By theauthoralicia

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[πŽπ‹πƒ π•π„π‘π’πˆπŽπ] 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 πŽππ„ πŽπ… 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π†π‘π€π•πˆπ“π˜ π’π„π‘πˆπ„π’ ππ‘πˆππ‚π„π“πŽπ 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐙... More

πŽπ‹πƒ π•π„π‘π’πˆπŽπ: π”ππ„πƒπˆπ“π„πƒ


662 25 34
By theauthoralicia

Wednesday, April 8th - Eight Days Later

Monroe, "I just want to punch his face in sometimes." She threatened. I chuckled, shaking my head as she continued to speak bad about her brother. Another month has gone by and things are still going good for me.

"He's your brother and you love him." I teased.

"Whatever." She grumbled.

"So, are you still staying after school with me?" She asked.

"Of course." I replied. Jordi begged me to stay after school and watch Chresanto practice on the field today. We have a game Friday and I'm actually excited. I've never been to a school game, I didn't have the money to go and neither did I have friends to go with.

"Yes! Now you can see it for yourself." She grinned.

"See what?" I chuckled.

"How gorgoues Chres is out on that field." She answered.

"His manly arms and toned skin is just...damn." She described. I giggled, shaking my head while looking away. I spotted Alorah and her friends up ahead, standing near one of the columns, talking amongst one another. It wasn't long before she met eyes with me then quickly rolled them off before focusing back on her friends.

"Don't worry about them honey." Jordi broke my thoughts.

"She's just mad because you've been hanging with her boo." She grinned.

"Her boo?" I asked.


"She's had a crush on him since freshmen year." She explained.

"He never really cared for her and still doesn't, but he uses her whenever he feels like it."

"And her dumb ass just keeps falling for it every single time."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep! I think she's just as crazy for him as I am for Chres." She giggled.

"But of course I know my limits, but her...she's head on and will try her every will to get him to fall for her." She explained.

"Wow." I whispered.

"Although, I think he's taking quite fine of you though." She smirked.


"Don't play dumb, you two have been hanging out a lot lately; everyday at that and I know for a fact in my god giving mind that he likes you." She explained.

"You're crazy, we're just friends."

"And? That doesn't mean anything." She responded.

"If every knows Princeton, we know that he does not hang out with people often."

"He's normally by himself, everything is a one man job with him."

"And how do you know that?" I asked.

"Chresanto is one of his best friends." She responded.

"He said that he barely hangs with them sometimes." She added.

"But the fact that he's hanging with you all the time, simply means that he likes you." She finished.

"I've only known him for a couple of weeks, not even a full month." I chuckled.

"It doesn't take rocket science to know whether someone likes you Monroe and it doesn't take years or months to actually like someone either." She stated.

"I mean, look at me! One quick look at that piece of caramel sculpture and I'm already hollering." She joked. I laughed aloud, not even expecting that. She laughed as well, looking down at her feet.

"You're something else."

"Thank you." She grinned.

"Hi Princeton!" I heard Alorah's voice. Jordi and I stared in her direction, watching her wave towards the student parking lot. My eyes followed, seeing Princeton stepping from his car. He gives her a quick head nod, continuing his way past her. I could feel Alorah's stare as he made his way towards us instead of her.

"Get your man girl." Jordi whispered to me once again.

"Stop it." I mumbled before focusing on Princeton.

"How you doing Princess?" He greeted as we come to a complete stop.

"Awe! He calls you princess!" Jordi cooed, making Princeton chuckle.

"Hush." I blushed, lightly nudging her.

"What's up Jordi?" He greeted.

"Hello." She greeted.

"What's up love?" I greeted back as well.

"Here." He said, handing me a Strawberry-Banana smoothie.

"How did you-"

"Well, you did pour it on Daniel and I kind of got a whiff of it after I tackled him." He explained with a grin. Jordi gently elbowed me while giggling a bit.

"Right. I, almost forgot about that." I chuckled, shyly looking down at the smoothie.

"But thank you." I told him.

"Anytime." He said before taking a sip of his.

"Are you doing anything after school?" He questioned as we continued our way towards the cafe.

"Yeah, I'm staying after school with this one here." I replied.

"She has to see the work of an artist out on the field." Jordi added, making me laugh.

"Alright then." Prince chuckled.

"Why don't you stay with us?" Jordi suggested. I give her a look as a grin appeared across her face.

"Nah, I'm goo-"

"Oh we insist, right Moe?" She questioned, giving me a look as well.

"Y-yeah, we don't mind at all." I fake a smile.

"Alright, I'll catch you later then mama." He said, gently pecking my cheek. He waved towards Jordi then walked away.

