PERCABETH~After the Wars

By basically_bookz

26.5K 278 162

The war with Gaea is finally over. The Greeks and the Romans have finally made an alliance. And now the seven... More

PERCABETH~After the Battle
Chapter 7 The final Days -Percy's POV
Chapter 8 The Fitting ~Annabeth's POV~
Chapter 7 The promise
Important Pls give feedback!!!
Chapter 9 The countdown
The Dream
Not an Update❗️
Chapter 10
Review on Chap. 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter Update!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
¡Chapter 15 Update!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Hey Guys!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you!
Chapter 20 (!)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Almost there!
Chapter 23
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

PERCABETH~After the Wars

2.8K 21 54
By basically_bookz

The Afterlife of Percabeth.

Chapter 1

My night can't get better

~Annabeth's POV~

Everything was perfect. The seven and Percy and I are finally living happily at Camp-Demigod. Nothing could be better. Percy and I were going on a date tonight to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. Percy planned a picnic on Half-Blood Hill and a romantic walk on the beach afterwards just for the two of us. To celebrate the occasion Piper even made me a beautiful Aqua dress that goes down to the knees and gets longer in that back with a gold belt at the waste.


Percy and I decide to skip dinner tonight and just stick with the picnic. I love Percy's idea of dates, their unique. Like the time when he made it rain hearts just for me,no one has ever been so kind and generous the way he has to me.

We're sitting on the picnic blanket talking when Percy in his (original) orange Camp-Halfblood shirt,raises his glass full of coke.

"To us" he smiled and our glasses clink together. I take a sip of my sparkling water and then he pulls me into a hug. We cuddle there for a while talking about good things like...if we ever had children or when we had our first kiss. Good things like that. Then he got up and put out his hand.

" Care to take a walk with me Miss.Chase?" He asked smiling.

I took his hand,"of corse Mr.Jackson." I said back grinning.

Then we walked for a while watching the sun getting lower and lower. The waves crashing dramatically on the rocks. Then Percy brought me to the biggest rock that stood out from the other rocks. He helped me up and we just sat there in silence watching the ocean and the sunset. Then Percy broke the silence saying something unusual.

"Annabeth, I don't like your name." He said

"What do you mean you don't like my name?" I asked surprised

"Well I don't like your last name." he said again "you know, Chase?"

"What's wrong with it?"I asked.

"Well I don't know...i was thinking maybe..."he trailed of in thought.

Then I spotted something shiny and sparkling in the ocean...

"Percy look Hippocampi!And I think it's Rainbow!" I said happily

"...maybe Jackson." Percy said and I looked up at him but he was on one knee.

"Annabeth Chase, we've been best friend since we were 12, I've always liked you, more than liked you actually I loved you. Your fearless brave and I will always love you no matter what happens in our crazy Demi-God lives.Oh gods Annabeth I love you so much and I would say so much more but Annabeth Chase, will you marry me?"

I couldn't believe my eyes, the one boy I've loved all my life is proposing to me. Tears filled my eyes as Percy pulled out a silver wedding ring-the diamond was in the shape of a diamond (of course)and the silver wedding bad was twisted like-like...seaweed. I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Yes!" I said as I uncovered my mouth and put out my hand, he slipped the ring on my left hand,it even fit perfectly. His hand closed over mine and he pulled me into a hug.

"I love you seaweed brain." I whispered

"I love you wise girl" he said

After our hug that seemed like it lasted 10 minutes, Percy gave me a kiss and helped me down from the rock. We took a walk on the beach once more and then got a little out of hand...

Percy lifted me up like I'm a princess and carried me towards the beach. We danced in the water and we got soaked!It was like we were little kids that have never seen water. He threw me around like I was a rag doll-but he was gentle with me,Percy always is.After that we kissed and the water gently tickled my legs. He then picked me up like I was a baby and I was then looking down at him.

"I love you Percy. I always have"

I said

"I love you too Annabeth and I always will" He said and we kissed.


When Percy was about to drop me off at the Athena Cabin I kissed him.

"You don't want to go do you?" Percy asked.

"Percy, I never wanted to leave your side since Hera switched you and Jason up. Of corse I don't want to go seaweed brain." I told him

"Well we're gonna have to figure something out.I mean,now that we're engaged and all..."

