The Prince • JB

By secutegrxnde

139K 6.4K 2.5K

"Uh, okay. Wow! Y-You're a-a," she stood their speechless in front of him. "A-A-" "A prince," he confirmed. "... More

| My Other Works |


6.2K 302 141
By secutegrxnde

THE PRINCE | five.


Justin laughed softly then said, "Is this your first time in Monte Carlo?"

"Yes," I smiled lowering my hand. "Wait-- You," I directed my finger at him. "You're the one who got me the map."

"Yes," he chuckled. "I see you found your way back safely."

"Oh, yeah, no. I was fortunately saved by their driver Leo. Thank you though."

"No problem," he licked his bottom lips slowly. "Since you aren't seeing someone, would you like to dance?" he asked.

"Sure," I smiled giving him a half-shrug. He put out his hand which I gladly took.

Oh gosh, what have I done?

My heart thumped rapidly against my chest as he guided me to the middle of the dance floor. As we walked, I silently prayed that I won't trip or step on his feet. My eyes darted down to his shoes. His very expensive looking shoes.

His hand found his way to the small of my back only making me grow a bit hot. I quickly glanced to my side, I could see other people begin to stare at Justin. I would say us, but we all know I'm not the royal one here.

Breathe, Baby. Breathe.

Justin stopped at the center of the ballroom, right above an intricate design on the marble floor. I looked down at my feet which were covered by the floor-length gown I was wearing. Taking my hand in, he pulled me closer to him.

The scent of his cologne engulfed me and his touch began to make me dizzy. We moved slowly to the soft, French music playing in the background.

I don't know what was wrong with me, but I could not find myself looking into his eyes. My eyes wandered around until they landed on a painting in the far distance. It looks like... well, I don't know what it looks like. I want to say it looks like a potato, but I have a very strong feeling that I'm wrong.

I really don't understand art.


I hummed softly keeping my eyes on the painting.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I refrained from biting my lips as I kept my eyes on the (possibly a) potato painting.

"You're not really looking at me. Did I do something wrong?"

I turned over to him quickly. I opened my mouth but words could not seem to get out. "No. no. I just, uh--" I couldn't even look at him for more than three seconds before breaking our eye contact. "I'm just a bit--" I paused. "--nervous."

"Can I ask why?"

"Well," I sighed readjusting my hand on his shoulder. "There are many people staring at us right now." My eyes landed on a group of young women with cold expressions on their faces. "Some look very, very upset may I add," I say looking away from them. "And if I'm honest, I'm a bit nervous to be dancing with a--"


"Yes. Exactly," I say finally looking at him.

"Would you like to go somewhere more private?"

Before I could even answer, he was already guiding me through the crowd. I guess we're going somewhere private.


"Where do you think they're going?" Clara whispered to Nicole and Violette as she hid behind a pillar so she could effectively spy on Baby and Justin.

"I don't know," Nicole muttered. She looked at her nails as Clara continued to speak.

"I was standing right there. Why didn't he ask me to dance?"

Nicole and Violette looked at each other as if they were reading each others' minds. Both shaking their heads, they let out a sigh and turned back to Clara who was now pacing back and forth in front of them. 

"I mean like...why her? Why Baby?" Clara gripped her light yellow evening gown tightly.

"I don't know..."

"Is that all you say? 'I don't know'," she mocked.

"Well, if you want to know where they're going. Go find out," Violette told her.

"Finally, a good suggestion,"

Nicole scoffed as she shook her head. "Why don't you just leave them alone? They're probably just talking."

"Yeah and you don't look bloated in your dress," Clara replied sarcastically.

"Good one" Nicole rolled her eyes clapping her hands slowly.

"Thank you," Clara replied then walked away with her chin up.

"Cette fille est hantée," Violette muttered, watching Clara walk away in the crowd.

That girl is obsessed.

"Beaucoup trop hanté," Nicole laughed.

Way too obsessed.

Stomping towards the balcony, Clara had her eyes set on Baby and Justin who seemed to be very comfy next to each other on the balcony.

As she moved closer to the door, two bodyguards moved in front of the door.

"On permet personne n'a passé ici," one of them said looking straight ahead with their hands clasped in front of them.

No one is allowed passed here

"Et pourquoi pas?" Clara crossed her arms.

And why not?

"Qui sont confidentiels," the other bodyguard said.

That is confidential.

"It's confidential," she asked. "I could see Justin and Baby right there!"

"Madame, plaisez plus bas à votre voix."

Ma'am, please lower your voice.

"I know you speak English," she replied putting her hands on her hips. Both bodyguards remained composed as Clara glared at them.

"Ugh!" she stomped her foot.


"I think this is much better," Justin said as he opened two large double doors leading off into a private balcony.

"Wow," Baby whispered. She took a few steps towards the balcony, placing her hands on the cold, metal railing. "This is so beautiful."

"Monte Carlo is really nice at night. I try to visit as much as I can."

"Where do you normally stay?"

"When I'm in Monaco, I stay at the palace. It's not very far from here. Only about twenty-something minutes."

"When you're in Monaco? Do you travel often?"

"A lot actually. I find myself unable to stay in one place for a long period of time so I just go all over the place," he lowered his head as he spoke.

Baby hummed softly as she stared at the crowded streets.

"But I'm going to be here for about three months before I have to travel again," he added. "How long are you going to be here?" he turned to Baby hoping that she'd be here for longer than a week.

"Three months," she bit back a smile. Her eyes flickered over to Justin who was alright looking at her.

"You're finally looking at me," he smiled.

"I'm a changed person," she shrugged her shoulders making him laugh softly.

