Due To Fate [Boys Love Story]...

By Venusius

107K 4.3K 890

Two boys grow up in two different worlds. One from a wealthy and prestigious household while the other from a... More

How Have You Been
Rough Start
Sweet Revenge
Cheap Thrills
The Bet and A Kiss In One Frame
Timmy's Aftermath
Johnny's Aftermath
Late Night Snack and Talk
Waking Up With You
Mother Knows Best
We'll Miss You
A Joyful Wake For Our Dearly Departed
Suit and Tie
Pleasant To Meet You... Sir
Inquisitions, Demand, And Dramatic Antics
Johnny's Musings
Of Outrage and Jubilation
Sweet, Sweets, Sweeties
Sweet Tooth
Father and Son's Heart to Heart
Dinner for Dinner
Sleeping Over
A Nighttime Conversation (Part One)
A Nighttime Conversation (Part Two)
Diffusing A Scene On The Grounds Of Wong's Residence
Let's Get This Party Started
All Night
Trouble and Exposed
Never Have I Ever...
In Each Other's Arms
The Nile Is Not Just A River
Of Plots
Welcome to Spencer Manor
Healing Garden
Father's Love and Cautionary Advise
Family Dinner As Planned (Part One)
Chapter Thirty Four: Sweet Dreams
Family Dinner As Planned (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty Five: Beaches, Trunks, Bikinis, and Jealousies
Chapter Thirty Six: Before The Big Day
Chapter Thirty Eight: Love Call
Chapter Thirty Seven: Planning For Tomorrow
Chapter Thirty Nine: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Forty: Eye Of The Storm Part One
Chapter Forty One: Eye Of The Storm Part Two
Chapter Forty Two: Seeing Rainbow
Chapter Forty Three: Nothing On You
Chapter Forty Four: Dirty Desire
Chapter Forty Five: Talk of the Town
Chapter Forty Seven: Promise Ring
Chapter Forty Eight: Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Blocked Advances

1.2K 74 12
By Venusius

Chapter Thirty Three: Blocked Advances

Everyone's plate were either half empty or totally cleaned with little to no stain at all. The two feet tall Gavin was all smile as he rubbed his swelled belly. The young adults and adolescents chatted with each other, their volume increasing as they moved to movie genre topics. Topics moved from their current favorite television shows to favorite films and genres. With much debate, majority suggested they watch a horror movie before everyone return to their respected homes. 

There were protests from the parents due to Michelle, Lily, and Gavin's age appropriation. But, with much convincing from Lily and some of the likes of Johnny, Sef, and Jessica, Michelle and Lily were able to join them. Although Gavin wasn't able to join, he was bribed into behaving from Simon and Wallace. Soon, Gavin didn't care he was excluded from Insidious. 

When everything was cleared off the table, they all thanked the servers and attendants, as they exited out of the tent. Outside, the sun was almost done setting, showing the sky's gradient of orange and purple hues. Indeed, it was a beautiful sight for everyone as they leisurely walk towards back inside the house. It gave them ample time for their food to digest, letting everyone who is going to watch the movie, have more room for snacks and drinks. A certain food lover was excited for whatever food that was going to be served as they watch.

Simon and Wallace led the group, both talking in hush tones, through the wooded path and into the Spencers' backyard. In a matter of minutes, the large group reached the main entrance to the large housing. He aside in front of the two families, holding the door as they all filed in. One after the other, they all gathered waiting for Johnny's father to lead their way back to the living room.

Halfway through the hallway, the younger generation minus Gavin and little Gabriel separated from the parents. Before they could walk away, Simon called out to them. "Once the movie finish, you guys go to the living room. We'll be waiting for you there. Please, I don't want any shenanigans or tomfooleries, okay? Now, go and enjoy your movie."

With a nod to Simon, Johnny led the group to the right of the hallway. He, along with his followers behind, took down a flight of stairs. The hallway was a little dim, but their eyesight was soon assaulted by lights appearing in their vision. Each light blasted at the group as it sensed the figures underneath it. The path to their destination lessened as they gets reach the home theater room.

Having reached a door, Johnny let each one in. Each individuals filed in a line, welcomed by darkness. Johnny told them to stay in one area while he ventured to turn the lights on. When the lights came into life, the whole room illuminated showing the grand home theater system that was built. As they stand by the door, they looked around. To their right there was a large white screen, and to the opposite of the room were the seating area of different kinds of seats.

All the way in the back, at the highest inclined space, were four spacious black leather reclined single cushioned seats. At the second row inclined space were two twin mattress with a table in between. Few couple of pillows were placed on the beds, in which at most two people can fit on it. At the ground level were three seated couch that can be turned into a bed. At the front, closer to the screen, were two bean bags on a fluffy white carpet and a low table.

