Adopted by One Direction (1D...

By Lous_Carrot

70.7K 1.6K 350

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be adopted by someone famous? Wouldn't it be different to be... More

Adopted by One Direction (1D FanFic)
The first kiss
Night Styles
No, you look perfect
The one and only!
Could be a guy for all we know
Mahones Girl
Fate will tell
He is nicer in person
Em Language
Operation Badass
Let the games began
May the odds be ever in you favor
Paybacks a Bitch
Date gone wrong
What is Sex mommy?
Suprise Suprise
Danille what?!?!
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty- Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five

Wake me up more often boys

2.1K 53 12
By Lous_Carrot

Emily ••••••

" Wake up and smile... Because its been awhile.." The lads started to sing perfectly harmonizing.

" Its been like a whole day.. since I stopped- so you could hold me." Louis sang.

" Because you are my refuge.. That I can't wait wait to get to.." Niall said singing.

" I won't let a day go.. won't let a day go by..." Liam sang perfectly. Are they waking me up by singing. They did think of an awesome idea.

" Without thanking you for the joy that you bring to my life.." Zayn's veins were show able on his neck. They looked.. Sexy. Shh I didn't say that..

" Its a beautiful day..  Yeah- Yeah.. Its a beautiful day.." The lads finished the song. Nice wake up call.

" You guys should do that more often." I smirked. Wait.. Where's Harry? Oh, you cares anyways.. He's a douche remember?

" Really? I told you Zayn." Louis smirked.

" Oh, and you owe me fifty bucks. Hand it over Bradford." Louis added.

" Why does he owe you..?" I piped up.

" No reasons.." Louis muttered slowly walking backwards out of my room.

" He bet me that Austin would dump you.." Zayn said.

" Where is that that mother fucker-" I began to say trying to run out of the room. But, a pair of strong arms blocked me.

" Lemme at that jackass Doncaster carrot head!" I began pounding on Zayn's back. This is the second time he blocked me.

" Em.. Language!" Liam warned. I smiled innocently.

" Fine." I huffed. I suddenly got an idea!

" Oh Doncaster boy.." I yelled sweetly.


" Okay.. Might just have to flush these nasty orange carrots I found in my mini fridge.." I sang. A set of heavy foot steps flooded the hallway. He barged in my room.

" You wouldn't dare!" He growled.

" Pay me $100 and maybe I'll think about it.." I warned.

" No!" He shouted. Fine, than these babies with face my evil wrath. Mwahaha.

I dangled the bag of carrots over the open toilet.

" Three.." I said. He didn't move.

" Two.." He was about to move.

" One!" I yelled.

" Fine!!" He screamed handing me over wads of cash.

" Nice doing business with you kind sir.." I bowed. I walked out of the bathroom plopping on my nice comfy warm bed. 

" Em?" Zayn asked.

" Hmm?" I replied trying to fall asleep.

" I was wondering if you maybe.. wanted to go to the movies Friday night?" He asked. I jumped out of bed shocked.

" I'd take that as a no.." He said walking out. What?

" Wait!" I said to quickly.

" I mean.. If you want to, I would love to go with you." I said calmly, putting my hand to my head.

" Okay, so Friday night at seven." He said smirking. Once he was out of my room, I did a little happy dance,

" Whoop- Whoop!"  I whispered scream doing my little happy dance again. I took a quick shower, using coconut shampoo and conditioner; my favorite.

I changed into a shirt that was short in the front, stopping right under my breast. Not in a sluttish way. The back was longer, stopping at my back hip. It was white, with #Selfie in black.

I wore short denim shorts, and white vans. I straightened my blonde hair, and curling the ends. With a white bow, I pinned back my bangs on the side of my head.

" Em! Breakfast!" Niall yelled from down stairs. Right as he said that, my stomach growled. Embarrassing!!

I raced down stairs grabbing a plate of pancakes and sitting down beside Liam. On Liam's right was Zayn, than Niall, than Louis. I had an empty spot next to me.

" Good morning!" Harry yelled walking down the stairs. He yawned as he grabbed a plate. Just my luck, he had to sit beside me. While we eat, it was complete silence.

" Emily.. We go for a interview in thirty minutes. We need you there. Simon said its time to introduce you." Liam told me.

" Fine. Only because I love you.." I pinched his cheeks talking in one of those baby voices.

Wow.. Boring interview here we come..

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