Due To Fate [Boys Love Story]...

By Venusius

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Two boys grow up in two different worlds. One from a wealthy and prestigious household while the other from a... More

How Have You Been
Rough Start
Sweet Revenge
Cheap Thrills
The Bet and A Kiss In One Frame
Timmy's Aftermath
Johnny's Aftermath
Late Night Snack and Talk
Waking Up With You
Mother Knows Best
We'll Miss You
A Joyful Wake For Our Dearly Departed
Suit and Tie
Pleasant To Meet You... Sir
Inquisitions, Demand, And Dramatic Antics
Johnny's Musings
Of Outrage and Jubilation
Sweet, Sweets, Sweeties
Sweet Tooth
Father and Son's Heart to Heart
Dinner for Dinner
Sleeping Over
A Nighttime Conversation (Part One)
A Nighttime Conversation (Part Two)
Diffusing A Scene On The Grounds Of Wong's Residence
Let's Get This Party Started
All Night
Trouble and Exposed
Never Have I Ever...
In Each Other's Arms
The Nile Is Not Just A River
Of Plots
Welcome to Spencer Manor
Healing Garden
Father's Love and Cautionary Advise
Family Dinner As Planned (Part One)
Chapter Thirty Four: Sweet Dreams
Family Dinner As Planned (Part Two)
Blocked Advances
Chapter Thirty Five: Beaches, Trunks, Bikinis, and Jealousies
Chapter Thirty Six: Before The Big Day
Chapter Thirty Eight: Love Call
Chapter Thirty Nine: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Forty: Eye Of The Storm Part One
Chapter Forty One: Eye Of The Storm Part Two
Chapter Forty Two: Seeing Rainbow
Chapter Forty Three: Nothing On You
Chapter Forty Four: Dirty Desire
Chapter Forty Five: Talk of the Town
Chapter Forty Seven: Promise Ring
Chapter Forty Eight: Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Chapter Thirty Seven: Planning For Tomorrow

1K 59 8
By Venusius

"Il mio Santo Dio!" A woman in her twenties stood by the open doors of Johnny Spencer's room, and stuck as if she was shocked in place. "I... I-I'm sorry. Didn't know you were. I.."

Both men stared at the stuttering woman whose expression was stuck with her widened eyes, flaring nose, and the open mouth concealed by her hands. Johnny and Timmy tried their best to composed themselves, despite already been seen by their friend's sister.

"I... - I didn't know you two are gay...?"

Johnny raised his thick brow at Genevieve, glaring at her with her judging eyes. "So what if we're gay?"

Timmy's both brows clenched together at Johnny and Genevieve. Words wanting to His eyes shifted to the side as he reminiscence in the past for any signs he could be. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he remained quiet.

"There goes my chance with Timmy," muttered Genevieve while she pouted as she crossed her arms.

Scoffing, Timmy raised his eyebrow at the woman in front of him. "You never had a chance with me."
[A/N: SAVAGE Timmy! Savage! Tell her how it is.]

Johnny snickered at Timmy's retort against Genevieve's words.


Silence befall in the room, questions running in the intruder's mind, but hesitant to ask. The younger woman let time past, but quietness was unnerving her. Genevieve bites her lips before she opened her mouth, again.

"About my ring you took, Johnny. I really need it badly. So please, will you give it to me?"

Like a light bulb being lit up, Johnny replied. "Listen, Genevieve. I'll give it to you, as long as you tell me everything." A sharp look from Genevieve had Timmy looking anywhere, but at her. Johnny continued. "Okay? Wait for me here while I go get the ring."

With two steps away from the bed, he stopped. "You okay, Timmy?"

"Yeah," was Timmy's only answer.

Johnny stared at him with questioning gaze, but felt it was best to ask him when they were without a presence of another person.

When his figure disappeared into his closet, that left Timmy and Genevieve all alone. "I didn't say anything to him, yet. I think its best you tell him your problems. He could help you since I can't really help you anything. Plus, I'd like it if I'm not included in your tiff with your whatever the guy is in your life."

Nodding, Genevieve understood. "Timmy, I'm sorry for getting you involved." Pouting, she eyed Timmy, again. "But, I-."

