The Prince • JB

By secutegrxnde

140K 6.4K 2.5K

"Uh, okay. Wow! Y-You're a-a," she stood their speechless in front of him. "A-A-" "A prince," he confirmed. "... More

| My Other Works |


5.7K 294 103
By secutegrxnde

i hope you guys enjoy this chapter! xx -S



I could feel myself getting out of my deep sleep, but I refused to open my eyes. I turned onto my stomach, pulling the bedsheets closer to me.

Keeping my eyes shut, I thought of last night. I hate to say it, I really don't want to say it...but I could practically feel my heart jump just at the thought of Justin.

He's just so mesmerizing and hot. I just couldn't stop thinking about it after our small interaction. Honestly, seeing him was the perfect way to start my trip here.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my door opening, hushed whispers immediately followed.

"Pensez-vous qu'elle est morte?"


"Don't touch her," I hear Clara hiss as I heard a small slap. "She's probably just tired. Très fatigué..."

I could feel them get closer and closer to me, but my eyes remained shut. What in the world are they saying? I need to learn French.

"I am just checking if she is alive," I hear someone shoot back. What was her name, again? Karen? Elle? No, no. Nicole. Her name's Nicole.

Clara let out an exasperated sigh just as I felt someone poke me. I couldn't help but move slightly at the feeling. I bit my bottom lip in order to hold back a laugh. This is what happens when you're ticklish.

"Ce sont quatre o ' pointent en arrivant l'après-midi. Combien de sommeil a-t-elle besoin?" I hear someone else speak. That must be Violette.

"Okay. Now..." I spoke up probably startling the girls. "I think you guys are great people, but you guys would be much better if you weren't so close to my face," I say with the bed sheet now over my face.

"So you are alive!" Nicole spoke playfully.

"Why didn't you guys think I was alive?" I ask peeking my eyes out.

"You weren't moving," Clara explained. "I told them you were probably just tired."

"I am. This whole time change has definitely got the best of me. What time is it, anyways?"


"In the afternoon?" my voice raised as I sat up slowly, removing the bedsheet from my face. "I've practically wasted my first whole day here," I whined.

"Zhere is still time," Violette shrugged her shoulders.

"We just need to figure out what to do," Clara crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh! Je sais!" Nicole pointed her finger up. "Let's go to ze uh...marina?" Nicole suggested in excitement, although she struggled to speak English.

"Yes, yes. I haven't been there in ages," Clara clasped her hands together. "I knew you weren't that dumb," she says as she nudged Nicole. Nicole rolled her eyes at Clara's comment.

"I am not dumb," Nicole muttered.

"What's the marina?" I rubbed the side of my face.

"It's where there are a bunch of boats and what not. There's a lot of little shops and restaurants as well," Clara explained.

"I'll go get ready then, but first, you guys need to go because I do not look good in the morning," I partially joked.

"Meet us downstairs," she said before leading the other girls out of the room.

I can't believe it's four o'clock in the afternoon.

I smoothed my hair back before getting off the bed. My feet pressed against the cold, wooden floor, instantly sending chills throughout my body. As I walked into the bathroom, I couldn't help but stare out the window that was placed above the toilet.

That must be the marina, I thought as I saw a plethora of boats swaying slowly in the vibrant, blue water.

After using the restroom, I pulled out my suitcase from the closet and set it on the bed. I stared at her clothes not knowing what to wear. I had a good amount of clothes, but I still felt like there was nothing for me to wear.

Maybe my white, short dress?

Or my romper?

"Hey, Baby," Clara called out. I could hear her jogging up the stairs as she yelled. "We're actually going to a party one of our friends are having at the marina. It'll just be a few of us."

"Sounds good," I nodded my head. "Quick question," I say before turning to Clara. "What should I wear?"

"It's on a yacht so not anything that will blow up in the wind."

"Your friend has a yacht?" I lowered my head slightly as my jaw dropped.

