Due To Fate [Boys Love Story]...

By Venusius

105K 4.2K 885

Two boys grow up in two different worlds. One from a wealthy and prestigious household while the other from a... More

How Have You Been
Rough Start
Sweet Revenge
Cheap Thrills
The Bet and A Kiss In One Frame
Timmy's Aftermath
Johnny's Aftermath
Late Night Snack and Talk
Waking Up With You
Mother Knows Best
We'll Miss You
A Joyful Wake For Our Dearly Departed
Suit and Tie
Pleasant To Meet You... Sir
Inquisitions, Demand, And Dramatic Antics
Johnny's Musings
Of Outrage and Jubilation
Sweet, Sweets, Sweeties
Sweet Tooth
Father and Son's Heart to Heart
Dinner for Dinner
Sleeping Over
A Nighttime Conversation (Part One)
A Nighttime Conversation (Part Two)
Diffusing A Scene On The Grounds Of Wong's Residence
Let's Get This Party Started
All Night
Trouble and Exposed
Never Have I Ever...
In Each Other's Arms
The Nile Is Not Just A River
Of Plots
Welcome to Spencer Manor
Healing Garden
Father's Love and Cautionary Advise
Family Dinner As Planned (Part One)
Chapter Thirty Four: Sweet Dreams
Family Dinner As Planned (Part Two)
Blocked Advances
Chapter Thirty Five: Beaches, Trunks, Bikinis, and Jealousies
Chapter Thirty Eight: Love Call
Chapter Thirty Seven: Planning For Tomorrow
Chapter Thirty Nine: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Forty: Eye Of The Storm Part One
Chapter Forty One: Eye Of The Storm Part Two
Chapter Forty Two: Seeing Rainbow
Chapter Forty Three: Nothing On You
Chapter Forty Four: Dirty Desire
Chapter Forty Five: Talk of the Town
Chapter Forty Seven: Promise Ring
Chapter Forty Eight: Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Chapter Thirty Six: Before The Big Day

1.2K 67 21
By Venusius

Chapter Thirty Six: Before The Big Day

It has been five days since the whole beach fiasco happened. Timmy's annoyance and strong envious feelings towards the little woman increased. The woman has been sticking to Johnny's side ever since that day, and Timmy was at his wit's end. Even if Genevieve was still hitting on him, he finds her very irritating.

Despite having mixed feelings about Johnny, Timmy missed his presence and attention. He knows that Johnny is busy, especially with his father getting remarried, his preparation for his class project case and graduation. Knowing all that, he still can't help it but think of him every moment resulting to shorter attention span.

It happened once, during class and he got called by a teacher. Timmy didn't answer as his mind was still on Johnny, his dream the other day, and his roller coaster ride of emotions. Suffice to say, his professor gave him an earful of lecture. Luckily, he was saved by the time, but he apologized before he left the room.

Tomorrow, Simon and Natasha will be marrying each other in the large backyard garden. Everything inside the Spencers household was hectic, very busy with preparations, setting the decorations and sound system, and making sure to be able to be on time for Saturday. People bustling in and out through the doors, and Timmy couldn't concentrate at all. He was near the veranda of the house, sitting with his homework on one of the round table. The umbrella plugged to the table shaded him from the very sunny, but breezy day.

Usually his solace was his own world by himself or with Bai and Lily. After his falling out with his old crowd from his high school, Timmy would either be all on his own or with family members. Right now, he is studying for classes, but his mind is filled of Johnny and missing his presence. Closing the opened book left untouched, he placed everything inside his bag to look for the man in his dream.

Timmy knocked on Johnny's door, but there was no answer. He tried calling his number, but all he could get is dial tone. His pair of lips turned upside down as he tucked away his phone. Immediately, he pivoted in search of him.Unfortunately, he knocked someone along the process, thus the person sprawled on the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," apologized Timmy as he held out his hand to the other person. That person grabbed the hand, but their face and figure was hidden by the bulky clothes. Observing the owner of the hand, it felt soft and feminine with the fingernails clean and shiny painted into a french manicure. Curious, he pulled the hood of the person, and was surprised the person was Genevieve.

