The Gray Brothers: The Beginn...

By angel48183

355K 14.2K 1.9K

Every story has a beginning before it has an ending. Growing up kitty-corner from three hot brothers, Patty n... More

The Grays
Nathaniel Gray aka Nate
Jonas Gray
Cayson Gray
Life is crazy then there's Lucille
Car problems
Late night chats
Life is full of lemons
Conspiracy theories
To homecoming or not to homecoming, that is the question
Apple orchard fun
Halloween, trick or treating, and scary movies
Party issues
After party issues
Happy 18 birthday, Patty!
First date
I had a good time
Lucille is at it again
Dating a Gray boy
'Tis the season
'Tis the season, part 2
Guess whose birthday it is?
Hot and heavy
My Girl: A Valentine's Day Chapter
I swear Lucille is crazy
Myrtle Beach for Spring Break? Sure, why not?
And the countdown begins
Wedding Daze
The wedding night
Welcome home, Mrs. Gray
Settling into married life
Time to take a break and have fun
Here comes Nashville, aka Nash
Damn, Son. Did You Forget Your Raincoat?
New neighbors
No more!
12 years later: We're Having Company
Here comes the Gray Brothers
Mrs. George and Maggie

Finals and Graduation: The End of One Era and the Start of Another

7.2K 321 53
By angel48183


I focused so much on studying for my finals that I forgot one minor detail: my wedding dress. Whom was I kidding? I got sidetracked. I had to pick out my wedding dress and order it if it needed alterations. Oops.

I had finals this week, with graduation next week. The wedding was the weekend following graduation. Trust me. This situation won't end well since I had to do only one thing.

I studied, and Nate quizzed me on each subject. I was ready to finish high school once and for all. Next was college, and I kept telling myself to keep my eye on the prize.


We had three days of finals with a break, studying for the other ones. After finals, we practiced for graduation. You're a certifiable idiot if you can't follow commencement directions.

Our classmates needed extra preparations. The principal cautioned us not to drink or consume drugs. It should be common sense, but none of it is common, and there's no sense.

Can't I graduate now?

Graduation arrived, and I pulled on my gown and zipped it. I took my mortarboard and pinned it to my hair, taking one last glimpse in the mirror.


I turned to see Nate dressed in black slacks and a button-up shirt.

"You're beautiful."

I smiled at him and held out my arms. "I'm wearing a tent."

"Yeah, but you would make a burlap sack look good." He smirked as I laughed. He pulled an item out from behind his back and held a dozen red roses.

"Nate! They're beautiful!"

"So are you." He leaned over and kissed me. "Ready?"

"Let's get the show on the road." I walked past him, carrying the roses.

I don't know, but my heart raced as nervousness flooded me. I've been looking forward to finishing high school since freshman year. Now it's happening.

Graduation is a time to reflect on four years of high school. You achieve accomplishments, make friends, create a life, and enter a new chapter, and it's scary.


We arrived and got out of the car. I found Liz, and we talked. They instructed us to take our seats.

Commencements started. I sat there, reliving this past year and everything that had happened. It seemed like a lifetime ago, but it was only this year.

My senior year started with me liking someone else. Nate and I were not getting along. Then the situation shifted. It happened when Brian made comments about the Gray boys. He had destroyed whatever illusion I had of him, and Nate replaced it, showing me that not all guys are bad.

I thought about our talks and how he made me laugh and cared about what I had to say. When we went to the apple orchard, we celebrated Halloween night and the party. From our first kiss to our first date. We had fallen in love with each other.

We shared cuddles, laughs, and talks. I glanced at Nate as he smiled at me. I'm in love with Nathaniel Gray. Three days later, I would become his wife. Then it hit me. Shit.

Liz did a double-take. "Why do you look like you want to hurl?"

"Because I want to."


"I didn't get my dress." I winced.

"What?" Liz's voice thundered.

Everyone turned and looked at us.

"What? Haven't you seen two girls discussing their periods? Now turn around," she told everyone, getting weird looks from them. Kill me now. She leaned over to me. "We need to go now."

"What about graduation?"

"Screw graduation. We graduated, and it's only a formality. If your mom and Lucille find out you didn't get your dress, you won't have to worry about graduation. We will attend your funeral."

"Good point."

We ran to the car, causing everyone to turn and watch us leave.

Liz started the car, threw it into the drive, and peeled out. Forget graduation and the dress. I'll die with the way she drives.

She pulled up in front of a bridal shop, bringing the car to a screeching halt.

"Are you going to sit there? Come on!" Liz ran into the bridal shop.

I ran after her. We were still in our caps and gowns, causing people to stop and stare at us.

She ran to the counter and laid on the bell. A woman removed her hand.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a haughty tone.

"We need a dress. Stat," Liz said.

"For whom?"

"Her." She thumbed at me.

The lady glimpsed at us.

"Lady, she's getting married in three days. If she doesn't show up in a wedding dress, her mother and soon-to-be mother-in-law will hurt her."

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you." The woman walked away.


Great. I missed graduation and couldn't get a damn dress. I'm a dead woman.

"Um, excuse me. I overheard you needed a dress," another woman said.

"Are you a sales lady who works here?" I gestured at the bridal shop.

"Oh, God, no." She laughed. "But I have a dress shop, and we could find you something suitable for your wedding." She gestured for us to follow her. So, we did.

We entered a dress shop that had dresses upon dresses. I saw nothing in white, which didn't sit well with me.

"Now, I might have the perfect dress for you." She smiled, walked towards the back, and returned a few minutes later while carrying a box. "Try it on." She handed me the package.

I took it from her, strode towards the changing rooms, closed the curtain, and set the box down. I opened it, and my jaw dropped. I pulled out the stunning dress to find it adorned with lace and beads.

I changed out of my clothes and put the dress on, and it fit. I looked in the mirror.

The dress is what I had imagined as my wedding dress. I opened the curtain and stepped out. Liz and the woman's eyes widened as their jaws dropped.

"Wow!" Liz said.

"Beautiful," the shop owner said.

"I can't believe the dress fits," I said, turning around.

"That dress is amazing," Liz said.

"I can't believe someone doesn't want this dress."

"People part with items and the items find a new home," she said.

"I'll change, then pay for it." I returned to the changing rooms, removed the dress, replaced it in the box, and changed my clothes. As I put the lid on the box, I noticed a note attached to the white box.

I opened it and read:

I knew you would forget something. So, I made sure I had this detail covered.

Love, your grease monkey.

I shook my head and laughed. Figures. I picked up the box and carried it to the counter. "Do I want to know?"

She smiled at me. "Someone loves you very much."

I smiled, picking up the box and walking away.

How he knew, I didn't know. This action reaffirmed my decision.

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