Riley and the Boxers | ✔️

By Navycoffee

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Imagine losing your family. You would be devastated, heartbroken and empty, as if you've lost everything in y... More



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By Navycoffee

T H I R T Y - F O U R


I had never been so scared shit-less in my entire life. But don't tell anyone I admitted that...

Luckily, no one could tell either as I entered the monstrous building that everyone knows as, 'M.O Headquarters'. But I like to called it the 'Dragon's Lair': A.K.A My father's lair.

That's right. I just compared my dad to a dragon. Why? Because he is as terrifying as a dragon — or probably more. Especially if you're on his bad side, like me.

Why was I, his own son, on his bad side? Well you see, because I'm the very person who would be taking over his life's work one day, which apparently gave him the perfect reason to scrutinise my every move and control every aspect of my life.

Which was exactly why I was scared shitless, and also another reason why I hated his guts.

Anyway, as I walked towards his mighty office at the very top floor, I clenched my jaw in hopes that it would somehow ease my jolting heart. I hated showing emotions, especially fear. As I learnt in boxing, I didn't want anyone to know my weaknesses, because then that would be giving them the key to knocking me down.

Before my fists could knock on the fancy door, it swung open by Mr Roger, my father's personal assistant. He looked at me with a crooked smile that seemed anything but genuine. I swear, there's something eerie about this old man...

"Afternoon Mr Montes," Mr Rogers greeted me in his usual gruffy voice, motioning his hands towards the rest of the room. "Please, do come in."

"Okay." I muttered rudely, walking into the room. What? He annoys me.

Besides, I had more than enough reasons to think he's some sort of undercover villain, or the villian's tacky sidekick. Firstly, he took my sister's precious and priceless necklace. Why didn't he give it to my father when he found it? He's been working for my father for three years now, he should know very well what that necklace is and how important it is to my entire family.

Why was it so important to my family? Well you see, this necklace goes way back — I'm talking hundreds of years back — on my mother's side. It's been handed down to the first daughter for many generations. Thus, why my sister now owned it. My mum cherished it so much that she once almost lost her life for it.

I slumped myself onto the sofa in front of my father's unnecessarily gigantic desk that didn't even really have anything on it. I propped my feet onto the table, crossing one over the other.

"Don't make yourself too comfortable." My father warned in his usual dominant voice, not glancing up even for a second from his paperwork. It was a complete contrast to when Riley came here with me. Then, he sounded like a complete different person. Even almost cool. Almost.

I rolled my eyes. "Nice to see you too, Dad."

"I wouldn't use sarcasm either if I were you. Your choice of words will determine whether you are ready to come home or not."

And what if I didn't want to? I had a great urge to challenge him, but I would be lying anyway. I did want to come home. I missed my ferari, my private hot pool and all my other stuff that was part of my luxurious life. I mean, that's half the reason why I studied so hard — for the moment I'd be able to return home, and I could invite the boys over too. However, the only person that would be missing was Riley.

There was this strange feeling in my stomach, and it didn't feel very good.

"I don't do this for you, I do this for mum." I spat at him coldly, my eyes uncontrollably reflecting how much I loathed him. That was the other reason why I studied so hard; I wanted to make her proud, especially after all she had done for me and Maria. Unlike my father, who left us and ran off in the darkest time of our lives.

Father didn't reply, but I could see the hurt in his eyes. I scoffed. Whatever. It could never compare to the amount of hurt Maria and I felt when he left us for his own sake.

"You have one final test, Chance." He said instead, ignoring my comment. I knew exactly what he was talking about — the boxing match with M.O's best boxer. "It's on tonight."

My eyes widened. "I'm fighting against Adam tonight?"

He shook his head firmly, finally looking up from his work and at me. "Not Adam. Me."

I stared at him for a while, trying to comprehend what he just said. Then I bursted out laughing, clutching my stomach as I struggled to utter out a word. Me, against dad?! Is he joking?!

Then my laughter gradually died down when I realised my father never jokes.

I looked over at him, as he stared back at me with dead-serious eyes.

"But you haven't boxed in ten years." I pointed out.

"Maybe," He agreed. Then he grabbed some random remote from one of his drawers and pressed a button, causing an entire wall to flip and reveal his countless number of trophies. "But I believe I had more than enough experience to be prepared for life."

I stared at the trophies in awe, reminiscing about the old times when he'd sneak me into one of his matches because I was way too young, and I'd proudly watch him beat the opponent up. I knew my dad was a boxing legend, but now I was about to find out for myself just how legendary his fighting is.

