Lucky Me ( A Jonas Brothers F...

By AndreaMauvais

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This is my life as being friends with the Jonas Brothers and being part of their family. See what its like tr... More

Chapter 1: Spring Break
Chapter 2: Karaoke
Chapter 3: The Waiting Game
Chapter 4: Really Scary
Chapter 5: Really Scary part 2
Chapter 6: Very Freaky
Chapter 7: Really Weird
Chapter 8: Very Heroic
Chapter 9: The Game
Chapter 10: Crappy days part 1
Chapter 11: Crappy days part 2
Chapter 12: "Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas"
Chapter 13: Countdown to graduation and summer
Chapter 14: Summer!! Finally!!
Chapter 15: Texas here we come!!
Chapter 16: A Change and crushes reveled
Chapter 17: Confused emotions
Chapter 18: What to do
Chapter 19: Back to school
Chapter 20: Finally, True love exists
Chapter 21: Movie premiere
Chapter 22: Surprise
Chapter 23: Shocking and scary moment
Chapter 24: Difficult times
Chapter 25: Hard trying times part 1
Chapter 26: Hard trying times part 2
Chapter 27: Hard trying times part 3
Chapter 28: Going through the motions
Chapter 29: Scary Baby Moments
Chapter 30: Long tiring days
Chapter 31: Lazy sick days
Chapter 32: Sick days
Chapter 33: Lullaby CD project
Chapter 34: Waiting for a miracle to happen
Chapter 35: Girls Night In
Chapter 36: Mall Day
Chapter 37: Two injured people
Chapter 38: Super scary moment
Chapter 39: Sick and injured days
Chapter 40: Getting ready for the Dance Showcase
Chapter 41: Show time!!!! part 1
Chapter 42: Show time!!!! part 2
Chapter 43: Surgery
Chapter 44: Post surgery misery
Chapter 45: Getting sick on tour blows
Chapter 46: Getting Bad news and flying out to South Carolina
Chapter 47: Surprising the boys
Chapter 48: Taking care of Nick
Chapter 49: Going Back on Tour
Chapter 50: Getting injured again
Chapter 51: Making plans
13 Facts About Me
Chapter 52: Group Day Out part 1
Chapter 53: Group Day Out pt2
Chapter 54: Andi and Bella's first concert
Chapter 55: Day off at Maya's
Chapter 56: A sick baby and Ellen interview
Chapter 57: Summer's almost over
Poor Demi 😞😞😞💔💔💔
Chapter 59: Back to School
Chapter 60: Getting ready for a new movie
Chapter 61: Arriving in New York
Chapter 62: Getting ready for the wedding
Chapter 63: Wedding time!!
Chapter 64: Getting the same news over and over is irritating

Chapter 58: Wedding planning

334 5 0
By AndreaMauvais

*~*~*~* Andi's POV *~*~*~*

I was starting school in 2 weeks and I was a bit excited and nervous at the same time. I was excited to see some of my friends that I haven't seen all summer since I was busy with the boys and my knee. The nervous part was how my knee was going to hold up with all the walking around campus since I haven't done that much walking since my surgery and when I fell in South Carolina. I've been using my walker a lot more than my crutches and my knee seems to be getting better. Mom wants me to get it looked at before I go back to school just to see how well it's doing since the fall. So she set up an appointment for me in a few days.

I was currently in the media room with Dani looking at dresses online. We were looking at different dresses for the wedding that were in the colors she wanted for the wedding. She also showed me where she was having the wedding at. It was this beautiful castle in upstate New York.

"Dani this place is amazing!! It's so beautiful!! I can't wait to see what it will look like with your theme." "I know. I so excited about it. I have the invitations if you want to see what they look like." "I would love to see them!!" So she pulls out an envelope with the invitations in it and pulls on out to show me.

"OMG Dani, these are gorgeous!! They're so pretty!! I love them!!" She smiled and put it back in the envelope with the others and put it back with the rest of her wedding plans. "So do you want to see if we can go look for dresses for you and Bella?" "Yeah. I can't wait to find something for her to wear!!!" We laughed and went to find Mom and asked her if she would go with us to the bridal salon.

When we found her, she was in her room sorting through the laundry. "Hi girls, did you need something?" "We were wondering if you wanted to go with us to look at dresses for Andi and Bella for my wedding. I need to order them soon, as well as all of the bridesmaids dresses. I was going to have Andi try on dresses and then send them to the other girls and see which ones they like so I can order them in time for the wedding." "Sure, I'd love to go with. Let me finish this then let the guys know where leaving. Why don't you girls go get ready while I finish the laundry." So we went to our rooms to change our clothes and get anything we needed.