Michelle and Bai dashed for the bean bags and sat on them. The older of the two grabbed the much bigger bean bag and yelled, "Shot gun!"

Bai's siblings and their cousin looked at looked at him like he turned to an adult playing inside a ball pen pool. Jessica and Sheryl soon followed and choose one of the twin size bed. Both women cuddled up, as if they haven't fought before. Right behind the lovers was Lance who took the other unoccupied bed. That left for Johnny, Timmy, Lily, Genevieve, and Sef to either take the three seated couch or one of the the single sits at the back.

Timmy went on to the sit down on the three seated couch on the far left. He waited for his sister to come over, but found her walking in the back while shaking her head. As her brother, Timmy tried to follow her. However, he was being held back by that one person he has been trying to get away ever since the dinner. Looking to his right was Genevieve, gripping its arm like a baby orangutan hanging from its mother's neck.

Before Lily could pass her brother,  something caught her eye. When her eyes focused on that certain thing, she giggled at what she had seen. She knew that Timmy would be saved from that woman, whose shameless behavior is akin to another person sliding into someone's DM. Lily didn't bother giving a mouthful towards the wanton female in heat.

"Ge, looks like the seats are all taken. I'll go in the back with Sef. You don't need to worry I can take care of myself. And, Sef already apologized and I forgave him," Lily said before walking to the reclined chairs at the back.

"Wait, I'll come sit with you. Just don't leave me," pleaded Timmy as he looked at his sister. He eyed Sef who was the only person left who haven't taken a seat as he was too busy with a phone call he had gotten right after getting inside. Having trouble getting out Genevieve's strong grip, he warned the older man. "You better not mess with my sister, again."

Timmy's brow knitted, giving himself a feral look with his scowl. Sef held his hand out as if about to push the struggling person, even though the person was a few feet away from him. Opening his mouth, Sef apologized again, but with a much more heartfelt use of words. Brows wrinkled as the mouth of Sef thinned. 

"Timmy, I'm really, really sorry about what I've said to your sister. I... I, uh, do find her charming and lovely, but it still doesn't excuse my behavior. You don't have to forgive me just because I apologize. However, you don't have to worry about your sister, she can really take care of herself." 

The olive toned man, dressed in black shirt and green khaki pants, made a crossing motion as he pointed at his heart. He then said, "I certainly wont do anything towards her, I promise to you. Even when I'm drinking, I will try to control myself around everyone else."

With those heartfelt apology, the older brother's narrowed eyes trained on Sef's back as he took a large stride to the back. Timmy thought Sef's expression of his regret was very good, but it doesn't stopped him from being the older brother he is towards his little sister. 

The older brother tried his best not to make any repulsive expression, as he scooted further away from Genevieve. Much to his dismay, he couldn't move any further. "So, Timmy," the syrupy voice of Genevieve gave him heebie jeebies. How she acted made him remind of how Karylle used to talked to him whenever she wanted something from him. "Do you, by any chance, have a girlfriend?"

"He's single, but he won't be for long," came from a deep manly voice. Genevieve and Timmy faced the owner of the voice. It was Johnny, who sent a wink to Timmy, then raised his eyebrows at Genevieve. His arms were crossed over his chest with his lips pursed together. 

One of the remarks was true, but Timmy wanted to correct Johnny on the other. He decided not to forego upon reading the expression Johnny gave him. It read as, if you want Genevieve to stop then go along with what I'm saying. Nodding, the jaw of the person in front of Timmy clenched as he glared at his close friend's annoying sister. "You're seating on my seat, Genevieve."

"I don't see your name on it." Genevieve smirked at the long time friend of her brother.

Johnny lifted his eyebrow at Genevieve. "Is that so?" He pointed at the space she was seating as he said, "Why don't you look at the name you're sitting on." Crossing his arms once more, Johnny's mouth morphed to a smirk. His usual expression of smug looking face with one eye brow lifted had Timmy feeling elated and familiar. Something in Timmy was overjoyed at the man's beaming face, despite his statement on his relationship status. 

Furrowed brows and mouth turned upside down, Genevieve stood up to glance on her seat. She found on the flat surface was the name she has started to abhor. Her face formed into a repulsive smile as he stared at the man smirking. [A/N: What is the female equivalent of cock blocking? Cuz that's basically what Johnny is doing. (◍'͈ꈊ'͈◍)]

"Clever," was Genevieve's only retort.