"Yeah," Clara shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "But get ready quickly, we need to leave soon."

"Got it," I said, watching her leave the room. "No big deal, y'know. My friend just has a big ole' fancy yacht. No biggie," I whispered to myself.


"Violette! Nicole! Viens ici!" a young girl called out, leaning over the railing of the top floor of the yacht.

"We'll see you guys up there," Violette said as she and Nicole rushed onto the yacht. Nicole squealed with one of her hands up as they went on.

"I thought you guys said there would only be a few people here," I said slowly as I stared up at the large crowd of people piling onto the yacht.

"This is a few of us. Now, come on," Clara said grabbing my hand.

Maybe a few hundred.

"This is amazing," I whispered in awe as we stepped onto the yacht.

There was a mixture of beige, carpeting and wooden floors. There were two long couches on either side, filled with people laughing with drinks and/or cigarettes in their hands.

"Clara, you're back!" someone yelled. Clara simply smiled as we both moved through the crowd.

"Is this yacht going to like sail?" I asked as I nervously glanced around realizing all this people could cause hazard.

"No, no," Clara yelled over the loud music. "We're just going to stay here. It's much more fun that way rather than people literally jumping off the boat."

"Good, good..." I say as my eyes wandered over to the ceiling. Even the ceiling was nice, there were lights bordering around it illuminating the yacht.

"I'll go get us some drinks. Stay here," Clara says quickly before walking away.


"And now I'm alone... cool," Baby muttered clapping her hands together.

She looked around and saw many young people dressed in very expensive looking outfits. Everyone looked like models or something. There were people dancing in the middle of the area where others drank endless glasses of alcohol.

Loud laughs caught Baby's attention causing her to turn towards the source of the noise. Her eyes practically bulged out as she saw Justin with a group of people, leaning against a table with a drink in his hand. She turned away quickly, making her back towards the group.

Baby cleared her throat as she looked down at her outfit. She decided on her long, navy blue jumpsuit. Her hands slid down her thighs. She picked of a piece of lint before looking back up.

Her head bobbed to the loud, unfamiliar music that blasted through the large speakers where the DJ was. Multiple songs played as minutes passed by.

Two minutes turned into five.

Five minutes turned into ten.

Soon, an hour and half passed and Clara was still nowhere in sight.

Baby gnawed at her bottom lip as she fiddled with her bracelet. Once again, Baby was pushed gently to the side by another random person who was having a little too much to drink. Her face slightly scrunched up as she felt a sweaty back hit hers. Moving up front, she looked around for a clearer area.

Knowing Clara, she was probably too busy talking to a group of people to notice Baby stray away from the crowd.

At least Clara was, but someone else wasn't...

"Excuse me," she said as she squeezed through the crowd. "I mean, excusez-moi," she corrected herself realizing where she was.

People danced whilst simultaneously moving to the side leaving a clear path for her. "Merci," she gave them a small smile before opening the back door. She stepped out onto the back balcony of the beat, instantly feeling somewhat relieved to be away from the drunken crowd and music.

She moved over the railing and looked straight ahead at the other boats. She still felt somewhat exhausted. She moved her head down against her arm, closing her eyes briefly.

"This was totally not the plan," she muttered before lifting her head back up.

"What wasn't the plan?" Baby heard making her flinch in surprise. She turned around before speaking. "Justin?"

"Hey," he smiled, stepping out onto the balcony. "I told you I'd see you again and," he looked down at his watch. "It's five, which is kind of near three, so I was right about seeing you again today."

"Yeah, yeah," she laughed softly.

"So what wasn't the plan?" he asked before moving next to her.

"Oh, uh-- It's nothing," she waved it off.

"Tell me," he nudged her softly. He rested his arms on the railings.

"It's just that," she paused, "I planned to explore Monte Carlo, not be on a yacht with a bunch of random people I don't know."

"Yeah," he breathed out, "These people are not the best," he said looking behind him.