As I was changing, Nick came in with Bella. "What are you doing babe?" "Dani, Mom and I are going to a bridal salon to find a dress for Bella and I for the wedding and try to find a dress for the bridesmaids." "Sounds like fun. You're taking Bella then, I'm assuming." "Yeah. I need to see how the dresses will fit her. Can you get her ready while I get her bag together?" "Sure honey, no problem." I kissed him and went to the nursery and checked the diaper bag and made sure it was still good. By the time I was done, Dani came in saying Mom was ready to go and the car had a stroller in it. I smiled and grabbed the diaper bag and my purse and followed her out to the living room.

When I walked out I saw Nick trying to get Bella in her car seat. I leaned against the wall and watched Mom try to help Nick with the car seat since Bella was a fussy and was moving a lot, but he instead he could handle it on his own. I smiled at his stubbornness and watched as he finally got her settled down and got her in her car seat. I loved seeing how hands on he was with her. Once he was done with the seat, he sat down in front of her and rocked the seat a bit to keep her calm until we left.

I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder. Bella smiled when she saw me standing behind Nick. He looked up and smiled at me also. I kissed his head and hugged him. "You ready to go babe?" He asked me when I let go of him. "Yeah, I'll send you pics of Bella in her dresses so you can help me choose something for her. But mine is going to be a secret until it gets closer to the wedding." He laughed and pouted a bit. He hates when I keep things from him like I did with my outfit for my school dance showcase last year.

"I know you hate certain surprises but I promise it will be worth the wait when you finally get to see me in the dress I do choose. I probably only going to try bridesmaids dresses and see which one everyone likes. I might get mine at a different time and just get Bella's today, I'm not sure yet. But if I do get a dress, I'm still not going to show you until it gets closer to the wedding." He pouted even more and I just laughed. I moved so I was standing in front of him and put my arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you. Now stop pouting like you're Frankie's age and help me load the baby in the car please. I promise you will see my dress when I find one that I like and when I know it's going to fit me right." He sighed and nodded. I pulled him into a hug and he laid his head on my stomach since he was still sitting down.

I let go of him and sat down in his lap. I looked over and saw Bells had fallen asleep in her car seat since we were talking so long. I smiled and covered her with her blanket. I pulled Nick's head closer to me and rubbed his scalp lightly with my nails. He sighed and relaxed under my touch. "I love you too. Sorry for acting a bit immature about the whole dress situation. If Kevin can wait to see Dani in her dress then I can wait to see you in your dress when you're ready to show me."

I smiled and kissed his head. Soon Mom and Dani came out. "Ready to go sweetheart?" "Yeah. Baby's asleep but I still want to take her so I can try things on when she wakes up." "That's fine dear. Nicholas are you going to help your girlfriend load your daughter in the car?" He groaned and rolled his eyes when she called him by his full name. I laughed and got up and grabbed my purse and crtuches just in case my started bothering me too much while we are out. I had my brace on already since it was a bit tight and sore that day. "He's going to help me Mom. We were taking when you came out. I already asked him to help me put her in the car before you came out." He got up and grabbed the baby off the couch and went to put her in the car.

I laughed and followed him out to the car. He placed Bella in her spot and made sure the seat was in the base the right way. Then he gave her a kiss and covered her seat with the blanket that he covered her with inside. He closed the door then kissed and hugged me. I smiled and kissed him back. "Have fun with the girls and take it easy with your knee since your still getting better from your fall back on tour. And keep an eye on your levels also please." I laughed and shook my head. "You sound like your mom when you talk like that sometimes." "I just want to make sure your fine while you're gone, that's all."

"And I will. I'll be with your mom the entire time. She'll make sure I'm fine we're out. She knows how to deal with my levels if something happens since she's been dealing with your levels before dealing with mine. Just relax for a few hours and try not to worry so much about me and what might happen while I'm gone. For me, please?" He sighed and nodded. "For you, I'll try." "Thank you. That's all I ask. Now you go back in and try to relax and maybe take a nap. You've been exhausted since the shopping trip a few days ago." I noticed the day after the trip he seemed really run down for some reason. I was just hoping he wasn't getting sick or his pump was acting up. Either way he was out of it a bit and I didn't like it.

