jealous; vmin

By kimfires

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"why do you want to have sex with me so bad?" "to piss him off." +++ jimin's tired of seeing his unrequited... More

one... hundred.... thousand?!?!
explaining the ending
new book + thank u again!


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By kimfires

o n e y e a r l a t e r

"jungkook's coming over in like ten minutes so finish getting dressed." jimin told taehyung as the younger groaned, rolling around in the bed.

"why can't we just stay home today." taehyung smirked as he pulled the shorter towards the bed, causing jimin to fall into his lap. taehyung looked lovingly into his boyfriend's eyes, wanting to rip his clothes off then and there.

"because," jimin stopped momentarily as he gazed into taehyung's eyes, still straddling the younger. "it's my birthday and i wanna do something memorable."

"we can do something memorable in this very bed." taehyung smirked.

"we do that every night though." jimin poured as he got up from the younger's lap, much to his protest. "now get dressed, we're going out for once." jimin chuckled.

taehyung pouted but reluctantly got up, walking to the clothes he had picked out the night before for the occasion. as he was getting dressed, there was a knock heard on the door. jimin sighed as he looked at his boyfriend who was still putting his shirt on. 

"hurry up, tae." jimin smiled at the boy as he went to answer the door.

"happy birthday!" jungkook almost squealed as he came inside the apartment, giving jimin a big hug. 

"thank you." jimin laughed, hugging the younger back. "where's junho?"

"he's parking the car and bringing your gift up. dude you're so old now." jungkook laughed.

"i know, right?" jimin nodded, chuckling as he knocked on taehyung's bedroom door. "hey bitch, you ready yet?" jimin yelled out. 

he was responded to with the door swiftly opening, and taehyung walking out. 

"about time." jimin laughed.

"shut up, i couldn't fix the thingy." taehyung said as he pointed to his arm, where his laced up sleeves were. he was wearing a large baggy black sweater that had laced up sleeves, and he was unable to tie it properly.

"don't you know how to tie your shoes? how different is that?" jungkook remarked.

"shut up, kook." taehyung laughed as he playfully rolled his eyes. 

at that moment, junho walked inside with a gift bag, smiling brightly.

"happy birthday, jimin!" junho smiled as he gave the shorter a brief hug, before handing him the bag. "it's from both of us." junho pointed to himself and jungkook. 

"thanks guys." jimin smiled as he looked into the bag. a loud gasp was heard.

jimin pulled out a large fluffy dinosaur onesie, complete with matching slippers, and a card. he opened the card to see there was a bit of money inside, and a heartfelt message. 

"thank you so much!" jimin grinned as he hugged the two at once. both just smiled and shook it off, as if to say 'no problem'. 

"we should get going if we wanna make it to dinner on time." taehyung suddenly brought up, checking his watch before grabbing his and jimin's coats from their respective hangers. 

"it's so weird i used to live here." jungkook laughed as he looked around. "there's even still that mark on the ceiling from when i tried to flip a wet pancake and got batter everywhere."  

"literally for the first three weeks i moved in, jimin kept calling your name as he knocked on my bedroom door." taehyung giggled. jimin smiled widely, before almost shitting himself when he felt his phone ring in his pocket.

"hello? yes, we're leaving now. okay, we'll meet you outside. kay. bye." jimin hung up while everyone looked at him expectantly.  "namjoon just told me he's leaving with seokjin now, and that hoseok and yoongi are on their way to the restaurant now. leggo." he said as he pointed to the door, everyone filing out one by one. 

a year ago, jimin would have never thought that he would be spending his birthday with jungkook and junho, whom he used to despise. but, after finding out what had really happened between everyone, he came to slowly forgive the younger. 

jungkook knew from the start that jimin and taehyung weren't really dating. he also knew that jimin liked him, he just didn't realise how much. when jimin had taehyung hook up with him just because he couldn't be with jungkook, the youngest felt horrible, so he faked a breakup with junho to let jimin be with him. jungkook's plan was to make jimin slowly see that he wouldn't be the ideal boyfriend so that jimin could finally get over him, but his plan backfired immensely when junho came over that night where everything went downhill.