"Oh my god! He kissed your cheek, the hell you talking about just friends, that nigga likes you!" Jordi hyperventilated.

"He does not and I know what you're trying to pull, inviting him to stay after school." I said, slapping her hand away from my cheek.

"Psh! I don't know what you're talking about honey." She stated, looking away. I shook my head as she continued to rant on about Prince kissing my cheek. My thoughts were interrupted by Alorah giving me a death glare as we slowly pass by her.

"That's right! Your man kissed her on the cheek!"

"Jordi!" I called.

"You mad Barbie?" She continued. Alorah rolled her eyes, strutting away with her friends behind her.

"What was that?" I asked.

"That heifer is harmless, she just rolls those eyes and walks away every single time." She explained.

"Why did you call her Barbie?" I questioned.

"Barbie's fake right?" She asked.

"Yeah...Oh!" I sung, beginning to laugh at her little joke.

"What am I going to do with you?" I asked.


I watch everyone whisper amongst themselves and some quickly leaving the hall. I open my locker, shoving my things in before class started. One more class left and I can just relax a bit. Its been kind of busy today in the school, Principle Reed observing most of the classes today and campus police patrolling more than they normally do.

"MOE!" I hear my name being called. My eyes followed the voice, catching Princeton swiftly approaching me.

"Hey." I greet him with a smile. He stopped right in front of me, trying to catch his breath before replying.

"You alright?" I giggled.

"I need you to do something for me." He spoke.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I need you to hide this in your locker." He whispered, stepping closer to me while looking around. I look down as he pulled out two bottles of Morphine and a sack of heroine from his jacket.

"Are you kidding me?" I snapped a bit, slightly pushing him away. What was he even doing with that stuff? Is this what his life consist of, dealing?

"Sh!" He stopped me.

"I'm not about to put that in my locker, Princeton."

"It's only until the search is over then I'll take it back." He said.

"What search?"

"They're about to do a monthly search for drugs and weapons." He said while looking around. So that's why it's been pretty crowded around here lately?

"And you seriously want me to hide that in my locker? When they're doing a search?" I questioned with a blank expression.

"Look, they're not going to search the lockers, alright they only search us." He explained.

"Then why can't you put it in your locker?"

"Because my locker gets searched, me and Daniel's but he isn't here." He said through his teeth. I stared in to his eyes, debating whether to go through with this or not. I've never been asked to do something like this before and I'm not the one to get into any mess. I like to hold a good report in school, the last thing I need is getting into trouble for drug possession.

"Please." Princeton softly begged, gently caressing my chin.

"Do it for me mama." He added, lightly kissing my cheek. I bit my lip, feeling my stomach tingle. I clutched onto it as the feeling grew stronger. I can't believe what I'm doing right now. He knew how to make you feel some type of way, no matter what the situation is.

"Fine! Hurry up!" I told him. He smiled, swiftly placing the small black bag into my locker, in between my belongings.

"You owe me for this." I growled.

"I got you sweetness." He winked while closing my locker. I placed the lock on it and treaded down the hall with him by my side.

"I want you to come by my place after practice, is the alright with you?" He asked as we slowly stroll down the hall.

"Sure, I can swing by." I said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Before he could speak, Principle Reed and a load of campus police officers entered the hall.

"Shit!" Princeton whispered. He pulled me towards the lockers as everyone else formed a line on each side. I watch two police dogs slowly and carefully sniff each and every student. I was nervous as hell, thinking about the decision I just made. What if they do check lockers? I should just dig my own grave because I'm dead if they do.

They finally made their way down further, stopping right in front of Princeton and me. He sniffed vigorously and carefully for about two minutes. I could feel my palms sweat as he looked towards me. He suddenly moved on to the next and I let go of the breath that I held the entire time.

That's until the one expecting on the other side began barking...not at the students, but at the lockers. His paws scratched against the doors, barking louder while students moved away. My eyes slowly made its way up as I read the number 2390 across it. I bit my lip while shutting my eyes as Principle Reed gave the combination. They scanned through my things, simply pulling out the medium sized bag from between my books. I could feel my brain crack and my internal organs go on a rampage.

"Who's locker is this?" Principle Reed asked. Everyone silently looked around, not answering. He stepped away from my locker, speaking louder this time.

"Who's locker is this?" He asked loud enough for everyone to hear. I hear Princeton sigh deeply, beginning to move forward. I couldn't let him do it, Principle Reed would be quite satisfied that he has the opportunity to suspend him, all he needed is a reason to.

"It's mine!" I say aloud, quickly stepping forward. He gave a look of surprise as everyone mumbled and whispered to one another.