"Genevieve?" The incredulous expression on Timmy's face showed how absurd the female's situation was. "Why are you sneaking around like a thief in daylight?"

Poor Genevieve. Her complexion was the opposite from Timmy as she had been found lurking around. She still had put on glamorous makeup on her beautiful face, but the eyes spokeof different matter. Genevieve looked around, her mouth quivering. On her own two feet, beautiful hazel eyes teared as she faced the man in front of her.

"Damn it, I got caught," she said to herself. "Uncle Simon, Johnny, and Brandon doesn't know this, but I really need to tell about this to someone, or else I'll implode," whispered Genevieve with her tearful and sobbing face."Ugh, why do you have to be so like him."

Timmy sighed before asking, "Are you okay? And, what do you mean by 'I'm like him'?"

Despite disliking her, he felt compelled to help her out. The old Timmy would never ask someone's situation and get into their business. But, after meeting a certain some, that has changed since. When Timmy heard something that pertained to him, his curiosity spiked. He has little to know who she was talking about, but he has a suspicious feeling that Genevieve knows this man and is closed to her.

Genevieve saw the puzzled look and hesitated to tell him the whole story. "I-I... Damn, I really need to tell someone about this..." She paused to think over her situation. The man you saw, when were at the beach, was one my fiance's right hand man's underling. He was sent here, all the way from Italy, to remind me of a family agreement. There is a hullabaloo about it, so I have to go through with this. It existed even when I wasn't even born, yet."

"If I can, I would have broken this contractual family agreement. Sadly, I can't break this type of contract so easily. Otherwise, lots of people are gonna get hurt, including Johnny, since that idiot thought Johnny's my boyfriend. By now, if I'm not wearing the ring before the wedding tomorrow, everyone here,including my brother and I, are screwed." Her hands came down on her head as she stared on the floor. "Would it hurt him if I just wanted to get away from him for awhile. To be free from the shackles and his type of a person. Aghhhh!"

"Uh huh." Nodding his head, Timmy said, "I'm still confuse on this whole thing. How does this have to do with Johnny, me, and everyone else involved in this matter?"

"You see, Giovanni's boss is just like you, but also different in many ways. That's why I've been so clingy to you. The moment I saw, you, I felt like I could be with him, while not him. You know?"

"No, I don't know."

"I meant that I could enjoy the illusion of you as him. And, you're just my type as an Asian. So handsome and prince like." The flirtatious Genevieve became alive, again. "Even though I don't like him, I fell in love with him."

Timmy just stared at the bizarre woman.She still saw the disbelief within Timmy's pupils.

"What? You can't really help, but fall in love in people you never expect to fall in love, too. That's destiny, or fate... Whatever you call it."

He couldn't help but nod in agreement to Genevieve's statement.

Sighing, Genevieve continued just as Timmy listened intently on the young woman. They were in a balcony,overseeing the garden filled with people working in a chaotic manner.There was another balcony a few meters away from them in their right,but it was empty.

Genevieve let out all the grief that's been building up since she came to the Spencers' Manor. "Ugh, why do I fall for assholes?"

Her little insult made Timmy raised his eyebrows. He was never partial to Genevieve so he didn't took offense to her insult.

"Okay... I know I'm an asshole and I couldn't careless about you insulting me, but please answer my question. You're going off tangent here. I'm going to tell Johnny or Simon about this if you don't start explaining yourself."

An alarmed went off on Genevieve's face. "No!" She yelled at Timmy's face. Taking hold both of his wrist, Timmy couldn't shake of her grip. "Please, don't. Especially not to Johnny. Look, remember the ring was given to Johnny from that stupid lug head. I need to get it back, but Johnny wont give it tome."

