PERCABETH~After the Wars

Von basically_bookz

26.5K 278 162

The war with Gaea is finally over. The Greeks and the Romans have finally made an alliance. And now the seven... Mehr

PERCABETH~After the Wars
Chapter 7 The final Days -Percy's POV
Chapter 8 The Fitting ~Annabeth's POV~
Chapter 7 The promise
Important Pls give feedback!!!
Chapter 9 The countdown
The Dream
Not an Update❗️
Chapter 10
Review on Chap. 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter Update!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
¡Chapter 15 Update!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Hey Guys!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you!
Chapter 20 (!)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Almost there!
Chapter 23
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

PERCABETH~After the Battle

1.2K 18 29
Von basically_bookz

Chapter 4

Up to Olympus

-Percy's POV-

Today me and Annabeth are going up to Olympus to ask Apollo if he can be our priest. I mean it's not such a bad idea since he's a major God of the Prophecy and Poetry and all that stuff. Annabeth said we should ask Aphrodite to bless our marriage-whatever that means. You kind of have to just go with whatever Annabeth says because it'll make sense in the end so there's no point asking.(I've adjusted to that after a while)

So Argus drove us up to The Empire State Building (or Olympus) and we walked up to the front desk.

"600 floor please!" Annabeth told the person at the front desk. He raised his eyebrows and leaned closer towards us.

"Demigods?" we nodded "I thought so." and he gave us a gold drachma.

"Thank you" Annabeth said and we started to the elevator.The elevator doors closed and she slid the gold drachma through the slot"I love saying that" and suddenly the elevator shot up fast. In 5 minutes the elevator dinged the doors slid open and we walked out onto the cloud path.

"I guess they have a new way of transportation here at Olympus... I mean wasn't it different last time?" I asked as I stepped onto the 5th cloud stone.

"I don't know-was it?" she answered "oh yeah it was-" but she was interrupted by high streaks and squeals coming from the other side of the cloud path. Then suddenly dozens of nymphs started pouring out of their little white cabins and started coming our way. I stepped of the last cloud and helped Annabeth down.

"What's this about?" Annabeth asked "Its like they've never seen is before..."

"I don't know...let's go see" I answered her.

As we walked towards the crowd to squealing nymphs all staring at us which was creepy they all started to simmer down shushing each other.

We walked towards them and they cleared their way for us to walk.

"Omg I never knew a Poseidon child could be so hot!" and the nymph fainted right then and there.

"Whoa is she-"

"She's fine don't worry! Buy can you please sign my forehead with permanent ink?"

" but maybe next time."

We continued to walk through the nymphs-some grabbing our hands, fainting saying "My hero..." or even petting out hair.

As we finally walked past the nymph Fangirls (still staring at every step we would take) we started to walk up the many steps to the throne room.

Annabeth broke the silence. "So! I guess we're famous here on Olympus!"

"Looks like it." and we entered the huge doors to the throne room. And very surprisingly sat all the Gods-I mean usually it's a lot harder to get their attention.

"Greetings demigods." Zeus boomed down at us.

"Hello mighty Zeus" Annabeth said and she bowed I copied her. She turned to Athena "Mother." and she bowed again.

"I don't know if you already know or not."she started "but my boyfriend Percy proposed to me recently and we are planning our marriage."

"Yes I believe so" said Athena sighing. "My strongest child marring and child of Poseidon" she said Poseidon as if it hurt her.

I looked at my dad and he shrugged his shoulders and crossed his 200 foot long feet.

"I suppose it'll have to be Athena" he sighed "I guess it's all up to the Fates from here on. They aren't children any more."

"Ahh I love young love!" Aphrodite sighed.

"Of corse 'ya do your the stinken God of love!" Ares snorted

"Okay Annabeth and I decided to come up to Olympus 1 to inform you about our marriage and also for a couple of favors we could use from some of you..."I turned to Annabeth

"We wanted to ask you Apollo if you can please be a priest at the wedding,and I was wondering if Lady Aphrodite would be so kind and bless our marriage."

"Okay! I mean who wouldn't want a hot god like me to be in their wedding?" Apollo replied. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

" Oh, of course! Why wouldn't I want to bless my two favorite lovebirds?" Aphrodite said smiling.

"Alright then um... you'd be okay with coming Dad right?" I asked Poseidon

"Sure kid,why wouldn't I?" He chuckled

"Oh yes mother can you come as well?"

"Yes Anna-" Athena started

"Matter of fact why don't all of us come to the ceremony?" Zeus interrupted "I believe they deserve it."

"That-that would be quite nice." I said. Woah all the Olympian gods coming to our wedding? This is amazing!

"Okay I guess we'll be on our way! Thank you. We are honored." Annabeth said and we bowed.

"Farewell children. All of us will pop in and out to help prepare your wedding every now and then." Zeus boomed and we walked out the throne room.

