Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️

By KpopRuinedMyLifeArmy

51.6K 2.1K 237

Their relationship was treason. Risking their lives to see each other. That their names belonged to their cla... More

Chapter 1 "Beginnings"
Chapter 2 "Recruited"
Chapter 3 "That's gonna bruise."
Chapter 4 - That Dumb?
Chapter 5 - "Deal"
Chapter 7 "Hidden"
Chapter 8 "Alone"
Chapter 9 "Stay"
Chapter 10 "The Boys"
Chapter 11 "She's My Girlfriend."
Chapter 12 "Stupid Taehyung-ie Pabo"
Chapter 13 "First Snow."
Chapter 14 "Remembering"
Chapter 15 "Playing Dirty."
Chapter 16 "Outsider"
Chapter 17 "Brother"
Chapter 18 "Comfort"
Chapter 19 "Questions"
Chapter 20 "Careless Boys"
Chapter 21"Fishing"
Chapter 22 "Happiness Never Lasts"
Chapter 23 "Making It About You"
Chapter 24 "Just A Memory."
Chapter 25 "I'm Sorry"
Chapter 26 "The Messenger"
Chapter 27 "Heartbeats"
Chapter 28 "Training"
Chapter 29 "Going Alone"
Chapter 30 "Pain"
Chapter 31 "Wounded."
Chapter 32 "Mistake or Fate?"
Chapter 33 "So Close.."
Chapter 34 "The Start Of The End"
Chapter 35 "The Final Breaths & Gone."
Chapter 36 "Same Yet Different Feelings"
Chapter 37 "No Longer An Omega"
Chapter 38 "Almost To You"
Chapter 39 "Reunited"
Chapter 40 "Nightmares"
Chapter 41 "What Are You Hiding From Me?"
Chapter 42 "Choose"
Chapter 43 "Your Touch"
Chapter 44 "Leaving"
Chapter 45 - Finale
Season 2 Info and Characters
(S2) Chapter 1 - A New Era
(S2) Chapter 2 - Alcohol Pain.
(S2) Chapter 3 - Sudden Regret
(S2) Chapter 4 - Moments In Paradise.
(S2) Chapter 5 - Whats Wrong Love?
(S2) Chapter 6 - Knocked Down
(S2) Chapter 7 - Goodbye
(S2) Chapter 8 - Collision Of Worlds.
(S2) Chapter 9 - Old Friends
(S2) Chapter 10 - Plans & Tutorials.
(S2) Chapter 11 - Visit
(S2) Chapter 12 - Untold Secrets.
(S2) Chapter 13 - I Care.
(S2) Chapter 14 - The Side That Hurts.
(S2) Chapter 15 - Unwanted Thoughts
(S2) Chapter 16 - Caught
(S2) Chapter 17 - Not Right
(S2) Chapter 18 - So Many Secrets
(S2) Chapter 19 - Help Me Move On
(S2) Chapter 20 - ASAP
(S2) Chapter 21 - Preparing
(S2) Chapter 22 - Mine
(S2) Chapter 23 - Help
(S2) Chapter 24 - Remember
(S2) Chapter 25 - Trouble
(S2) Chapter 26 - Taken
(S2) Chapter 27 - Missing
(S2) Chapter 28 - Star Of The Show
(S2) Chapter 29 - Beacon
(S2) Chapter 30 - Unlikely Ties
(S2) Chapter 31 - I Thought
(S2) Chapter 32 - Guilty
(S2) Chapter 33 - Escape
(S2) Chapter 34 - Revealed
(S2) Chapter 35 - Chased
(S2) Chapter 36 - Not So Different After All.
(S2) Chapter 37 - Cold
(S2) Chapter 38 - Talk
(S2) Chapter 39 - So Close To Believing
(S2) Chapter 40 - "I Can't Believe You"
(S2) Chapter 41 - No
(S2) Chapter 42 - Don't Leave, Please
(S2) Chapter 43 - Bang. Bang.
(S2) Chapter 44 - Free
(S2) Chapter 45 - She's Pregnant
(S2) Chapter 46 - Feelings
(S2) Chapter 47 - What Should I Do?
(S2) Chapter 48 - Family
(S2) Chapter 49 - Love
(S2) Chapter 50 - Sweet
(S2) Chapter 51 - Where
(S2) Chapter 52 - Secrets Revealed
(S2) Chapter 53 - Finale
Epilouge - 1
Special Chapter #1 - Taehyung
Special Chapter #2 - Jimin And Sohyun
I Purple You - A/n

Chapter 6 "Come With Me."

