Not so unexpected

By beca4702

379K 10K 3K

Everyone know Beca Mitchell looks like she keeps a lot of secrets. Will those secrets come to light? She mee... More

1. Never in time
2. Give in
3. Try
4. Give it a shot
5. Not a fan of new things
6. Never a fan of new things.
7. Cant believe myself.
8. That was weird.
9. I didnt see that coming.
10. I Need to find out
11. Got you staring.
12. You're a dork
13. You're weirder
14. Bad memory
15. Well shit
16. Bonding
17. Lets not bring that up.
18. Make up your mind.
19. If you never try, You never know
20. You're close to ruin it.
21. You out.
22. You'll do it just fine.
23. We're ready.
24. Things change
25. Not big deal
26. It was water
27. Lucky Charm
28. Point of no return.
29. See you later
30. Savage
31. New Plans, other life
32. Nobody needs to know
33. useless feelings
34. i give up
35. its fine
36. I'm a gentlewoman
37. I want her back
38. So it wasnt real
39. Apologies
40. getting ready
41. L -fucking- A
42. Screw it up
43. i love you red solo cup
44. as tall as an eight year old
45. Here we go again
47. Night is young
48. Perfect
49. The doctor
Note :)
Sequel to Not so unexpected

46. Here's to the night

5.1K 144 57
By beca4702

"I hate you, this is so unfair." The ginger sat on her bed letting her back lay against the wall of her room.

"I ain't giving you the answers so easy." Beca laughed from the other line of the phone.

Still in L.A., Beca was getting ready to go to bed after she finished talking to Chloe who was trying to study for tomorrow's final math exam.

"why can't you just study? You can't deny you had the best tutor." Beca winked making Chloe roll her eyes.

The red head took her glasses off and threw it somewhere near her. "Ugh it's just to much, I can't retain so much knowledge." She joked. "It's your fault. I was too busy being distracted by you and persuading you to join the Bellas and stuff."

"and stuff." Beca repeated mocking Chloe. "Don't blame me, you moron. It's not my fault that you get distracted by my attributes." Beca gestured to her boobs making Chloe roll her eyes.

"just call them boobs."

"chest." Beca replied knowing damn well Chloe hated when people didn't call the things by their name.

"ugh is it so hard to call the twins boobs?"

Beca challenged. "breasts."

"breasticles." Chloe said making Beca laugh.

"Dude, really?" Beca barely said between giggles. "Go on and study you nerd."

"whatever. I'll see you in..." Chloe trailed off as she stood up from her bed waiting for Beca's response.

"I'll let you know." She smiled.

"I miss you, take care." Beca suddenly said making Chloe's heart melt.

Ending the call, Chloe picked up her glasses once again and her algebra book.

Beca put her phone down before turning off the lights and getting into bed but a wild Ally appeared turning Beca's lights on.

"Hey are you awake?" Ally was standing against the door frame of Beca's room looking at the brunette.

"What's your guess, I'm practicing for my funeral." Beca replied covering her head with the sheets.

Ally only laughed. "You are not dead." She sat next to Beca and uncovered her face.

"No but you soon will be if you keep trespassing into my room." The friendly brunette joked as she sat up.

"Be more respectful towards the woman who is saving your cute little ass." Ally pointed an accusing finger at Beca.

Beca, being pretty much confused, looked at Ally waiting for an explanation.

"I managed to get a plane ticket so we can go back home in time for the graduation ceremony." Ally explained looking down at her lap.

Beca's expression immediately changed. "what the fuck, are you serious?"

Ally nodded in response.

"Oh my good." Beca jumped into Ally's arms making her fall backwards onto the bed.

"You know the Bella's are performing for the closing of the ceremony, right?" Ally said.

"uh, no I had no idea." Beca rolled to the side so now she was laying next to Ally instead than being on top of her.

Ally nodded, moving to the side to face Beca she placed her face on her hand. "Yeah, Jessica told me how "stoked" she was to perform for the school one last time before the ICCA."

Ally looked over at Beca's phone.

"maybe you can ask Stacie about it and surprise that red head of yours." She winked. Ally was aware about Beca and Chloe's situation and was a 100% supportive.

Beca smiled at the idea and immediately texted Stacie. She texted her she was going to the graduation ceremony but that she couldn't tell a soul or else, and I quote, "I will literally take your eyelids one by one with a tweezers".

Stacie immediately sent her the choreography and the arrangements they've made for the performance so Beca could learn it in time for the ceremony.

The next week went by pretty fast for everyone. Beca had to talk to his new boss about leaving for a couple of days and he seemed completely cool about it, however, she was having a hard time learning the arrangements.

"I don't get it, you literally got a job and an internship for doing this stuff." Ally told Beca while she zipped her suitcase.

"For making music not for dancing and such." Beca defended herself as she let her body fall on the couch next to where Ally was on her knees struggling to close the suitcase.

"You are just nervous. It's a bunch of parents and relatives, maybe some teachers anFOR FUCKS SAKE." Ally yelled.

Beca looked at Ally who was holding her bleeding finger.

"Uh, what did you do?" She asked concerned.

"I broke my stupid nail with the stupid zipper. shit."

Beca walked to the bathroom and grabbed alcohol and band aids.

