The Extra •A Finn Wolfhard St...

By Hawkinshoes011

5.5K 152 85

Your just another fangirl obsessed with Stranger things! You've always wanted to be an actress but your to sh... More

Chapter 1•The email•
Chapter 2 •New life!•
Chapter 3 •Meeting Finn•
Chapter 4 •On set•
Chapter 5 •Finn makes a move•
Chapter 6 •First day of filming•
Chapter 7 •First kiss?•
Chapter 8 •Plot twist!•
Chapter 9 •Forgive and forget•
Chapter 10 •Party time•Part 1
Chapter 11 •Party time•Part 2
Chapter 12•The hangover•
Chapter 13•Back on set•
Chapter 14•Unexpected accident•
Chapter 15•Date night?•
Chapter 16•Tangled up in your love•
Chapter 17 •Photoshoot•
Chapter 19 •Sleepover party• Part 1
Chapter 20•Sleepover Party• Part 2
Not an update,sorry hoes❤️BUT STILL READ
Part 21 •Millie's gotta boyfriend?•
Part 22 •Karaoke songs & Mistakes gone wrong•
Chapter 23 •Broken down & tossed around•
Part 24 •Stormy weather•
Chapter 25 •Scary frights and bright lights• Part 1
Chapter 26 •Scary frights and bright lights• Part 2
Chapter 27•New job comes with bad luck•
Chapter 28 •Happy surprise & sad news•
Chapter 29•Its just not the same•
Chapter 30 •Emotion ocean•
No update,soo sorry:((
Chapter 31 •My sunshine•
Chapter 32•Our final goodbye's•
Im so sorry...this is the end:/
Chapter 33 •The End• :3

Chapter 18 •Bath tub blues & sunset views•

132 3 0
By Hawkinshoes011

Today's the day.You finally get to see your brother!Your beaming with joy as you jump out of bed so you can text him good morning.

You: Good morning Lucas!Cant wait to see you today♥️
Lucas: Mornin sunshine!Cant wait to see you too🤗Love ya lots!
You: xoxo😘

You smile as you finish up your last text.You then remember you aren't the only one that gets to see their family,the whole cast is having a family reunion party at the Duffer Brothers house.You'll finally get to meet Finn's parents!

Oh gosh, I have to look perfect today,I just can't give Finn's parents a bad impression of me:((

You brush off all your negative energy as you get ready for the day.You go through practically all your clothes in your closet before finding a beautiful dress that catches your eye.

Oh it's gorgeous! This is totally the one!

After putting on the dress,you twirl around the room giggling as the dress flies up.Now all you have to do is your makeup and hair.

Once your satisfied with your look,you walk into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Daaaammnn Y/N looking like a snaaack!!" Millie says,with her jaw dropped open.You laugh as you say "Thank you very much Millie."

"What's all the ruckus?" Sadie says as she walks out her bedroom door yawning. "Um hello?Cant you see that Y/N is lookin hot as hell!" Millie says as she shakes both her hands towards you.You and Sadie both laugh at Millie's comment. "Yeah Millie I can see that she looks gorgeous you don't have to tell me." "Awww you guys,your just too sweet!" You say as you blow kisses towards both of them.Your in the mood for some waffles so you pop some eggos in the toaster.

"OH MY GOD DO I SMELL EGGOS!" Millie says screaming,practically falling from the couch as she runs towards you. "Y-yes Millie calm down!" You say a bit frightened by her reaction. "C'mon Y/N you know Eleven is obsessed with eggos!" Sadie says with a laugh as she takes a bite of an apple. "Well Millie isn't Eleve..." Millie cuts you off as she screams "I AM ALWAYS ELEVEN BITCH!" You and Sadie laugh hysterically at her as she stands in front of you,holding her hand in your face as she "breaks your neck" with her mind.She then wipes her nose with her arm,pretending there is blood streaming down her nostril.

How could you not love Millie Bobby Brown,she's such a crack up.


Woah,I expected this place to be big,just not THIS big.

You look around the gigantic mansion that you are so lucky to even step foot in. "I can't believe I'm actually standing in the Duffer Brothers house!" You say with a squeal. "I know right,it's so astonishing!" Sadie says,with her eyes wide as she looks around. "Hey there's the gang!" Millie says pointing towards Caleb,Gaten,Noah and Finn.

"Hey boys!" Millie says with a smile as she jumps on top of them all. "Seriously Millie?" Gaten says with a groan as he tries to push her off. "Millie what the hell get off!" Caleb says sounding annoyed as she still lays on top of them all.She finally decides to get off of them and walks straight towards you. "Hey Y/N you should go lay on top of Finn,I'm sure he would totally love that." She says giving you a smirk as she nudges you towards him.You somehow trip and fall directly on top of Finn.Your faces are so close,you feel him heavily breathing as he stares into your eyes.

God I really want him to kiss me...