"Mr Rogers?" He called, shooting Mr Rogers a knowing look.

Mr Rogers nodded back. "The arena is ready, Sir."

But I wasn't. Hell would I had expected his.


Even if it were to be the most weirdest shit to ever happen, I still wished my father was kidding. Maybe he could've been trying something new; trying to be funny and cool for once.

But unfortunately, nope. Here he was, standing on the opposite side of this large, spacious boxing ring situated in the centre of a cold, empty and lifeless arena. He was no longer in his signature hand-tailored suits and was now dress in the typical boxing attire. I must admit, I was pretty impressed with his figure. Didn't think this fifty-three year old man still had his abs and stuff.

"Well?" My father's dominant voice boomed through the stadium, enchancing his power. "Are you going to stand there like a little lost puppy or are you going to fight like an Irish Wolfhound?"

If you couldn't tell, my dad's a dog-lover.

Rolling my eyes, I got into position and simultaneously father did so too. Then the strong tension commenced, as our eyes were like blades piercing through each other. Our stare-off was also coupled with the motions of us following each-other's every single twitch of a move as we walking in circles.

Okay now I would've preferred fighting with Adam instead.

Not because I was scared that my father was going to beat me, oh hell no. Quite the contrary actually — I was afraid that I was going to knock him out unconscious or something. Yup, that was how much I
loathed him, but even so I was still pretty worried for him. He was an old man after all.

I cleared my throat before gravely questioning, "Are you sure you want to do this? You'll get hur—"

Before I could finish, my body flew back a few metres away, thanks to a deadly punch that contained so much force that it was definitely going to leave a nasty bruise.

I could literally feel the stupid grin on his face as he innocently replied, "Oh, sorry. What were you saying my boy?"

Still in shock, I stumbled slightly and struggled to focus my blurry-visioned eyes. Wow, I completely underestimated him. Even though he showed me the inestimable amount of trophies he'd won, I still doubted he could throw a punch that good as an oldie. Guess I was wrong, big time.

"Lesson number one: Do not let anyone get to you. You must be extremely cautious and prepared to dodge the fists they're going to throw at you." His voice was laced with wisdom, as it echoed through the arena and played in my mind like warning signs.

I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Finally redeeming myself from the blow that overtook me both mentally and physically, I went back into position and just stared at him, unable to hit him. Like I said, no matter how much I hated his guts, I still couldn't.

"Come on Chance!" My father bellowed. "Do it. Hit me. You know you really want to."

He was right. I did really want to, heck I wanted to shove him off a cliff. But I didn't punch him. I couldn't.

And the next thing I knew, my face said hello to the floor.

I grunted in pain, attempting to get up but failing epically as my cheeks high-fived the floor again.

Father's voice was much closer now, as he informed, "Lesson number two: Never let anyone overpower you. You must show them who's boss."

Hmmm, not bad actually. In fact, it was good enough to get my ass off the floor.

I could feel the purple tattoos developing on my face, but I didn't really care.

What did I care about then? The answer to that, my friend, is how I could get the hell out of here. I couldn't do this, forget everything then.

I couldn't hit my father when he was a fatal heart condition.

There I said it. Why, you thought I was just a little whimp? That I couldn't hit my father just cause he's old? Well... actually yeah, you're right, especially about the whimp part. I was afraid of hitting my father and then sending him to hospital. And he knew that too.

I lowered my hands, giving in. Heaving a sigh, I told him, "Sorry. I guess I'm not ready after all."

Just as I turned my back on him, he tsked before slowly saying in a low voice, "Lesson number three: Never think about yourself. Think for your people."

Man, did he know the right things to say to get me fired up. Did he seriously have the nerve to say that?

I clenched my teeth and my fists automatically balled tight. "Funny you think you can say that, father." I spat, walking closer to him. "Where were you when mum passed away?"

His eyes widened, as if he didn't expect me to fire back like this. And the next thing he knew, my fists collided with his jaw and he stumbled a few metres away.

But I didn't care. In fact, it made me feel a tiny better. Only a tiny though.

"Where were you when Maria and I were all alone at home, crying our hearts out because we thought we lost both our parents?!" I continued as he recovered from the blow.

I gave him a few moments to speak, but he was dead silent.

"Did you think about how we felt?"


I breathed in deeply, trying not to tear up as I whispered, "Did you think about us at all?"