"So now I can say that..."

Ally only glared at Beca, not even wanting to hear the end of the sentence.

"y'know, I'm going to nail it." She laughed.

"I hate you." Ally replied dryly trying not to smile, avoiding looking at her.

Thursday evening, Beca was already being dropped at her place by Ally who was now headed towards her own home.

Knowing her mother wouldn't be home until some hours later, Beca took her time to tidy up and take a shower. When Caren was opening the front door, Beca took the opportunity to sit on the stairs in total darkness.

"Hello-" Before Beca could finish her sentence, her screaming mother had already hit her with an umbrella. "Jesus Christ Caren."

Screaming once again, Caren hugged the dark figure sitting on the stairs. The older woman's eyes filled with tears. "BECA YOU ARE HOME."

"And regretting it." She said massaging her head.

After the little incident, Beca was sitting on the kitchen counter eating dinner with her mother who grabbed a chair and sat in front of her daughter.

"Who would have guessed Beca Mitchell is graduating."

Beca playfully shoved her mother. "Technically I've already graduated."

"If i don't see it I don't believe it." The older woman said with her mouth full of rice. "So big day tomorrow."

Beca nodded. "Yeah receiving a folded paper with a funny hat and a robe is pretty big deal apparently."

Caren rolled her eyes and pushed Beca who fell from the counter making Caren choke.


By next morning Beca was already awake, later than expected, but awake. Struggling to get changed and fix her hair her mother tried to hurry her up.

"Four years. In four years i never managed to arrive on time for school cAN YOU HURRY UP?"

Beca ran downstairs shoeless with everything on her hand. "DRIVE."

When she was on her way back from L.A., Beca took the opportunity to call the school ton inform them that she was, in fact, attending to the ceremony but asked them if it was possible if they could hand her and Ally their diploma after the closing number.

Stacie was sitting near the firsts rows of seats surrounded by the Bella's who were all chatting nervously, her eyes were looking for Beca all around the place, however, the tiny brunette was nowhere.

"I really wish she was here."

Stacie looked to her left and was met with a pair of sad baby blue eyes.

"I know." She said taking Chloe's hand in her own.

When she raised her sight she found another pair of orbs looking straight at her. Aubrey blushed as soon as she realized Stacie was staring back at her.

The principal stood in front of the crowd of students, teachers and families and said a few words before calling the students one by one to give them their diploma.

Stacie only wondered where Beca was. The thing was, Beca was there, watching the whole thing next to her mother, without realizing Emily was also in the audience.

As soon as she realized and caught Emily's sight, she raised one finger towards her mouth, motioning her to not say anything.

After every student had their paper in hand, the Bella's approached the stage. The Bella's, like every student, were wearing a blue rob and cap.

"Teachers, parents and, of course, students of Barden High." Aubrey said with the mic in hand. "This is for all of us, to the memorable moments of the years shared with our friends."

As the crowd clapped, the Bellas got in their positions.

With parts of their bodies and vocals they started making the intro of "Here's to the night" by Eve 6.

[Note: I put the song next to the picture if you want to listen to it ;)) ]

"So denied
So I lied
Are you the now or never kind." Stacie started giving a step forward.

"In a day
And a day love
I'm gonna be gone for good again." Aubrey joined as she walked to the middle of the stage next to Stacie.

Now the blonde Aussie joined the girls. "Are you willing to be had
Are you cool with just tonight."

"Here's a toast
To all those who hear me all too well." The girls sang in perfect harmony.

"And here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon."

"Put your name on the line
Along with place and time." Ashley continued as she took Jessica's hand.

"Want to stay
Not to go
I want to ditch the logical." Chloe sang as she started to go to the centre of the stage, but someone held her back.

She turned around and saw a girl with blue rob and cap holding her by the wrist.

"Here's a toast
To all those who hear me all too well." Beca sang joining her beloved group on stage making them turn around surprised.

All of them were taken by surprise and immediately ran towards the short girl before continuing all together.

"Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon."

"All my time is frozen motion
Can't I stay an hour or two or more." Amy sang with Beca as she wrapped an arm around Beca's shoulder.

"Don't let me let you go."

Chloe and CR harmonized.

"Don't let me let you go."

"Here's a toast to all those who hear me all too well." Jessica and Stacie sang now standing in line with all the Bellas who continued.

"And here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon
Too soon"

"Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon."

There wasn't a single person who had their eyes dry. The Bellas gathered around in a group hug hardly holding it together.

"I love you awesome nerds." Beca said to them.

Meanwhile, the principal walked to the stage with another medal and diploma in their hands.

"Mitchell, Rebeca."

Beca walked towards the principal who put the medal and handed her the diploma.

"Now on behalf of the teachers who have educated you, class of 2017, have met all the graduation requirements of the Barden High School. You've been recognized as graduates of this High School." The principal said. "I present to you, Class of 2017."

With that said, the graduates tossed their cap to the air.

"You whore." Chloe said as she jumped into Beca's arms who instantly wrapped around the red head's body.

Shortly all the Bellas were around Beca.

A/N That song always gets me... I didn't know if make the chapter longer or not, anyways I'm trying to update as soon as I have time so sorry for the grammar. Thoughts?

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