You both notice that everyone is staring at you so you decide to get off of him.They all look disappointed that they didn't get to see anything. "Aw seriously you two?That was the perfect position to have a make out sesh!" Gaten says as he sticks out his bottom lip,giving you both puppy dog eyes.You immediately start to blush as Finn says "Your right it would have been the perfect position,if only you losers weren't watching!" Before anyone could say another word you heard someone scream "Hey everyone it's family reunion time!" You all go rushing towards the lady that had just given you this information.

Omg I'm so happy I could scream!! I get to see my amazing brother for the first time in forever!!Oh I have to meet Finn's parents.DONT FUCK UP LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO Y/N

You sit down at a table with the gang as you all wait for your family to walk through the doors. "Alright people can we get a count down!5...4...3...2...1" The doors come flying open as you see all the parents flooding through the doorway. You see everyone run towards their parents.You smile as you look everywhere for Lucas.Your smile slowly fades away as you can't seem to find him anywhere.You feel your heart break inside,he never showed quickly grab your phone out of your pocket to see if he left you any messages and of course he did.

Lucas:So sorry Y/N my flight got canceled.Wont be able to make it:((

Are you fucking kidding me?Just my luck

Your emotions are flooding throughout your body.You try and hold them in and decide to let them all out on Lucas,you know it's not his fault but your just so mad that you don't care anymore.


You shove your phone back in your pocket as you race into the bathroom.
You climb into the bath tub and let all your emotions flow out of your eyes. Finn must have seen you rush into the bathroom because he almost immediately walks in to check on you.

"Y/N what's wrong?!" He says looking confused. "If you didn't notice my brother didn't show." He doesn't say anything.You look up to see him climbing into the bath tub with you.He grabs your hand and squeezes it tight.
You get that warm feeling inside your body again. "Talk to me." He says in a low,raspy voice that makes your whole body shiver.You wipe off your tears and decide to vent.

"It's just,I feel like there's something missing inside me.Ever since my parents died I've just felt that way and it's like no one will ever be able to replace them.I just miss them so much..." You start crying again.He wipes away your tears with his hand. "Y/N I know that you are sad.I hate seeing you sad.It must be so hard living without your parents.I want you to know that I am hear for you,always."

I like that.Always...makes me feel like ill actually have a future one day...

You smile at Finn,as he pulls you into his chest.Your now laying on top of him since he pulled you in for a hug.
Surprisingly you are very comfortable in the bath tub with him. "I love you Finn." You say as you look up into his eyes.A piece of hair falls in front of your face.He takes his finger and brushes your hair back behind your ear as he leans in and whispers "I love you too Y/N." Before you know it, he has his lips attached to yours,grabbing your waist to pull you closer.Your lips stay attached for a long time but you sadly you both need to breathe.Once you both take a breather you go back to kissing,more harshly this time.
Suddenly you hear the doorknob turn and see Noah standing in the doorway with his jaw dropped.You both quickly stop kissing as you stare at Noah.

"S-sorry guys didn't mean to walk in on you." He says as he quickly turns away and walks out.

You look back at Finn with a smile.You then both start to laugh as you get out of the tub.

"Thank You Finn for cheering me up.I really appreciate it." "Of course princess,anything for you.Besides, your not the only one that is cheered up.I just got to make out with my girlfriend in a tub,that's definitely not something you do everyday." He says with a laugh.His laugh always makes you giggle,it's just so adorable.

I'm so lucky to have him in my life.Especially when times are tough...

"Hey,it's ok if your not up for it but my parents have been dying to meet you." Finn says looking down,rubbing his arm. "Oh Finn,how could I possibly say no to you!" You say with a laugh.He looks up at you with a big smile plastered on his face. "Alright then lets go!" He says as he drags you out of the bathroom.

"Mom,Dad this is Y/N!" Finn says as he shoves you in front of their faces. "Oh hello there Y/N it's so nice to finally meet you!We've heard such great things about you!" Finns mom says as she gives you a big hug.

You look over to his father and shake his hand. "Hello there Y/N I heard you were a beautiful young lady but I didn't expect you to be this beautiful!Nice choice Finn!" He says with a laugh as he pats you on the back. "Dad what the hell!" Finn says whisper screaming while giving his dad the death stare.
You feel your checks get extremely hot. "C'mon Y/N I think this is enough time talking to my parents.Before you can say goodbye,Finn grabs you by the hand and takes you outside.

"Finn why are we outside?" You say very confused. "We're going to watch the sunset." He says as he leads you to a green patch of grass.You and Finn talk about a lot of things while you were waiting for the sunset like his parents,what your parents were like,and just as you were about to start talking about your old pet fish Finn cuts you off and points to the sky.

"Look!" He says with a wide smile.You are amazed as you see all the colors fill the sky above you.You've never seen anything like it before. "Wow.Its absolutely beautiful!" "Not as beautiful as you." You turn to look at him and see that he is already staring at you.You smile as he leans in to kiss you.

What a great way to end the night...

Yayyyy this was my longest chapter ever!Almost 2000 words!Hope you all enjoyed!Im really sorry this wasn't the greatest chapter,it's really late where I live and I'm super tired but I still had fun writing this!Next chapter coming soon.Love you all!!♥️If you have any random questions about anything feel free to ask me:))

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