Harmonize | niam au sequel |

By twinkiepayne

14.1K 717 433

" You're a pain, you know that right?" " Of course I know that. I like pushing your buttons." ~*~*~ The... More

last author's note :(


273 10 4
By twinkiepayne

Brendon watches the snow fall with the passing scenery as his papa drives towards the Payne grandparents house. The family were going to go swimming at the indoor water park near the grandparents home. Liam wanted to spend some time with his parents and he knew the waterpark would be okay with his kids. Even if it was December, it's never too cold to go swimming.

As Brendon was watching the snow, he was listening to his favorite band, which happened to be the one he was named after the lead singer, Panic! at the Disco. Brendon loves watching the snow fall while listening to music. It was so interesting to him. Winter was his absolute favorite season of them all.

Liam smiles at his family members who were all in their little worlds. Niall was humming along to the radio while rubbing his thumbs into his stomach, almost ready to fall asleep. Drew was asleep next to Brendon. And Brendon of course was enjoying the snow. Liam had to contain his giggles because the car ride to his parent's house was only two hours and they're already an hour into the ride and everyone was asleep or ready to.

" Liam?" Niall asks next to Liam. He could feel his eyes starting to flutter close.

" What's up babe?" Liam asks. Niall let's out a yawn.

" I'm more tired with this pregnancy than the one with DJ." Niall says. Liam lets out a laugh while shaking his head.

" I don't think so Ni. You just haven't gotten enough sleep because of work." Liam says. Niall burst into giggles. Liam continues to shake his head.

" You're right Li. I love you so much." Niall says.

" I love you too Ni." Liam says," Now get some sleep. I want you to have plenty of energy for when we hang out with my parents at the water park."

Niall felt their baby girl kick around his stomach at the mention of the water park. Niall smiles and looks at Liam.

" Seems like baby girl has plenty of energy for the water park." Niall says. Liam smiles back at him as he laced his fingers with Niall's hand.

" Well, that's good, but you need sleep." Liam says. Niall places a kiss on Liam's hand.

" I know, Li. Wake me up when we get there." Niall says.

" Will do." Liam says. Niall lays his head against the car door and lets sleep take over his body. Liam looks in his rearview mirror and sees his youngest past out too. Liam shakes his head.

It's going to be a long hour ahead for Liam.


" Hi grandma. Hi grandpa." Both Drew and Brendon murmur to their grandparents, still tired from the car ride. They hug each grandparent while Niall and Liam watched from behind.

The kids release from their grandparents and step aside for their parents. Karen smiles at Niall's stomach with her arms reaching out for a hug.

" Look at you Niall! You're absolutely glowing!" Karen compliments. Niall felt himself blushing as he embraced the hug.

" Thank you Karen." Niall says as he releases from the hug.

" How's my son doing?" Geoff asks.

" I'm doing good dad." Liam says. Karen looks at her grandchildren.

" Are we ready to get going?" Karen asks. Brendon and Drew nod their heads.

" We can take our car." Niall says.

" Nonsense! You're our guests so we have to take our car." Karen says. Liam gives her a dirty look.

" Mum, you don't have to do that." Liam mumbles.

" But I want to do it." Karen says. Liam rolls his eyes knowing his mother is going to get her way.

" Alright boys, follow us." Karen says. She leads the family to her car. Drew and Brendon get the back of the car, Niall and Liam get the middle of the car, and Geoff drives with Karen sitting in the passenger seat. Geoff starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. He starts driving toward the indoor water park in the town. Karen faces the boys.

" Are you excited boys?" Karen asks.

" Yes mum, we're all excited. Except Niall can't do much so we're just going to chill in the lazy river." Liam says.

" That sounds nice. Geoff and I might have to chill with you." Karen says," What about you, DJ and Brendon?"

" Probably ride all the water rides. And since you probably need two people, I'm stuck with Brendon all day." Drew says. Niall and Liam roll their eyes knowing that the two are going to start bickering at each other.

" Now because you said that, I'm going to ditch your arse for a hot guy." Brendon says. Drew lets out a laugh.

" I'd like to see you try and talk to a hot guy bitch." Drew scoffs.

" I'm going to so fuck off." Brendon says. Niall turns around and faces his children. He flicks both of them on the forehead. They grab their foreheads in pain and look at him offended.

" What'd you do that for?" Drew asks rubbing at his forehead.

" I've told you not to swear around your grandparents." Niall scolds.

" We don't mind, Niall. Liam used to swear with us all the time. Except Liam wasn't much of a dickhead when he was in high school." Karen says. Niall had to gain his giggles. His mum was roasting his husband and he was living for it.

" You just called your own son a dickhead." Drew points out.

" I know what I did." Karen says. Liam shakes his head embarrassed.

" I still love you even if you're a dickhead." Niall says.

