Agent Phoenix: DIVINE Beginni...

By OncillaKitten

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Think it was over? Well think again, We're back~! And I thought Disaster was bad enough, this time we have a... More

Reunions Part 1: The assassin
Reunions Part 2: The geek
First Day Back
A/N: Characters Again!
Science fires and Secret notes
Could things get any worse?
They're getting closer
Finding the Lion's den
And So The Plot Thickens
Tell Me
Small Adjustments
Logan Gets me Out of School
Early-morning Disappointments
A/N *says in Ross voice* Another Tag!
Do or Die
Kyle saves the day... (For real, this time)
Crash Landing
You can't swim?
The Gamechanger
Tick Tock...
The Truth about Phoenix High
No Chewing Gum
A Hidden Ally
Date Crashers
Who Are You?
Garte's an Idiot and Onci can't think of a chapter name

Shed and Zed to the Rescue

131 4 1
By OncillaKitten

A/N: Okay, it's been forever, again. This was supposed to come out on Sunday but Wattpad hates me so it stopped working.

It's just been one technical issue after the next. I've been working on this and Death's trials simultaneously so I'll try my best to do it quick, but there were a lot of problems when it came to writing a chapter. 

Isn't technology the best? *note the sarcasm*

I would edit this now... But let's be honest here-

At this point I know you guys (kinda) and you know me.

Which means you know editing isn't exactly my strong suit.

So, I'll get this chapter out, work on Death trials before another problem happens, and then come back and edit this.

Also, I had to split up the original chapter into two parts so the 'special easter egg' that concerns someone will have to show up next chap (which I am sorry for, honestly). It's not anything big, so don't have high expectations, but it was the best I could do to fit it in the story.

I don't think anyone has any clue what I'm talking about except for that person, I'll explain it next time.

Now, let's start this messy, half baked non-edited chapter, shall we?

Aphmau's POV:

"Never thought I'd see you again, Greenie."

We all froze and Travis stared at Em with wide eyes, panic clear in them.

"Wh-You..H-how..?" He sputtered, never managing to finish his question. Finally, his stance changed and realization hit him. "You."

"You know what?" I said. "This is getting annoying." Sighing, I turned to Travis. "You're a rogue agent," I moved onto Kyle. "He's technically both a Warrior and DIVINE," I then looked back and my two not-alone-buddies. "And the rest of us are part of the DIVINE. Did I miss anything?" When they all shook their heads, gaping at me, I grinned.


"Way to be blunt, Aph." Jin snorted.

"Aph?" Vylad asked.

"Short for Aphmau.." I muttered. "That's my real name. Jessica's my middle name."

Travis stared at me before turning to the others.

"So I'm guessing you guys aren't really called Jin, Red and Evie, either."

"Actually, I am." Red chuckled sheepishly.

"Me too."

"And I'm Emily, not really much of a difference." She shrugged.

Nobody said anything for a minute and I was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Aphmau!" Kenmur came running up to us, nearly tripping over his own feet. I figured Emmayln had explained everything, including our real names. "Is Emmy going to get hurt?"

"What?" The question took me by surprise.

"I know she's helping you, and I'm smart enough to know since we're here none of us are ever really going to be safe again, including me." He explained. "But will anything hurt Emmalyn?"

I glanced at Emmalyn, who had run after Kenmur, and she gave me an apologetic smile- like she was trying to brush it off. I knew I couldn't give him the answer he wanted, so I said the next best thing.

"I'll fight 'till hell and back to protect her." I promised, knowing that was one I could keep. Seemingly satisfied with my answer, he nodded curtly and went back to his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around her waist and resting his head on hers.

"Alright, now I don't know about you," Red started as he moved towards Emily, catching her as she fell backwards, still slightly delirious. "But we should probably try to find a way our of here before they realize we're gone."

"You with us? Because you're lives are gonna get a whole lot harder after this." I raised my eyebrow at Kenmur, Travis and Vylad.

"Emmy?" He glanced at her.

She nodded slowly. "I'm already too deep into this, I'm part of this."

"Then so am I." Kenmur nodded as well, taking in a shaky breath.

"We're the same, only difference is you've always had a team with you." Travis shrugged. "No harm in having an extra pair of hands." His eyes trailed from me to Emily. "..Or knives..."

The rest of us looked at Vylad, him being the last one.

