RWBY x MaleReader

By CET999

1.6M 22.2K 40.2K

(Y/N) is a 17 yr old boy who's accidentally mutated with the power of electricity. (Y/N) was in a world full... More

Chapter 1: Rose Petals
Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon
Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon Part 2
Chapter 4: The First Step
Chapter 6: The Badge and the Burden
Chapter 7: The Badge and the Burden Part 2
Chapter 8: Jaunedice
Chapter 9: Forever Fall
Chapter 10: Forever Fall Part 2
Chapter 11: The Stray
Chapter 12: Black, White and The Beast
Special Chapter: The Favor
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Best Day Ever.....
Volume 2 Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon.....
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Android?!
Volume 2 Chapter 4: Painting the town.....
Volume 2 Chapter 5: Extracurricular
Volume 2 Chapter 6: The Band and The Bonds
Volume 2 Chapter 7: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2 Chapter 8: Field Trip
Volume 2 Chapter 9: Search & Destroy
Volume 2 Chapter 10: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2 Chapter 11: No Brakes
Volume 2 Chapter 12: The Demon and The Prototype
Volume 2 Chapter 13: The Demon and The Prototype Part 2
Special Chapter 2: Remedial Class
Special Chapter 3: Salutations Best Friend!
Volume 3 Chapter 1: Round One
Volume 3 Chapter 2: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3 Chapter 3: As The Ice Melts
Volume 3 Chapter 4: The Mentor and The Protege
Volume 3 Chapter 5: Ominous Unknown Killer
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Not Again...
Volume 3 Chapter 7: Why Can't We All Smile?
Volume 3 Chapter 8: The End of the Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 2: A Small Reminder
Volume 4 Chapter 3: An Enemy Of My Enemy
Volume 4 Chapter 4: The Arrival
Volume 5 Chapter 1: Welcome To Menagerie
Volume 5 Chapter 2: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5 Chapter 3: Faker
Volume 5 Chapter 4: Azazel
Volume 5 Chapter 5: Downfall
Volume 5 Chapter 6: Haven's Fate
Special Chapter 4: Nurse RWBY
Chapter 0: Gunpoint
Volume 4 Chapter 0: A Little Bit Of Summer Rose By My Side
Chapter 0.5: Go Crazy!
Special Chapter 5: Soft Kitty Warm Kitty
Special Chapter 6: A Night With The Sun Dragon
Special Chapter 7: A Schnee's Melting Point
Special Chapter 8: "Thus Kindly I Scatter"
Volume 6: The Lightning Raptor
Volume 6: The Demented Flame
Volume 6 Chapter 1: Argus Limited
Volume 6 Chapter 2: Uncovered
Volume 6 Chapter 3: So That's How It Is
Volume 6 Chapter 4: The Storm
Volume 6 Chapter 5: Sanity Break
Volume 6 Chapter 5.5: Aftermath
Volume 6 Chapter 6: A War No One Cares About
Volume 6 Chapter 7: Declaim
Volume 6 Chapter 8: Huntdown
Special Chapter 9: Picture Perfect
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 1
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 2
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 3
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 4
Volume 7 Chapter 1: The Greatest Kingdom
Volume 7 Chapter 2: Shattered Memories
Volume 7 Chapter 3: Graduation
Volume 7 Chapter 4: Sudden Connection
Volume 7 Chapter 5: The Rich And The Innocent
Volume 7 Chapter 6: Piece By Piece
Volume 7 Chapter 7: Fragments
Volume 7 Chapter 8: Mirror Mirror
Volume 7 Chapter 9: Perturbation
Volume 7 Chapter 10: Out In The Open
Volume 7 Chapter 11: Mirror Mirror, Tell Me Something
Volume 7 Chapter 12: Heart Be Turned To Stone
Volume 7 Chapter 13: The Loneliest Of All
Team SHLD: Sonya Goodwitch
Team SHLD: Haytham Saxe
Team SHLD: Lucas Cardinal
Team SHLD: (F/N) (L/N)
Volume 8 Teaser
Team SHLD: The First Mission
Volume 8 Chapter 1: Grimm Escape
Volume 8 Chapter 2: The Lost Bird
Volume 8 Chapter 3: SHLD Forces
Volume 8 Chapter 4: When Flowers Bloom
Volume 8 Chapter 5: Reminiscense

Chapter 5: Players and Pieces

37.3K 459 1K
By CET999


The opening ends to a view of Professor Ozpin watching the students on his Scroll at the Beacon Cliffs overlooking the Emerald Forest when Glynda Goodwitch walks up behind him, holding her own tablet.