"I know its clever. But, my mom takes the credit for that." Shrugging he went to take a seat in the middle between Timmy and his friend's sister. He pushed a with a bit of force to move Genevieve's figure to the left. His dour face stared at the blank screen in front of Johnny as he continued, "Right now, Timmy's sitting on her spot."

The younger woman scoffed and a contempt noise towards his way. She was about to start an argument when she sees the glaring gazed at her from Timmy. 

"Shush, movie's starting," Timmy said, pointed out the obvious. Genevieve let out an air objection as she considered on her crush's admonition, Genevieve went about to stare at the screen.

Screams and choppy eerie sounds came from the thunderous speakers as it bounced around the four walls. Both Timmy and Johnny eyed the screen, like everyone in the room. The two laughed at a certain someone who jumped at a jump scare scene, throwing and spilling his popcorn on the floor. The female showed revulsion at the poor state of Bai's position.

As soon as Timmy swallowed the popcorn he had finished chewing, part of the kernel got stuck at the walls of his throat. Timmy started coughing softly, trying his best to dislodge the object in his mouth. The man seated next to him turned to his way with concern plastered all over his face.

"So, it's your turn, huh?" Jokingly uttered to Timmy as Johnny gently tapped the back of his back. The tapping switched to rubbing his back when Timmy muttered he was feeling better.

Despite his complexion was turning normal, Johnny kept his hands on the backside of his. As their affectionate actions together continued, certain person next to Johnny kept giving them the stink eye. She was keen to observed them for now until she can move her chess piece later on.

When things became quiet with the exception of sounds from the movie, Johnny and Timmy went back to watching the moving screen. The whole room was engrossed at the horrific movie about a family being haunted by demonic entities. Gasps and brief screams had a chained reaction by the individuals. Halfway through the movie, Lance left the room quietly, but not before texting his friend of his emergency exit.Lance eyed his friend in the back, whom was having an exchange of whispers with Lily.

After the movie had finished and the screen turned black, they all left the room unhurriedly. It was Saturday after all, hence no school the next day. That meant they can stay up late to whatever time they choose to sleep in. They leisurely made their way up to the living room, still conversing about certain scary parts of the movie they've just seen. Reaching the living room, they all found out Gavin had tired out while Gabriel was crying incessantly.

"Could there be something wrong with him?" Natasha asked at Linda who was gently swaying the baby.

Linda shook her head. "I just fed him and changed his diapers. Nothing seems to be working." Looking at their husband chatting with Gavin sleeping in between, she expressed her annoyance at their no help. "And our husbands are not helping us either."

"Ehem," cleared Johnny's throat at the parents. Four pair of eyes zeroed in on him, startled at the noised he had made. "Let me try?" His hands held out towards Linda, waiting for her to place the baby in his arms.

"Why not," Natasha muttered, shrugging her shoulders at her new found friend. Watching Johnny handle the baby, the soon to be step mother could not help but give her peace of mind. "Be careful, and hold his head."

Nodding,he stares at the baby with endearing eyes. Both maternal woman had their jaw unhinged at how Johnny was able to calm baby Gabriel so easily. Natasha, who already had her phone out, took a photo of the scene in front of them. There was no flash as the room was brightly lit, but Johnny knew and didn't mind it.

"Aw, Johnny's going to be a great father someday," Linda no so whispered it to Natasha. "Just look how adorable he is with a baby in his arms. Compare to our husbands." She rolled her eyes as she and the dirty blonde haired woman agreed with her. 

Johnny hears their not so quiet chit chat with each other. Their words only made his ego even bigger. But, if what his doing isn't doing any harm, then he was good in being complacent with himself. 

Not long after, his attention switched to the half of the group that already took their place on emptied seats. The ones who were seated on a long couch were Timmy, Jessica and Michelle. They all stared at the television screen and watching a cartoon about cars transforming into large robots. The teenage girl solace than interacting with the rest, thus she sat at the very end of the couch with her face hunched over her book. 

Sef, Lily, Bai, and Sheryl went to the kitchen to get some beverages and more snacks. Some felt thirsty so they went to get drinks while some didn't get their fill from the food they've eaten while watching the movie. One person blamed it on the movie for being so scary that it made the popcorn spill itself. 

The odd one of the group was a tall, thin and model looking female that stood by the entrance of the room. Genevieve was still bidding her time, and observing the people and its surrounding. When she saw the empty space next to Timmy, she took this as an opportunity.

Feeling the seat move next to him, Timmy was annoyed to find the clingy woman sitting by his side. He couldn't really take it anymore, so he spoke what was in his mind.

