one-shots [klaine]

By thereekofgleek

49.1K 1.3K 2.3K

a completed collection of one-shots about kurt hummel and blaine anderson, from fluffy to angsty to purely hu... More

Rainy Night
Everything Fanfiction
Another Shot At Love
The Fourth Of Many
Together At Last
The Lyrics Of Our Lives
I Cherish You, Mister Hummel
One Step
They're Just Rumours
One Night Stand?
Our Own Night
Have Courage, Kurt.
Love Is Strong Enough For Us
Our Differences Make Us One
I Smile For All My Fans But I Smile The Most For You
My Baby Girl
I Got Lost Without You
As If In Every Lifetime...
Fluff, Shopping, And Divas
I've Lied For So Long
My Beloved Knight
I Sea A Love Growing
Only A Memory Now
just a little note

Fluff, Cuddling, And A Baby

1.2K 29 121
By thereekofgleek

ObsessedSophie wanted a part 2 to Fluff, Shopping, And Divas and since I left a sort of hole in that chapter, I'm gonna fill it here. Wanky, Stamos


Before Mercedes leaves, the guys send Tracy to her room so they can talk to their old friend. She obliges happily, holding her new fluffy unicorn plush tightly in her hand as "not to drop it and ruin its pure fur".

"So... What's up? How's work?" she asks when the happy squealing noises have faded away.

"We were thinking of getting another child," Kurt blurts out.

"Why am I being questioned in this? Do what you want, it's you who'll have to take care of him or her."

"Well... You're one of- you're my best friend and I can't make any decisions without consulting you first."

"Your husband is literally sitting next to you," Mercedes helpfully points out.

Said husband shrugs, "We really want this and- and we just want your views on the matter."

"Are you planning on surrogacy again?"

"We were thinking of adoption," Kurt says after looking at Blaine who gave him a small nod. "There's this boy - a six-year-old - in the orphanage here and his mother had a teen pregnancy. She also said she wants nothing to do with him and no-one's taken him in since."

"We could provide a loving home for him," Blaine says.

"We have very stable incomes," Kurt adds.

"And Tracy's told us she wants a younger brother," Blaine finishes the chain of sentences.

"First of all, you're still talking like twins. Second of all, it sounds like you have this all figured out."

"We do," they say at the same time.

"Actually," Blaine says, "we have everything ready except the taking him home part."

"What's his name?"

Kurt answers her, "Andy." Even though it's not something he would've named his kid, he's already in love with the name.

"So you have everything ready and you still want my opinion?"

"Well, yes," Blaine laughs.

"I say do it! So what do you need me for?"

"Could you come to the orphanage with us? Tomorrow?"

Mercedes looks shocked, "Tracy knows?"

"Of course," Blaine nods. "She doesn't really mention it but I've heard her talking to her toys about it. She seems really happy and has been since we asked her about it."

"Of course I'll come with you," she smiles.

"Come here," Kurt pulls both of them in a big hug which they gladly accept. They share some more casual conversation until they fall asleep, the laughs they shared still hanging in the air.

Mercedes is the first to wake up around half an hour later and looks at the sleeping lovers. She leaves them alone, tangled up in each other as they just naturally seem to do, and visits Tracy's bedroom.

The girl is looking at the new supplies she got for school, spread out on her teal bedspread, with the unicorn by her side.

"Hey, Angel," Mercedes greets the girl with the nickname she uses most often, a result of seeing Tracy dressed up as an angel one Halloween when she was able to visit.

She looks up, "Hi Mercedes." The blonde clears some space on the bed so Mercedes can sit. Once she does, Tracy wastes no time climbing on her lap (of course with the unicorn in her hands, she's already in love).

The woman feigns being hurt for the comedic effect, "You're getting really big. In a few years you'll be breaking me."

"Are you calling me fat?" Tracy laughs.

"No. You're gonna be really big because all the love you have to give is going to be too much to contain and will come seeping out."

"You're weird." Another laugh from the blonde makes Mercedes grin.


Kurt's lost track of the times he and Blaine have fallen asleep together on the couch. It doesn't matter what time of day it is as long as Tracy isn't bothering them (which is quite often considering the amount of energy she has).

He takes a few minutes to just stare. He would call it a guilty pleasure, but really, he doesn't feel guilty about it. Why would he? He's caught Blaine doing the same.

Blaine wakes up but doesn't open his eyes, opting for holding on tighter to his husband because he's really warm and Blaine gets cold easily and because he wants to.

Kurt sees he got a text and he normally wouldn't look at it, but it's Mercedes. A quick check shows that she took Tracy to the park and they shouldn't worry and no, they don't have to come. He passes the information on to Blaine and is replied to with a soft mumble he can't quite make out.

The next day

"Which one of you is the husband?" a person they've never met before that volunteers at the orphanage asks.

Kurt and Blaine look at each other for a second before both raising their hands.

"Perfect," he clasps his hands together. "Is all the paperwork done?" They nod.


30 chapters yass queen

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