"Are you sure that it's yours, Ms. D'Carter?" He asked, looking towards Princeton.

"Yes." I answered.

"Very well then, follow me." He said, quickly trailing down the hall. I begin to follow until Princeton swiftly pulled me back.

"The hell are you doing?" He whispered to me.

"I-I don't know." I answered truthfully before being escorted down the hall. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but they didn't power over Princeton's stare. I honestly don't know what came over me, I don't even know what came over me when I agreed to this in the first place. Yet, now that I realized how much trouble I'm in, I regret it. Corbin is going to kill me when he finds out.


"YOU HAD HEROINE IN YOUR LOCKER!" He snapped, pacing back and forth across the living room floor.

"Corbin I swear, I didn't-"


"Yeah, but-" I tried explaining.




"Babe, let her speak." Shaun interrupted. He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples while taking a seat across from us.

"Thanks Shaun." I told her.

"Look, I saw a guy on the street selling them and he asked if I could buy some in order to make some change." I lied. I know it sounds crappy, but I couldn't put Prince out like that, I wouldn't live with the guilt.

"So you bought the shit?" He snapped.

"Only to give him the money!"


"I WASN'T GOING TO USE ANY OF IT! GOD, I DON'T EVEN DO DRUGS!" I snapped, standing to my feet.






"THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS LAY OFF A BIT!" I said before storming out of the living room.



"FINE!" I snapped.

"Moe!" I heard Shaun call after me. I kept going at a quick pace in order to get to my room. Once I got there, I slammed the door behind me, walking over to my bed. I laid back to stare at the ceiling, hearing the front door slam. I hear the engine of his car before he pulled off.

I know what I did wasn't right, but he didn't have to lecture me like I'm his kid or something. Most siblings are the ones that talks to you after being yelled at by your parents. I have parents, which I haven't met but if they were here, that would be their job...not Corbin's.

I take attention from the ceiling, hearing my phone going off. I snatched it from above me, staring at the screen to see who the caller is; it was Princeton. I honestly didn't want to speak with him. Part of me was upset with him, but if anything, it's my fault because I should've told him no. Damn his brown orbs and sweet charms for getting me into this.

I simply ignored his call, resting on my side while bringing my knees to my chest. I huff loudly, feeling my entire vibe shut down and I wanted to crawl in a dark hole for the rest of my life.

"Just great!" I whispered to myself.

Meanwhile - Seven Hours Later

I jump from my sleep, hearing my phone beeping nonstop. I sigh, grabbing it from under me, somewhat aggravated by the sound. I check the time and it's a little after eight, I'd been asleep for hours.

I noticed ten missed calls from Princeton and seven text messages from him as well. I bit my lip, anxious to know what he had to say. I turn over on my back, feeling the air from the ceiling fan hit against my bare skin.

"Answer the phone, Monroe!"

"Please, pick up!"

"You shouldn't have done that!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Did your brother take your phone?"

"If so, she didn't do it man, I did! Don't punish her for it, it was all my fault!"

"Im sorry, mama! Please answer me, I need to hear from you!" I placed my phone aside until hearing it go off again; it was none other than him.

"Look out your window...please." I read. I look over towards my balcony before slowly getting out of bed. I open the doors, stepping out to see him standing in the middle of the road.

"What are doing here?" I asked him.

"I came to apologize mama." He said.

"I've got enough of that Princeton." I sighed.

"But I wanted to tell you, face to face." He replied.

"I'm sorry...alright?"

"I shouldn't have asked you to do that in the first place."

"But you shouldn't have said anything, I would've took the blame."

"Yeah and that was only going to put Reed in a happy mood." I argued.

"I'd rather do that than to risk you getting in to trouble for it." He said.

"Well, it's over now." I replied, not wanting to speak of this again.

"Take a walk with me." He said. I stared him down for a moment, debating whether to go with my gut or not. Corbin wasn't home still, but he could be at any given moment.

"Please?" He softly begged.

"Come on mama." He said in that charming tone of his. I sigh loudly, bowing my head while hearing a slight chuckle from him.

"Fine, give me a minute." I responded before stepping back inside. I shut the doors, leaving them unlocked just in case I need an entrance.

I slipped on a pair of sweats along with my converses before stepping out of the room. I stuffed my phone into my pocket while making my way down the hall then down the stairs, trying not to make any loud noises.

"Hurry back before you brother gets home." I hear, swiftly turning around. Shaun stood there with her arms crossed while leaning on the frame of the kitchen.

"Make it quick." She said.