She let out a growl and made a scowling face as she crossed her arms. "My half brother's best friend wont give the ring back to me, until I start talking. I don't exactly feel kinda comfortable talking to someone who I haven't known for a longtime. Unlike you, who resembles him, I'd feel much better talking to you."

"Okay, seriously stop that."

Timmy slapped the hands that made it towards his thin but muscly arms. Light laughter echoed to his ears,as blinking puppy eyes and coquettish smile flashed across her face.Nothing could compare to the person he has on his mind. It only made him annoyed at her actions. The grin on her face disappeared as soon as she realized it doesn't work to her favors.

"If it helps, I'll do anything you want as long as you don't tell anyone what I've told you. Including Johnny, Simon, or your siblings. Anyone... Please?"

Timmy weighed in on her pleas. His hand touched his chin as he tilted his head to the side facing the sun.This gestured made the woman in front of him go down on her knees,but Timmy stopped her. "Don't do that," he said. "Fine, I'll agree to you terms, but we go about my way. Since, now I know you're going to be stealing from Johnny's room. I'll help you out. Here'show the plan works..."

Making sure there were no one around,he leaned forward and whispered something to her ears. As Genevieve listened, she nodded her head along. Timmy's plan was miles better than her breaking and entering the room despite having no knowledge on how to open the locked door of Johnny's personal room.

Across the way, down on the ground floor in the botanical garden was Johnny Spencers. He stood around making sure that everything was in place and that his father and soon to be mother was less worried about their wedding venue. After directing about where everything should be placed, Johnny sighed at the hectic work he'd taken on. Even with finishing his school work,graduation plans, and taking on solving his father's wedding planning, his mind was still wrecking havoc on him. His focus was still impeccable, but if this keeps up, Johnny would eventually burnout.

Almost finishing up with the work,Johnny had an inkling and felt he should turn. Lo and behold, he saw Timmy and Genevieve in one of the Manor's balcony. It looked like they were smooching with each other for a long time. If the sound of breaking one's heart could be heard, loud and clear, everyone would have felt sorry and be troubled for Johnny.

Three hours later, the sun was almost setting, giving off a purple and orange hues in the sky. Clouds had rolled in, blocking the sun rays. With the heavy clouds atop the atmosphere, any moment the grayish sky could cry anytime.

Johnny was in his room, cooped up in his space. He had already informed Simon and Natasha, that he wasn't feeling well and skipped dinner altogether. His mind was still within the confinements of the scene he had just saw that afternoon. The concerned father wanted him to get checked up by the resident physician in their area, but he declined.

Within his room, the emotions he was experiencing was akin to a great balls of fire. Mixed of anger, hurt,jealousy, and stupidity all rolled into one. He felt like an idiot person for even expressing his feelings to someone who doesn't reciprocate back. The anger and jealousy was aimed towards his best friend's sister, as she was the one receiving the love that was supposed to be his. The pain from his broken heart can be healed, but right now it still sore.

Glancing at the clock on top of his beside table, it read nine forty eight in the evening. Dinner was well over, and even if his stomach was begging him to eat, his mind was telling him that he's too preoccupied to eat. But, when nature calls, he went to his personal bathroom and emptied his bladder.

After washing his hands, he stared at his reflection to see what was wrong with him. Seconds turned to minutes, but still he found nothing in the mirror. With a sigh, he exited out of his room. About to lay his body on his bed, he heard a sharp knocks coming from the outside of the entrance door.

Curious as to who it was, he went and opened the door. Lo and behold it was the person he is pining for.Johnny couldn't help but be bitter and hurt towards the man in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" Spoke Johnny harshly at Timmy.

Timmy was taken aback by the way Johnny has spoken to him. A puzzled look flashed on his face as he asked the man in front of him a favor. "Hey, is something wrong? I haven't seen you since this morning, plus you didn't diner tonight. Are you feeling better now?"