"Let me be upfront with you," Timmy said in a calm tone as he faced Genevieve. "I'm not interested in you, and probably never will. So, please keep you're distance, and give me my personal space. Okay?" He went back to ignoring her, watching Johnny lull the baby to sleep, while the woman seethed in her seat. Johnny saw and heard what Timmy had done and said. It made him smile, and he didn't try to hide it.

It wasn't until Simon noticed everyone's sluggish and sleepy eyed actions, that he thought it was best for everyone to get to their homes. "Everyone, I think its best if we all retire. It seems most of us are tired from the long day we had." Simon turned towards Wallace. "Thank you for accepting my family's invitation,and for coming at my own time. It is really my family and Johnny's delight to honor of meeting Timmy's family."

A smile graced upon of Wallace and Linda as they reciprocate kind words to Simon and his family. Linda was the first to say something.

"We should be the one whom are grateful towards your family. Your Johnny is a god's gift sent to us. He was very helpful during some of the times we are in need of help Johnny's a great young man, and our family is happy that we gained another man like yours." Simon and Natasha nodded along, hearing what Linda had to say about Johnny.

"I agree with Linda," chimed in by Wallace. His eyes drifted to a son that he had come to like through his dearly departed father. "Johnny's really been a god send to us ever since my father passed away." Everyone in the room murmured their condolences as he continued to speak in favor of the young man in front of him. The watery eyes pooled but they never fell. 

"Thank you, Johnny. We are indebted towards you mostly. You didn't have to do everything you've done for my son and his family, but you went out of your way to do so. For that, you are forever welcome in our family. Blessed you and your family."

In the far corner of the couch were the rests of the people were sitting, a soft feminine voice muttered under her breath before she reads another passage from her book. "You would think they're giving away their bride to the groom's family." Michelle snorted at herself as she turned a page. "Ch. More like the groom is being given away to his groom's family."

The Spencers couple were touched by the other couple's tender and caring speech about Johnny. Their smile wore on their faces like a bright sun. Both couples gave each hugs and said goodbye to everyone in the room. Simon and Natasha retired earlier and asked Johnny to let the Wong family escort them out of their abode.  

The patriarch of the Wong family called out his biological. Timmy's body twisted around facing Wallace with interest, along with ignoring the woman attached to his side. "Son, you take care, now. Also, don't be stubborn and let the right people in, and remember that we're here for you when you need us." Timmy 

Just as they walked out of the door, Lily called out to their parents. 

"Hey, dad. Please let us stay here?" Lily had her hands in a praying pose as she begged with her puppy eyed look. "Bai and I will behave, so please dad. Let us stay, please." The last word was elongated in a tonal sound as she pleaded to her father. 

Wallace and Linda looked at each other with Lily's absurd idea. 

Lily's father denied her request and her mouth turned to an ugly frown. "Linda, please let me stay. I won't get into trouble. I promise." She made a cross on her chest where the heart is found and a slitting action on her neck. Her eyes zeroed on Johnny who was standing next to her parents, and tried her puppy face again on him.

Wanting no trouble, Johnny determined that Lily and Bai should spend sometime with their brother so he helped out Lily with their overnight stay in the manor. Their parents were undecided seeing as they don't want their children to be more intrusive. However, Johnny's convincing reasoning won them over. 

Timmy was busy eluding the ceaseless Genevieve to counter Johnny and his brother and sister in having a sleepover. Lily and Bai were clever enough to even prepared ahead of time. They managed to hid it from their parents with the help of Michelle. Of course with the teenager's help, it was in exchanged for a favor. 

Outside and helping everyone into the car, Linda couldn't help but eyed his son as she followed where he was going. "Bai, what are you doing in the back of the trunk."

Bai's facial expression was similar to of someone who had been caught doing an illegal exchange of contraband. Lily came into his rescue. "Brother was just getting the duffel bag that was in the back of the limousine." Shrugged her shoulders of Lily with her faux innocent face. The more responsible sibling of the two had given his mother  a shrug mixed in with a defeated posture. Linda's jaw was unhinged as she tries to find words to ask his children.

"How did you managed to this pass us?" An incredulous mother stared at her two children.

"Um, you guys were too busy with the baby. So, I hurriedly placed the bag inside along with the baby stuff." 

Sighing, Wallace switched his attention from the baby to his wife and said, "We should stop letting Lily stay with her for an indefinite time." Linda nodded, agreeing with him about Lily. Their daughter rolled her eyes at their statement.

"Dad, don't talk as if I'm not here. Mom didn't have anything to do with this." Lily crossed her arms and continued, "Linda, don't get mad okay? I just wanted to stay with my brother. I missed him a lot. Bai, too, but he's being cheeky about it."