He nodded and headed inside to hopefully to get some sleep. I kissed him and made sure he was inside before I got in the car. Once the door was closed, I got in and sat in the back next to Bella. On our way to the salon I texted Joe and Kevin and asked them to keep an eye on Nick for me. I told them he wasn't feeling well and I had him get some sleep while I was gone. They both agreed to check on him for me while I was out. I felt a bit of relief when they said that. I thanked them and put my phone away and checked on Bella since she was still quite. I moved the blanket a bit and saw she was still sleeping, so I took a quick picture of her and covered her back up.

When I looked up, I saw that we were at the salon, so I put my phone in my bag and got out of the car. I got the stroller out of the back and placed the car seat on it and made sure it was on right before going inside. Once it was on right, I grabbed the diaper bag and placed it on the handle. When we walked in we went up to the desk and told them we had an appointment to look at bridesmaids dresses and flower girl dresses. We told them it was under Dani's name since it was technically her wedding and she and Kevin were going to pay for me and Bella since it was their idea to invite both of us and have Bella as the flower girl. I was just going to try on different options for the bridesmaids and maybe something for myself.

"I want you to try on a bridesmaids dress for you." Dani told me as we were looking at dresses. "Why? I thought I was only looking for a dress as a guest not as a bridesmaid." I was confused as why she wanted me to find a bridesmaids dress for myself. "I want you to have one as a backup, just in case someone can't come last minute. I might even put you in the line up with Nick. I kinda want to put couples together if we can or at least people that are about the same height so they line up nicely in pictures." I smiled a bit when she mentioned putting me and Nick together. I found a few dresses for me and Dani found some for the other girls.

Once we had a good amount of dresses, I went to the dressing room and tried on the dresses I liked for myself first.

I showed them to Mom and Dani and then we choose the two I liked the most. The first one was going to be my guest outfit and the second would be a bridesmaids option.

After I had my two dresses I tried on the ones Dani picked out.

Dani took pics of each dress and sent them to all the girls so they could see the different options and see which ones they liked. Once everyone was able to look at the dresses Dani would come back in when she knew which one everyone agreed on and she had all their sizes. After we had pictures of all the dresses, I changed back into my clothes and we looked at dresses for Bella. As I was looking at dresses my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw it was Kevin.

I got a bit nervous seeing his name pop up instead of Nick's, but I still answered it wondering how Nick was doing. "Hey Kev, how's Nick doing? Please tell me your still at home." I was having a nice time with Mom and Dani that I didn't want to hear any bad news. "Don't worry, we're still home. Nick's a bit better, still kinda out of it but not to the point he needs to go to the hospital. I've made sure he ate something and his levels were good. I'm not sure why he's so tired all of a sudden, so I get why you're so concerned about him."

"I'm almost done here. I just need to pick out something for Bella and then we should be done." "No rush, he's sleeping still so you don't have to rush home. Dad went to run a few errands with Frankie but Joe and I are still home with Nick in case he needs anything." "Thanks Kevy. Let me know if anything else changes. We should be home in about half an hour. Like I said I just need Bella's dress and then we're done." "Okay, I'll see you when you get home. I love you baby girl." "Love you too Kevy." I sighed and hung up. "What's going on with Kevin?" "Just checking in. Nick's still out of it. He ate and his levels are fine last time they checked. Still can't figure out what's making him so tired. Dad's out with Frankie running errands so Kev and Joe are home with Nick in case something happens."

I hate not knowing what's going on with Nick. I've never seen him so worn out like this before. He's had days where his levels are wack and make him tired but never like this and it scared me a bit. If he wasn't feeling better by the time dinner came I was going to talk to his parents about it and see what they think we should do about it. "Don't stress about it. Let's just finish up here and well figure out what to do when we get home, okay?" Mom said as she came over and gave me a hug. I nodded fighting back tears. I hated feeling this way, not knowing what's going on with Nick and not being there with him even though he has his brothers with him.

Dani came over and joined in on the hug. After we all hugged I looked over at Bella and saw she was awake, so I pulled her out of her stroller and picked her up and held her. "Well now that's she's up we can try a dress on her, and I know the perfect one that will match the wedding perfectly." Dani said going over to the children's section and pulling out this adorable white dress with silver rosettes on it.

