How would you like it if no one gave you a chance?" I said. They said nothing in reply, leaving them speechless is what I had done. The door swung open, revealing the others as I remained silent.

"What happened?" Charles asked.

"I think it's time we head on home." Cleo stated while standing to her feet.

"Moe is everything-"

"Don't Deanna." Cleo said. They left without another word, leaving me there in shackles. I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean to snap, I just did and I know that they would never tell me anything wrong. But I couldn't just let them down talk Princeton. Yes, he does things he shouldn't, but I was right about what I said. Daniel is never judged for the shit he pulls and no one saids a damn thing when he tortures others. Yet, as soon as Prince does something that barely harms anyone, he's satan...I can't put up with that and I won't. He's just a little misguided and needs someone to lead him down the right path. And I'll do that if I have to. I enjoy being around him, I feel open-minded and relaxed whenever he's around, it's like I need him in order to remain....sane. Call me crazy but it's true and I don't want to lose him.

I came back to reality as a pair of arms slithered around my neck. I could tell by the scent of mangos and strawberries that it was him....he never left? He kissed my cheek and rested his chin against my shoulder.

"I don't know what I would do without you." He said in a low tone. I still said nothing, just remain staring at the wall as the tears continue to fall down my face. I turn to him, looking into his eyes as he moved the small strands of hair away from my face. I embraced him tightly, shutting my eyes as he ran his fingers through my curly hair and kissing the top of my head.

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