Chapter 5

-Leo's POV-

Aphrodite's Message

It's been 2 days. 2 days I've been searching.2 days I've been searching without rest. And I haven't found a clue where Calypso could be. Even though. I found out where she might be, I still feel like I keep circling around in the same spot. I've flown around Croatia multiple times and haven't found a single ripple in the ocean. Until something unusual happened.

It was just another sleepless night when I fell asleep with a pencil closed in my hand drooling over my notes. When I had a odd dream.

I opened my eyes but I wasn't on the Argo II. I was sitting criss-crossed- apple-sauced with my head looking down into my lap. I sat up to see a lady-not just any lady-she looked like a super model/pop-star/movie-star/make-up artist thing who...seemed

to be changing like every mili-second getting prettier and prettier. She was so grandly beautiful-I had to squint. She literally glowed.

"Hello sweetheart." she said "About time you woke up!"

"And you are..." I asked groggily standing up.

"Aphrodite! Goddess of Love..." She said love in a sort of groovy way that made me want to just plop down and sleep-but I focused on her.

"Alright then!So I guess you have some super urgent job I need to do to make my crazy Demi-god life harder,correct?" I said to her.

"Actually hun, I've come to make your life easier. When you awaken you will find yourself on the island Oygiga." she said it like it was nothing.

I couldn't believe my ears. What did she even mean?

"Wha-Why are you doing this for me?" I stuttered.

"Look at what you've been through! I think you deserved a little something from your Aunty Aphrodite"

"Woah" I thought to myself this was freaking awesome. So I literally just stood there my eyes wide mouth open just standing.

"Ta Ta!" she said and waved-then with the snap of her fingers, I woke with a start jolted up and skitted out of my cabin/bedroom. I sprinted down the hall.


I yelled.

I climbed on deck and looked out at the ocean.There it was-so vivid. I didn't exactly catch a great glimpse of it while crashing the first time here but it is truly beautiful. After staring for what seemed like hours I looked down at myself. Let me just say it was startling.

I didn't want to know what my face looked like.

So I went back into my cabin and got changed into some (somewhat) nicer clothes, washed my face and combed my hair. Festus squeaked-saying "we landed!".I stared into the mirror. To be honest-I'm extremely worried,so much can go wrong now. But I took a deep breath and made my way to the rope ladder.

I looked out on the island...It's as if it never changed-palm trees sprouting in the perfect spots,gigantic flowers blooming, beautiful. Fit for Calypso.

I formed a slow 360 turn admiring the island. When I was facing front once again-I was consumed in a ginormous bear hug. Her eyes were teary but she was beaming from ear to ear. It was her. It was Calypso.

"! Leo... I should have never doubted you." and she pulled me into a kiss. I couldn't believe it-it was real.

"Holy Hera! I can't believe this is happening." I said to her she closed her eyes and hugged me.

And we just stood there for a minute I stroked her hazel hair-shimmering in the sun.

She looked up at me "it feels like it's been forever...but I know it was worth while."

"I'm sorry-you really have waited forever." I looked into her eyes "But I should've came for you earlier."

She let me go. " It's okay Leo, I've learned to be patient." that made me sad but, I tried to focus on the positives now.

"Come I'll fix you a nice lunch. You must be starving." she said and grabbed my wrist and dragged me to her cave.

As I watched her make the lunch, I admired her cave. Again it didn't change much either. Suddenly a crazy weird idea sparked in my head.

I looked around the cave jewels and gems glittered the wall and ceiling. Then a bright jewel caught my eye-It sparkled tremendously. Quietly, I dashed over to it and tugged it off the wall. I slipped it into my pocket just as she turned to me with 2 plates full with salad.

"Here you go!" She said brightly. "I hope you enjoy it." she smiled and sat down on her bed.

"Thanks." I said with my mouth full. It was great. Calypso ways a really good chef.

When we finished eating, I decided to help Calypso pack some of her clothes.

"Are you sad?" I asked her

"What do you mean?I'm not sad."

"I mean, you've been here all your life,will you be sad to go?"

She pursed her lips "I love you Leo, and I want to live my life with you so I will do anything to be with you again. Yes I am quite a bit sad, but I'd much rather live with you than be alone stranded in this island." She looked into my eyes and kissed me quick. We finished most of her packing when we decided to take a walk on the beach.

" you want to leave right away or do you want to spend some time here a little more." I asked her

"Er...If it's okay with you, I'd like to stay a little longer with you." she responded.

"Of corse, that's fine.I like this place a lot too."

We walked on the beach for a bit, I plucked a lavender flower from the jungle forest and placed it behind her ear. She smiled.

We arrived back on the beach and went in the water up to our knees. It was clear and warm.

"How about we take a swim tomorrow?"

"Sure that sounds nice."