I smiled and took Bella's outfit off and put her in the dress. I loved how adorable she looked in it. I took a few pictures of her in it and saved them. I would send all of the pictures I took to my mom later when I got home, or at least when I got the chance. I wanted to check on Nick first since he seemed so sick when we left. So we paid for my two dresses and Bella's then headed home. When we got home, Mom got Bella out of the car while I went to check on Nick. I wanted to see how he was doing since Kevin called. I went to his room and quietly opened the door and saw he was still in bed, so I went over and sat next to him and ran my hands through his hair, secretly checking for a fever.

He had a slight one from what I could tell. I frowned and he slowly started waking up a bit. "Hey baby, feeling any better? You've been sleeping most of the time I was gone." He sighed and leaned against me. I laughed and moved him back onto the pillows so I could sit on the bed better so I wouldn't fall off. Once I was sitting better, I pulled him back over so his head was in my lap.

"What's made you so drowsy babe? I haven't seen you this sluggish in a few years." "I'm not sure. I feel like all I want to do is sleep and I have no appetite which is bad for my diabetes." "I'm sorry honey. I wish I knew what was wrong so I could help you feel better." He nodded and I started playing with his curls. I could feel heat radiating off his head. I sighed knowing what I was thinking earlier was coming true. I noticed he was falling asleep again, so I texted his mom and asked her to come in the room with a thermometer and some fever reducers. She came in a few minutes later with everything I asked her for as well as a bowl of cold water and a washcloth to help cool his head off.

She cooed at the sight of him in my lap, looking so ill and much younger. "He looks quite comfortable like that. Reminds me when he was Frankie's age and he would lay in my lap like that when he wasn't feeling well." She sat down next to me and ran her hand through his hair while I was rubbing his arm. "I hate to wake him but we need to get some meds in him and see what his temp is. I don't like how hot he his by just touching his hair." Mom said and I agreed with her.

So she gently started waking him up. "Nick, honey, I need you to wake up." He groaned and sat up with a bit of help from me. "Hey sweetie, feeling better?" Mom asked him once he was comfortable. "Kinda, sorta. I feel kinda hot yet I'm cold and my head hurts a bit." My poor baby was getting a cold from what he told me. Mom and I both frowned and she got up and moved over to his side. "Sounds like you caught a slight cold somehow. Let's take you temp and get some meds in your system and check your levels as well since it's been a while since they were checked last." Mom said as she asked me to check Nick's temperature since she knew he would let me do it easier than her.

I grabbed it off the night stand and turned it on. "Can I check babe? I'll be gentle. I just want to see how bad your fever is. I could feel the heat coming off of your head when you where in my lap." He nodded and let me place it in his ear. He was leaning against the pillows with his eyes closed. Mom was running her hand through his hair to keep him calm. Once the thermometer went off, Mom placed the washcloth on his head and he sighed in relief. "What does it say sweetheart?" "100.6, mild but not as bad as I thought it was." She nodded and got the cold medicine and a water bottle, then she grabbed his kit and set it up.

"Okay let's do your levels first then we can do the medicine all at once." She said and he nodded, trying to relax and slowly falling asleep. "You gotta stay awake a bit longer honey. You gotta take the cold meds first then you can sleep. 5 more minutes babe then we can take a nap together, okay?" I told him trying to get him to stay up a bit longer. "Okay, I'll try." He sounded so tired and a bit congested. So Mom tested his levels and gave him the cold meds while we waited for the meter to go off. Once he took the meds, I adjusted my pillows and then laid down.

Once I was comfortable Nick laid down on my chest and I put my arm around him and played with his curls trying to help him relax. Soon the meter went off and Mom showed me the reading. It came up as 110, so she adjusted his pod and put everything away. "Why don't you two just relax for a while and I'll let you know when dinner's ready later." I smiled and nodded. I noticed Nick was falling asleep so I decided to watch TV for a bit. I turned the TV on and made sure the volume was low enough I could still hear it but it wouldn't wake Nick up.

I started falling asleep with the TV on but I just left it on and got comfortable and fell asleep for a while. I wasn't sure how long I was out for but when I woke up, I was really hot and then I looked over and saw Nick still laying against me. I sighed and grabbed my phone and texted Mom and told her I was up but Nick seemed hotter. She said she was almost done with dinner and she would come help me when she was done. I sighed and tried to sit up a bit without waking Nick. I knew I would have to wake him when Mom came in but I just wanted him to stay asleep as long as I could.