Glynda: The last pair has been formed, sir. 

Glynda taps the screen to show Ren. 

Glynda: Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. 

Glynda: Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos.

The video changes to Pyrrha and Jaune Arc's trek through the woods.

Ozpin: Mmmm...

Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. 

Glynda deactivates the tablet, walking back a little. 

Glynda: I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. 

Glynda turning back to Ozpin. 

Glynda: Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?

Ozpin: ......

Glynda: Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin doesn't answer, watching his tablet with a contemplating interest as it shows the footage of (Y/N) running around trying to find the hidden artifact, while saving everypair from grimms.


It's been 3 hours and still haven't found that stupid artifact Uncle Oz, told me to find. All I've ever did is run around and save a bunch paired up pussies. Luckily, there's only a few of them, still haven't seen Ruby or Yang though.


(Y/N): Huh....

It came from afar. Then I heard a voice.

???: Help! Whoa-ah-ah-ah-ah! Why?! Pyrrha! He-e-e-elp! Pyrrha, this is not the relic! It's not! Do something!

(Y/N): Jaune.....

I climbed at the top of the nearest tree, then I see a still-screaming Jaune flying across the forest.

(Y/N): Oh no... 

And a falling Ruby

(Y/N): That's pretty far.....

I think I ran up like 30 km.......

(Y/N): goes.....

As I got back down, I charge my whole body.

And started running towards where Jaune and Ruby is going to land.

(Time Skip)

I got to their landing point, but didn't see Ruby or Jaune, but I did see Yang and Blake, and they both noticed how I got here pretty quickly.

Yang: (Y/N)?!

(Y/N): Yang and.....Blake, right?

I asked Blake, and she nodded with a shocked expression. Both of them just stared at me.

(Y/N): What?

Blake: Was that your........semblance?

(Y/N): Huh?

Blake then pointed at the burning trails I caused.

(Y/N): Uhhhhhh....... Yeah......I guess you could say that.

I grinned.

(Y/N): Anyways have you seen-

Ruby falling right towards us, got our attention.

Ruby: Heads uuuuuuuup!

Just as she's about to hit the ground panicking, Jaune Arc comes flying through the air and crashes into Ruby, knocking her off course and sending them both into a tree to the left of where Blake and Yang are standing. Ruby is dazed by the rough landing .

(Y/N): Ouch.

Blake: Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I...

Before she can continue, several crashing noises are heard in the forest ahead of us, and an Ursa comes out, claws swiping, just as a pink blast of energy hits it in the back and it crashes to the ground, depositing its rider.


Nora rolls off of the creature's back, then gets up and groans, saddened.

Nora: Awwww... It's broken.   

She dashes onto its neck and observes the carcass as Ren comes up behind her.

Ren: (panting and leaning on the monster) Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again. 

Nora has run off, and looks around frantically, now in the Temple, staring at a golden rook relic

Nora: Oooohh...

She suddenly grabs it, as she dances and sings with the chess piece.

Nora: I'm queen of the castle~ I'm queen of the castle~

Ren: Nora!

She stops dancing with the rook on her head, then salutes, dropping the relic into her hand.

Nora: Coming, Ren!

She then skips off to her friend.  

Blake: Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?

Yang: I...

She is interrupted once more as a screech is heard from our right, and Pyrrha Nikos comes onto the scene as the scorpion creature uproots entire trees in its chase after her. Pyrrha narrowly dodges its giant claws and keeps on running.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ruby then starts running off of the branch and landing in a roll. as Ruby stands up, back on the ground.

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: *excited* Yang!

Raises their arms as if to give each other a hug, then Nora comes between the two and knocking them off-balance in surprise.

Nora: Nora!

The scorpion Grimm continues to follow Pyrrha as she runs.

Blake: Did she just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?