"How about for tonight..." I pursed my lips,"Sleepover?"

Percy grinned "Yeah, how about that?"

When we got to the Poseidon Cabin, Percy took off his shirt and I took off my dress and pulled on one of his undershirts. I would be sleeping in Tyson's bunk above Percy. I fell asleep almost instantly which is unusual-it must be since I'm happy.


I woke to Percy's Alarm Clock beeping. I looked over and saw Percy still asleep-and of corse drooling.

I got down from the bunk and went into Percy's bed and started to cuddle up with him. He woke and his eyes opened slowly.

"You still drool when you sleep Seaweed Brain" I grinned as he rubbed his eyes.

" Of corse I do Wise Girl how can I give up on tradition?" He laughed and sat up.

"So I suppose we start to get to work with the wedding and everything." he said "I mean,if you want to"

"Sure Seaweed Brain." I said "mind as well start while we can!"

"Yeah...and we have to tell everybody the news too." Percy said

"I've already told Jason before I proposed last night...he kind of helped out a bit."

" I guess I'll tell the girls the news then."


Once I was dressed and ready, I left Percy's cabin and went off to Piper's cabin first while Percy went to go tell Frank and Leo the news.Piper is like a sister to me now. After the war we've bonded a lot. And the same thing goes with Hazel.

When at the Aphrodite cabin,Piper greets me with a huge hug and we decide to walk to the lake. We start laughing and talking and then Piper notices the ring.

"Oh Annabeth! Percy proposed?"She gasped.

I nodded "Last night at the beach."

She hugged me, "Annabeth congratulations!I'm so happy for you and Percy"

"Thanks Pipes" I said and we started to walk back to the Aphrodite cabin when we bumped into Hazel.

"Hi Hazel!" Piper said excitedly, Piper usually gets overly excited and does this but I'm okay with it. "Annabeth has something to tell you!"

"And that is..." Hazel asked smiling

"I'm engaged!" I said and threw out my arms in a pose.

Hazel fanned herself with her hand-an old fashioned gesture she uses when she's happy. "Annabeth congratulations! I'm so thankful something finally turned out good for you and Percy in the end."

"Thanks Hazel" I said and we started to walk back to the Aphrodite Cabin once more and started to talk about wedding dresses. When we got there Hazel looked at her watch.

"Woops I forgot I had sword fighting today,ughh I'm running late,love to stay with you girls but I gotta go..."and with that she ran off "Bye! And Congratulations Annabeth!"She shouted back.

"Bye!" Piper and I shouted back in unison

"Thanks" I shouted


I hope all you Fangirls liked this first chapter of my version of after the war for the seven (and others!) Thank you!


Chapter 2

I just had the Best Moment of my Life with the Girl of my dreams.

-Percy's POV-

As I went to tell Frank, I thought about just how well the night went, I mean the ring could've fallen into the ocean

(-well I could dive and use my ocean skills and get it) or...I could've forgotten what to say to Annabeth, or Annabeth could've even said no. But I knew she would never do that she loved me too much. And after all we've been through? I was almost positive she'd say yes. When I got to the (new)

Ares/Mars I could hear Clarisse yelling at her roommates to clean the cabin, I knocked on the door and Frank opened the door we fist pumped.

"Hey Percy." he said "what's up?"

"I just came to tell you some news"


I leaned in towards him "I proposed to Annabeth last night" I whispered

"You did? Great job! Congratulations!"he said grinning from ear to ear.

"Thanks!" I said

"When would the wedding be?" he asked

"We don't know yet. I was thinking late June or something."

"Sounds good!" he said.


"Errr...I better go." Frank said "Tell Annabeth I said congrats"

" don't want to get on Clarrisse's bad side." I said "okay thanks Frank!"

I started walking away from the

Ares/Mars Cabin when I saw someone sitting on a log near the lake where Annabeth and I kissed underwater. It was Leo.

I went and sat next to him.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" he said

"I've got something to tell you."

"What?" Leo asked

"Annabeth and I are engaged!" I told him

"Really? Congrats man!" He said and he patted me on the back.

"Thanks Leo.So how's it been at your place?"

