one-shots [klaine]

By thereekofgleek

49.1K 1.3K 2.3K

a completed collection of one-shots about kurt hummel and blaine anderson, from fluffy to angsty to purely hu... More

Rainy Night
Everything Fanfiction
Another Shot At Love
The Fourth Of Many
Together At Last
The Lyrics Of Our Lives
One Step
They're Just Rumours
One Night Stand?
Our Own Night
Have Courage, Kurt.
Love Is Strong Enough For Us
Our Differences Make Us One
I Smile For All My Fans But I Smile The Most For You
My Baby Girl
I Got Lost Without You
As If In Every Lifetime...
Fluff, Shopping, And Divas
Fluff, Cuddling, And A Baby
I've Lied For So Long
My Beloved Knight
I Sea A Love Growing
Only A Memory Now
just a little note

I Cherish You, Mister Hummel

1.4K 45 74
By thereekofgleek

I love teachers!Klaine lmao


"Mr Anderson, why is there nothing written on the whiteboard?"

Blaine sighed, "To be honest, I couldn't think of a good lesson to do. Maybe you could do your favourite songs or songs about acceptance or anything really. Does anyone have something prepared?"

When he had taken over coaching the Glee club he knew it would be an amazing thing to do, for the children and himself. He always had a lesson prepared and offered fantastic advice. But this week Blaine's mind was so full and so empty at the same time.

Tanya was the only one to raise her hand (she was like the Rachel of the group). "I always have a song at the ready."

"Go ahead then."


"That was fantastic as usual, Tanya. Take a seat please." As she did, Mr Anderson sighed again.

"Are you okay, Mr A?" a student named Xavier asked. He was always the kindest and most caring.

Blaine considered lying for a moment. Then, he slumped down on the piano bench and sighed for the millionth time that day. "No."

"What's wrong? Are you going through a breakup?"

Mr Anderson laughed curtly, "No, quite the opposite... I want to propose to Mr Hummel."

Tanya spoke up from where she was sat in the front row, "I don't see a single thing wrong with that."

"But I can't find a good way to do it. What if it's too early? What if he doesn't want to marry me? What if -"

The only girl in the furthest row back stated, "You've been together for five years, you talk about him all the time - and trust me, he does the same, it's actually kind of annoying - and whenever he stops by here you won't stop eye fucking long enough for us to get anything done. If anyone should be worried it's us because once you're married you won't stop talking about your amazing husband. I pity anyone who takes French class because he'll likely do that too. Plus we can totally help you plan."

Blaine whole face lit up. "Thank you, Alice."

"I've always wanted to help plan a proposal."

"You guys are so perfect together, this was bound to happen sooner than later."


Blaine laughed again, "Thank you, all of you. Now if you'll excuse me I want to talk to Principal Schuester so talk amongst yourselves or get some numbers prepared."


"It's about damn time," Will said from where he was sat behind his desk. "I was wondering when you'd do it because you two are so in love I can smell it from here."

"O-okay then. But Kurt hasn't agreed to anything yet so this could all end in a big fail."

"He will."

Some weeks later

Kurt capped his marker when he saw that someone was knocking on the French classroom's door. He motioned for them to come in as they could see from the small window. "What are you doing here, Tanya? Does Principal Schuester need me?"

"No, but Mr Anderson does. Come with me."

Mr Hummel frowned, "But I have a class to teach. I'd love to come but-"

"They can come, too if they wish."

When Kurt left the room, Tanya faced the class that was in different degrees of getting up, "I know we've talked about this already but I think I need to say it again. If any of you are homophobic assholes you better get your sorry asses out of here. Now come on."

Mr Hummel stood at the choir room wondering why no-one was inside. Then, the music started. A group of kids - oh! Those are the Glee kids (Kurt had wondered why none of them attended class but assumed it was preparation for a school performance or something of the like) - appeared from the bend at the end of the hallway. They all wore nice clothes but not enough to consider it elaborate costumes.

When his boyfriend stepped out from behind the kids (he was short enough that he could hide behind some of his students) Kurt was shocked. Mr Anderson was wearing a white, black, and yellow sweater vest over a plain white shirt, with a yellow jacket that fit him perfectly and - of course - a blue bowtie with red and green stripes. Yellow trousers and white shoes with black laces finished off everything.

He started singing the lead while Kurt was left staring at how perfect he looked and sounded and everything, really.

All I am, all I'll be
Everything in this world
All that I'll ever need
Is in your eyes
Shining at me
When you smile I can feel
All my passion unfolding
Your hand brushes mine
And a thousand sensations
Seduce me 'cause I

Kurt realised what song this was. Either he was totally missing the point or his life was about to change. As Blaine kept singing with that voice of angels, Mr Hummel realised that all his closest friends from high school were there: Rachel with Jesse, Mercedes, Santana and Brittany, Sam, Tina and Artie...

I do cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don't have to think twice
I will love you still
From the depths of my soul
It's beyond my control
I've waited so long to say this to you
If you're asking do I love you this much
I do

The tears were flowing from blue-green eyes, a sign of how emotional this whole thing really was.

In my world, before you
I lived outside my emotions
Didn't know where I was going
'Til that day I found you
How you opened my life
To a new paradise
In a world torn by change
Still with all of my heart
'Til my dying day

Blaine, with his perfectly gelled hair, started smiling from ear to ear. If he didn't marry this man standing just a bit in front of him, he would think his life wasted.

I do cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don't have to think twice
I will love you still
From the depths of my soul
It's beyond my control
I've waited so long to say this to you
If you're asking do I love you this much
I do

If you're asking do I love you this much
I do
Oh, I do

The kids and their friends were all clapping, some crying as well. Kurt was standing completely still, staring at the man he loved more than anything in the world.

"You said your "I do" before the wedding."

Blaine laughed, "At least let me say the speech I prepared."

He laughed as well, "Alright, Mister-I-Suck-At-Romance."

He couldn't smile any wider so Blaine took a step closer to his boyfriend. "Kurt. When we met, just over five years ago, in that teacher meeting, I already knew that we were meant to be, fearlessly and forever. The way you looked at me with eyes of the oceans, the way you smiled at me with a smile of the sun, the way you talked to me with a voice of angels. It's like my soul knew something my mind and my body didn't know yet. I chased after you, with the purpose of calling this beautiful, loving man 'mine'. And you were crazy enough to let me. And for five years, we've stuck with each other and helped each other and loved each other. And I know that all I want to do, all I've ever wanted to do is spend my life loving you. So..."

Sam handed him a black velvet box from where he was stood right next to Blaine.

"... Kurt Hummel, my best friend, my one true love," He knelt down in front of Kurt. "Will you marry me?"

The silence lasted only for a couple seconds before Kurt made his life-changing decision, "Yeah... yeah."

They immediately melted into a kiss, overcome with the whole situation. The ring was placed on Kurt's hand and they hugged for what seemed like an eternity.

Later when he would look at his ring with Blaine in his arms, and exchange it for a wedding ring, and see it in all its glory, he would see the three words marked on the inside and think of lucky he truly was to have gotten Blaine into his life.

Fearlessly and forever


The song used was 'I Do (Cherish You)' by 98 Degrees

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