Pick The Second Male Lead

By harui30

19.1M 700K 100K

Would you like to play a game? The rules are simple... you just have to get someone to fall in love you, de... More

Letter to Readers
01.1 - Lin Heng
01.2 - Lin Heng
01.3 - Lin Heng
01.4 - Lin Heng
01.5 - Lin Heng
01.6 - Lin Heng
01.7 - Lin Heng
01.8 - Lin Heng
01.9 - Lin Heng
01.10 - Lin Heng
01.11 - Lin Heng
01.12 - Lin Heng
01.13 - Lin Heng
01.14 - Lin Heng
01.15 - Lin Heng
01.16 - Lin Heng
01.17 - Lin Heng
01.18 - Lin Heng
01.19 - Lin Heng
01.20 - Lin Heng
02.1 - Endou Kai
02.2 - Endou Kai
02.3 - Endou Kai
02.4 -Endou Kai
02.5 - Endou Kai
02.6 - Endou Kai
02.7 - Endou Kai
02.8 - Endou Kai
02.9 - Endou Kai
02.10 - Endou Kai
02.11 - Endou Kai
02.12 - Endou Kai
02.13 - Endou Kai
02.14 - Endou Kai
02.15 - Endou Kai
02.16 - Endou Kai
02.17 - Endou Kai
02.18 - Endou Kai
02.19 - Endou Kai
02.20 - Endou Kai
02.21 - Endou Kai
02.22 - Endou Kai
03.1 - Orr Roman
03.2 - Orr Roman
03.3 - Orr Roman
03.4 - Orr Roman
03.5 - Orr Roman
03.6 - Orr Roman
03.7 - Orr Roman
03.9 - Orr Roman
03.10 - Orr Roman
03.11 - Orr Roman
03.12 - Orr Roman
03.13 - Orr Roman
03.14 - Orr Roman
03.15 - Orr Roman
03.16 - Orr Roman
03.17 - Orr Roman
03.18 - Orr Roman
04.1 - Tsai Xuan
04.2 - Tsai Xuan
04.3 - Tsai Xuan
04.4 - Tsai Xuan
04.5 - Tsai Xuan
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04.10 - Tsai Xuan
04.11 - Tsai Xuan
04.12 - Tsai Xuan
04.13 - Tsai Xuan
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04.15 - Tsai Xuan
04.16 - Tsai Xuan
04.17 - Tsai Xuan
04.18 - Tsai Xuan
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04.22 - Tsai Xuan
04.23 - Tsai Xuan
04.24 - Tsai Xuan
05.1 - Earl Richard
05.2 - Earl Richard
05.3 - Earl Richard
05.4 - Earl Richard
05.5 - Earl Richard
05.6 - Earl Richard
05.7 - Earl Richard
05.8 - Earl Richard
05.9 - Earl Richard
05.10 - Earl Richard
05.11 - Earl Richard
05.12 - Earl Richard
05.13 - Earl Richard
05.14 - Earl Richard
05.15 - Earl Richard
05.16 - Earl Richard
06.1 - Rivera Lukas
06.2 - Rivera Lukas
06.3 - Rivera Lukas
06.4 - Rivera Lukas
06.5 - Rivera Lukas
06.6 - Rivera Lukas
06.7 - Rivera Lukas
06.8 - Rivera Lukas
06.9 - Rivera Lukas
06.10 - Rivera Lukas
06.11 - Rivera Lukas
06.12 - Rivera Lukas
06.13 - Rivera Lukas
06.14 - Rivera Lukas
06.15 - Rivera Lukas
06.16 - Rivera Lukas
06.17 - Rivera Lukas
06.18 - Rivera Lukas
06.19 - Rivera Lukas
06.20 - Rivera Lukas
06.21 - Rivera Lukas
06.22 - Rivera Lukas
06.23 - Rivera Lukas
06.24 - Rivera Lukas
06.25 - Rivera Lukas
06.26 - Rivera Lukas
07.1 - Easton Zed
07.2 - Easton Zed
07.3 - Easton Zed
07.4 - Easton Zed
07.5 - Easton Zed
07.6 - Easton Zed
07.7 - Easton Zed
07.8 - Easton Zed
07.9 - Easton Zed
07.10 - Easton Zed
07.11 - Easton Zed
07.12 - Easton Zed
07.13 - Easton Zed
07.14 - Easton Zed
07.15 - Easton Zed
07.16 - Easton Zed
08.1 - Nox Maxwell
08.2 - Nox Maxwell
08.3 - Nox Maxwell
08.4 - Nox Maxwell
08.5 - Nox Maxwell
08.6 - Nox Maxwell
08.7 - Nox Maxwell
08.8 - Nox Maxwell
08.9 - Nox Maxwell
08.10 - Nox Maxwell
08.11 - Nox Maxwell
08.12 - Nox Maxwell
08.13 - Nox Maxwell
08.14 - Nox Maxwell
08.15 - Nox Maxwell
08.16 - Nox Maxwell
08.17 - Nox Maxwell
08.18 - Nox Maxwell
08.19 - Nox Maxwell
09.1 - Cyde
09.2 - Cyde
09.3 - Cyde
09.4 - Cyde
09.5 - Cyde
09.6 - Cyde
09.7 - Cyde
09.8 - Cyde
09.9 - Cyde
09.10 - Cyde
09.11 - Cyde
09.12 - Cyde
09.13 - Cyde
09.14 - Cyde
09.15 - Cyde
09.16 - Cyde
09.17 - Cyde
09.18 - Cyde
09.19 - Cyde
09.20 - Cyde
09.21 - Cyde
09.22 - Cyde
09.23 - Cyde
09.24 - Cyde
09.25 - Cyde
09.26 - Cyde
10.1 to 10.5 - Egan
10.6 to 10.10 - Egan
10.11 to 10.15 - Egan
Letter to Readers