After propping the bat along the wall of his room, Johnny smirked in a cynical way as he walked up to Timmy. In one moment, Timmy was outside in the hallway, and in one second he was being pulled into his room. The space between them were far too close for Timmy to like with Johnny's behavior. As the prey backed slowly from the predator, Timmy's backed touched a wall.Johnny's arms propped against the wall, encasing Timmy from escaping.

"I saw you kissing my best friend'ssister," said Johnny as he gritted his teeth. Anger exhumed allover him as he fixed his stare on Timmy.

"What?" Perplexed Timmy wasrendered speechless as he tried to find how Johnny could have come toconclusion. "Where did you even get that stupid idea? I've beentrying to get away from her really badly. You think making up storiesis funny?" He laughed haughtily at the absurdity in Johnny'sstatement.

"Then what were you two doing in thebalcony this afternoon? I saw you two with your faces neck to neckwith each other. It looked like you were sucking her face!"Johnny's jaw clenched after retelling what he think he saw.

It was Timmy's turn to scoff.

"Are you kidding me?! Johnny, I was whispering something to her. I didn't want anyone listening on us when I told her my about my plan on how I can help her." He straightened his back and pushed Johnny lightly. That didn't really do anything except get him even more angry.

He sees the angry face appearing on Johnny, and it was Timmy's turned to get annoyed.

"Look I don't even know why you think I kissed that woman, but I didn't. If you don't believe me, go ask her. Anyways, I was just helping her get that thing so she could stop hounding me. She's very persistent, and I... Shit." Timmy's explanation eased Johnny a little, but his suspicion on Timmy was still there. "You still don't believe me?"

"How do I know you're not lying right now?"

"You fucking want proof? Fine!"

In a matter of seconds Johnny became mute as he was surprised at what Timmy did. He felt the sensation of the rough hands around his neck being pulled closer to the other man.His eyes grew to the size of a saucer pan with jaws slacked open just as Timmy attacked him with a passionate kiss. It was filled with his longing for a person Timmy had been wanting to spend time with.

Now, the predator had became a prey and the prey turned to a predator. Johnny's slight opened mouth gave Timmy the opportunity to insert his tongue and caressed the other man's wet organ.

Regaining his train of thoughts, Johnny returned the kiss tenfold more on his kissing partner. They sucked each others life force like they were on the brink of death. With their heavy eyelids, their breathing became jagged and deep just as both hands contacted with the others' skin.

Soon, their fervent kissing had them taking off their clothes. The shirts were the first to leave from their body, their lips separated only for a moment. When their shirt were strewn across the room, both proceed to sucking each others oral liquids from their mouth. Then, Johnny's lips traveled to Timmy's neck, hitting a sensitive spot. A groan escaped from the man's lips as Johnny continued to lick and nibble.

These two were lost in their own world and everything around them were static noises. They didn't care that they had forgotten to lock the door as their rational thoughts were gone during their rabid soul sucking session. Just as they touch each other sensitive and stiffening genitals, a person interrupted by their loud gasp.

"Il Mio Santo Dio!"



So guys I wont be updating a chapter next week, but I'll be publishing a special separate chapter related to Johnny and Timmy, Due To Fate characters. If you've got questions for these boys, any other characters in the book or at the author (MOI?) then just comment down below or message me. I'll be answering all your questions through a Q&A with the main characters of the book. So, lots of breaking the fourth wall on this one.



Urgent Update!!!! Just copied and pasted the one I wrote in YuZhouverse Book. I'm still devastated, I really don't want to try to form any words. 😩

Okay, I still can't write when they're having sex. Feels a bit weird for me, but I'm getting there! Somehow. Lol, anyways my laptop gave up on me. *Flips table* and T_T. So, all my chapters saved are gone for Due To Fate, my new stories that I'm writing, and the sites I've been translating from, are all gone too. Luckily, I saved the one novel that I was translating, but have to go look for a computer or laptop.

But all my hard work. Gone.
(ノTДT)ノ ┫:・'.::・┻┻:・'.::・

We'll see how it goes. Ugh!
(ノTДT)ノ ┫:・'.::・┻┻:・'.::・

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