Yang getting angrier until she growls and erupts in a small burst of fire, eyes flashing red.


two seconds later Yang starts to cool down, Ren running over to a ditzy.

(Y/N): (Looks like these guys don't need me after all.)

Ruby: Umm... Yang?

Tugs on her sister's sleeve and points.

Up above, Weiss is revealed to be hanging on a talon the size of her entire body that belongs to a gigantic Nevermore.

Weiss calling down to Ruby.


Ruby shouts back at Weiss.

Ruby: I SAID "JUMP"!

Blake: She's gonna fall.

Ruby: She'll be fine.

Ren: She's falling.

Weiss is now falling through the air.

(Y/N): I got her.

I then jumped 10,000 ft into the air, causing a shock wave on the ground and making the others drop their jaw. I caught Weiss and I was holding her how a princess should be carried. Weiss was shocked when she sees my face.

(Y/N): Hang tight!

I said to her for the landing later on. We landed back on the ground, as I let go of Weiss. Weiss is just staring at me like she's seen a ghost or something.

Ruby: (Y/N)!

Ruby called me out.

(Y/N): Come on, let's get to the others.

As I was about to head back, I noticed Weiss was just standing there, still staring at me. I got back to Weiss.

(Y/N): Weiss?

She didn't answer. I snap my fingers in front of her face.

(Y/N): Hellooooo~ Earth to Weiss Schnee!

Weiss: H---Huh?

(Y/N): (Finally.) Come on, let's go!

Weiss: R-Right!

As we got to the others, Blake was also staring at me.

(Y/N): (Really?)

The Death Stalker is still hunting Pyrrha, but she manages to land on her side in front of us.

Yang: Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!

Ruby: Not if I can help it! 

Ruby screams a battle cry and rushes towards the Grimm.

Yang & (Y/N): Ruby, wait!

Ruby, still screaming, fires Crescent Rose and charges at the oncoming Death Stalker. When the two meet, the Grimm swipes Ruby away and she is knocked back.

Ruby is getting up slowly. 

Ruby: D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!

(Y/N): Jesus kid, no you are not.

I muttered.

Ruby turns back to the monster and shoots it in the skull, running away from it and sheathing her scythe as the Death Stalker now goes after her.

Yang started running towards her.  

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby rushes towards Yang, but the Nevermore caws above them, flapping its wings and releasing lines of sharpened feathers with points that catch on Ruby's cape and prevent Yang from reaching her.

Yang: Ruby, get out of there!

Ruby struggling with the cloak.

Ruby: I'm trying!

The Death Stalker approaches, raising its golden stinger above a scared Ruby and heading down on the helpless girl.

Yang reaching out in vain.

Yang: Ruby!

I dashed past Yang and reach for the stinger just as it's about to pierce her. I got in front of Ruby and the stinger pierced my left shoulder instead. 



Ruby opens her eyes to the sight of her savior. Shocked by what she just saw, tears starts to roll down her cheeks.

Ruby: No.....

Same as Yang.

Yang: (Y/N)........

(Y/N) was struggling of the immense pain he's receiving from the grimm.

(Y/N): KKKrrrkkrrr........garrrrrghg....

(Y/N) holds the Grimm's stinger, for the grimm to stay in place. 

Then chopped it off with his hands. 


Causing the grimm to screech in pain. Leaving the stinger in (Y/N)'s shoulder. Weiss then dashed forward to freeze the grimm's legs in place.


I was pulling out the stinger.

(Y/N): Grrrrkkkk....eeeekkk.....

I pulled it out

(Y/N): GAH!.....*gasping*......fuck.....that hurt.....

Weiss was staring at my healing shoulder, then gave me her shocked expression. I turn around to see Ruby, crying. I pulled out the feather that was jammed through Ruby's cloak.

(Y/N): You alright?


I smiled. Ruby then tackled me down and for hug.

Ruby: You're alive!

(Y/N): Of course I'm alive.

Ruby: Your shoulde-

As she said that, she noticed that my shoulder didn't have a wound.

Ruby: Wha-

(Y/N): I can heal Ruby.


(Y/N): I guess you could say it's my semblance. *chuckles*

Ruby: ......

Weiss then broke the silence

Weiss: You are so childish!

Ruby: Weiss...?