"I love you so much." I said. She smiled, heading back into the kitchen. I took no time, racing out the door, closing it behind me. Princeton noticed my approach as I quickly jog over towards him.

"Let's make this quick before my brother gets home." I said, quickly heading down the sidewalk.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He yelled at me like I was his own kid." I begin.

"Now I'm not allowed to go anywhere until further notice." I sighed.

"Damn." He said.

"I really wished you didn't say anything, Monroe."

"Reed doesn't scare me and the shit he pulls doesn't phase me either." He explained.

"The guy is powerless." He finished.

"I probably would enjoy the suspension anyway." He chuckled.

"Yeah well, it's done now." I responded with a small sigh.

"I know you're probably upset with me, but I really am sorry, Moe." He said, stopping me. He had a sincere look in his eyes as he look down on me.

"I'm not upset, Princeton." I spoke softly, stepping closer to him.

"Good, because I don't want you to be." He said, caressing my chin.

"I don't really like the feeling." He grinned. I smiled, beginning to laugh while looking down.

"Come on." He said. I focused back on him as he held his hand out for me.

"Where are we going?"

"To my place, I did want you to come over." He answered. I took his hand and he led me down the street.

"But what about-" I begin.

"It'll be quick, I promise." He interrupted. I remained silent as he led the way to his place, thinking of what could possibly happen when we get there. I've never been to his house and I'm quite nervous.

Within a couple of minutes, we were in front of a nice place with rose bushes on the platform. I admired the small garden next to the driveway as we head towards the front door. He unlocked it and stepped in with me behind him. I inhaled the sweet aroma of mangos and lilies as I admired the decor of this place.

"Wow." I say in complete awe.

"Feel free to look around, I'll be back." He said to me before heading up the stairs. I focus back on the beautifully decorated home, slowly entering the living room. I studied the pictures that were above the fireplace, coming across Princeton's baby picture; he was even cute as a kid. I smiled, brushing my fingers against the wooden table as I continued to admire the room. Beige living room set, polished wooden floors and a fifty-five inch flat screen right above the fireplace.

"Moe?" I hear Princeton's voice. I turn towards his direction as he approached me.

"I want you to meet someone." He said.

"Who is this?" An exciting smile appeared across my face as I admired the little one in his arms. He looked a lot like Princeton, yet longer hair.

"My little brother, Julius." He introduced with a sweet smile.

"He's so handsome and tiny." I cooed, gently rubbing his arm. He extended his hand out to me and I play with his tiny fingers.

"I think he likes me." I giggled.

"Probably amazed at how pretty you are." Princeton replied. My cheeks tingled as I bit my bottom lip with a smile.

"You can hold him if you want." He said. I reached for Julius and he immediately embraced my figure.

"I didn't know you had any siblings?" I begin while taking a seat on the couch, playing with his tiny fingers.

"I'm not really the type to speak about family."

"Or anything to be honest." He added.

"The only people who knows about him is Chresanto, Craig and Elijah." He replied.

"Who watches over him then?" I questioned.

"My grandmother." He answered. I nod in response while studying Julius for a moment until thinking back to the day I took a walk around the neighborhood.

"You're the little one I saw at the playground that day!" I said with a bit of excitement in my tone.

"Yeah." Prince chuckled.

"Wow, you're even more beautiful up close." I complimented. He suddenly smiled, gurgling a bit as he teased on his fingers.

"How old is he?" I questioned.

"Eleven months." Prince answered while taking Julius' fingers from his mouth. He pulled out a pacifier, placing it in his mouth before he could react.

"You have a lot of hair for an eleven month old." I giggled.

"It was longer than that." Prince responded, tussling through his curls.

"But you're the cutest little eleven month old baby I've ever seen." I said, making him smile again. I raised him in the air then back into my lap. He cackled aloud as I repeated that same gesture again. After another round, I placed him back into my lap and focused on Princeton who was staring at me the entire time with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing you're just-" He stopped.

"Beautiful." He whispered. I smiled, looking down at Julius before replying to his compliment.

"Thank you." I responded. I realized that the little one was on his way to sleep as he rested his head against my stomach, rubbing his eyes.

"I think it's time for you to go to bed." I chuckled.

"I don't see how, he sleeps all day." Prince stated while standing to his feet. He took Julius from my arms, resting his head on his chest while heading towards the door.

"I'll be back." He said to me before disappearing. I sigh lowly, placing my back against the couch while looking around. I smiled, thinking of what Princeton said just a few minutes ago. He's always complimenting me, that I've never experienced before. I was never bullied or anything, it's just that no one has ever told me how attractive I was except my grandmother but that was my grandma. Hearing it from a attractive guy at that, gives me butterflies. I shivered, gently clutching onto my stomach as the feeling grew a bit larger.