A silence fell, leaving them to stare out into the city. Pressing her palm against the side of her face, she let out a soft sigh. She could feel her eyes grow heavy, her eyes zoning in and out. Lifting her head up, she turned to Justin who seemed to be in a deep thought.

"Can I ask you a question?" she whispered leaning closer to him.

"Anything," he said moving closer to her.

"This is going to sound really really stupid," she began. "but I just have to know... Was I supposed to like...curtsy or something when I approached you?"

"Cur--" he couldn't even finish the word before bursting out into laughter. "You don't have to curtsy," he said shaking his head.

"Why are you laughing? It was a genuine question!" she said joining in his laughter. "They always do that in the movies."

"You shouldn't believe the movies," he grinned unable to hide the smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah... Well, at least I now know that I don't have to curtsy," she rolled her eyes playfully.

"It would've been funny if you did though."

"Correction," she said putting her finger up, "It would've been embarrassing."

"Embarrassing, funny...same difference."

"Tell me about yourself," Baby suggested leaning against the railing. "Something I can't find on Google if I were to look you up."

"Is that another way of you telling me that you're going to google me once you're home?"

"Oh gosh," she rolled her eyes playfully. "That is not what I meant. I just want to learn something about you."

"Fine...I uh, I speak four languages."

"I said something I can't google," she nudged him.

"Google says I speak five languages! I'm only fluent in four: French, English, Spanish, and Italian. I dabble a little in Portuguese."

"Just a little dabble?" she smiled.

"Just a little," he grinned. "Do you speak any other languages?"

"Definitely not French," she said as she remembered her small fiasco at the market. "I can speak a little bit of Spanish. I used to be good, but uh, it kind of wore away over time... if that makes sense."

"It does. One day, I'll help you with your Spanish and French."

"I'll take your word for it."

In the corner of her eye, she could see people dancing around in the ballroom. "You could still hear the music from here," she whispered.

"Since there aren't people around to stare..." he put out his hand. "May I have this dance?" he asked her. "Again."

"Hmm...I don't know. I mean, it's getting kind of late..."

"C'mere," he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him.

Just as she opened her mouth, he surprised her, causing her to gasp softly as he dipped her, gripping her waist firmly. Lifting her back up, their faces were only centimeters apart.

"And who said I wanted to dance with you?" she raised an eyebrow.

"You haven't let go of me," he pointed.

"That's just...insubstantial evidence," she murmured looking away.

"Insubstantial evidence," he repeated. "You're a funny girl, Baby," he shook his head.

"You're not too bad yourself, Prince Justin."

"I want to see you again," he said abruptly.


"Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"I am not."

"Well then how about I pick you up tomorrow at three?"

"Has anyone ever said no to you?" she asked curiously.

"Not that I remember or at least no that I remember, no."

"Well then I will gladly be the first," she replied cheekily. "It was nice meeting you," she went on her tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later," she said then walked towards the door.

"Does that 'later' include tomorrow at three?"

"Eh," she shrugged her shoulders. "We'll see."


"You what?!" Baby's mother gasped. "Baby, why would you say that? 'Well then I will gladly be the first,'" she mocked rolling her eyes playfully.

"I saw it in a movie!"

"Remind me to take away all of your movies and your Netflix account once you get home."

"Whatever," Baby laughed. "That's not the point, Mom. It's so beautiful here," Baby beamed. She laid on her (temporary) bed, twirling her hair as she gave her mother the play by play.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell me more about this prince. Is he cute?"

"Cute is an understatement. He's so..." Baby paused. "Well, I don't really know how to describe him considering I don't really know him."

"So all you guys did was dance?"

"Just barely, but we talked too. I don't know," Baby covered her face.

"Oh gosh. Whatever happened to you running away from boys at the playground because of cooties," her mother sighed sadly.

"And you say I'm dramatic?"

"Hey! I can be dramatic if I want to. I'm pregnant and my only child at the moment is across the country in a whole different time zone!" she cried.

"Mom," Baby pouted playfully. "I'm only a phone call away. Do you want to facetime?"

"Yes, please," she sniffed. Baby giggled as she got on her knees, she crawled off the bed to grab her charger knowing Facetime devours her battery.

"What time is it over there anyway?"

"Uh, it's--" Baby removed her phone from her ear and looked at the time, putting it on speaker she told her mom the time. "It's three."

"Three?! Baby, what are you doing up at this time?"

"Mom, I'm jetlagged," Baby yawned stretching her arms out. "Plus, I wanted to talk to you. I miss you."

"I miss you too, honey. But you should get some sleep."

"I took pictures."

"And I can't wait to see those pictures, but you should go to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow or your today? And my tomorrow? I just confused myself. Whatever. We'll talk soon."


"I also want to speak to Colton and Clara's parents tomorrow. I'm not going to let you stay in some random people's house. I will find you somewhere else to stay."

"Okay, I'll have you talk to them once they're here."

"They're not already there? What do mean once they're there? Baby--"

"Oh, no! You're breaking up. What? Did you say something? This service isn't the best-- Oh no...bye." Baby spoke rapidly then hung up. "I'm so going to get in trouble for that."

I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 5 of The Prince! I wanted to update one last time before I go back to school tomorrow. School makes me want to throw up. I'm over it.

I always ask this in each of my stories because it always surprises me, but where are you guys from? I always expect one answer but receive the complete opposite. I'm from Florida, where it gets hot, hot, and hotter.

Don't forget to vote and comment telling me what you think! I've been getting some comments saying that you guys like this story so far which makes me really happy. Can't wait to update some more!

Love you guys.

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