Silence. Pain-staking, heart-breaking silence.

I cried out in anger and swung my fists at him again, in which this time managed to dodge. Then his fists came at me and I just barely dodged it. At the same time I was dodging, I swung my fists at him in which took him by surprise and had him stumble back again. Taking my victory, my fists collided with his jaw one final time so hard that I was momentarily afraid that I completely knocked him out.

However, when he groaned I sighed in relief. Good, because I had one last thing to tell him.

I laughed mirthlessly, letting the coldness that he had created in me burn through my eyes. "How ironic. Every single lesson you taught me, you've done the complete opposite to me and Maria."

At last, I wasn't met with silence this time.

"I did." He quietly agreed, the sadness and remorse evident in his voice. "And there is nothing I can say that can justify what I did to you two. I will never forgive myself for letting you guys go through this alone, God I am so, so sorry. But I don't regret getting help."

I swear my heart skipped a beat. "What? Are you f—"

"No, listen! I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was that I regret and will never forgive myself for leaving you two, but I don't regret going and getting help. Because I'm afraid if I didnt go and get help, I wouldn't ever have been able to returned to you two. I would just be a lifeless, stone-statue of a father  whose gone insane and it's unbearable to imagine how yours and Maria's lives would be like with a father like that."

As much as I didn't want to understand my father, I did. He loved mum more than he loved himself and when what happened happened, he had his first heart attack and had to be sent to hospital. We never saw him for the next two years after that.

Slowly, I approached him and reached out my hands. There were tears streaming down his face and as I had officially witnessed my cold, strong, dominant father express remorse and cry, I knew that I had officially forgiven him.

He took my hand and pulled himself up, huffing and puffing. Patting my shoulders, he announced with a genuine smile. "You've done it son. You've won."

"Really?" I couldn't help but smile. "So... does that mean I get to come home?"

He nodded.

"So I don't have to get a 4.0GPA?"

He gave me the parent-look. "You absolutely do! Besides, wouldn't all your hardwork go to waste if you didn't?"

I pouted but then realised he was completely right. "True. Well, will you stop getting Mr Roger to spy on me 24/7 then?"

His eyes widened. "What are you talking about?"

My eyes widened back, suddenly feeling frozen in place. "Uhh... don't you make Mr Roger stalk me to check on me and stuff?"

"No...?" His eyes widen even further. "Oh holy heaven-fingers."

Oh holy what what?!

"What is it?" I urged as he rushed to his phone and dialled up some number.

"You'll see." He told me before the line answered. "We found the sabotager, it's Mr Roger... I know, he was right under our noses!... Okay fine, under my nose. Anyway, I've turned my location on. He will be arriving at where I'm at in about 10 minutes... Yes, so get your private police team over here as soon as possible." With that he ended the call, a triumphant look on his face.

"Sabotager?" I repeated my father's words. Did you hear that? Or more like, read that? See, told you he smelt fishy.

Father nodded. "That's right. He's been sabotaging the company's projects for the past year, and we almost lost our #1 rank because of him. But now, thanks to you, we've caught him."

I smirked confidently, feeling pleased that I just saved M.O's ass. However, the victory moment didn't last for long as the sabotager suddenly appeared behind dad out of nowhere, seconds away from whacking my dad's head with his cane.

Luckily, I pushed my father out of his reach just in time and punched him square-faced, before kicking him in the guts. He grunted in pain and fell to the floor unconscious.

My father chuckled loudly, patting my shoulder. "That's my boy!"

I smirked again, glad that the victory moment returned. Oh yeah—aint nobody got a chance against Chance, baby.


A/N: AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! A sweet, emotional chapter in Chance's POV about his life and relationship with his father. I'm so sorry he barely talked about Riley — I think we all know that he likes her very very much anyway haha. I wanted to give you an insight of Chance's rich life and his future duties, and most importantly, for you to witness the rekindlement of his and his father's relationship! :))

I can't believe I am finally say this: Next chapter will be the FINAL chapter of RATB!! *SCREAMING*

OMG after three years, I can't flipping believe RATB is going to end by next chapter! Ahhhh, getting all the feels right now lol

I have SOOOOO much to say, but I'm going to leave it for my next & final A/N. I cannot fathom this right now. My first book ever is going to be finally completed after 3 long years. What!

I love you all too much & I could go on for days about how amazing you guys are but imma leave that for the last A/N HAHA! <33333

See you all soon. ;D

With much much much love,
- YUMNA xx

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