Weiss: And dim-witted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult... but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer.

Ruby: I'm not trying to show off. I want you to know I can do this.

Weiss: You're fine. YOU TO (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Huh!?

Weiss: What in Remnant were you thinking? That would've killed you.

She said as I stood up.

(Y/N): Well it didn't, didn't it?

Weiss: Still what if you were to lose your semblance, or...or, worse.

I tried to calm the worrying snowflake. I put my hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Well.... we're all safe. That's what matters right?

She look up to me as I smiled.

Weiss: Yeah.....

Then walks away, but as soon as she got beside me, I heard her mumble.

Weiss: You never change do you?

I got curious by what she just said, I ignored and focused back onto Ruby.

(Y/N): She's right though, I mean you don't have to force yourself.

Ruby: Yeah, yeah, I know.

(Y/N): I mean me and your sister were really worri-

As soon as I was about to finish, Yang tackled me down to also give me a hug, but this one is squeezing me to death.

Yang: You're alive!

(Y/N): I...... you......let...go....

I said as I was gasping for air, as I feel two soft "somethings" on my chest.

(Y/N): (So......soft.....) *Blush*

Yang: S-Sorry!

Yang then let's go of me, as I keep gasping for air.


(Y/N): I can heal.

Yang: What?

She then noticed my shoulder.

Yang: Ho-

Ruby: Ahem...

Yang then rushes up to Ruby and gives her a hug (which Ruby grunts at upon receiving).

Yang: So happy you're okay!

(Y/N): Come on let's get back.

Back with the group. 

Jaune: Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

Weiss: Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us.

We then stare at the relics.

Ruby: She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs. 

Weiss nods in agreement 

Ruby: There's no point in fighting these things.

Jaune: Run and live - that's an idea I can get behind!

I pat Ruby's back, and she looked at me and smiled at each other. Ruby goes over and grabs a gold knight, Jaune takes hold of a gold rook (similar to Nora and Ren's piece), smiling at each other.

Yang: What about you, (Y/N)?

Blake: Oh yeah.... there're no relics left.

I got into the middle of where the white and black chess pieces were facing at each other, I then touched the ground of where I was standing, made everyone curious of what I was doing.

(Y/N): Let's see if it's right here.......

I then punched the ground to make a hole, and grabbed what was inside.

(Y/N): Gotcha!

I pulled it out, and I got this:

(Ozpin POV)

I saw through my tablet, (Y/N) holding the hidden artifact, I told him to find.

Glynda: He......found it!

I smiled.

Ozpin: Just like him.....

I said as I examined my cane.


Everyone: Wow....

Nora: What is that!? 

(Y/N): This is the artifact, Ozpin wants me to find.

Nora: It's so shiny~

Blake: Are you sure it's the one Professor Ozpin wants you to find?

(Y/N): Well, it's golden, heavy, and shiny. I'm willing to bet everything that this is the one.

We then notice the Death Stalker continues to fight its bonds, cracking the ice a little in the process.

Ren: Time we left!

(Y/N): You heard the man, let's go!


(Y/N) goes forward with everyone following except for a smiling Yang and Blake as the latter approaches her partner.

Blake: What is it?

Yang staring at (Y/N) as he leaps on a boulder and motions the group onward, making her blush a little bit.

Yang: Nothing...

She moves on as Blake smiles in realization, then also starts to stare at (Y/N), and leaves as well.

(Time Skip)

An overhead shot shows that the group is heading out of the forest and into another abandoned series of structures as the Nevermore follows them from the air. They spread out when it passes above, concealing themselves behind some of the stone blocks with their allies as it perches on a high column and caws.

Yang: *annoyed* Well, that's great!

Jaune looks behind at the Death Stalker bursting onto the scene.

(Y/N): Shit!

Jaune: Ah, man, run! 

The group emerges from their hiding spots and causing the Nevermore to rise up into the air.

Ren: Nora, distract it!