03.8 - Orr Roman

98.7K 3.7K 101
By harui30

After that moment, Roman Orr treated Mina differently. While he was still mischievous and flirtatious, Roman Orr does not seek Mina out for sex. Instead, he always searches for her just to look at her or talk to her. It was like he was trying to court her. While Roman Orr was experience when it comes to girls, he was inexperience when it comes to courting them. Because the girls were the one who always confesses to him, Roman Orr never was the one to put effort in the relationship. Even the original Mina Rain had been the one who approached him and frantically chase after his heart. But the current Mina had not only changed the Roman Orr behaves in front of her; she changed the way he treats her. Roman Orr, himself, was not completely aware that the way he regard Mina was different that how he would with others.

Even though Roman Orr was not aware of his behavior toward Mina, his friends and peers have. Although the playboy always flirts with girls, whenever he's with Mina, it's felt more intimate - like he cherished her. His gazes are undoubtedly warmer when he looks at Mina. His tone deeper and softer toward her. Most importantly, the way he touched her was careful. Unlike the careless or friendly way he put his arms around others, with Mina, he hesitate to touch her - like she was something too precious or fragile. Ironically, Roman Orr already had sex with Mina. Normally, when Roman Orr have sex with the girl, he'll quickly lose interest in her.The fact that he hesitates with Mina now was a bit funny. At least for the soul within Mina.

While Roman Orr remains oblivious to his own behavior and feelings, Mina took full advantage of it. How? She remains unresponsive toward his warm gaze, soft tone, and cautious touch. Whenever he approaches her, she rarely responds to his advance or remains aloof to his flirting. Every time their alone in the library, as Mina studied or read books, Roman Orr would simply stare at her from across the table. While she could see many times the young man's desire to have her but kept himself in check, Mina purposely tease him - torture him with innocent views of her neck or cleavage. She knew the dirty mind of the bad boy and poke at it while maintaining her calm, indifferent expressions.


Mina could hear the thick desire in Roman Orr's voice but chose to ignore it while she flip through the text book and continue writing her notes.


Pitying the guy, Mina lifted her eyes from the book while the pencil in her hand temporary stopped. With her eyes finally on him, Roman Orr lifted his head that was lying on his folded arms and smile at her.

"What?" Mina asked him with her usual calm tone.

"Are you hungry? Let's go to lunch"

"No" Mina went back to her notes. "I'm not hungry"

Roman Orr put his large hand on her book, forcing her to look back at him.

"You're all skin and bones. You should eat more" Roman Orr frown.

"Skin and bones?" Mina looked down at her 17 years old body and laughed inside. "Really?"

When she looked back at Roman Orr and saw how he was staring at her chest, she smirked. Mina Rain's body while was not gorgeous or vivacious, it was still developed and full. If anyone compares her to other high school girls, they'll find her body quite alluring. Roman Orr, who have seen and tasted Mina's body, understood the allure.

"I don't want to eat"

Mina's voice brought Roman Orr eyes back to her face. Seeing her focusing on her studies, Roman Orr sighed.

"Why are do you so-call good students always study so hard?" Roman Orr grumbled.

Mina did not take offense since she knew the guy was irritated for other reason.


"What?" Roman Orr didn't expect Mina to answer - moreover to give such a strange answer.

"Money" Mina repeated as she continued to write her notes.

"Money? You studied because of money?" Roman Orr couldn't help but smile. "Don't you mean you study to get into a good college?"

"Same difference"

Roman Orr laughed because he found Mina's reply refreshing. Looking at the studious girl, Roman Orr felt he learned something about her.

"You like money?"

"Who doesn't like money?"

Again, Roman Orr laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Mina stopped and looked at him, feeling a bit annoyed.

"You're really cute"

Feeling like the guy was teasing her, Mina frowned. Seeing her reaction to him, Roman Orr only smiles wider.

"Extremely cute"

Ignoring his smiles, Mina turned back to her notes - knowing full well Roman Orr was watching over her.

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