"Look." He sighed heavily. "My 'Dad' is corrupt, my Mom is constantly trying to pretend everything is fine, and my older brothers are constantly busy with God knows what." Vylad let out a bitter chuckle. "It's not like I have anything else to do. I'm in."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kyle grinned. "We've got a base to sneak out of." He took off down the hall. "Race ya'!"

"You idiot, it's the other way!" Jin shouted after him as he went left instead of right.

"I'll get him." Emmalyn ran too, Kenmur following behind complaining about her safety.

"What do we do about Emily? She's not fit to walk, let alone fight." Red pointed out.

"I'm, fineeeeee, jus' a lil' bit dizzy.." She slurred, trying to break out of his grasp again.

Like an invisible lightbulb went on over my head, I turned to Travis.

"You know your way around Demon's base, right?" When he hummed a 'yes' I continued. "Can you get them to the nearest exit point? Red.. When you were stationed on Enki Island didn't you guys have a.. base or something?"

"That's right!" He snapped his fingers. "There's this cabin.. Not too far. We'll be able to get Em there and one of us can stay with her-"

"While the others come back for backup." Jin finished.

"I'll lead the way," Travis said before looking back at me and Vylad. "Be careful you two. The Imps are known for their shape shifting and tricks. Watch out for them. Especially you, Aph. Stay away from-"

"Ivan?" I guessed. "Trust me. After what happened last time, he's the last person I want to see." And with that, he dashed back where we came from, just slow enough so Red and akin could keep up as they lugged Emily with them.

"This way," I nodded my head to the right, the way Kyle was supposed to go. We sprinted through the halls until Vylad halted.

"You hear that?" He murmured. I took in a sharp breath my eyes locked onto the metal door in front of us.


"Hide." With that one word, both of us moved. I ducked behind the wall of the corner. I looked to see where Vylad went, but he was gone. The only thing alerting me of the doors opening was the sound of metal scraping metal as it slid. Movement from the edge of my vision. Made me look up, letting me see Vylad was hanging from the small opening of an air vent. Considering there was a pipe for something next to it, I assumed he had shimmied his way up and then jumped.

Wow, he climbs stuff fast.

I locked eyes with him and held up three fingers, counting down.


I took out one pick.


Vylad angled himself so he'd fall easier.


I sprang out from the corner and tackled the person closest to me, while Vylad landed on the other, trying to pin them to the ground.

Looking up at the person under me, I instantly stopped.

"Aph, get off me before I burn you." Max threatened. I chuckled nervously and let him up, watching as Vylad slowly followed suit.

"Other DIVINE?" He guessed.

"Wait." Shelby groaned, cracking her neck as she got up. "He knows?"

"And Travis and Kenmur as well." I said quietly. Before they could get mad I defended myself. "Demon kidnapped us all, what was I supposed to do?! It was one thing telling Emmalyn that a secret room in the school may be a top secret government thing, it's another letting them believe that we're sneaking out of Area 51 or whatever! Do you want my friends to be scarred?"

"Fine. You do have to admit, she's covered everything else up pretty well so far." Shelby shrugged and Max glared at her. "Oh don't give me that, you nearly let everything slip at the Halloween Dance, remember?" She snapped at him.

"Guys, can you do this later?" Vylad stopped them.

"Right," Max nodded. "Listen, the others are here too. We went to Headquarters for backup when we figured out where you were. Kyle followed us and went in when we weren't looking. Has he got to you yet?"

"Oh he got to us alright," I scoffed. "And went the wrong way. Emmalyn and Kenmur went after him..." I trailed off, remembering the other three. "Emily was hit in the head, she's dazed and may have a concussion. Travis is leading them out of here and Jin and Red are carrying her. They're going to this Cabin base they had when they were stationed on the Island."

"Bre and Morgan are outside, I'll tell them to go check up on them." Shelby nodded, switching on her earpiece.

"Freeze!" We looked back at the doors to see more guards.

"Great.." Max muttered.

My brain immediately started analyzing the scene. The pipe Vylad had climbed earlier ran along the wall, above the door.

"By any chance is that a water pipe?" I asked.

"Should be, unless they're storing poisonous gas in this place." Shelby said.

"Which isn't impossible." Max added.

"Zed, think you can sneak over there and heat the pipe up?"

"I can try."

"Shed, out of sight. When I say the word, slice it open."

"And if there is actually poisonous gas in there..?" Vylad gulped.

"Then be ready to run." I answered. "Vylad, how good are you at distractions?"

"With my family?" He snorted. "Very good, I'm liking the sound of this."

"How about dodging swords?"

"Less good at that."

"What about dodging bullets?"