Nora obliges, running out from her block and jumping through the feather projectiles before reaching behind her and launching several heart-topped shells from her grenade launcher, bursting into pink electricity when they hit the Nevermore, and causing it to retreat. She is unaware of the Death Stalker rushing up behind her until Blake and Ren perform a cross-slash with their Gambol Shroud and StormFlower against its shell, as (Y/N) dashes in and punches the ground to create a shock wave to push back the Death Stalker. Weiss lands next to Nora so she can create a jumping platform beneath them and leap to safety while Blake, Ren and (Y/N) are now being chased.

Pyrrha: Go, go!

Pyrrha Stops running beside Jaune and gets out Miló, firing red shots along Ren's green blasts for a second until it reaches them and tries to swipe, prompting the group to run again.

The nine race over the ancient stone bridge, not noticing the Nevermore closing in on them until it uses its giant wings to shatter the path right in the middle, forcing Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Nora, and Jaune closer to the central collection of columns and Blake, Ren, (Y/N) and Pyrrha on the other side with the Death Stalker. Ruby fires at the retreating Nevermore while Blake is beaten back by the scorpion.

Jaune coming to the edge of the break in the bridge.

Jaune: Man, we gotta get over there! They need help!

Nora running up beside him.  

Nora: Let's do this!

 Jaune looks down at the misty abyss.

Jaune: Yeah, but, uh... I can't make that jump.

Nora smiles diabolically at him, laughing as she knocks him back, turns her weapon to its full-length hammer form, and jumps to the edge of the bridge.

As Jaune sees what she's about to do.

Jaune: Oh, wait!  

Too late, she slams the hammer into the bridge and throws Jaune to the other side, constantly screaming:

Jaune: No, no, no, no, no, no!

Nora places one foot on the hammer and fires it off the collapsing section of bridge, launching her to slam its face right in the center of the Death Stalker's skull. She fires it just as the stinger comes down to get her, and blasts back again to avoid its reach, accidentally knocking into Blake and making her fall from the edge. She sees the Nevermore above her, (Y/N) noticed Blake and jumps off to catch her. As soon as he caught Blake.

Blake: (Y/N)!

She pointed at the Nevermore. (Y/N) jumped at the nearest wall to get to the Nevermore's back, (Y/N) letting go of Blake, then dashes all over its body, slashing the entire time, and (Y/N) firing lightnitng bolts at its back before they jump off and land on the ruined platform at the top of the columns next to Ruby, then going over to Yang and Weiss.

Blake: It's tougher than it looks!

Yang: (readying her Ember Celica) Then let's hit it with everything we got!

(Y/N): Way ahead of ya!

(Y/N) got into position, charging his lightning beam with one hand.

The Nevermore approaching, Ruby, Blake, Weiss, and Yang set their weapons.

  And starts firing a barrage of blasts at the bird.   

Which it either dodges or takes harmlessly. (Y/N) then fired his lightning beam.


Hits the Nevermore, but only took little damage. The five were shocked of what they saw.

Ruby: How?!

Yang: Wha-.....

(Y/N): Interesting...... *Smirks*

The Nevermore then crashes through the columns and platform. The five leap from one section of falling stone to the next until they reach the higher bridge on top, just below the cliffs.

Weiss: None of this is working!

(Y/N) watching Blake whip over to another section of the area and Yang firing round after flaming round at the Grimm, and looked at Ruby's scythe.

(Y/N): I have a plan! Cover me! Ruby, Let's go!

(Y/N) jumped away with Ruby. Weiss raises her blade and heads into the fray.


Yang is still burning through her ammo on the beast, landing a blow at its face and causing it to head right towards her, but she leaps for its open maw and forces the beak wide as she attacks.

Yang screaming and firing a round with each syllable.

Yang: I! Hope! You're! Hung-! ...-gry! 

She looks behind her and jumps back from its mouth onto a ruin, causing the creature to crash into the cliffs.

Despite Yang's attempts, the Nevermore recovers quickly, and Yang smiles as she spots Ruby and Blake on the broken columns with Weiss rushing to the battle. Yang passes her while the Nevermore starts to fly back up, but Weiss hops over to the ruin it's lifting off of and freezes the tip of its feathery tail to the ground, leaving it stuck in the same spot despite its flapping. Weiss back-flips into a snowflake-circle jump and lands on the other side, running to the group.

Blake fires the pistol portion of Gambol Shroud over to Yang, and the two tighten it between the columns so Ruby can jump on the center with Crescent Rose and bend it back into Weiss' black sigil, right next to the caster. I came back beside Weiss.

