MCSM Stories

By Quiietjay

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These are MCSM stories that I am writing for practice. These aren't weird shipping stories, but some pretty e... More

Son of the End (1)
Son of the End (2)
Son of the End (3)
Son of the End (4)
Son of the End (5)
Son of the End (6)
Son of the End (7)
Son of the End (8)
Son of the End (9)
Son of the End (10)
Son of the End (11)
Son of the End (12)
Son of the End (13)
Son of the End (14)
Son of the End (15)- FINALE
Aetherman (1)
Aetherman (2)
Aetherman (3)
Aetherman (4)
Aetherman (5)
Aetherman 6
Aetherman (7)
Aetherman (8)
Aetherman (9)
Aetherman (10)
Aetherman (11)
Aetherman (12)
Aetherman (13)
Aetherman (14)
Aetherman (15)
Aetherman (16)
Aetherman (17)
Trek (1)
Trek (2)
Trek (3)
Trek (4)
Trek (5)
Trek (6)
Trek (8)
Trek (9)
The Lost Ones (1)
The Lost Ones (2)
The Lost Ones (3)
The Lost Ones (4)
The Lost Ones (5)
There's Still A Part of You Deep Down (COLLAB)
Final Hopes (COLLAB)

Trek (7)

145 6 0
By Quiietjay

The first days that Radar spent with Jesse on the journey were like being relieved of a heavy burden.

Of course, it was cold. Freezing, even. But Jesse was always with him, providing him warmth. They did not have much food either, but Radar could manage with what little they found on the road. It wasn't like he had much better at home, anyways. But what Radar was most dumbfounded by was the vast landscape that always stretched around them. Radar had never left his village- He didn't go very far, at least. The warm cave where Radar had left Jesse was the farthest he ever went. But the plains, the mountains, and the forest, they were so different from home. Everything was so diverse in appearance, and even though there was snow everywhere they went, nothing looked the same. Just wandering aimlessly across the world.

But wandering aimlessly was the problem.

Jesse didn't know where he was going. And Radar knew it. Radar didn't know exactly what Jesse was, or where he was going, but he could tell that Jesse had somewhere to go- But he didn't know where that place was. Radar had once asked him about it, which wasn't too smart, because like always, the only answer he got was silence. Radar started to wonder if he could make any sounds at all- As the most sound he had ever made were the occasional hisses. But he knew that Jesse was an intelligent... creature. Almost human-like intelligence. Heck, he could understand what Radar was saying!

But with aimless wandering, it posed a problem. Jesse mostly went in one direction, west, Radar knew, because he always headed where the sun fell, and he had been changing courses a few times. Effortlessly jumping over ravines Traveling through forests. But for some reason always heading west. Radar just followed along. He wanted to see where Jesse had to go. Maybe he had a home, and he was trying to go there. But, you never knew with Jesse. Radar had never seen anything like him before.

One day, the two had ran into a group of strays. Radar heard about tales of strays, how they would steal anyone away who went outside in the snow- It was what kept every kid in the village (excluding Radar) from going out into the woods. But Radar had never seen a single monster in the woods. But when he saw these strays, he almost regretted leaving upon seeing them. They were deformed, skeletal, eyes dead with choppy motions, and they drew their arrows when they heard Jesse snap a twig.

Jesse sat Radar down, a good distance away from the threat. Facing the monsters, ears flattened against his cloth head, he crouched.

No movement.

Then, the strays fired.

Jesse charged at a blinding speed, so fast that Radar was not able to process what was happening as the arrows fell harmlessly to the ground, having missed their target by seconds. Suddenly, the a stray was kicked so hard that it was knocked into another monster, and before Radar or the monsters knew it, Jesse was beating all of the monsters to the ground. Fast and withy force, but somehow graceful at the same time. Moments past, and thrown up snow disappeared. The clothed creature was standing in the middle of many scattered bones bodies on the ground.

Radar felt a little safer with Jesse after that event.

Day after day passed. It was a loose routine. Wake up. Travel. Rest. Eat. Travel more. Watch Jesse kill monsters sometimes. Go to bed. Wake up again, rinse and repeat. Yet, somehow, Radar didn't grow tired of it. He couldn't believe it, but traveling through the harsh winter into territory unfamiliar to him, with only a mysterious creature at his side was... exciting. Stressful and painful sometimes, yes, but it sparked the thrill of adventure inside of Radar that he always wanted to feel. And it felt great. Especially when Jesse ran. Sat on top of his shoulders, Radar could really feel the speed of the creature as he sped effortlessly across feilds of snow, never slowing, almost flying as his feet barely touched the ground. Radar thought it was scary at first, but he learned to enjoy the wind in his face, and the feeling of going faster than any horse could.

And it all felt great.

One night, after at least eight hours of traveling, Jesse slowed to a walk on the forest. Radar, riding on top of him, looked down as Jesse glanced around the area as he stepped lightly over the snow. Radar knew what he was looking for. It took a few minutes, but after walking more, Jesse turned and ran over to the opening of a cave. Radar could tell that it was more like a hole than an actual cave, but it would work.

Sliding down into the cave, Jesse lifted Radar off his shoulders with his mind and set him down on the ground (Radar didn't know how Jesse did that, but he thought it was pretty cool). Taking several feeble sticks out of his bag, Radar struck them with a flint and stone, and soon enough, the walls of the cave were illuminated with the fire. Letting out a sigh, Radar sat beside Jesse against the wall. Neither moved for a few moments, before Radar glanced up at the creature.

Jesse was slouching slightly, looking for the first time in forever relaxed, staring at the fire as its light gave his already bright red cloth a warm glow. He didn't' move. Radar leaned against him, feeling exhaustion seep into his muscles.

"Jesse?" Radar murmured. He could feel the creature's gaze on him instantly.

"I-I... want to thank you for bringing me." he continued. "It... it really means a lot to me."

Radar heard a low rumble, similar to a purr, from Jesse.

"And... No matter where you go, I wanna stay with you." Radar looked up at the creature.

Although he never gave any facial expressions, Radar could tell Jesse was happy through his body language alone. Radar yawned, nestling further into Jesse's cloth. He felt the weight of his scarf on him soon after. Radar didn't fight the sleep taking over him.

"G... Goodnight, Jesse." Radar muttered before his world faded to black.

The next days that Radar and Jesse spent travelling were happy. Sunlight giving the snow a glow, even causing it to melt in some places. No mobs, not even shortages of food, only adventure.

But Radar wished, even after it was over, that he knew of the horrors that were soon to come over the horizon.

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