Harmonize | niam au sequel |

By twinkiepayne

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" You're a pain, you know that right?" " Of course I know that. I like pushing your buttons." ~*~*~ The... More

last author's note :(


234 9 3
By twinkiepayne

Drew and Sage were alone with each other in a hallway that no one goes in before Sage's practice. Drew didn't have anymore football practices and Brendon didn't have anymore marching band practice, so the two got to go home. Only time could tell when Brendon was going to show up for Drew to drive him home.

Drew's and Sage's relationship was still on the down low and they were glad no one knew about it. It makes things so much more easier. Except people are starting to catch on that Drew is dating someone and Sage is dating someone. People just don't know they're dating each other.

" How was school today baby?" Sage asks. Drew let's out a groan.

" Don't even get me started. Apparently people found out I'm dating someone so I have people left and right asking who I'm dating." Drew says. Sage quickly pecks his lips.

" Oh same. Even Brendon is starting to ask and I feel bad because I keep lying to him." Sage says. Drew places his lips on Sage's forehead.

" We'll tell him soon. I just don't want him freaking out about us." Drew says.

" I don't think he will." Sage says.

" We'll have to see." Drew says. Drew's phone vibrates in his pocket. Drew lets out a groan and pulls his phone out.

" Who is it?" Sage asks.

" Who you think it is? It's Brendon." Drew says. He looks at the message.

From Dumb Brother 🙄 to DJ 🎧 :

Bitch, the fuck you at? I wanna go home

" What does Brendon want?" Sage asks.

" He's asking where I'm at. Which means I probably should leave before he finds us." Drew says.

" I do have to go to practice soon too." Sage says. Drew places his lips on Sage's.

" Alright, have fun at practice. Don't get hurt." Drew says. Sage smiles.

" I'll try not to." Sage says. The two separate from each other. Sage walks in the direction of the gym and Drew walks towards the exit students use to go the parking lot. Drew was walking towards the door when he sees Brendon and Ryan talking by the door. And by the looks of it, Brendon did not want to talk to him.

Drew starts walking up to them," Ryan, when will you learn that he doesn't want to talk to you?"

The two look at him. Ryan frowns and Brendon gives him a big smile.

" When will you learn that Brendon should fight his own battles?" Ryan says.

" Ryan, I've told you multiple times, I don't want to fucking talk to you." Brendon says.

" Bitch, I need to talk to you." Ryan says.

" He doesn't want to talk to you. Leave him the fuck alone." Drew says. Ryan gets into Drew's face.

" Was I talking to you? I don't think so." Ryan says.

" You're not talking to me either, so leave us alone." Brendon says. Brendon looks at Drew," Let's go."

The two brothers walk away until Ryan stops them.

" Wouldn't it suck if I told Brendon who you were dating DJ?" Ryan says. Drew stops before the door and turns around to face Ryan. Ryan had a huge smirk on his face. He was going to mess with Drew now.

" You don't know who the fuck I'm dating." Drew says.

" Or maybe I do. She seems pretty close to you and your family." Ryan says. Drew looks at Brendon and then back at Ryan. Drew walks up to Ryan.

" How the fuck do you know who I'm dating?" Drew whispers.

" It's pretty obvious. You guys are bad at keeping secrets." Ryan says. Drew wanted to punch the shit out of Ryan, but he knew he would get in trouble. He had to contain his anger.

" I swear to god if you tell anyone, I will fucking rip you to shreds." Drew says.

" I don't understand why you want to keep it a secret. Maybe because you're dating a grade 9." Ryan says. Brendon looks at his brother weird.

" DJ, who are you dating?" Brendon asks now getting into the arguement. Drew shakes his head and looks at Brendon.

" Don't worry about it." Drew says.

" Shouldn't he worry about it? He knows the girl." Ryan says. Drew looks back at Ryan.

" I swear to god if you say something you're going to get your arse whipped." Drew says.

" Is there something you're not telling me DJ?" Brendon asks.

" I told you not to worry about it Brendon. Don't get in my life." Drew says.

" He could be saying the same thing. Now, do you want me to tell Brendon who you're dating or am I allowed to talk to him?" Ryan blackmails. Drew shakes his head and looks at Brendon.

" You don't want to talk to him, correct?" Drew says.

" That's correct. He doesn't deserve to talk to me." Brendon says. Drew looks back at Ryan.

" Did you hear that you son of a bitch? He clearly doesn't want to talk to you, so will you leave him alone for once? Blackmailing me won't help with you being such a dickhead to my brother." Drew says.