1.1K 34 5
By KpopRuinedMyLifeArmy

"Y/N! Stop right there!" Jaebum yells as i hold his only beanie in my hands swinging it around carelessly

You giggle and run outside of the room and he rushes after you almost tripping from the mess you made

You rush past rose and tao and hide behind them, Quickly Jaebum stops when he sees the two.

"What are you two doing? " Tao says questiningly


"She stole my only beanie! " He whines, pouting.

Rose sighs and turns back to you who was inspecting the beanie for yourself

"Give it back child. " you pout and put it on your head


"Do i really have to take care of children!?" Tao yells startling you

Taehyung's POV 

"Do I really have to take care of children!?"

Huh? What is the man griping about now?

Since i'm near their camp anyway i walk over close enough to see but still hidden.

I see Y/n wearing a beanie pouting at the other man

How can she be so cute when she pouts?

"Fine~" She throws the beanie at another guy. Is that Jaebum? I think i recognize him.

"Now can you both stop acting like omegas? " he snaps and she rolls her eyes

But suddenly her eyes turn to me and i lean back against the building

Shit. Did she see me?


I see that boy again hiding behind our room. Why is he here? Is he stalking our camp now? 

Now that i know hes from bangtoon- Bangteen- Whatever there name is! He's our rival and hes on our camp!

Should i tell tao? Jaebum.. Baekhyun? Aish when is baekhyun coming here? He could tell of this boy! 

"Earth to Y/n! Are you listening? " Tao waved his hand in'front of you and you snap out of your thoughts

"Is baekhyun coming soon? " You ask making him suprised

"I- I'm not sure.. Why?" You shake your head

"Just wondered. " You turn your eyes to where he was 

You walk off leaving the three boys confused. Jaebum put his beanie on and scarled. "Why... Why omegas?" Tao groaned and all walked their own ways.


You make your way to the house and slowly look behind it

He's not here..? 

Dissapointing.. I kinda wanted to see him again. He was kind of.. Cute?

You shrug off the idea and quiver

Did i really just think that? What is wrong with you!


*Two Days Later*

"Oppa!" You smile and throw yourself at Baekhyun wrapping your arms around him

"Aish.." He groans teasingly but wraps his arms around you

"You said you would come to see me earlier! " You groan still having your arms around his waist

"I was... But something happened at the other camp. " he said patting your head

"What happened?" You say curious

He looks around worried if he should tell you. You are really sensitive at times. But maybe.. No, He can't make you worry. Or you will get yourself killed going after those bangtan freaks.

"Nothing happened to worry about. It was just a food storage problem. " He smiled but i knew he was lying

Seriously? Does everyone think i'm that dumb! is it because i'm a omega? Gosh, All Pabo's.

You brush what he said off your mind and went along with it. You showed him your room that you are sharing with rose.

After you showed him your room you led him around the camp showing the progress you've made to it. You were quiet proud of it.

After the tour he had to leave you to talk to tao about the "Food problem thing" You quote using your fingers for quotations.

"Why did i have to be assigned a omega! I could be a elite no problem!" You think of that tree indecent. "Maybe a few problems but still!"

You walk through the forest losing track of how far you walked lost in your thoughts.

You suddenly hear footsteps from behind you and you snap out of your trance

Gosh.. Where am i? Who is that behind me?

Please... Please be Baekhyun..

You hope but when you turned around you are greeted with the smirk of your fellow rival

You were so close to him that if you moved a inch you would have..Kissed

"What are you doi-"

"Do you even know where you are?" He said smirking even bigger if that's possible

But no. You don't know where you are. Please don't tell me that i'm in his territory..

"I uhh." You look around and you try to take a step back but he wraps his arms around your waist making you stay as close to him as you could be

You heart starts to beat more rapidly and you put your hands on his chest trying to push him off you

"Yah! What are you doing? Let go!" You look in his eyes trying to stand your ground for once but he does the cutest giggle you've ever heard

"How can you be so cute?" you eyes widen. Did he really just say that? Am i dreaming?

"I'm not cute! " You scowl "Now let go of me! You- Bangtoon boy!" He lets go of you trying not to laugh at your adorableness. Wait.. Did he really just think of that?