"Busy." he said "we've been trying to make Demi-God cell phones that DON'T attract monsters. Yeah...its tricky."

"Sounds hard-but I would definitely use a Demi-God cell phone like that,especially if it's made from THE Leo Valdez" I told him

He grinned and then suddenly an loud beeping sound went off in alarm.

"That...would be for me. Looks like another test failed." He grinned.

"See you later Perce!" he said and got up. "Congrats!"

"Bye Leo!"


When Annabeth and I met up again at my cabin, we decided to discuss the wedding. We both agreed July 25 was a good day for the wedding and I started to look up churches while Annabeth made a list of guests.







Best Men:






Ring bearer:





Hunters of Artemis


Annabeth's parents

Percy's parents



The amazons

Camp-demigod kids



Coach Hedge and Mellie

and twins


"How's that?" Annabeth asked

"Annabeth I think you've covered just about every Demi-god ever" I laughed"it'll be a big wedding, but that's fine with me!"

"Ok seaweed brain."

"But who can be flower girls?" I asked

"Oh yeah I forgot...flower girls"

" about Coach Hedge and Mellie's daughter Lilly?" I suggested

"Yes and the other twin Hunter, what could he do?" Annabeth said

"Well I guess he can just watch the ceremony,he's a lot calmer than his sister Lilly" I told her laughing.

"Your right about that!" Annabeth laughed.

Lilly and Hunter, Mellie and Coache Hedges two 2year old twins, can't be any different. Lilly is rambunctious and hyper while Hunter is calm and quiet. Just like Mellie and Coach Hedge except different genders.

So we decide to call it a night and go to sleep I kiss Annabeth goodbye at the Athena cabin and I start to walk back towards my cabin.


Chapter 3

I find my only love.

-Leo's POV-

How is it everyone has had their crush but me? Percy and Annabeth are getting married and I'm still single and alone. I mean of corse I happy for them,their like family to me,but what about me? Who can I love? Then the thought starts to bug me again, Calypso. Left and alone on her island, stranded. What will I do? I swore on the Styx so I'm definitely going to have to help her. It's not that I don't want to but,so much could go wrong,and I don't even know how to find her island anymore. I've brainstormed on this many times before,but now-I'm so desperate for love I feel like I won't last a minute,even a second without my Calypso. I know what I have to do now. (but not really)I had to find Calypso.

That night I started to pack my things into a nap sack, let's see chips (hot 'n spicy my favorite) a sand which a change of clothes, and some more food.

Then I strapped my magical tool belt to my waste and noticed Hazel at the door of the Hephaestus Cabin.

"Going somewhere Repair Boy?" She asked

"Yes actually"I replied

"And where is that?"

"To find the lost Calypso-"I told her she looked puzzled "listen Hazel, I have to find Calypso. A, because I swore on the River Styx, and B...I really love her, more than you will ever know."

"I believe you Leo" she said "and I also believe you should find her and rescue her if you really love and care for her that much." She told me.

"Thanks Hazel, I knew you would understand." I grinned

"Good luck!" she said and left the Cabin.

I decided to leave at dawn tomarrow, so I thought I should go get a good nights rest and get to bed.


When my alarm went off at daybreak I got up almost immediately and literary grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

I was heading to bunker 9 off to fetch Festus and the Argo 2. Only Festus's head rested on the table-but when I'd tap his forehead twice he would spring to life as The Argo 2 and Festus the happy dragon.


Once I was flying high in the air, I wondered how I'd find Calypso. So I actually took out some books and studied where Ogygia was thought to be far I've found five different answers Italy, Ireland, France, Australia, and...Texas? But then, in one book I found tucked away in the shelf, had a different answer. It stated: "Ogygia. The Goddess Calypso's sacred prison from the real world-" this line wanted to make me cry but I couldn't cry-at least not now,"is said to be in different countries around the globe but the one country anybody wouldn't think of would be the peaceful country of Croatia. The country-"

"Ok that's all I need to know" I thought aloud and slammed the book shut. "Set course to Croatia Festus!"


