The Half-Blood Princess / Dra...

By Dil_With_This

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y/N Snape had made it to Second year, ever since her muggle grand mother d... More

First Things First
Chapter 1-A Death Eater
Chapter 2-Book Shop
Chapter 3-Do i really love her?
Chapter 4-Mandrakes
Chapter 5-Circumstances
Chapter 7-Murmurs
Chapter 8-Sorry
Chapter 9-Writing on the Wall
Chapter 10-Salazar Slytherin
Chapter 11-Moste Potente Potion
Chapter 12-Blodger Disaster
Chapter 13-Dueling Club
Chapter 14-Polyjuice Potion
Chapter 15-The Diary
Chapter 16-Hermione
Chapter 17-Trust
Chapter 18-Book Page
Chapter 19-The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 20-Home

Chapter 6-Memories and Mudblood

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By Dil_With_This

Chapter 6-Memories and Mudblood

  3rd Person's POV:

  The dormitory was ghost-quiet when Y/N opened her eyes, the swoosh of the wind from the window and the hoot of Charcoal was the only thing you can hear. A quiet snore from Millicent was filling the whole dorm, Y/N rubbed her eyes sitting up as the smooth fabric of the comforter rubbed at her skin lightly. She started tilting her head left and right looking at her roommates, they were all sound asleep. She looked up at the huge clock that is in the corner of their dormitory, it was two thirty four in the morning. Yawning, Y/N stretched and wondered why did she woke up this early, then she remembered. It was because of her dream, not a nightmare and not just any dream, but a memory.

  Trying to recover the memory, as it flashes back to her head and it was all coming back. The face of her brother, Severus, was in her dream. She stared down at her feet that is covered with the comforter of the her bed trying to remember every detail of the memory or dream, as Millicent's snores were heard from the background. It was all coming back again and again, the picture of her as a little kid and the beautiful butterfly that she had caught, it was coming back to her head.


  A kid that was about 6 years old was running around the huge space of grass from the edge of the forest, a man that have a long nosy nose and a greasy hair that is shining from the stream of light from the sun, walked behind the kid as his long black robe was trailing behind him as his expressionless black eyes followed the kid's every move. The kid was running with its tiny hand up in the air trying to catch a beautiful butterfly, her shoulder length hair that were the same shade of black from the man trailed behind her, her eyes that is following the butterfly's every movement, the kid's eye color weren't the same, the other was a bright green color and the other was the same black from the man.

  The man had walked right next to a tree sit down and watched the kid. The man's name was, Severus Snape, his long black robe draped down on the grass as he sat down. His little sister, Y/N Snape, had been trying to catch a butterfly all day. The two siblings had just visited their parents, Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince, grave at Godric Hollows they had given their parents fresh flowers, but they didn't just visited their parents at Godric Hollows they also visited Severus's old friend Lily Potter.

  Y/N had successfully caught the butterfly that she had been trying to catch for the past twenty minutes, she immediately run towards Severus as fast as her tiny legs can.

  "Look Severus! I caught it! I finally caught one!" She said happily, a huge smile had stretched across her lips also revealing her perfectly white as snow teeth.

  "Congratulations," said Severus, looking at the butterfly, its wings was a beautiful shade of black and green.

  "Can you please do the magic and make a jar! I wanna keep this pretty butterfly!" She squeak to her brother, Severus wiped out his wand and with a swish a glass jar had appeared down at the glass as Y/N's eyes and mouth opened widely in shock.

  "That was amazing!" She said, trying to open the lid of the jar with her tiny hand, struggling, Severus opened it for her as she carefully put the butterfly in the jar. Putting on the lid again, she looked at the butterfly through the glass as Severus looked at her.

  "I wanna keep it forever!" She said, still smiling.

  "You can't keep that forever, Y/N," Severus said, as Y/N looked at him with a confused look.

  "Why not?" She asked, innocently, pouting a bit and looking through Severus's eyes.

  "Because that's life. There's no such thing as forever, everything have it's own ending. Even how much you hold on to the memory or an object, it will still be gone. But, treasure those moments while you still can. You won't understand this until you're old enough," he explained to the small kid that was now sitting right next to him, looking up at him with her green and black pupil innocently, she was still holding the jar that inside of it was the butterfly that she had caught.

  "So, that means I have to let this pretty butterfly go?" She asked, pouting, looking down at the butterfly through the glass.

  "No. Just ready yourself when it's gone, and remember this moment that you had with the butterfly," he said, as the kid's face lighten up. Y/N stood up to her feet and ran next to the rows of flowers, she opened the lid of the jar and lifter it up as the butterfly flapped it's black and green wings and flew up in the air.