She looked at me, and a concerned look spread across her face.

"Leo did you sleep at all on your way here?" she asked and touched my cheek.

"Well to be honest, no but that's fine with me."

"Really. Well it's not fine with me, even Demi-gods need sleep. Come on I'll fix you a bed."

We walked back to her cave hand in hand and as soon as we walked in, a random king sized bed poped out of nowhere.

Calypso looked at me again and smiled. "It's a goddess thing."

I laughed and took of my shirt. She hugged me.

"I've missed you..."she whispered " much."

"I love you."

"I love you." She said. "Sleep tight" and just like that I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 6


The Ceremony Preparation

I don't even know what day it is until I heard Percy shout giddily through my cabin door, "20 more days 'till the big day!" My eyes widen and I swing around to face a big kiss, but I pull apart...

"20 more days! Since when?" I asked

"Since today!" he said "and I thought you were a daughter of the goddess of wisdom"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh no..." I spun around and grabbed at my head. "we still have to call the church, an-and send all the invitations, and-"

"Done and Done." He said looking impressed with himself. "I told Chiron to announce the date of the wedding to Camp inviting them to the wedding. And our family and the Gods know the date AND...well yeah."

"It's not that simple Seaweed Brain"


As we approached the Aphrodite (or Venus whatever, I'm still so used to Aphrodite)cabin, let me just say it was like I walked into a children's playground. Everything was everywhere,it stunk of perfume and all the beds were out of place, laid on the beds were blue dresses-the braids maids dresses. They were beautiful.

"Do you like them?" Piper squeaked from a corner, her arms pulled close to her chest, balled up in little fists, I know that pose, about to flip out and hug somebody.

"I love them!" I said, and before I knew it she was on top of me, hugging me to my death.

She pulled away. She had bags under her rainbow eyes and her hair was knotted. I felt bad she was doing this all for me.

She gasped "Oh! Do you want to see it?"

"See what?"

"The dress of course!"


"Okay come!!!"

So she lead me into a room I've never seen. But stopped and said "Oh Perce, sorry you can't come. Its a surprise only the Groom gets to see on the big day!"

"Fine..." he sighed, and crossed his arms. I grin.

"Mom dropped in once or twice, or like six times actually, to help, and let me tell you she helped well."

"Okay..." I laughed.

We entered the room.


I gasped. There were really no words to describe it, it looked just how I imagined it and better. "Woah...Piper you have truly outdone yourself!"

"Thanks?" she smiled

"I mean, wow, I love you!" I didn't know what to say, Piper was such a great friend.

"Oh! And my mom also gathered a huge selection of jewelry for you to pick out. Come!"

And she led me behind a dress where there was three glass tables and spread across each one was jewelry. The first table included necklaces, the second, Bracelets, the third, ear-rings.

I picked a pair of silver dangling earrings (diamonds DANGLING from my earlobe...) For a necklace, I picked a simple silver chain that wrapped around my neck, sort of tight but not too much, with a diamond in the center of it. And I decided not to wear any bracelets. Then Piper showed me on a TV of a slide-show of different hairstyles. I choose a simple one with my hair down, but teased in the front a bit. THEN, I picked out a bouquet of flowers which were long and white. Right when I thought we were done, Piper had me pick out shoes. I picked a pair that were a bit round, but not too high because I'd probably trip after two steps down the aisle. My toes peeked out the tiniest bit that's what I liked about them. Finally I admired my dress on last time, and began to examine the braids maids dresses which were again-fabulous. Just like the design...bit better.

Now that that was all finished, Piper told me to come over tomorrow to get the dress fitted. All the other brides maids will also be there to get them fit too. But for now I still had to find one more braids maid, and start to contact Demeter (somehow) so she could possibly be the Chef in charge for after the wedding. Percy and I also decided that after the wedding, we'd host the after party at Fireworks Beach-the place we got engaged at. Percy got bored of waiting (being ADHD like me) but he left to talk to Mr.D about being a DJ-I really don't know what to expect but with HIM being one, but I'll just roll with it. But he left me a note:

Wise Girl,

Went to talk to Mr.D

to discuss being DJ;)


Seaweed Brain


It was around 4:30 now, Mr.D grumpily agreed to be a DJ. And I found the Gods told us they are open for any Iris message from now to the wedding. So...I simply contacted Demeter via Iris Message and asked her if she could cook. Of course she said yes.

Okay so maybe I was over reacting the tiniest bit when I thought we had A LOT to do, but...we did get a lot done today. We just have to practice the ceremony a couple of times, try on the dresses (and the suits, Percy said he Frank, Jason, Leo, Tyson, and Grover still have to do that.)


Okay! So a longer Leo Chapter and some MORE fabulous Percabeth. I hope you liked my version of Caleo! Thanks for reading! I love all of you that are!


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