" I'm not a fucking dickhead. You're the dickhead who won't tell your own brother that you're dating his-"

Drew cuts Ryan off," That's it! I'm kicking his arse!"

Before Drew could attack Ryan, Brendon grabs Drew's arm and pulls him back. Brendon makes Drew look at him.

" Let him go. Let's just leave him alone. I don't want you getting in trouble." Brendon says. Drew could feel his blood boiling as Brendon was talking with him. Ryan was going to be the death of him.

" I'm sorry Brendon, but he's threatening both of us! How am I not going to do anything about it?" Drew says.

" Violence doesn't solve anything DJ. Let's just go home and forget about him." Brendon says. Drew lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

" Fine," Drew says. He point his finger at Ryan behind Brendon's back," We're not done bitch."

" And I'm still not done with Brendon." Ryan says. Brendon drags Drew out of the school before anything else goes on. Brendon did not want Drew to get in trouble. The two stand outside of the school. Brendon gives Drew a sincere look.

" Are you okay DJ?" Brendon asks. Drew lets out another breath and runs his fingers through his hair.

" I guess. Are you okay? I'm sorry the dickhead keeps talking to you, I'll try and make him go away next time." Drew says.

" It's okay DJ, you don't have to keep fighting my battles. I'll actually talk to him next time and tell him how I feel about everything. Then hopefully he'll leave me alone." Brendon says.

" I'm sorry you actually liked that loser," Drew says," Let's go home now."

Brendon let's out a little laugh," I like that idea."

The brothers walk towards Drew's car. Drew unlocks the car and the two get in the car. Drew starts the car and drives out of the parking lot. Both boys wanted to get out of that damn school.

The two sat in silence the whole car ride home. They were both thinking about the situation that just happened with Ryan. As Drew drove into their neighborhood, Brendon decided to break the silence.

" DJ, why wouldn't you tell me your girlfriend's name? I know we're not really close, but it hurts that you're not telling me things like this. I deserve to know especially if she's my age and I know her." Brendon says playing with his backpack strings. He didn't want to look at Drew, he thought he would get yelled at by his brother.

Drew tightly grabbed the wheel. He didn't really want to talk about the whole girlfriend situation with Brendon. He might figure it out it's Sage and Drew doesn't want that to happen yet.

" My girlfriend and I agreed we didn't want to tell anyone about our relationship. We wanted to keep it a secret." Drew explains.

" But why?" Brendon asks.

" Because we didn't want people freaking out about it. Everyone was freaking out about me and Sophia, and I didn't want that this time." Drew says. Brendon looks at his backpack.

" Sorry I asked. I just wanted to know." Brendon says. Drew smiles a small smile.

" Don't say you're sorry. I get it. I would be curious too." Drew says. Drew pulls into the driveway and parks his car. He stops his car and both boys get out of the car.

They walk into the house right as Niall says," Oh damn Liam! That feels great! Keep going!"

The brothers look at each other as they slip their shoes off by the door.

" I swear if they're having sex again I'm going to go jump down a well." Brendon says.

" I'll be joining you." Drew says.

" Boys? You home?" Niall calls. Drew and Brendon walk into the living room where Niall and Liam were. The brothers were relieved when they just saw their parents laying on the ground, Liam massaging Niall's 14 week stomach. Niall smiles at his sons as Liam waves at them.

" Hello boys. How was school?" Niall asks.

" It was good." Drew says.

" Ryan keeps trying to talk to me." Brendon says.

" That boy will never learn to leave you alone. Sorry to hear that baby." Niall says.

" It's okay. I'll actually try to get rid of him next time." Brendon says.

" Good for you Brendon." Liam says.

" Thanks papa." Brendon says looking down at his hands.

" So, why is pa massaging your stomach?" Drew asks mentioning to what's happening between the two.

" My stomach was feeling sore so I'm making papa massage it." Niall says. The brother's nod their heads.

" Well, I'm going upstairs." Brendon says.

" And I'll join you." Drew says. The two start walking up the stairs.

" Make sure you're doing your homework! Dinner should be ready soon!" Niall calls after them.

" Okay dad!" They both call back. The two get in their room and they start doing their homework while Niall moaned with pleasure downstairs.


Hey y'all! Sorry this chapter kinda sucked!

I found my laptop and I started writing on my laptop again. Im so excited I loved writing with my laptop cause I actually get to use gifs. So expect more gifs!!

Hope you are all okay! Have a good day everyone!

Thank you for reading and please vote. I love you all.


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