  "Bye bye, pretty butterfly!" She squeak, waving up in the air looking at the butterfly fly up in the air. She ran back to her brother and sat back down.

  "Why did you let it go?" asked Severus, looking down at his little sister, smiling.

  "Because I remembered that we all have friends and family and the pretty butterfly also have a friends and family, so I let it free to be with its friends and family! That wouldn't be nice if I keep him away from them," Y/N said innocently, looking up to her brother, still smiling, Severus nodded as the both of them looked up to watch the butterfly.

  It had landed into a beautiful flower, Y/N was too young to know what the flower was called, but she admired it. "What flower is that, Severus?" She asked him.

  "It's a lily flower," said Severus, Y/N looked back at the butterfly.

  "It's very pretty!" She said, admiring the flower.

  "Yes, it is very pretty," he repeated.

  "I wanna have a whole garden planted just those lily flowers!" She squeak, stretching her arms widely imagining the garden, then Y/N remembered the name. "We visited someone named lily at Godic Hollow, right?" asked Y/N, not saying the word 'Godric' properly.

  Severus didn't answered, his lips curled as Y/N looked up at him waiting for an answer. After for awhile of silence, Severus finally made a move, he looked down at Y/N and his lips stretches into a smile, a true smile. A shiny drop of tear had fall down Severus's pale face, Y/N was shocked, this was the first time she had saw Severus smile and tear up.

  "Why are you crying?" Y/N asked, tilting her head. Severus didn't answer, as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him.


  Everything makes sense now, Y/N smiled to herself like an idiot while sat down at her bed at two thirty four in the morning. Y/N flopped back down at her bed, sighing, she looked up to the ceiling remembering Severus's true smile. That was the real him, he wasn't this strict teacher that hates every students except the Slytherins, the real him is he loved and cared about Lily Potter and cared for me, that's who he truly is. Y/N played with her hair as she slowly felt her eyes feeling drowsy, her eyes slowly started to close as she fell into a deep sleep and into her own world in her dreams, again.

  Very early in the morning, Y/N didn't find Harry, Ron and Hermione at the Great Hall. She had already expected where they were, she hurried out of the castle and ran to the Quidditch pitch. Ron and Hermione were already sat down eating some toast and marmalade, but Harry was nowhere to be seen. Y/N walked up to them as they spotted her and waved.

  "Good morning!" Y/N greeted politely at them, as they said 'Good Morning' back.

  "How are you Snape's sibling? You're so nice, and his-" Ron didn't have the chance to finish his sentence, Y/N had already given her a stare that Severus usual give him when he screwed up at a potion. "That's why..." He said awkwardly, and looked back at the court.

  "Want some?" asked Hermione, Y/N looked over at Hermione, she was stretching out her hand with a piece of toast to offer it to her.

  "Thank you," I said, as I kindly accepted the piece of toast.

  The pitch was empty, the cold breeze of the morning was all over the pitch, the fog was almost covering the whole pitch. The court wasn't really that empty, Y/N saw a boy that wasn't too far from the three of them he have dirty blonde hair and a picture in his hand, he was sat down patiently, Y/N didn't have to ask who he was and who he was looking for. It was Colin Creevey.

  Minutes of waiting, the sun was already out and was shining brightly. Harry had finally got out of the locker room wearing his scarlet Quidditch robe and his Nimbus 2000 in his hand.

  "Aren't you finished yet?" Asked Ron, impatiently.

  "Haven't even started," said Harry, looking jealously at the toast and marmalade we had in our hands. "Wood been teaching us new moves."

  Y/N tear the toast into two pieces and stretched her hand out to Harry, he accepted it giving Y/N a smile as they both smiled at each other for awhile. He finished the piece of toast before mounting his broom and kicked off the ground, soaring up in the air.

  Seconds after Harry had soared up in the air, Slytherins was entering the Quidditch pitch wearing their green robes, they were all holding new shiny brooms, the broom was magnificent it had little touches of green at the bottom as it makes it way up into a full on black. Watching the Slytherins enter the Quidditch pitch, Y/N saw a familiar shade of platinum blonde hair, it was too easy to know who it was. Draco Malfoy.

  "I smell trouble," said Ron, the Gryffindors was now on the ground facing the Slytherins. The three of them make their way to the two teams  that were firing with glares at each other.

  "Flint!" shout Wood at the Slytherin Captain. "This is our practice time! We got up specially! You can clear off now!"

  Marcus Flint was larger than Oliver Wood. He had the look of the troll that Ron and Harry beat last year, his large teeth was visible in front of him amiing him look like a half vampire half werewolf. "Plenty of room for all of us, Wood."

  Wood wasn't pleased by this reply. The girls from the Gryffindor team had also came down to the ground too, there were no girls on the Slytherin team, the two teams stood facing each other shoulder by shoulder.

