Constraint >>H.S

By HarrysPeach_

60.5K 1.9K 315

"I...I just...Your jacket isn't,quiet..zipped up properly. I-I mean,I like your name" OCD meets normal and n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chaptet 46
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 39

773 31 5
By HarrysPeach_

Allis POV:

I grabbed the black dress out from her closet slowly. It felt very weird to just stand there in her and dads room grabbing onto something that I would wear...on my own mothers funeral. I grabbed held up the very beautiful and long fabric in front of me and laid my other hand on the back of it.

The dress where in a beautiful night black colour and perfectly long,down to my knees. Around the waist a black belt were placed with a small golden detail on top of it. I remember my mother wearing it to my grandmothers funeral and so why not wear it to my mothers as in a way to show people how much I loved and admired her?

I smiled sadly down to the black beautiful piece of fabric in my hands and pulled it up to my nose. It smelled exactly like I excepted,like my mom. It smelled like home.

I sighed out and walked out from the silent room and walked back into my own where Harry tried to fix his hair.

"You look good" I smiled and placed the dress perfectly over my bed. He smiled faintly at me through the mirror next to my bed and slowly looked down with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's wrong?..." Slowly I walked over to the tall boy in front of me and placed my chin on his shoulder while looking at him through the mirror. He just shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"I am sorry if I will mess some-" I didn't let Harry finish his sentence since I knew where he were heading with it.

"Harry I am hundred and teen percent sure that you won't mess anything up and why would you? There is a bigger chance that I'll mess up something more than you" we both chuckled at the stupid joke and Harry slowly shook his head.

"Thanks for believing in me" He mumbled with a sound in his voice that I couldn't really read perfectly. But I could hear happiness in it which made my heart absolute flutter.

"I'll always believe in you" I ran my hand down his back and kissed his shoulder.
"Let get ready yeah?" Harry agreed and started to run his hands through his thick short hair again while I walked over to the dress. 

"Can I change in here?" Harry's moves slowed down but he didn't look at me. I bite my lip nervously and let my eyes drop down to the floor.

"Yes...Yes of course" he nodded,making me smile once again as always.
I thanked him and pulled my shirt over my head and my pants down to my ankles. Not once;Harry did look at me out of respect which I really loved. This boy were filled with respect and that is just one of the things that made him so incredibly amazing and special because let's face the reality and say that boys now days have troubles with the amount of respect.

The dress were perfect and it fitted perfectly on my body,I loved it and hopefully my mother looked down on me proudly. After around 30 minutes my makeup were done and my brown long hair were curled perfectly and Harry's hair were done as well. His suit were on but as always he were struggling with the tie which I helped him with.

"There you go" I smiled and placed both of my hands on his chest.
"You look handsome" I admitted and looked up to him. His eyes were looking down on me and scanning my body wrapped in the dress.

"You look beautiful" he nodded and looked up to my face.
"Y-you can do this. Your mother is up there while looking down on you...she's proud. I am hundred percent sure about that,Alli" His voice made my eyes stuck into his and I couldn't stop looking at him. It was like his words threw a spell over me.

I could feel the lump in my threat getting ready to throw itself out from my mouth and I could feel the tears pushing through my eyes and running down my pale cheeks. His hand cupped my cheek and his thumb stroke away the tears gently.

"Let's go..." I sobbed and grabbed his hand just dragging him down the stairs.


I parked the car right outside the church were the other cars were,including Dylan's. I took my dads car that just made everything easier.
From where me and Harry sat I could see all my related once and some of my mothers best friends in tears,hugging and talking.

"Ready?" Harry's soft voice made me fast look away from the crowd of people and look at him.

"Yes..." I gulped and sighed out.
"Can I have a kiss? I really need one..." without Harry thinking he grabbed onto my face gently and pressed his cold and plump lips to mine. At that moment it were like everything including anxiety washed out from my body and I gained a little more confidence.

We both jumped out from the car and slowly hand in hand walked up to the church were all the familiar faces took room. I could feel people's eyes on me and I didn't really like it. Actually;I didn't like the attention I got at all.
I could feel Harry's hand squeezing mine but I didn't really know if it was because of his anxiety or to comfort me.

"Alli...Harry" I smiled sadly when I looked up to see Dylan stand in front of the door.
"Everyone! It's time to enter the church! Alli...remember it's okay to cry...the coffin is really beautiful" I sighed out and nodded understanding.

With slow steps and with Harry in my hand I entered the church and in front of me a whole coffin filled with my mothers favourite flowers were standing. I tried my hardest to not break down but my eyes let out the tears that needed to come out. I didn't make a sound though,I just let all my tears roll down my cheeks.

"It's beautiful..." Harry mumbled and stroke his thumb over my hand.

"Yeah...i-it really I-is" we walked slowly the very front of the church and right in front of the coffin.
"H-hey mom..." I mumbled and let in a sobbed. Harry looked over concerned on me and kissed my cheek.

The people came in and I could hear people cry. My aunt hugged me and said hi to Harry which Harry handled very well. Everything started with a few songs and some words that my mothers friends wanted to say and then...there where my turn.

"Next here...we have Alli Hayes. Sofias daughter" I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. I stood up and Harry did as well and we both walked up in front of the coffin,not a minute did I let go of Harry's hand.

"H-hey mom...I-I am so sorry I left...I-I just..." I tried to hold in my tears but I really couldn't.
"Wanted t-to help you...with the m-money for the surgery...I knew you was going to leave us but...N-not this soon" Harry's eyes were glued on me and his hand in mine. It felt good to have him there.

"You're m-my inspiration...what h-hurts the most is that I-i didn't have a chance to say goodbye" when I looked over to my dad and Dylan,Dylan were crying even more than my dad.

"Mom...t-this is Harry" I looked up from the coffin and to my side where Harry with a confused face but with a little sad smile on his face were standing.
"I-I love him" I were still looking at him. Harry's smile slowly fainted but were soon enough back. It felt extremely good to say it out loud.

"I-I think you would l-like him" there everything bursted down for me. I shook my head in panic and fell down to the floor were Harry followed and hold me close to his chest.

"Shh...I-its okay...babe you're doing great..." Harry whispered and kisses my head.

"Okay...You can go back to your seat now if that would feel better" the priest said softly. Harry nodded and helped me back up to my feet and down back to the seat were I crashed into his chest.

"I-I love you too..." Harry whispered and placed a kiss to my head. He loved me too.

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