The Immortal Hybrid

By xXMsNinjaXx

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 31

28 0 0
By xXMsNinjaXx

I hear the guys gasped and they all came and gave us a hug. Then Sly starts poking my neck, and I smacked his hand away from it. "What's that on your neck Amanda?" Sly asked with a smirk on his face, and the guys started staring at me.

"Nothing." I lied and put my hand on my neck. Sly was about to say something, but my phone started ringing. I took out my phone and answered it. "Hello?" I said.

"Ms. Gonzales!" Mr.G yelled.

"Whoa. Calm down Mr.G." I said and the guys looked at me.

"Calm down? Calm down!" he yelled. "Can you tell me what you did last night?!" he asked.

"Why?" I asked. "It has nothing to do with you." I said.

"Oh really?" he says and I raised an eyebrow. "Tell me this Ms.Gonzales." he starts. "When did you become pregnant?" he asked and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"What?!" I screamed. "Please tell me you're joking, or I swear to god that I will rip you apart!" I shout and the guys looked shocked.

"I wish I was, but I'm not." he says and I dropped my phone on the floor, and Aleks picks it up.

"Babe? Is everything okay?" Kevin asked and I look at him.

"I-I'm pregnant." I said and his jaw dropped to the floor. I hear everyone gasped and I started to get light headed. "I-I can't be pregnant. I-It's not possible." I said and I looked at Kelly. "Can it?" I asked her.

"I don't think so." she says. "I think you're the first to get pregnant." she said and I felt like I was going to throw up. My vision started to get blury, and I passed out on the floor. "Amanda!" Kelly shouts and then I blacked out.

-Few Hours Later-

I woke up and see that I'm in my room, and I was alone. Then I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, and then they stopped next to me. I look up and see that it was Kevin. "Hey babe." he says and sits down at the edge of the bed next to me. "How you feeling?" he asked. I was about to say something, but I quickly got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom, and I started throwing up.

5 minutes passed, and I finally stopping throwing up. I sat down next to the toilet and I started crying. Then I hear someone come inside the bathroom, so I look up and see Kevin. He comes towards me and sits next me, and he holds me in his arms. "I'm so sorry babe." he apologized. "This is all my fault." he says. I sit up and I look at him in his eyes.

"This is not your fault Kevin." I said to him.

"But it is my-" I cut him off by smacking my lips onto his, and he quickly kisses me back. Soon the kiss became heated, but I pulled back and we were both smiling. "I love you Amanda." he says.

"I love you too Kevin." I said and he smiles. He kissed me again and I kissed him back. My ears perked up and my tail started moving back and forth. We both pull back and we got up from the floor, but I soon started throwing up again. "This really sucks." I said wiping my mouth. I go to the sink and I start brushing my teeth, so I won't have the nasty taste of vomit in my mouth. Once I'm done, I head back to my room where Ms.K and Kevin were. I lay back down on my bed, and tried to relax. Kevin sits at the edge of the bed, and he holds my hand.

"What will happen if she has the baby?" Kevin asked Kelly.

"I don't know." she says. "He hasn't gotten that far on the tests." she said.

"Do you think we can go and ask him?" I asked her and she nods. "Maybe tomorrow, because right now, I'm really tired." I said.

"Alright. We can go first thing in the morning." she says and I nod. "Goodnight, and make sure you drink plenty of water." I nod and she leaves the room.

"I don't think I'm ready for this Kevin." I said to him and I started to cry.

"Don't cry babe." he says while kissing my forehead. "Everything will be okay." he said. "And we will get through this, no matter what happens."

"So, are we going to keep the baby?" I asked him and he nods. "Okay, but don't we need to get stuff for the baby?"

"Yeah, but we gotta see if it's a boy or a girl first." he says and I nod. I soon started getting sleepy, so Kevin pulls the blanket over me and he lays down next to me. "Go ahead and rest babe. I'll be here." I nod and cuddled into him, and he wraps his arms around me. "Goodnight babe." he said.

"Goodnight Kevin." I said and I soon drifted off to sleep.

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