You brush yourself off trying to get the feeling of his hands around you out of your mind.

You look up at him but his smiling eyes were replaced with dark and cold.

"Do you know how dangerous it is to be out here alone?" He says in a deep voice that you've never heard before.

You look away from him still embarrassed from before

"Exactly why i'm going home away from you!" You attempt to walk past him but he grabs your wrist tightly spinning you around to face him

"Come with me." Your eyes widen again. Did i hear that right? Is he being serious? 

"No-" Before you could protest more he started to pull you after him

"Yah~ Ouch!" You groan from the pain he was giving your wrist from pulling and gripping it so tightly

He stops and turn to you.

"Hide here." He directs you to a little house in the trees and you look at him confused.


"Just do it. Trust me." How could i trust him? He's so filled with mystery.

But the sudden sound of many footsteps behind you scares you and you climb like he told you.

You hide in the tree house and wait for him to climb with you but he doesn't. 

You look down the ladder but you see him standing in front of the group

Is that bangteen?

"Taehyung? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the camp?" the tallest one said

His name is Taehyung? Finally someone indirectly tells me!

"Sorry hyung. I had to take care of something." 

"Are you even trying with this mission? This is important and you keep blowing it off!"

Taehyung looks down sadly 

What are they talking about? A mission? What kind of mission?

*Flash Back*

"You said you would come to see me earlier! "

"I was... But something happened at the other camp. "

"What happened?" 

"Nothing happened to worry about. It was just a food storage problem. "


Your eyes buldge

Is he? Stealing food from us? Or is there more? And wait... I'M IN HIS TREE HOUSE

You gasp and quickly cover your mouth but its to late when the others heard you

Taehyung's Pov 

I hear a gasp from up above and i already expect to get punished

What is she even doing up there? Can't she be quiet for a minute!? 

"What was that? " Namjoon asks

"It's windy out here hyung? What do you mean?" he scoffs

Jimin approaches me and looks at the tree house

"I didn't know you had a tree house! " He says excited but i am more focused at the glaring eyes from our leader and my bro-... Jungkook

"I can show you tomorrow.." I say glaring at him 

"Taehyung. " Namjoon says threatingly

"Meet me at camp in the morning. We need to talk. " He says and walks past me while the others look at me worried but still follow after him

But not suprisinly  jungkook bumps my shoulder and doesn't look back.

What a... Kookie


"What was that about?" I ask as he finally makes it in the house

He walks past me annoyed 

"Yah! You kidnap me now you don't even explain to me?" He glares at you coldly

"You almost got me killed!" He raises his voice at me and i stop moving

I look down sadly

Why should i be sad? I should be angry at him! 

But i still don't move since i'm more scared right now in front of him. Why does he scare me so much?

He groans seeing how you act

Is she always like this? She's so strange? I only raised my voice?

He pats the mattress beside him and i slowly walk and sit beside him not looking at him at all

"You're name is taehyung?" You ask looking at your fingers

"Yup." he says and i nod

"I'm guessing your not from my camp huh?" I say calmly

He chuckles 

"You're not that much of a pabo. (Fool) "

You turn your head towards him at his calm state even though he just called you a pabo. You feel better knowing he isn't angry at you anymore. But he does switch emotions quickly.

You blush thinking of when you met in the woods. Aish..

He seems to notice and leans towards you

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing! " You say quickly and look at him

"Calm down, I was only teasing." He crosses his arms

ONLY TEASING! Is he bipolar?

You look away frustrated and yawn


"Mhm.." You stretch 

"Here." He stood up and handed you a blanket

"Now get some sleep." 

"Where are you going to sleep then?" 

He points to the thin blanket across the room 

"Are you sure? I can sleep there."

"No, i'ts fine." Says already laying down

You nod hesitatingly

You place your head down and cover yourself in the blanket like a worm

You smile happy for some reason

But you close your eyes and feel yourself drifting away.

Taehyung's POV 

I hear light breathing from across the room and i turn my head to a worm fast alseep

I smile a little seeing how comfortable she looked.

How can she trust someone so much? How can she be so sensitive? How can she make me crazy for someone i just met?


So this was a Loooooooongg chapter. I hope it didn't bore you to much! But i am trying to make the length of the chapters longer. And this chapter was 1.8k words.. Give me a cookie

Thank you for reading and please vote~ I really appreciate it.

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