"..Okay, I'm not liking the sound of this anymore." Before he could back away, I grabbed his wrist.

"Perfect. Then let's do this thing." I faced the oncoming Imps. "Hey!" 

The three that had come through raised there swords, and the taller one behind them aimed something at us.

"GUN!" I screamed. I leapt to the left as Vylad went right. Shelby was still around the corner, her back to the wall, throwing me nervous looks. The laser ball collided with the metal floor, making it glow blood red and slightly dent it.

"That was a gun?!" Vylad yelled.

"Well, I didn't exactly have time to say 'Laser ball blaster', it's a bit of a mouthful, don't ya' think?" Another blast that barely missed me shut me up.

"He's only got one left." Vylad said, backing up as the Imps were moving closer. He was right, there was only one fiery sphere left in the clear canister connected to the blaster.

Max took the chance to get closer to the pipe. He lit up his hands and held onto it.

"Here," I handed Vylad my pick, steadying myself.

"Don't you need this?" He stated at me worriedly.

"Relax.." I spun out the other one. "I've got a spare." Surging towards the wall, I jumped and pushed myself up with my legs, causing myself to flip backwards. I landed in a crouch, skidding, before getting the Imp in front of me. I trapped his neck between me and the flat edge of the pick, keeping my hold even when he struggled.

From the corner of my eye, I saw one come up behind me, but Vylad was faster. He dropped to the ground and hooked the edge of the pick in the ankle opening of his armor, pulling. The Imp fell flat on her stomach and Vylad dragged her back about a meter before he had to let her go. By then my guy was nearly unconscious so I dropped him.

Looking back, I saw Shelby had given the last Imp a bloody nose, his helmet long gone. She met my eyes and I nodded at Max, who was still heating up the pipe. She grabbed her crown but I shook my head.

Disappear. I mouthed to her. She furrowed her eyebrows before understanding and pressed the side of her Crown, turning invisible.

Vylad ran to me and the others started getting up. Blaster guy had helped up the helmet-less soldier. The Imp Vylad had gotten was in her feet again and I backed away from the semi-conscious one before I could find out how awake he was. They started to corner us and we walked backwards through the other side of the door. I yanked Max into the room with us and shoved us to the side.

"Shed, now!"

From a little way behind us, facing the door, Shelby shimmered into visibility. The grip on her Crown was tight as she through it down in a perfect arch. It swooped down before curving mid air and going back up, slicing through the pipe just enough to open it. Boiling hot steam burst through the opening, burning the Imps as it was angled to reach them. They stumbled back, screaming and shouting as the force of the steam was so strong, they had to be quite far to not be hurt by it. From our of the steam, the Crown boomeranged back in the room, landing on Shelby'a head like it had never even left.

"Wow." Vylad stared at her in awe. Shelby giggled and stuck her hand out.

"I'm Agent Shed, by the way. Otherwise known as Shumpie, but my real name's Shelby." She whispered that last part, in case there were any cameras.

"Zed." Max said simply before leaning in. "A.k.a Max. But the guys at school known me by Mithzan. Or, Zan, I guess. What the hell happened to you, by the way?" He asked, pointing at my bleeding and burnt arms.

"Long story," Was the only answer I gave him. "Now that that's done," I said. "We should probably find the others and get the heck out of here."  

"This way," Max nodded, turning around and going over to a ladder on the wall. It lead up through the ceiling, making it the only way out. Shelby went next and then Vylad, leaving me last.

"Phoenix, you coming?" Shelby asked, looking over her shoulder. I winced as I started to feel lightheaded.

"I'll catch up, you go ahead." I told her, untying the cloth around my cut arm. "It's come loose and started bleeding again, just need to put some pressure on it."

"If you're sure." She sighed. "Donna's gonna freak when she sees your state." Then, Shelby climbed up to the next floor. I leaned my back against the wall and retied the bloody strip of cloth, keeping it tighter than before.

"You know, bleeding out will be the least of your worries if you cut off the circulation to your arm." A new voice said. I jumped and turned around, recognizing it almost instantly.

"You." I glared at him. It was the same guy who had appeared and saved the others the first time we came here, the same guy who sent me the creepy text message, the same guy who spoke to me in the School Basement.

Only this time, he wasn't hiding in the shadows as a silhouette.

This time he was standing directly in front of me with nothing but a hood covering his face as he ducked his head.

"Happy to see me?" He chuckled.

I didn't know what he wanted, but I knew one thing.

If he's here, then things are about to get a whole lot more complicated...

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