"You alright?" I heard his deep, husky voice. He made his way over, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. He remained silent, looking away as he sat back against the couch. He placed his head back and closed his eyes. I admired his beauty once again; the little chin hair he did have, his mustache and the way his curls fell in a cute pattern. I felt that feeling in the pit of my stomach again, shivering as I quickly look away.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked in a gentle tone. He slowly opened his eyes, quickly meeting mine.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"I mean, people say that you-"

"Do you really believe what others say about me, Moe?" He interrupted. I could sense a bit of aggravation in his voice which scared me a little.

"N-no, but everyone says that you don't usually hang with people." I explained. He remained silent for a moment before answering my statement.

"I don't." He simply responded. I look away from him, fiddling with my fingers while taking in the silence between us. That's until I felt his presence getting closer and closer to my being.

"But you're different." He whispered close to my ear while staring me down. I turn towards him, not realizing how close he actually was to me.

"H-how so?" I questioned. He looked away for a moment, thinking of something to say.

"I don't know." He replied, looking towards me again.

"But I like the feeling." He said lowly as I look down at my hands that were sealed together.

"Me too." I say with a small smile. He gives one in return before sitting back against the couch again. He rest his eyes while placing his head in his hand. I remain silent, thinking about what he just said. Does he really enjoy being around me or am I fantasizing again? I looked towards him once more, on his way to sleep I'm guessing. I turn away, face palming myself, slightly shaking my head to see if I really was fantasizing. The one from a couple of weeks ago was weird and still unsolved this very day.

I felt Princeton's arm slither it's way around my waist, still in the same position with his eyes closed. He pulled me closer to him with just a gentle tug. His breathing was steady and he looked relaxed in my opinion. I rest my head against his chest, smiling a bit while listening to his heartbeat. I guess this is real.

Meanwhile - Three Hours Later

I jumped, hearing my phone go off. My eyes flutter open while picking my head up to see Prince asleep. I also noticed that I was lying right on top of him, his arm drape around my waist. I focused on my phone again, quickly taking it from my pocket. It was a text from Shaun, saying that Corbin was on his way home within five minutes.

I shot up, startling Prince as he tightly held onto me. He stared into my eyes for a moment, slightly gripping my waist as I bit my lip nervously.

"Sorry." I said. He released a deep sigh while throwing his head back.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting up after me.

"My brother will be home in a minute and it's almost twelve o'clock." I panicked while slipping my shoes back on.

"We slept that long?" He questioned.

"Yes and he's going to kill me if he finds out I'm not home." I said while standing to my feet.

"We'll take the car." He said.

"No, I don't want him to pull up seeing me or you." I declined his offer while exiting the living room. I opened the door, stepping out until he pulled me back.

"Let me know when you get home." He said to me.

"I will." I smiled. I stood on my tip toes, pecking his cheek before making a run for it. I pick up my pace, hearing my phone go off once again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I answered.

"Go through the back door and I'll distract him." She told me.

"Okay." I replied before hanging up. I cut through the playground, taking the quickest shortcut...thanks to Prince revealing it to me because it just came in handy.

I could see Corbin's car pulling up in the driveway as I came to a complete stop. I remained hidden from his view as he stepped out of the car, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey baby." I hear Shaun approach him. I rushed through the bushes of the neighbors house, easing my way towards the backyard. I quickly reached the patio and aimed for the back door. I kicked my shoes off before stepping in and quietly closed the door behind me. I took a deep breath, hearing Shaun's voice as she held a normal conversation. I quickly fix myself up a bit, wiping the sweat from my forehead while making my way over to the fridge to grabbed a bottle of water. I trailed out of the kitchen, seeing the two standing in the main entrance.

"I didn't hear you come down." Shaun stated.

"Yeah, when you were heading out the door." I replied with a slight chuckle. I glimpsed towards Corbin who waited patiently for me to speak to him. Honestly, I had nothing to say-no he wasn't wrong for punishing me, I just wish he would've handled it a bit better rather than yelling at me as if I were a three year old.

"Hey." I simply stated with no expression.

"Moe?" He sighed.

"Goodnight." I said while heading upstairs. I feel the faint sound of my phone, remembering Princeton telling me to let him know when I'm home.

"Are you home, did you get caught?" He asked. I messaged him back, telling him that everything went smoothly and I didn't get caught. He texted back a wink along with a goodnight, causing me to blush. I stepped into my room, closing the door behind me.

"Goodnight." I say with a small smile on my face.

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