I sat up and made sure Nick was still asleep. Once I was sitting up and made sure he was comfortable, Mom came back in the room with a tray with the food on it. She set the tray down on my side and went over to Nick's side and sighed when she felt his forehead. I could tell she didn't like how hot he was either. Seemed like no one in our house could catch a break when it came to being sick, especially Nick and I. "I hate to wake him, especially since he looks so calm and comfortable but I really don't like how his fever rose since we checked last." She said looking over at me. I sighed and nodded. "I hate to do it too but we need to make sure it doesn't go pass the point of hospitalization. I'm tired of one us always needing to go to the hospital when we're sick or our levels are out of control."

"I know sweetheart, I don't like it either. Let's wake him and see how he feels and go from there, OK?" I sighed and nodded. So I gently started waking him and he sighed and moved closer to me. Normally I would laugh when he did that but I didn't this time because I was so scared and worried about him. "Nick, honey I need you to wake up please. Your fever is really high and I need you to take something to help get it down or else we have to take you to the hospital and I know your tired of always going." I felt like crying because I was so worried and scared about everything that was going on.

We got him to wake up and sit up long enough for us to take his temperature. "102.3 that's higher than last time." Mom and I sighed at the same time, both of us not liking the number that popped up. He groaned not liking the number either. "Kinda explains why I feel the way I do" he said very quietly. He was still so tired and out of it. I was starting to get a bit shaky when I started thinking about how we were going to deal with whatever was making him so sick so fast.

Mom noticed and sat next to me and held my hands to try to get me to relax a bit. Then she realized that I hadn't really checked my levels while we we're out, before we left or when we got home. She check on Nick and noticed he had grabbed his phone and was checking any notifications he got while he was asleep. So she quickly grabbed my kit out of my nightstand and checked my levels to see if that was why I was starting to shake. When the timer on the meter went off, it got Nick's attention. "What's going on? You alright baby?" "I'm fine, just a bit shaky. Mom put 2 and 2 together and figured I hadn't checked my levels much today as I normally do and decided to check them for me."

Then he asked his mom what number came up. "So what does it say? Good or bad?" I was starting to get a headache and leaned against Nick even though he was still warm. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. "Well it's a 44. You need to eat something and get some insulin in your system before you get any lower." I just simply nod, slowly starting to feel the effects of not checking more often. "Are you alright sweetheart? What's wrong?" Mom was asking me why I was suddenly so quiet. I just simply gave her a thumbs down and pointed to my head. "Head starting to hurt?" I gave a small nod and closed my eyes moving as close to Nick as I could trying to find some sort of relief for my ever growing headache.

She sighed and went to find me something to eat and some pain relievers. Nick pulled me closer and rubbed my back gently. I just wanted to feel better. I could feel my headache slowly turning into a migraine. I groaned and buried my face into Nick's chest trying to block out any light that was in the room. Even though Nick was running a fever, the warmth was helping me relax a little. He laughed and just held me close. "That bad, huh?" he asked while he was running his hand down my back. "Yeah, it's turning into a migraine." I felt like crying because I was in so much pain and felt so awful.

Soon Mom came back in with some food and pain relievers. She made Nick take some fever reducers first then gave me something for my headache. Once I took the pain meds, she gave me some glucose tablets and adjusted my pod. "Now I brought some different food for you two to eat than what I originally had planned for dinner. I was able to find some soup in one of the cabinets and just heated that up and made some toast to go with. It's something light and easy that I thought the two of you could eat easily since you're both sick. Plus it will help the meds you both took work better." I sighed and slowly sat up but leaned my head on Nick's shoulder. I was trying not to fall asleep or get dizzy again. Once I felt like it was okay for me to sit up and eat, Mom placed a tray in my lap and I slowly started eating.

I managed to eat about half of the soup and one piece of toast before I was full. Mom gave me a small smile and took the rest of the food off of me. She checked my levels and was pleased thst they were higher and back in range. I could tell she wanted me to eat some more and my levels a bit higher than what she got but with my migraine I could barely eat as much as I did.

She adjusted my pod and then put my meter away and switched it for Nick's and started checking his once he was done with his food also. I looked and saw he ate just as much as I did, maybe even a bit more. She was pleased with his levels also. "Well I'm just gonna take these trays in the kitchen and let you two get some rest. I'll come check back in when I'm done making dinner for everyone else."

We nodded and laid back down and got comfortable. Nick laid down first and got comfortable then I laid down next to him, putting my arms around him, my bad leg in his lap and my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. We sighed and slowly started falling asleep, which wasn't very hard considering all the meds in our systems. He was on cold meds and I had my mirgaine meds plus mom gave me a higer dose of insulin to help my super low levels.

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