  "But I booked the field!" argue Wood positively, saying it with full rage. "I booked it!"

  "Ah," said Flint, smirking. "But I've got a specially signed note here from Professor Snape. I, Professor S. Snape, give the Slytherin team permission to practice today on the Quidditch field owing to the need to train their new Seeker'. " Y/N already knew who the new seeker was.

  "You've got a new seeker?" said Wood, distracted by the new seeker. "Where?"

  And behind the six large boys behind them was a thin, attractive ( (; ) boy. It was Draco.

  "Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son?" asked Fred, looking at Draco with full dislike.

  "Funny you should mention Draco's father," said Flint, smirking even wider as well as the other Slytherins. "Let me show you the generous gift he's made to the Slytherin team."

  Each and everyone of them was holding seven new polished, Nimbus 2001, the gold writing were shined from the sun under the Gryffindors noses.

  "Those are Nimbus 2001! How did you get those?!" asked Ron in shock.

  "A gift from Draco's father," sneered Flint, still smirking.

  "See Weasley, unlike some my father can afford the best!" said Draco to Ron, smirking broadly.

  "Atleast no one in the Gryffindor team can buy their way in, they got in on pure talent," said Hermione sassily, shooting Draco a glare.

  "No on asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood," he sneered, Y/N had shot a death stare at Draco. The Gryffindors flinched, as well as Y/N, one of the girls from the Gryffindor team shrieked, "How dare you?!"

  "Malfoy!" I shout at him angrily, as he took a glance at me shooting him a glare from Y/N. Draco knew that he did something wrong, Y/N don't call him by his last name except if he had done something wrong that cross the line.

  "You'll pay for the one, Malfoy!" said Ron, as he took out his wand that were still covered in Spellotape.

  "Ron no!" warned Y/N, stopping him but it was too late.

  "Eat slugs!" shout Ron, a loud bang had echoed around the pitch, his wand back fired and had shot him backwards to the ground. His face was paler than ever, his wand got out his hand as he bent down, everyone except the Slytherins, who were laughing, ran up to Ron.

  "Are you okay, Ron?" asked Hermione. "Say something!"

  Just as Hermione said this, Ron had opened his mouth no words came out, instead slugs. A slimey slug had got out of his mouth and to the ground, as a string of his own saliva was hanging from his mouth.

  "Ugh..." Y/N tried to look away, to avoid vomiting.

  "Wow!" a click of a camera flashed their sight, it was Colin Creevey, with his camera on clutched on his hand. "Can you turn him around, Harry?!"

  "No Colin! Get out of the way!" demand Harry, as he and Hermione helped Ron get up and spitting a another glistening slug leaving a another string of his own saliva. "Let's take him to Hagrid."

  The two of them leaded Ron our of the pitch as Y/N left behind giving Draco a another glare.

  "Well done, Malfoy," said Y/N to Draco. He had felt that he messed up, Y/N don't call him with his last name if there wasn't any reason behind it. The other Slytherins echoed the whole pitch with their laughter, as Draco fell silence watching Y/N walked out of the Quidditch pitch and disappearing from sight.


  Draco's POV:

  Ugh! I'm such an idiot! I cannot clearly focus on the snitch, while Y/N's words was in the back of my head. "Well done, Malfoy."

  She called me 'Malfoy', that's not good. Y/N calling me by my last name wasn't a good sign. Why am I such an idiot?! I was cursing to myself too much that I wasn't really payi g attention on what was going on the practice.

  "Draco!" I heard Flint called out for me, I flew down at the ground and walked up to him. "You're not paying attention at the snitch. I saw the snitch flew right beside you!"

  "I-i.... Well-" I stutter not knowing what to say, as he glared at me. He started shouting at me nonstop, some of it I wasn't listening I was zone out. You're not the boss of me, you're just the Quidditch Captain not father, you're the ugliest rabbit I've ever seen.

  "Malfoy! Are you listening to me?!" He shouts.

  "Of course I'am!" I shout back, he stared talking nonstop once again. "Okay! Okay! Okay! I get your point!"

  "You sure?!" He shouts again.

  "If you shout one more, my eardrums are dead!" I told him, he told me to get back in the air and pay attention with the snitch more. I got up in the air and tried to look where the snitch was, but I still can't focus the voice of Y/N was still at the back of my mind.

  "Well done, Malfoy."


Is it quite obvious that I started getting lazy with the last part? Sorry about that.

Flint may have been the ugliest rabbit I've ever seen. Do you guys loved that back story I made? Do you? Do you? Do you?

Okay I'm acting like a little kid that just wants friends. I'm gonna go now! Byeeee!



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