Wanting no more trouble, Timmy got between their parents and his sister before another argument escalated. The older brother stared down his sister as he motioned her to stand down. Lily was silenced by her brother, turning her body to face the house. 

"Linda, Dad. I got it. Since you guys already agreed to it, I'll keep an eye on Lily. You guys stop worrying about her, because she can take care of herself, but." Staring at Lily again from his gaze at his parents, Timmy stated, "If she doesn't start growing up, I'll treat her like a teenager."

Bai, Johnny, and the rest let Timmy speak up for his sister, but agreed at what he responded to their parents concern.

Followed after their goodbyes, the small group consisting of Bai, Lily, Johnny, and Timmy all walked to their designated rooms. Johnny stopped at the first room that they walked over. "This is your room, Bai." Pivoting to face the opposite of the door, across the hallway was another wooden entrance to a room. "And this is your room Lily."

"Please, don't wander around during the night. You might get lost, and I won't know how to find you until in the morning. If you two wanted to have some drinks or you're a bit hungry, you can just use the phone in the room to call an attendant to get you something. Now all the guest rooms are equipped with their own full bath and toilet. So, there's no need to be wondering around the night looking for one. If you guys have any questions, save it tomorrow, cuz I'm beat as fuck." Johnny finished his significant presentation of their staying over questions that they've asked him before they had been showed into their rooms.

Timmy and Johnny left the step siblings and went to their own personal space a little further down the hallway. As they passed by one room after another room, they heard sounds of feminine giggles and moaning in which the boys made a face at each other. As they walked on their way to their rooms, they have a brief conversation together. 

The niggling question popped out of Timmy, asking him what his remarks meant before they could watch the movie. 

"Ah, that." Johnny started. "I... For the past few days now, I've started to really develop some feelings for you. I've had in my mind to get you to like me, too. As in more that friends." Those words that flew out of Johnny's lips made Timmy stop in his tracks. 

"Wait, I thought you were straight?"

The eyes rolled into the back of his head as he exasperatedly answered Timmy. "I don't let a word define me and what, who or which people I like. I really like you, Timmy. As I've said, more that friends." A long pause came over him before he started talking again. Speechless Timmy let him as he didn't have the voice to say anything, too.

"Ever since the garden, I fell even more at you. These past few days, weeks, and maybe even months, I've been happy. Truly happy and joyed because of you. You made me realized some things, and even helped my relationship with my father better. This feeling I'm experiencing right now scares me, too. Because, I don't even know if you feel the same way towards me. I've tried to keep my distance from you, but it's not working."

With each words and sentences spoken by Johnny, the distance between him and Timmy became small. Timmy also felt their distance was getting closer as Johnny moved closer and closer, until he hit a wall behind him. A sound of thud rang into Timmy's ears as he hit his head, but went deaf with the close proximity of Timmy's face and breathe upon his. His heart rate speed up until he could feel his chest pounding against the chest of the other person. 

Their lips were only an inch apart with their shallow breathing. Both men looked into each other's deep russet eyes. The spell between the two was broken when Timmy mumbled the name of the opposite person in front of him. 

Upon hearing his name, Johnny moved away from Timmy like a butter melting on a hot pan. "I.. I'm sorry, if it helps you better, forget what I've just said." After his apology, he left Timmy alone in the hallway as Johnny opened his door like the hounds of hell was after him. In his haste, Johnny soundly closed his door. 

The man in the hallway stared at the varnished door of Johnny. His brain racked to find anything rational and logical to what just happened. The mind came up with empty as he went to his room. Johnny's words still echoed in him, making him forget his nightly routine. In the end, Timmy slept soundlessly that night. 


A/N: Wo Lai Le! I'm back. If you liked this chapter, give it a star and comment which part you like. I sure like Genevieve getting um.. cockblocked? by Johnny. I'm still trying to find a female counter part for that word. Anyways, subscribe to me by following me for updates and other stories I have in store for you guys. 

One more thing, so I have to cover another workmate of mine in work. He's not gonna be working for two weeks. That means I have to take some of his work shift. That's Mon-Frid, and maybe Saturday. Depends what the boss says. But its most likely the schedule is like this: 9 or 10 am - 8:30 pm. So, if I can't update, well either I'll be exhausted or worst... dead. JK, I'll probably be tired. I'll try my best to update tho. Thank you all readers who have taken to liking and loving this story. 

To Timmy Xu WeiZhou! Happy 23rd Birthday. Maybe you be happy and have more years to come. My wish for you is to be successful in your career and that you and Jingyu Johnny Huang are able to come out, even as friends. Don't have to pretend for Sparft and other companies so you guys don't get in trouble. Jia You! 

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