jungkook let junho over since he had been missing him and getting suspicious of how little time he spent with him. not wanting junho to be hurt, he slept with him which only backfired when jimin came home. yes, jungkook was stupid for trying to keep two guys at once, but he just didn't want to hurt anyone. 

even more so, jungkook's plan backfired when he began to develop feelings for the shorter. he actually realised how amazing jimin was as a person, and felt himself wanting to keep him around. when jimin found them, jungkook idiotically thought fast and came up with such a horrible excuse that still haunts him to this day. when taehyung found out the truth and told jimin, it genuinely hurt jungkook when he was kicked out. he felt horrible that he had hurt the boy, and had regretted ever having the idea to date him just to help him get over him. 

jungkook became jealous, missing jimin and realised that it was taehyung's fault. he got back with junho, but still missed jimin.he especially got angry when taehyung moved in with the boy. he took his anger out on taehyung, needing a way for the two to give each other space. his jealousy consumed him, and so he paid a man to hook up with taehyung, in hopes jimin would find out he cheated and give them space. jungkook had no idea the man would rape him, he always thought taehyung never had a proper relationship because he was disloyal and got bored easily. because of this, jungkook thought he would cheat on jimin easily. 

that night when jungkook paid the man, he had no idea that taehyung was assaulted. it was only when  the man was put in prison for another assault a month later and taehyung spoke in court about his assault that jungkook realised what had happened. he felt sick and disgusting, and, riddled with guilt, went to their apartment and told them everything, jimin and taehyung finally understanding. 

after a few months of healing, the boys got closer again, even junho too, and they all became one whole friendship group again. and now, on jimin's birthday, he realised how lucky he was to have everyone in his life again.

"we're here." taehyung announced as he parked the car. that was another thing, taehyung had gotten his license. 

the four got out of the car, taehyung parking it before going inside to the restaurant. it wasn't anything fancy, just a nice general restaurant to get dinner. something normal.

the four met up with namjoon, seokjin, hoseok and yoongi at the entrance. after all their greetings and the exchanging of gifts, they all sat down, ordered, and chatted while waiting on their food.

"so, how's living with yoongs?" jimin asked hoseok. yoongi had only moved in with hoseok a month ago, but jimin hadn't seen the two much during that month, so he was eager to know what it was like. 

"better than i thought." hoseok chuckled, yoongi giving him a death glare.

"for the first week he moved in he wouldn't even sleep in his room, he said it still contained 'the ghosts of taehyung's past hookups'." hoseok laughed at yoongi who was trying -and failing- to kick him from under the table. 

"hey, that's not as bad as jungkook. when he first moved in with me, he'd scream every time he heard the doorbell ring, thinking it was the cops coming after me for drugs." junho laughed. 

"do you still deal?" seokjin whispered lowly, not wanting any other table to hear. 

"why, you want some?" junho asked.

"no, god no. it was just a question! everyone stop looking at me." seokjin raised his arms as if to say he was innocent.

"i stopped that a long time ago. i work in a bank now." junho said. he knew seokjin didn't know this since they didn't speak often, since jin was closer to taehyung and namjoon who both didn't speak to junho every day. 

"that's good." yoongi nodded. 

within no time, the food had arrived and everyone thanked the waiter, digging into their meals while sharing a few laughs across the table. it was nice, everyone was happy and enjoying themselves.

everyone was finally doing things because they wanted to, not because they wanted someone else to envy them. 

and because of that, they were all happy. really, really happy. 



it's done :O

i wanted to finish this before i left for france since i won't be able to write while i'm there

i made a kakaotalk! if you wanna chat w/ me over stupid stuff and cry over time differences then hmu  @thirstaehoe

PLEASE READ NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!1!!!1233251655%!!!!!!

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