Sorry 4 this little cliffhanger! But I'm having trouble with the whole Caleo thing.I LOVE IT but it's hard to create how Leo's gonna find her, How they leave Ogygia and all that.This Chapter was tricky that way. But anyway I hoped you liked it! Also sorry 4 all you Leo Lovers out there that didn't get and very long Chapter w/ Leo- I'm on Team Leo myself, but I hope you like Annabeth too because I'll be switching to Annabeth's POV at the moment. Thanks 4 reading!

Chapter 4

~Annabeth's POV~

Today was a big day. Piper, Hazel and I are going dress shopping and are very overly excited. Especially Piper of corse,being a Daughter of Aphrodite she loves fashion even though she's not the girly-est Daughter of Aphrodite you'll ever meet, but shes still got a little love for fashion.

When Argus drops us off at a shop Percy's mom recommended for us Piper dashes inside and starts to admire the dresses.

" short" she said and continued to feel the dresses.


We've been out at the shop for about an hour and a half. I wanted my dress to be beautiful,unique and pleasant but none of these dresses seemed to give me that feeling. About to give up and wear my own tee-shirt & shorts down the aisle Hazel shared an idea.

"Wait Piper your a phenomenal fashion designer-maybe you could design Annabeth's dress just for her!" She said

"Your right that's a great idea!" Piper squealed "I could also get the other Aphrodite kids to help too!"

"That is a great idea! Why didn't I think of that already! Good job Hazel."

So when at Camp, we immediately started to sketch designs of my dress. I Iris Messaged Percy and gave him an update of what were planning on doing.


I woke with a start. I realized the girls and I fell asleep drawing. I looked at the digital clock on the wall. It was already almost midnight. So I woke the girls and we parted ways.


We did the same thing as we did last night-sketching designs like crazy while Percy,Jason, and Frank went off tuxedo shopping.

" dress stinks"Hazel complained.

"I just can't seem to sketch the one I like!"I frowned.

Hazel and I started to discuss romantic ideas for a honeymoon but Piper stayed quiet(- which was very odd)working hard on her design.

"Hey what about-" Hazel began

"Got it!" Piper piped and she held up her design.

It was beautiful. It was tight at the waste,strapless and then starts to flow down the legs it was lose, and flawless. I loved it, I really did.

"I love it Piper!Thank you!" We hugged.

"I'll discuss with my sisters and we'll start to make it tomorrow."she told me.

"Perfect." I replied "surprise me K?"

"Ok" she laughed

I started to walk out the cabin when I came to a halt. "Also girls, how'd you like to be my bridesmaids?"

"Sure" Hazel said and looked at Piper and she nodded.

"Definitely." She replied.


Percy and I met up at the lake (where we first kissed) And I told him what my dress would look like.

"...and it gets lose at the bottom." I finished.

"Sounds beautiful."he said "Fit for a princess...for my Wise Girl"

And he pulled me into a kiss. Then he told me he got his tuxedo-he said the bow tie was dark blue.

"I also thought of a good idea of a cake." said Percy.

"And?" I asked him

"It's a surprise!" he grinned.

"Okay..." I laughed "you are very mysterious Seaweed Brain."


The next day Piper and I were busy working on bridesmaid dresses. (Hazel was on a date with Frank.) We decided they would be Royal Blue.

"What else?" She asked

"How about the short selves that go a bit...I said and drew on her design,"past the shoulders. And goes down to the knees?"

"Perfect!" she said "The sooner we get this done,the easier it is!"

We talked a bit longer about the dresses and looked at the design. I liked it but Piper looked perplexed.

"It's missing one thing...Oh yes! How about at the waist it's a bit tighter and...oh! How about some blue lace at the top?"

"That's good." I said and we decided to call it a day. I Iris Messaged Percy to see what he was up to.

"I'll be at the Athena Cabin in 10 minutes." He told me. "Meet me there."

When at the Athena Cabin, I told Percy about the dresses. We discussed what else we had to plan.

"Okay so we need to somehow connect to Apollo and see if he can be our priest, and we also need to talk to our parents-you know Godly Parents and ask them if they can come..."

"Percy that reminds me..." I said " We have to tell our mortal parents the news!"

"Oh my gosh-How could we forget that?" he said baffled "We'll have to tell them soon"

" what else?We can maybe make some arrangements with Aphrodite? " I said

"Yeah that would be good" he sighed "I love you Wise girl."

"Love you seaweed brain." And we decided to call it a night.

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