" I'm glad someone does." Liam says. They quickly peck their lips together. Brendon lets out a groan.

" You guys are disgusting." Brendon groans. Niall rolls his eyes.

" You're going to be doing the same thing with your boyfriends, so shut up." Niall says.

" Or maybe with those hot guys you'll find at the water park." Drew says. Brendon shakes his head and punches Drew's arm.

" Stop DJ." Brendon says.

" You know I only do shit like this to bug you. Come on Brendon." Drew says.

" DJ, what did I tell you about swearing." Niall scolds. Liam slips his hand through Niall's hand.

" Calm down Ni. Baby girl needs to be calm." Liam says. Niall nods his head.

" Sorry Li. You're right." Niall says.

" Well, the good news is that we're here." Geoff says.

" Finally." Drew mumbles. Niall and Liam roll their eyes at their oldest son. He's the impatient one out of the family.

Geoff parks the car and everyone gets out of the car. The family walk into the warm water park to get out of the cold. Once safely inside, Niall looks at Liam.

" You have the swim bag, right?" Niall asks.

" No. I forgot it at home." Liam says. Niall immediately turned angry. It was a quick switch of emotions.

" I swear to god I'm going to beat your arse! I told you you had one job and that was to carry the swim bag! Now today is ruined because we don't have our swimsuits!" Niall yells. Liam smiles as he shakes his head.

" Why are you smiling? There shouldn't be a reason why you're smiling, young man! I'm yelling at you!" Niall yells. Liam shakes his head as he pulls the bag out from behind his back.

" I'm not an idiot Niall. I swear I listen to you." Liam says. Niall pushes Liam's chest, offended.

" You can fuck off Liam." Niall says crossing his arms and standing near his children. Liam rolls his eyes.

" Come on Ni. Don't start pouting." Liam says.

" And I thought we weren't supposed to swear around our grandparents." Drew says. Niall snaps his head at Drew.

" They're not my grandparents, so it doesn't matter to me." Niall says.

" I think it's best if we go in and have some fun now." Karen says, cutting off anymore of the argument. Liam nods his head in agreement.

" Good idea mum." Liam says. The family walk to the front counter to purchase the tickets for the day. Karen and Geoff pay for the tickets, even though Niall and Liam refuse. The family go into the changing rooms to change into their swimsuits.

As they were changing, Niall looks down at his stomach and felt uncomfortable. He didn't want to be showing off his belly. So he threw on a shirt and walked out of the changing area. Liam, Drew, Brendon, and Geoff were waiting for him. Liam looks at him weird because he was still wearing a shirt. Niall shakes his head because he didn't want to talk about it.

" Ready boys?" Liam asks.

" Yeah." Drew and Brendon sat at the same time. The five walk out of the changing room and meet up with Karen who already claimed a table. Niall and Liam face Drew and Brendon.

" Meet back up with us around 2 so we can eat lunch together." Niall says.

" Yeah dad." Drew and Brendon say.

" Okay, good. Have some fun." Niall says.

" Find a hot guy Bren." Liam says. Brendon shakes his head embarrassed as the two walk away. Liam laughs and shakes his head. Liam looks at Niall.

" Ready to go swim?" Liam says, sticking his hand out for Niall to grab it. Niall felt the baby move at that question. Niall smiles.

" Me and baby girl are ready." Niall says slipping his hand into Liam's hand. Liam looks at his parents.

" We're going to the lazy river, so if you want to join us." Liam says.

" We'll meet up with you later dear." Karen says. Liam nods his head and leads Niall towards the lazy river. Once at the river, Liam grabs a tube made for two people and holds it still for Niall to sit on it. Niall sits on the tube and Liam sits on the tube. The tube floats along the river. Niall smiles at Liam.

" Hi Liam." Niall says. Liam smiles back at him.

" Hi Ni." Liam says. Niall places a hand in the water and he could feel the baby move. Niall looks down at his stomach.

" Our baby girl sure loves to swim." Niall says.

" I'm glad she does because I know I do." Liam says. Niall places a hand on his stomach.

" I can't wait for you to come out and swim for real." Niall says. Liam smiles at his husband. He loves his husband.

And with that, the day was spent swimming and enjoy the Payne family. And let's just say Drew and Brendon actually had a good time with each other for once in their lives.


Oh my god. I am so sorry for not updating for literally 3 WEEKS. I FEEL SO BAD IDCUAISUFH.

I've been stressing about school and college applications and I haven't had time to update. That, and I had writers block. So sorry if this chapter sucked ass.

I'm getting bored of this story tbh, but I have ideas still so I want to finish it. We'll see what happens.

I can't promise anything about another update soon so just bare with me.

Thank you so much if you're still reading this story and actually enjoying it. I love you guys a lot and continue doing what you're doing.


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