Taking her chance, she was about to charged Timmy with the intention of hugging. But, it was thwarted when a phone rang.

Timmy took it out of his back pockets of pants, feeling the vibrations on his skin through the jeans. Answering it, he shook his head along the call. He gave some vague words at the caller and turned off his phone. After he inserted his phone to his back pocket, he grabbed his shirt on the floor and put it on. When everything was finished, Timmy faced Genevieve.

"Uh, I have to go to my parent's house. I'll just wait for Johnny to say goodbye to him, you, and his parents."

Genevieve played the meek girl, nodding along on what Timmy was saying to her. In an attempt to get touch before Timmy could leave, she lunged towards him. Her idea went to waste as Johnny came back into the quarters.

Seeing Genevieve's effort in wanting to hug Timmy, Johnny slammed the closet door harder than he meant, too. The loud bang startled the two people in the room. As the result of that, the only female inside the room tripped on thin air.

"What's going on?" Stern eyes as Johnny quizzed the two.

"Nothing." Timmy sent him a blank face. "I actually need to go back home. My parents said they missed me and wants me to spend a night back home. I'll tell Gervais to inform your dad and Natasha about me leaving for tonight. I'll still see you guys tomorrow for the big day." Timmy waved his hands as he left Johnny's living space.

"So," Genevieve started as she looked around except Johnny. "Do you have my ring?"

"Here." Johnny's fist opened, showing diamond rocks surrounding the jewelry. "But, you have to tell me everything first." In an instant the ring was gone from her sight, once more. Johnny swiftly pulled back his hand in the form of a fist, clenching onto the ring. He sat back down on his bed, his feet crossing at the ankles.

The colorful eyes of Genevieve longingly watched the fist the held her ring. With a grimace on her face, she agreed to Johnny's terms. "Fine, I'll tell you."

She finally spilled her story, a much condensed version of the following events that led up to where she is now. Genevieve teased Johnny by telling him about her heavy crush on Timmy. It agitated him to the point of clenching his teeth and gave a low growl.

"Anything else you wanna tell me about? Like how Timmy is involved in this?"

Heavily biting her lips, Genevieve looked away from Johnny. She wringed her wrists while she stayed quiet. The older man had no patience for her silence, so he did what he usually does when it comes to getting information from other people.

"Genevieve, I'm not gonna give you the ring and help you if you don't tell me."

Heaving out a breathe, she yielded to Johnny's threats. Despair and desperation all mixed on her beautiful, round face. The crinkle on her nose would have made her adorable in Johnny's eyes, but she's no Timmy.

"I'll start with I really like him, as in really, really like him. Timmy's amazing, much like Damian. He's very cute and so helpful, but at the same time there's like a mysterious aura around him. His fac-,"

Rolling his eyes while he stomped his foot down. That signaled Genevieve to stop talking about Timmy, and move on to another topic. He made a gesture for the young lady to continue. He had enough of Genevieve's crushing and listing his attributes of Timmy.

"Since he reminded me of Damian... I... uh wanted Damian jealous of Timmy. I wanted him to get a taste of his own medicine. But, after what happened at the beach... um, I decided to stick with you more. So yeah, I'm not gonna bother with Timmy anymore since I have you. Please, help me?!"

As soon as she was done talking, she knelt in front of Johnny. There were large tears dripping down on her cheeks to her chin. Her lips quivering as she bowed her head down on Johnny's feet. As her head touched the floor, Johnny swooped down and pulled her up by grabbing her arms.

"Come on. Don't do that. I don't like seeing women do degrading things like kneeling down in front of a man." He let her sit next to him, patting the empty space on the bed. "Let's talk it out, okay? Now, tell me about this Damian. And, no more comparison of him with Timmy, okay?"

In less than an hour, Johnny came up a plan for tomorrow. He instructed the young female on the things she had to do in order for it to work. Genevieve left the room with a smiley face and happy outlook of the following day.

Finally disappearing from his quarters, Johnny called the person he had an unfinished business with. The phone rang and rang, but no one picked up. The man dropped the call as he crawled onto his bed and covered himself with his blanket. With a push of a button from a remote next to him, the lights dimmed down. But, sleep has evaded him as his mind still reeling from the kiss.

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