"You seemed to be having fun."

"You saw me and didn't bother saying hello? Where are your manners, Baby?" he spoke playfully.

"You were busy. I didn't want to be a bother," she moved her hand over her chest. "What are you even doing here? Don't you have some type of royal duties to attend to?" she joked.

"I'm not the best at following the rules and guidelines on what I have to do," he admitted.

"What kind of stuff do you have to do?" she asked curiously looking over at him, surprised to see that he was already looking at her.

"Well when I'm here, I accompany my brother during his meetings and whatever else he does. It feels like I'm just a shadow behind him who only appears for pictures. I feel like it wastes my time so I've given myself a much needed vacation."

"Is that allowed?" she rested her chin on the palm of her hand. "Y'know, giving yourself a vacation."

"I can really do whatever I want," he shrugged his shoulders. "My parents say otherwise, but I don't really care."

"Is it hard being a prince?"

"I guess, but I don't know how else to live."

"That's true," she nodded her head. She realized his once fairly happy mood lowered, so she decided to change the subject. "You don't have much of an accent," she pointed out.

"Where'd that come from?" he laughed.

"Nowhere," she bit back a smile. "I just realized your accent isn't as strong as Violette's or Nicole's."

"You're very random," he chuckled. "And maybe it's because I got sent away to boarding school."

"Boarding school?" her eyes widened.

"École des Roches..." he breathed out.

"That's so cool. I had to go to this gross public school near where I lived. Was not the best place in the world," she rambled with her face scrunched up in disgust at the memory of her high school.

"It couldn't have been that bad," he laughed.

"Oh, trust me. It was. I swear one time, my pudding moved. I'm not even joking," she said making him laugh more.

"Okay, maybe it was that bad," he grinned.

"Told you."

Baby leaned over the railing more and stared at the blue water. "What are some cool places in Monte Carlo that I should visit?" she asked. "I figure you know all the do's and don'ts around here."

"I'll tell you..." he began. "On one condition," he wiggles one finger up.

"I can always google places, y'know?"

"Google will only tell you what places to see, if I tell you, you get to have me as your tour guide. How many people can say I showed them around Monte Carlo?"

"You'll actually show me around?"

"Of course. It's a win-win situation."

"Oh yeah? What do you win?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Time with you. That's all I wanted since I met you yesterday."

"You don't mean that," she replied, shaking her head. "But fine."

"I do and if you-- Wait. Really? You'll let me show you around?" he smiled.

"I think I'd do anything if it doesn't consist of me being on a boat with strangers."

"How about tomorrow then?"

"Sounds perfect. Like I said, I'm free for the next three months," she smiled.

"And luckily, so am I."

She hadn't realized how close they were until she found herself looking at his lips. Her eyes flickered back to his eyes.

"Do you care what time I pick you up?" he asked, licking his lips slowly before leaning closer to her.

"Not at all," she replied mimicking his actions.

He moved his hand up gently to the side of her face.

"Am I moving too fast?" he whispered.

"Not at all," she whispered back.

Oh my gosh. He's going to kiss me, she thought.

"There you are, Baby! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Clara spoke loudly as she stumbled onto the back balcony.

"Of course you were," Baby muttered moving away from Justin.

"Did I interrupt something?"


Yes, Clara. Yes, you did LMAO.


I wish I could've updated earlier, but I was super busy with school. Just four more days
and I'm on break. THANK THE LORD.

Fun fact: this is the fourth version of this chapter. I'm a mess ¯\_()_/¯

I've been seeing some new readers on here, so I just wanted to say hello to you all! Wassgood. I hope all of you guys are enjoying the story right now. I pray this story isn't shitty.

OH, and if you see any mistakes, please please please tell me! I don't know an inch of French.

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment telling me what you guys think! Yall's comments keep me motivated.

Love each and every one of you! (Even my ghost readers lmaoo) Y'all are real ones

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