Weiss: Are you sure about this, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Think you can make the shot?

Weiss: (confident) Hmm! Can I!

A second passes.

Ruby: Can't?

Weiss: Of course I can!

Ruby looks forward and pumps Crescent Rose as Weiss turns the circle from black to red and releases Ruby at such a speed that the ground behind her launch cracks, rose petals flying from her ascent. With each new shot, she gets closer and closer to the trapped Grimm until her scythe catches the Nevermore's neck in its blade and causes them both to fall to the cliff wall. Weiss raises her sword and creates a series of white circles up the wall.

I jumped up to get close to the Nevermore, and punch its chest against the wall. Weiss also made white circles for me to stand on next to the Nevermore. I stand on the white circle and slowly approached the struggling Grimm as I cracked my fists. I gave the Grimm a barrage of fists.


RWBY: Wow.....

I stopped to charge one last punch.

(Y/N): Good Riddance, you chicken fuck!

I punch the Nevermore.

Causing the cliff to have a crack in the middle.

Ruby and I land back on the ground, where Weiss, Blake, and Yang were, as the giant Nevermore falls lifeless to the ruins and crevice below while the five and, farther away, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren watch in amazement.

Jaune: Wow...

As Ruby ran back to the others, I just stared at the cliff.

5 Seconds of silence, then...

Yang: Well... That was a thing!

I turn around and approach the girls.

(Y/N): Alright! Now let's get back to-

All of a sudden my vision starts to blur, and I'm losing balance.

Blake: (Y/N), you feeling alright?

(Y/N): Yeah...... just a little dizzy.

Ruby: You look pale!

(Y/N): I'm sure its noth-

I stopped and remembered that I was "STUNG" by the grimm.

(Y/N): Wait that stinger wasn't poisonous right?

The girls looks at each other with worried faces.

(Y/N): Oh.......fuck......

I fall down, on the ground, almost hearing the girls' voices.

Yang, Blake & Ruby: (Y/N)!

Weiss: I told you something like this would happen!

Then all of a sudden my vision turned black.


A mysterious figure showed up at the top of the cliff, looking down at the girls and a passed out (Y/N).

Alex Mercer: .......

Alex Mercer: You were right, blondie. That was something. *smirks*

(Time Skip)


I slowly regain my vision back, and saw that I'm at the hospital, laying in a bed, as I saw a doctor, Glynda with a worried look and a smiling Ozpin, beside me.

Doc: Wha-....But.....How!

Ozpin: Doctor?

Doc: You're suppose to wake up a week after.

Ozpin: I'll explain to you later, Doctor, but now I want you to give us some privacy.

As soon as the doctor left.

Glynda: How're you feeling?

(Y/N): Well, I'm fine now I guess.

Glynda: Good....

Glynda then returned to her stern look and again slapped my wrist with her riding crop.


Glynda: What were you thinking!?

Ozpin: Glynda.....

Glynda: You've almost gotten yourself killed out there!

(Y/N): I.....Uhh.....

Ozpin: You can lecture him later, for now, for what we're here for.

Glynda: ......

Ozpin then grabs a chair and sits beside me.

Ozpin: You protected everyone?

(Y/N): Yes...

Ozpin: And I see you found the missing artifact, correct?

He then pointed at the artifact that was placed on the table beside the TV.

(Y/N): Yes...

Ozpin: And you came back unconscious.

(Y/N): .....

Ozpin: You do know we only accept students who comes back in one piece?

(Y/N): .......

A moment of silence. Then a door bursted revealing the girls and Jaune's friends.

Everyone: (Y/N)!

Team RWBY then started to hug me.

Yang: I'm so glad you're OK!

Ruby: Don't ever save me again please!

(Y/N): (You know I can't do that!)

Ozpin and Glynda then looked at each other.

Ozpin: Ahem... As I was saying.

Everyone then turns to Ozpin.

Ozpin: (Y/N), knowing that you found the hidden artifact, I .......suppose I can make an exception.

(Y/N): Huh?

Ozpin then stands up.

Ozpin: Welcome to Beacon, (Y/N).

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